Interesting little thing

Didn't get it, so they are claiming that there bats will make me a better player if I use them? Load of ******** if that is what they are trying to say really.

What is benefit of impact sheet too? I mean after a net can't you just see down your bat where ball have hit the most?
Also, more importantly who is this CRICTECH? They have no address or phone number on their website.
Did you look at their prices; we can have a great bat from Laver or even Julian for that price. :O
Hahaha yes, Julian's top of the line is like 430 Pounds yaar ask me who just counted the notes :))

Shocking price, I wonder who is there batmaker.

02thoeva would know more on them.
I am more interested to know why they do not have any concrete mailing address or phone number? They also state "20% increase" in middling with the sweetspot---where did they get this data from?
How can there bats have 20% increase in middling? The bats they will make have a bigger sweetspot.

Or I think they will test and see where you hit most of your shots and then depending on that they will make a bat perhaps
Yes that is the idea--but we need more concrete info I feel--their address, number, data pertaining to that 20% increase; otherwise everything seems nebulous.
Yes that is the idea--but we need more concrete info I feel--their address, number, data pertaining to that 20% increase; otherwise everything seems nebulous.

Thats true, I thought without address you can not even register a company in UK.
I don't think they are in the UK; take a look at their website---the prices in USD is distinctly lower than the sterling conversion rate. I added the sheet to my cart and gave the US zipcode and the shipping was free which kind of proves they are at least in North America.
I don't think they are in the UK; take a look at their website---the prices in USD is distinctly lower than the sterling conversion rate. I added the sheet to my cart and gave the US zipcode and the shipping was free which kind of proves they are at least in North America.

Ah true tried it and got same thing.

Only North Americans spend so much time inventing stupid stiff like this haha :))

I am now confident those bats are probably made in Asia.
Yep it looks fishy--- let me add a note in my cricket store thread so that people steer clear of them before we find something more concrete.
I think it will be safe to order the sheets for the time being as they are cheaper and avoid the bats before we get some reviews up.
I have sent the guy an email at crictech to see what I can find about about their bat makers and have also sent zafar an email to see if I can get my hands on one of his bats.
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Why not ask?

Firstly happy Eid if you are celebrating.

So to answer a few of the speculations, I am from England, I live in Los Angeles. I was a youth cricketer in Yorkshire, playing in the Bradford league amongst others. I went through the Yorkshire CCC development and got to the stage where both Yorkshire and Derbyshire were looking at me for a contract. I was injured but only recovered well enough to play semi-pro in the leagues where I also coached. I moved to the USA and was selected to go on tour to compete in the Moin-un-Dowla in Hyderabaad. I've played in professional competition against players like Sehwag and Kieron Pollard and in charity games against Steve Waugh and Graham Hick. I'm a coach with the SCCA and the USA's south west regional youth coordinator.

The impact tape works as I believe Jason from the cricketstoreonline has attested to. I developed it when coaching our youth players. I did 2 years of testing and in that time I found some interesting data about how people play their shots. From that I developed the custom cricket bat design process.

Yes, the bats are expensive right now. CricTech is a small company so we don't enjoy the economies of scale that the big boys have. The process is very labor intensive. Firstly impact marker sheets are sent out, then they are sent back and analyzed, and a design template made from the data. We only use the best English willow, the bats are made by master bat makers. These are one off, specialty bats made based on how the batsman bats and where on the bat he hits the ball. From my research I can tell you that most people are not using a bat which suits their technique.

The 20% improvement in timing after 10 net sessions claim comes from 2 years of testing the product with numerous batsmen in different conditions. If you know where the sweet spot of the bat is you can analyze the spread patterns created on the impact sheet and over a number of sessions see the improvement. Someone suggested that in 10 sessions anyone would improve. Absolutely not true. If that were the case we'd all be test batsmen. If you just go to the nets and hit a few balls around you won't improve one bit.

As far as I know there is nowhere on my site I have claimed to be UK based. I do have distribution in the UK and I'm English but other than that I'm here in Los Angeles. I don't advertise my company phone number on the site, when the phone rings I want it answered and as our products are advertised all over the world it could ring at any time of night or day. Email is much better.

Zeusky - if you wanted to be a valuable contributer please do a little bit more research before making judgements. You could have contacted me through the email form on and I would have answered your questions.

Good luck all.

Firstly happy Eid if you are celebrating.

So to answer a few of the speculations, I am from England, I live in Los Angeles. I was a youth cricketer in Yorkshire, playing in the Bradford league amongst others. I went through the Yorkshire CCC development and got to the stage where both Yorkshire and Derbyshire were looking at me for a contract. I was injured but only recovered well enough to play semi-pro in the leagues where I also coached. I moved to the USA and was selected to go on tour to compete in the Moin-un-Dowla in Hyderabaad. I've played in professional competition against players like Sehwag and Kieron Pollard and in charity games against Steve Waugh and Graham Hick. I'm a coach with the SCCA and the USA's south west regional youth coordinator.

The impact tape works as I believe Jason from the cricketstoreonline has attested to. I developed it when coaching our youth players. I did 2 years of testing and in that time I found some interesting data about how people play their shots. From that I developed the custom cricket bat design process.

Yes, the bats are expensive right now. CricTech is a small company so we don't enjoy the economies of scale that the big boys have. The process is very labor intensive. Firstly impact marker sheets are sent out, then they are sent back and analyzed, and a design template made from the data. We only use the best English willow, the bats are made by master bat makers. These are one off, specialty bats made based on how the batsman bats and where on the bat he hits the ball. From my research I can tell you that most people are not using a bat which suits their technique.

The 20% improvement in timing after 10 net sessions claim comes from 2 years of testing the product with numerous batsmen in different conditions. If you know where the sweet spot of the bat is you can analyze the spread patterns created on the impact sheet and over a number of sessions see the improvement. Someone suggested that in 10 sessions anyone would improve. Absolutely not true. If that were the case we'd all be test batsmen. If you just go to the nets and hit a few balls around you won't improve one bit.

As far as I know there is nowhere on my site I have claimed to be UK based. I do have distribution in the UK and I'm English but other than that I'm here in Los Angeles. I don't advertise my company phone number on the site, when the phone rings I want it answered and as our products are advertised all over the world it could ring at any time of night or day. Email is much better.

Zeusky - if you wanted to be a valuable contributer please do a little bit more research before making judgements. You could have contacted me through the email form on and I would have answered your questions.

Good luck all.


Hi Richard,

Thanks for clearing that one up; did you realize that if I had not contributed you would not have taken the pains to come in here and clear all our confusion? Valuable stuff right? Also, no judgment was passed; only questions were raised for the forum readers and that's only fair. All our best wishes are with you and may you succeed in your endeavor.

The custom bat making idea in this way is quite interesting indeed; if you don't mind us asking, who are your batmakers?
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If I'd been invited to come talk about the bats or impact marker sheet I would have been more than happy to. I'm glad I found out about your post so I could answer.
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Many thanks for your post Richard, I appreciate it!

Welcome to PakPassion and I hope you enjoy your stay here.

As Zeusky asked I would be also interested in knowing who your batmakers are really.
The custom bat making idea in this way is quite interesting indeed; if you don't mind us asking, who are your batmakers?

I have a confidentiality agreement with the bat makers. For employment reasons I can't name them.

I'm working towards contracting a number of master bat makers in each country and highlighting their profiles on the site so you can choose who you want to shape your bat from the design template.
I have a confidentiality agreement with the bat makers. For employment reasons I can't name them.

I'm working towards contracting a number of master bat makers in each country and highlighting their profiles on the site so you can choose who you want to shape your bat from the design template.

Can you tell us the origin of the batmakers? I mean which country/countries are they in etc
Many thanks for your post Richard, I appreciate it!

Welcome to PakPassion and I hope you enjoy your stay here.

As Zeusky asked I would be also interested in knowing who your batmakers are really.

Thanks for the welcome Cover Drive - it's great to see so many people passionate about cricket in one place. Great forum.

Thanks for the welcome Cover Drive - it's great to see so many people passionate about cricket in one place. Great forum.


I look forward your contribution to the forum, good to see you here. Hope to see you post more often.
Hope you don't mind me plugging my blog on my website CD, but I am trying out crictech's custom bat making process. I will be talking about the process on there over the next few weeks. Everyone is welcome to follow my progress and see what the process is all about and see the quality of the bat I get at the end of the day. It should be interesting.

As richard said, I have tried out the sheets and they do work. As far as making me a better batsman, that's up for debate but we will see. There might be no hope for me. Even with a cool new bat.
Good work Jason; let us know the progress.

Just to let everyone know-- Jason has agreed to be the 'guinea-pig' in this crictech bat trial.
Hope you don't mind me plugging my blog on my website CD, but I am trying out crictech's custom bat making process. I will be talking about the process on there over the next few weeks. Everyone is welcome to follow my progress and see what the process is all about and see the quality of the bat I get at the end of the day. It should be interesting.

As richard said, I have tried out the sheets and they do work. As far as making me a better batsman, that's up for debate but we will see. There might be no hope for me. Even with a cool new bat.

That's all great.

Where are you getting all the fake adidas bats on your site from?
That's all great.

Where are you getting all the fake adidas bats on your site from?

Come on mate and shame


What's your deal man?

Jason already addressed this issue, he said he sent the bats back and no longer had any interest in selling them, despite the fact that he probably could have. Let it go.....

What's with all the pissing on dealers lately?

What's your deal man?

Jason already addressed this issue, he said he sent the bats back and no longer had any interest in selling them, despite the fact that he probably could have. Let it go.....

What's with all the pissing on dealers lately?

Hey Jason can easily pass off as Patrick Stewart....uncanny resemblance only he is a lot younger :))

What's your deal man?

Jason already addressed this issue, he said he sent the bats back and no longer had any interest in selling them, despite the fact that he probably could have. Let it go.....

What's with all the pissing on dealers lately?

when was this?

got a link?
hey, easy on the bald jokes!!! hoping to get my crictech bat this week guys. its apparently at customs and then to Richard. Im guessing for quality control and stickers. then hopefully to me soon after that.

Im hoping to put the bat through its paces against a few other bats. ive got it going up against my Vindico Genghis players plus. against the xafar asim bat i got this week. and also against the two lekka bats, the rdx and the rdx big hitter. both fitted with ztrax grips and will be getting a pair of lekka ztrax batting gloves as well. so plenty of good reviews and video coming soon on my blog, website, twitter and facebook page.

Im hoping to get a few local boys here in dallas to join me at the nets so i get other peoples opinions of the bats as well so its not biased or one sided. it should be totally impartial. look forward to hearing your guys feedback.
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Great; let me know when you are doing this. I might be in Houston in a few weeks time. So might drive up to Dallas and join you guys.