Laver and Wood Reserve + Legend Review

Cover Drive

Senior ODI Player
Aug 12, 2009
Laver and Wood's bats were something I always wanted to buy and you can say I used to dream about Laver & Wood bats! It was my wish to own Laver & Wood seriously! I liked these bats soo much.

The Reserve is second best bat in Laver & Wood's range whereas the best one is 'Signature' but Reserve is the best selling Laver & Wood. Legend is basically a Grade 2/3 which came free along Reserve and it is a net bat. Both of the bats were fully knocked by Laver&Wood.


So I had asked Reserve to have mid placed sweet-spot whereas the weight to be around 2.7lbs with maximum thickness and regular handle while on the other hand for Legend I asked a higher middle and heavier in weight (2.10 lbs) with a carboncore handle and lamitoe.

I got these bats a while ago but I was unable to post a review earlier as I was busy and didn't get time to post one. So when I got the bats I right away used it against bowling machine (only Laver Legend) so the 'ping' was not great at that time which I believe was because the bat required more knocking BUT ones which I middled absolutely flew! Despite being fully knocked I still believe it requires 'playing in'. Since it was 2.10 the pickup was so light and the bat was well balanced that it felt more like 2.8ish. Apart from weight, feel etc what I really liked was the shape of handle, it is not a normal oval handle. The handle on Lavers is such that the bottom part which will come in your palm is "pointy'' [back fo the handle] which I believe it great because it gives your bottom hand better grip. When I used it I felt shocks which was due to the handle as I had asked for carboncore.

Since Legend was a net bat I didn't mind trying carboncore handle although I have never used it before but you always trying new things as life goes on so the handle is not that bad I would say. I'm thinking of double gripping it so I get a better feel (handle is feeling a bit thin at the moment) and less shock (assuming it gets absorbed by the grip).

The edges on Legend are close to 30mm which I believe is decent size, the cleft went through secondary drying process to achieve a bigger profile but since it is a net bat I'm not too fussed about the moisture level of the bat.

So overall Legend is a very good stick and the more I play with it better it is getting.

Again since it is grade 2/3 bat but one can see the love James have for batmaking and his dedication is brilliant! The craftsmanship of Legend and Reserve both is same and is exceptional!


This bat is beautifully constructed and feels great in my hands, the feel of Reserve is one of the best I have ever had. After seeing these two Laver&Woods (in particularly Reserve) I have understood why James Laver is one of worlds finest batmaker. His dedication towards batmaking is an example and such dedication is what has brought him to this level. THere is no doubt that James must have made bats for great players because James himself is a great batmaker and more importantly a person.

So coming to Reserve, it is 2.7 and edges are close to 38mm which I believe is huge for 2.7. According to James and Andy, the cleft used in Reserve are low density.

I had few throwdowns with this Reserve and the bat seem to have very long sweetspot the when I middled it ball went flying past the bowler. It is going very well at the moment but I believe it just needs little bit of knocking and it will open up and murder bowlers.!


Now regarding customer service of Laver & Wood where do I start from? Over the years I have dealt with many many people (both cricket and off cricket) and I have never seen anyone like to be as good as Andy and James. Both of them are really down to earth guys and there service was superb! Andy is very helpful in answering the questions and he answers in full detail giving insightful view and detail about the product and whatever you had asked.


Overall I am very happy with the bats. I'm pleased with both of the bats, I know they are not performing the best right now but which bat doesn't require playing in? All do so this bat is not different and it is just matter of time before these bats turn in a machine gun :D :D

The finishing on Laver & Wood is outstanding, if I compare it with Newbery and Salix who are reowned for world's finest finishing then I can say Laver & Wood be in between Salix and Newbery.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask :)

Enjoy the pictures!

ever thought of being a photographer ? ahah, and wow both bats have perfectly evenly spaced and straight grains. The edges and profile on them are just amazing.. i must agree, LW is a superb batmaker company. i have a private bin? i think thats what its called and it is absolutely amazing as well
LOL nahh never I suck at taking pictures!! It is just love of cricket and bats that make me bend and take different angle pictures etc :D

Yes, it is called Private Bin. How is it? Mind posting pictures of it?

Woah, CD bhai, I literally can't take my eyes off those bats, they look like beasts! The shape is uite unique and like I've never seen on the bat. All in all I think you've bought yourself 2 screamers (as always ;-)). I hope you score tons of runs with them.

Just a quick question, didn't you say you weren't going to buy ant bats until next season, or was the temptation too much. :p :))
Nice bats but i still havent forgotten your Salix bats :D I am very gealous about them :D
Must admit CD your Reserve does look better than mine and mine was released from manufacture when Laver was having a lot of quality control issues. Make sure you put anti scuff sheet on and even reinforce it with 2 thread fibreglass tape as mine has a cracked right across the face where the hitting zone is and thats probably from the over drying. I HOPE YOU HAVE BETTER LUCK WITH YOURS THAN I HAVE HAD WITH MINE.

But your Reserve looks no where near as good as my CA TRD's and Mani LOL!!!
Fantastic bats CD bhai, loving the back bow, That spine is sky scraping high lol
Woah, CD bhai, I literally can't take my eyes off those bats, they look like beasts! The shape is uite unique and like I've never seen on the bat. All in all I think you've bought yourself 2 screamers (as always ;-)). I hope you score tons of runs with them.

Just a quick question, didn't you say you weren't going to buy ant bats until next season, or was the temptation too much. :p :))

Glad you liked then, JazakAllah Khair

Yaar I had bought these a while ago not sure if I said that before or after the purchase of these :))

Must admit CD your Reserve does look better than mine and mine was released from manufacture when Laver was having a lot of quality control issues. Make sure you put anti scuff sheet on and even reinforce it with 2 thread fibreglass tape as mine has a cracked right across the face where the hitting zone is and thats probably from the over drying. I HOPE YOU HAVE BETTER LUCK WITH YOURS THAN I HAVE HAD WITH MINE.

But your Reserve looks no where near as good as my CA TRD's and Mani LOL!!!

Do you mind if I ask why weren't you happy with your Reserve? I don't remember your Reserve mind posting a review if its not too inconvenient for you?

It already has a scuff applied but I don't like the quality of it to be honest. Maybe it is good I'm the one who is finding it cheap ?

Only my Legend went through secondary drying process, Reserve didn't go through extra drying.

I have a third Laver which is 'pro' type bat and that bat is MILES better than these two combined! I will hopefully post review of that too!

Hahah nice one, of course mate I doubt any bat in this world would be as good as your TRD and Mani, as ExtraCoverDrive said they are unreal! Seriously those bats are 'once in a lifetime' bats, you can't get them again and again!

This might be close to your bats;

Fantastic bats CD bhai, loving the back bow, That spine is sky scraping high lol

JazakAllah Khair bro!
Glad you liked then, JazakAllah Khair

Yaar I had bought these a while ago not sure if I said that before or after the purchase of these :))

Do you mind if I ask why weren't you happy with your Reserve? I don't remember your Reserve mind posting a review if its not too inconvenient for you?

It already has a scuff applied but I don't like the quality of it to be honest. Maybe it is good I'm the one who is finding it cheap ?

Only my Legend went through secondary drying process, Reserve didn't go through extra drying.

I have a third Laver which is 'pro' type bat and that bat is MILES better than these two combined! I will hopefully post review of that too!

Hahah nice one, of course mate I doubt any bat in this world would be as good as your TRD and Mani, as ExtraCoverDrive said they are unreal! Seriously those bats are 'once in a lifetime' bats, you can't get them again and again!

This might be close to your bats;

JazakAllah Khair bro!

My Reserve did not have a secondary drying process and was knocked by Laver. People on CB UK are not happy with Laver and either am I as they have short changed a lot of people and in fact I blame Andy for this not James. Andy adopted a purely sales approach and forgot about the product!!
But what was wrong with your Reserve?
Not performing and now a cracked face and I ordered a Special Reserve with secondary drying I asked for the bat to have a big profile and mind you my request was in writing and I received a bat with standard size edges 31mm and a standard size profile
Johng, you were probably unlucky. CD, how did you get the legend for free?

They had an offer with Reserve.

Not performing and now a cracked face and I ordered a Special Reserve with secondary drying I asked for the bat to have a big profile and mind you my request was in writing and I received a bat with standard size edges 31mm and a standard size profile

Regarding surface crack I'd assume Laver and Wood bats are soft pressed? My bats which were apprently fully knocked so when I played with Legend I saw indentation on the face and when I knocked my Reserve it got dented too!

The edges on my Reserve are big for its weight I'd say.
They had an offer with Reserve.

Regarding surface crack I'd assume Laver and Wood bats are soft pressed? My bats which were apprently fully knocked so when I played with Legend I saw indentation on the face and when I knocked my Reserve it got dented too!

The edges on my Reserve are big for its weight I'd say.

When you pay top dollar these sorts of things should not happen
CD Bhai: these bats look junk to me. Please mail them to me as I value the earth and I can recycle them for you.. Msg me for my address :)

all kidding aside..the bats look amazing!
CD Bhai: these bats look junk to me. Please mail them to me as I value the earth and I can recycle them for you.. Msg me for my address :)

all kidding aside..the bats look amazing!

Since I am in Canada we have harsh winters, I was thinking of using them for fireplace :) :D
Since I am in Canada we have harsh winters, I was thinking of using them for fireplace :) :D

haha! good one man..

one question for you seem to have quite a collection of do you choose and decide which bat to use? what is your selection process like? and why?
haha! good one man..

one question for you seem to have quite a collection of do you choose and decide which bat to use? what is your selection process like? and why?

InshAllah, I'll be playing for two teams (morning [T25] and regular [50 overs]) so for morning matches it will be Pakistani bats or low end English bat because there is a lot of dew and I don't want to damage my good bats :(

Selection process is that I try to give each bat a try in nets and the one that feels and perform the best is one which will be in my kit bag. I believe this is most fair way of judging the bat as you have tested it rather than just malleting it.

So far it is BlackCat and Salix.
is this possibly the best bat u owned? or which one is the best with the best feel and performance?
and is this the best handmade cricket manufacturer or is millichamp or screaming cat better?
is this possibly the best bat u owned? or which one is the best with the best feel and performance?

Won't say best but one of the best.

BEst one would be Custom GN Oblivion LE.

REgarding performance, I haven't used much of Laver and other bats yet.

and is this the best handmade cricket manufacturer or is millichamp or screaming cat better?

It is hard to say best but you can say one of best.
Won't say best but one of the best.

BEst one would be Custom GN Oblivion LE.

REgarding performance, I haven't used much of Laver and other bats yet.

It is hard to say best but you can say one of best.

Yea I always thought scat or black cat were the best.
What company or person made don bradman's bat?

Just really curious to see if they are still making bats.
brand started by william sykes. merged later with slazenger i think
CD bhai, i just spotted your laver reserve going for sale. Im puzzled, i thought you loved laver and you only just got it :O. Got your eyes set on something better? a screaming cat maybe :D
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Yes, yaar Screaming Cat it is :D

Screaming Cat along Millichamp & Hall Amplus these two :D
Are you selling it? But you just got it?

And don't you need to be in Australia to buy a Scat?