Indian nationals overtake Albanians to become 2nd largest UK Channel migrants group after Afghans


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Mar 19, 2015
Indians have overtaken Albanians to become the second biggest contingent crossing the Channel in small boats so far this year, according to Home Office data.

Immigration experts believe Indians seeking to live and work in the UK illegally are targeting Channel crossings because it is now seen as an established route into Britain for economic migrants.

In the first three months of this year, 675 Indian migrants were detected crossing the English Channel in small boats, second only to 909 Afghans, who agencies say are primarily asylum seekers fleeing the Taliban.

That is almost the same as the total 683 Indians who crossed the Channel during the whole of last year, and 10 times the rate at the beginning of 2022.

By contrast, the number of Albanians fell to just 29 between January and the end of March, a decline attributed to their traditional tail-off over winter and the Government’s introduction of fast-track deportations. Last year, Albanians were the biggest nationality with 12,301 crossing the Channel.

“The small boat crossing has become an established route into the UK and is pretty reliable compared with lorries which are more expensive. I think you will see more people coming from countries that are not previous refugee nations,” said an immigration source.

It is believed Serbia’s visa-free travel rules for Indians have provided a gateway into Europe. Until the end of last year, all Indian passport holders were able to enter Serbia without a visa for up to 30 days. The cost of a small boat journey has also fallen to an average of £3,500 – although some have been touted more cheaply.

Earlier this year, The Telegraph interviewed two Indian nationals – Lovepreet Singh, 25, and his friend Hardeep Singh, 17 – who had crossed from Serbia, Germany, Slovakia, Italy and Switzerland before spending three days in Dunkirk.

“The idea of crossing the Channel on one of those boats scares me. I can’t swim. But what are our options?” said Lovepreet. “We don’t speak French and want to live and work in England. Staying in this freezing cold camp is not an option so we’ll take our chances.

“I have paid around £16,000 pounds to get this far and £2,200 for a boat crossing. We arrived two days ago and we’re waiting for a call from a trafficker so we can leave.”

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This cant be true.

Indians on social media always like to inform the world, India is turning into Switzerland. Along with Indians in the UK walking with top hats and saville row suits.

1. Why are so many Indians risking their lives in boats to get to the UK?

2. Where do they go and what do they do once they arrive here(if not captured)?
[MENTION=76058]cricketjoshila[/MENTION] [MENTION=152021]Rajdeep[/MENTION] [MENTION=151383]Local.Dada[/MENTION]
I can believe this, just like I believe the perception of India pushed upon the world is mere propaganda. There is absolutely nothing incredible about India.

The Indian in the OP spent almost £18K for a 5 star boat trip! This is a lot of money.

It seems to me as long as the Earth orbits the sun, Indians will continue loving the British.
Indian visa free entry to Serbia will get revoked pretty quick. And they thought they could bully the UK into a favourable trade deal lol.
Indian visa free entry to Serbia will get revoked pretty quick. And they thought they could bully the UK into a favourable trade deal lol.

UK needs the deal more than India. India has put off signing the deal.

If UK wants access to one of the largest markets in the world, they will have to give up something.
Would explain why you see them everywhere these days, loads of them doing menial work in petrol stations and restaurants. The Pakistani restaurant chain Akbars seems to really favour them in the north east anyway. They do have a good work ethic to be fair.
Capture them and hand them over to Indian Embassy and let India pay for their return trip. UK is under no obligation to take these invaders.

Instead of eradicating the human smuggling mafia, these Western authorities encourage them by being soft on those criminals.
Capture them and hand them over to Indian Embassy and let India pay for their return trip. UK is under no obligation to take these invaders.

Instead of eradicating the human smuggling mafia, these Western authorities encourage them by being soft on those criminals.

Why should India Embassy pay for this?

This is a decision they take at an individual level. Let them answer for them individually.
Why should India Embassy pay for this?

This is a decision they take at an individual level. Let them answer for them individually.

Because they are Indian citizens and its a failure on the part of India. If Indian embassy does not want to deal with them, put them on the same dingy boat and send them where they came from.
Would explain why you see them everywhere these days, loads of them doing menial work in petrol stations and restaurants. The Pakistani restaurant chain Akbars seems to really favour them in the north east anyway. They do have a good work ethic to be fair.

I think they will take any jobs they can get, see below.

Does this mean the so called stats of Indians being the most wealthiest South Asian immigrants is not true?

Several Indians are among 60 moped drivers arrested for work ..

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Young Indians are paying travel agents £10,000 to secure illegal entry to the UK via small boats across the Channel, an investigation has found.

Families are selling land and property to raise the funds needed to pay the agents for visa entry, usually through Serbia or Greece, before travelling to northern France for the small boat crossings - which cost £3,500 a time.

They are coming to the UK to work in low-paid, black market jobs in hospitality - the gig economy - as food delivery drivers, or in agriculture.

The trade is being fuelled by adverts on TikTok that promote Serbia as a route into the UK, even though the country closed a loophole earlier this year that allowed Indians 30-day visa-free travel within the EU.

The advertisements show dozens of young Indian men who appear to be aged between 18 and 35 making the onward journey organised by trafficking gangs from Serbia to Austria under a banner welcoming them to the “dark life”.

Home Office figures last month showed that Indians were the second biggest cohort migrating across the English Channel, after Afghans - with 675 Indians arriving on small boats in the first three months of this year.

This amounted to almost a fifth of the total 3,793 people crossing between January and March, and the same number of Indians as the whole of last year.
The UK government on Tuesday announced a new immigration crackdown targeted at overseas students, including Indians, and their visa right to bring dependent family members to the country while enrolled at a British institution.

In a written statement to the House of Commons, UK Home Secretary Suella Braverman said that only international students on postgraduate courses currently designated as research programmes will be allowed to bring in their family members, including children and elderly parents, as their dependents.

The Indian-origin minister said the new package of measures was necessary after it emerged that around 136,000 visas were granted to dependents of sponsored students in the year ending December 2022 - a more than eight-fold increase from 16,000 in 2019.

"This package includes removing the right for international students to bring dependants unless they are on postgraduate courses currently designated as research programmes," Braverman's statement notes.

Removing the ability for international students to switch out of the student route into work routes before their studies have been completed and reviewing the maintenance requirements for students and dependants are listed among the other new measures.

The minister also pledged steps to clamp down on unscrupulous education agents "who may be supporting inappropriate applications to sell immigration not education".

Improved and more targeted enforcement activity is also listed within the new package.

"The terms of the graduate route remain unchanged... We are committed to attracting the brightest and the best to the UK. Therefore, our intention is to work with universities over the course of the next year to design an alternative approach that ensures that the best and the brightest students can bring dependants to our world-leading universities while continuing to reduce net migration," she said.

The new curbs are expected to be enforced "as soon as possible", after consultation with the educational sector and key stakeholders.

The crackdown was widely expected as reports indicated that the UK's latest net migration figures to be released later this week will show a massive rise from 504,000 between June 2021 and 2022 despite a Conservative Party-led government pledge to bring down immigration in the wake of Brexit.

"While the vast majority of students will be unaffected by proposals that limit the ability to be accompanied by dependants, more information is needed on the programmes that are in scope before a proper assessment of the impact can be made," said Jamie Arrowsmith, Director of Universities UK International (UUKi) - the representative body for 140 UK universities.

"Yet we do know that any changes are likely to have a disproportionate impact on women and students from certain countries. We, therefore, urge the government to work with the sector to limit and monitor the impact on particular groups of students - and on universities, which are already under serious financial pressures," he said.

The UUKi welcomed confirmation that the new Graduate route visa, which allows students to stay on and seek work experience for up to three years at the end of their degree, will remain "open and competitive".

Indians, who recently overtook Chinese as the leading nationality granted study visas to the UK, are the highest cohort to access this visa launched in July 2021.

As per official data for 2020-21, there were 87,045 Indian first-year enrolments behind China's 99,965 and ahead of Nigeria's 32,945.

In terms of the number of dependants accompanying these students, Nigerians rank the highest followed by Indians.

I can understand people going to US. UK is tiny island and they are already saturated with enough illegal immigrants. UK economy is going no where. It’s a sinking ship.
Would be interpreted see which states these illegal Indians are coming from. My bet is on Punjabis.
I can understand people going to US. UK is tiny island and they are already saturated with enough illegal immigrants. UK economy is going no where. It’s a sinking ship.
Would be interpreted see which states these illegal Indians are coming from. My bet is on Punjabis.

Plenty of jobs in the UK for those who are not fully legal to work here.

I went to a grocery shop two weeks ago, a new arrival Indian chap was working behind the till. As soon as he called me 'sir' and 'boss' in his accent , I knew he was here recently, most likely on one of these boats. A pleasant enough chap , asking where Im from, if I can speak Hindi etc. I told him im from here, my Hindi is pretty average but my Kashmiris is great. He was a little confused and I went. :)

He was from Bombay, thats what he told me but certainly not a Punjabi.

The question you should be asking is why are they leaving a world superpower to come to a small island?
If Afghanis and Albanians are among the top three illegals groups - then UK ka Allah he Hafiz hai.

Indian migrants in general; however, are honest, peaceful and ethically good workers.
I can understand people going to US. UK is tiny island and they are already saturated with enough illegal immigrants. UK economy is going no where. It’s a sinking ship.
Would be interpreted see which states these illegal Indians are coming from. My bet is on Punjabis.

It was mostly Punjabis after partition, that was the first wave, I grew up with some of the second generation born in England. The recent spate of immigrants seem to be Tamil types, plenty of south Indians these days, the Punjabis have petered out. I don't know if this has anything to do with what is going on in India, maybe conditions aren't so good in south India these days for many communities.

You might call UK a sinking economy, but for most starving third worlders from India, this place looks like heaven. Everything is clean, organised and hygiene standards are top class.
It was mostly Punjabis after partition, that was the first wave, I grew up with some of the second generation born in England. The recent spate of immigrants seem to be Tamil types, plenty of south Indians these days, the Punjabis have petered out. I don't know if this has anything to do with what is going on in India, maybe conditions aren't so good in south India these days for many communities.

You might call UK a sinking economy, but for most starving third worlders from India, this place looks like heaven. Everything is clean, organised and hygiene standards are top class.

South Indian economy is better than majority of South Asia.

I grew up in South and as I have said before my classmates that faired poorly in highschool and college with me went to UK for higher education due to relaxed rules where money is enough to get admission, majority of them ended coming back and regretting it.

The ones that stay there are either research ones that went for research or IT ones.
If Afghanis and Albanians are among the top three illegals groups - then UK ka Allah he Hafiz hai.

Indian migrants in general; however, are honest, peaceful and ethically good workers.

Albanians immigrants historically have been pretty good in America new ones might be bad but older ones do contribute a lot of science and tech.
Recent example Mira Murati Open AI.

Afghans though lol underperform everywhere , Canada is an example.
South Indian economy is better than majority of South Asia.

I grew up in South and as I have said before my classmates that faired poorly in highschool and college with me went to UK for higher education due to relaxed rules where money is enough to get admission, majority of them ended coming back and regretting it.

The ones that stay there are either research ones that went for research or IT ones.

I don't know anything about south India, only seen videos of it, and still looks like third world compared to UK. As someone who lives in the UK I am just answering the supposition by Champ Pal that it is mostly Punjabis coming over. It's not from what I've seen, there are lots of South Indians compared to previously. What the reason is I don't know, maybe just higher living standards and better rule of law.

There are plenty of Pakistanis who dream of returning to Pakistan to live like a king, but reality of third world life is all around you regardless of how much money you have.
Plenty of jobs in the UK for those who are not fully legal to work here.

I went to a grocery shop two weeks ago, a new arrival Indian chap was working behind the till. As soon as he called me 'sir' and 'boss' in his accent , I knew he was here recently, most likely on one of these boats. A pleasant enough chap , asking where Im from, if I can speak Hindi etc. I told him im from here, my Hindi is pretty average but my Kashmiris is great. He was a little confused and I went. :)

He was from Bombay, thats what he told me but certainly not a Punjabi.

The question you should be asking is why are they leaving a world superpower to come to a small island?

Perhaps not educated or smart enough to avail the opportunities in India.
Perhaps not educated or smart enough to avail the opportunities in India.

So that must make them more dumber and desperate than Pakistanis then. At least Pakistanis have an excuse, they aren't fleeing a rising, shining superpower.
So that must make them more dumber and desperate than Pakistanis then. At least Pakistanis have an excuse, they aren't fleeing a rising, shining superpower.

They are seeking easier life in the West. The minimum wage for illiterate people in India is pathetic. They can make a lot more money in the west for the same effort in India.

Opportunities are there in India only if the person is educated or if the person has caste based reservations to get the job easily. India is a horrible place if the person is a daily laborer.