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Just arrived SS Gladiator


Tape Ball Regular
Feb 3, 2012
Hi, just got my new SS gladiator!
I have been hearing a lot of goodies about these SS bats.
The bat hasn't been knocked in yet as it has just reached me, but still the ping is super, believe me its even better than my half knocked CA plus 15000 and GN powerbow players edition! It might be because its willow has been pressed softly as compared to the other brands. The pick up is super, the bat weighs 2.8 and feels lighter than 2.6.....believe me, i am not kidding!
Balance is classic as well!
On the whole, super impressed with this stick, 5 out of 5, my top bat so far!




The bat hasn't been knocked in yet as it has just reached me, but still the ping is super, believe me its even better than my half knocked CA plus 15000 and GN powerbow players edition!

:O.....I thought that the CA would be better than this..

But this bat looks superb as well.:19:

This bat would have looked even better if SS redesigned their stickers...:|
:O.....I thought that the CA would be better than this..

But this bat looks superb as well.:19:

This bat would have looked even better if SS redesigned their stickers...:|

yeah, i also had it in my mind that ca is better than this willow, but i can't tell you its pick up and ping! beyond imagination!
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awesome mate... tell me.... how many bat do you have ( or expecting to have in near future) ??? Can you post pics of all them together....
and what level of cricket do you play ??
you seem to be very interesting...
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awesome mate... tell me.... how many bat do you have ( or expecting to have in near future) ??? Can you post pics of all them together....
and what level of cricket do you play ??
you seem to be very interesting...

currently i have a GN powerbow players, oblivion players, ca 15000, slazenger V100 ultimate, GM luna 707, and this ss gladiator!
and i hope to get a few more in near future, might be 7-10 days inshallah
GN legend, kookaburra recoil 450, willostix class limited edition, gm halo 808, gm icon 909, kookaburra kahuna T20, boom boom blaze 175, kookaburra kahuna 600, slazenger V200 pro, M&H original and a puma calibre 4000, these mentioned ones are in air, and inshallah will be with me in a matter of week or so i guess!
and me interesting? lolzz......
and i play the least level of cricket mate! :)
and thanks for liking the bat, and what about your CA? When are you going to have it?

ooppsss, sorry, forgot to ans that you asked for pictures, inshallah will be uploading the pictures in 4 to 5 days, just waiting for the in transit bats to arrive, if they don't arrive in a few days, then i will post the pictures of the current six or so bats that i have with me right now!
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This bat would have looked even better if SS redesigned their stickers...:|

I am personally not a fan of the Galidator stickers myself. The color scheme is dull!! I prefer the LE and Torpedo stickers...they are atleast better than Galdiator...
How big are the edges? Last 2 SS bats I saw were fully knocked in from the factory...
currently i have a GN powerbow players, oblivion players, ca 15000, slazenger V100 ultimate, GM luna 707, and this ss gladiator!
and i hope to get a few more in near future, might be 7-10 days inshallah
GN legend, kookaburra recoil 450, willostix class limited edition, gm halo 808, gm icon 909, kookaburra kahuna T20, boom boom blaze 175, kookaburra kahuna 600, slazenger V200 pro, M&H original and a puma calibre 4000, these mentioned ones are in air, and inshallah will be with me in a matter of week or so i guess!
and me interesting? lolzz......
and i play the least level of cricket mate! :)
and thanks for liking the bat, and what about your CA? When are you going to have it?

ooppsss, sorry, forgot to ans that you asked for pictures, inshallah will be uploading the pictures in 4 to 5 days, just waiting for the in transit bats to arrive, if they don't arrive in a few days, then i will post the pictures of the current six or so bats that i have with me right now!

It was shipped on the 25th... so still waiting mate.... just cant wait to get my hands on it....
yeah they do

yes you can

am from Madras( chennai) India, we dont have CA bats in Madras... However my friend from a different state did say they had CA BATS in a local store however it was way too expensive... If can remember correctly it was CA12000 for 18K INR...
Who am I, I let some one else answer that.
I have sent that bat last week to Pakistan as I still have the photos, definitely not Zaidi Sports


Who am I, I let some one else answer that.
I have sent that bat last week to Pakistan as I still have the photos, definitely not Zaidi Sports



Correction! The bat came from this guy! There was some misunderstanding due to similar names, now is crystal clear!
LoL...this is hilarious!!! So this bat came from Uzi Sports then and not bought locally from Zaidi as mentioned before? and the guy who bought it doesnt know where the bat came from??
LoL...this is hilarious!!! So this bat came from Uzi Sports then and not bought locally from Zaidi as mentioned before? and the guy who bought it doesnt know where the bat came from??

i got it from my cousin, he had told me he got it from uzi sports, i wasn't aware that there existed any uzi sports, i had wrongly assumed that it could be zaidi sports!
after using this bat a few times in the net and in the games I totally agree with you. This is the best bat. My other bats can't match up to this and they all seem useless now. I am thinking of selling them and just getting a gladiator every time I need a bat.
after using this bat a few times in the net and in the games I totally agree with you. This is the best bat. My other bats can't match up to this and they all seem useless now. I am thinking of selling them and just getting a gladiator every time I need a bat.

yes, it's a very fine bat.....
Have any1 noticed Ravi Bopara's new SS? Looks really mediocre. SS has turned to ton. Poor stuffs. Is it really SS?


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I see what you mean HAF.

Really ugly,whoever designed these stickers should be shot immediately.:yk

he has an icon there he should request GM for another contract as you can see he likes GM.
Bopara's bat looks fake! lol

why did SS do this to him? All the rest of their stickers are not too bad. even TON PRO (normal Grade 1) is good looking.
this bat looks awesome! Can you please tell me how high is the sweet spot from the toe of the bat?

My brother has a 2.11 gladiator with 45mm edges.It's a huge bat and the sweetspot is quite low but the whole bat is so powerful the ball just flies of it.No match with the other bats at all.
so do you honestly think this bat is better than the Ca 15000???

and where could I get it from in Pakistan??? I am from the UK and have someone going to pakistan to buy a bat...

I just want an absolutely beast of a bat (light of course with amazing ping) and that will last be a good period of time... perhaps 2 seasons minimum...

I bought a Ca plus 12000 when I went to pakistan and it's superb! I play quite high premier level cricket and was wondering which bat to buy as I have a relative going to pakistan this winter!

so do you honestly think this bat is better than the Ca 15000???

and where could I get it from in Pakistan??? I am from the UK and have someone going to pakistan to buy a bat...

I just want an absolutely beast of a bat (light of course with amazing ping) and that will last be a good period of time... perhaps 2 seasons minimum...

I bought a Ca plus 12000 when I went to pakistan and it's superb! I play quite high premier level cricket and was wondering which bat to buy as I have a relative going to pakistan this winter!


15000 and gladiator are 2 different bats..... both have their own pros and cons..... so you absolutely can't say one is superior to the other.....
15000 has bigger edges than most of gladiators and is also a bit cheap i guess..... and due to the less concaving of the profile ca has a more meat around its middle area, so you can say ca has a better and bigger middle than the gladiadtor, but as far as my experience is concerned gladiator has a better ping than the 15000....so you can go wither way, both are wonderful bats...... i'm not sure where you can get ss bats in pakistan, but why don't you get them there in the uk, they're easily available there and of course if you decide on a 15000 then obviously buying it from sialkot would be a better option.
Looks nice but anyone else convinced that SS cricket bats are not worth the money? See here for example. Prices always seem to be much higher than equivalent bats.
Looks nice but anyone else convinced that SS cricket bats are not worth the money? See here for example. Prices always seem to be much higher than equivalent bats.

Apart from gladiator SS are well priced.

Lot of grade 1 2 3 options with SS e.g ranger, limited edition. Even lower range like orange are pretty good bats.
yeah the gladiator and kp are overpriced, u can get similar bats for less..... a salix pod players would be a top alternative for gladiator......
i tested a few players SS Gladiators (I play in the US), and while the ping was good, i felt a slight vibration in the handle. i felt this in both the bats that i tested. the grains etc looked superb, and nothing about the bats suggested they were fake. both bats were supposedly bought in india.

for me to be 100% sure that an SS bat i buy is real, where should i buy it from?

my concern is not that the bat is 100% fake, just that instead of using that "best" willow, they may use the "second best" willow and use original stickers to pass it off as real. would love to avoid that hassle.
VKS store in the UK sell Genuine SS bats as I have been there. Not sure they ship to the US though.
SS Gladiator bats are really good. Everyone who uses them swear they're the best bats. Anyhow, got other brands that can rival them. SM king of Kings bat is also superb, as well as Champ Bully bat.