MAHABHARATA - Discussion Thread


Hall of Famer
Jan 10, 2011
Post of the Week
Existed around 3000 years ago. Included battle between cunning kaurawas and naive pandavas with krishna the self praising hindu numero uno god interfering big time, chauffeuring arjuna to beat all haters through misdirection, some big words and deadly astra shastras. Eventually all the preserved info helped Rama bhai turn the story into a legendary TV series. But all said and done, how much of it is truth? :13:

May be.. Actually I dont care whether they are true or not, but the stories are quite epic really.
Mahabharata is a mighty big story. Remembering all the characters it self is a big task! Whoever written it is surely not from this planet.
Mahabharata is a mighty big story. Remembering all the characters it self is a big task! Whoever written it is surely not from this planet.

It was written by none other than Gnaesha. Thats what we're told. Story was told by Ved Vyas or may be its the other way around?
Extremely far fetched. Sounds like an over-exaggerated story. Sounds like all good religious stories, going to extraordinary lengths to teach 'morals'
The basics maybe true, like two warring faction of cousins and a great war between them. No denying in that, but over the years, like in anything else, myths get associated with it and now we have some stories which are just imaginations but given the length of the epic, the core has to be true.
You were. In those times you were called Nagas or Rakshasas. That area was abandoned for the 'normal people':)))

Vidarbha Telangana=Nagas
Maharashtra Karnataka=Pichash difficult to spell
Rest South=Asuras
Those all are pre aryan communities and original settler
Mahar(great enemy)=Maharashtra
Andhra=Andhra Pradesh
These r all original settler of that part.
What was your favourite character in Mahabharata

Mine was Parashuram. He was immensely powerful with great temper and was the greatest warrior on earth for quite a long time.:) Legend says he single handedly killed every kshatriyas on earth at one time.
What was your favourite character in Mahabharata

Mine was Parashuram. He was immensely powerful with great temper and was the greatest warrior on earth for quite a long time.:) Legend says he single handedly killed every kshatriyas on earth at one time.

Mine is Dhritarashtra
100 son.
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ok chaps your gonna have to enlighten me..can someone summarise it for someone not versed in teh myth..
What was your favourite character in Mahabharata

Mine was Parashuram. He was immensely powerful with great temper and was the greatest warrior on earth for quite a long time.:) Legend says he single handedly killed every kshatriyas on earth at one time.

Karna all the way
Karna all the way... The Anti hero of Mahabharata ala Dravid of that time :lol
ok chaps your gonna have to enlighten me..can someone summarise it for someone not versed in teh myth..

Man its too long to summarise. Read it like you'll read a Marvel Comic and you'll enjoy. Stan lee got nothing on Ved vyas.

Some great characters
Bheeshm pitamah
Etc Etc..
ok chaps your gonna have to enlighten me..can someone summarise it for someone not versed in teh myth..

Found a brief summary on net -

The Mahabharata tells the story of two sets of paternal first cousins--the five sons of the deceased king Pandu (the five Pandavas and the one hundred sons of blind King Dhritarashtra--who became bitter rivals, and opposed each other in war for possession of the ancestral Bharata kingdom with its capital in the "City of the Elephants," Hastinapura , on the Ganga river in north central India. What is dramatically interesting within this simple opposition is the large number of individual agendas the many characters pursue, and the numerous personal conflicts, ethical puzzles, subplots, and plot twists that give the story a strikingly powerful development.

The five sons of Pandu were actually fathered by five Gods (sex was mortally dangerous for Pandu, because of a curse) and these heroes were assisted throughout the story by various Gods, sages, and brahmins, including the great sage Krishna Dvaipayana Vyasa (who later became the author of the epic telling this story), who was also their actual grandfather (he had engendered Pandu and the blind Dhrtarastra upon their nominal father's widows in order to preserve the lineage). The one hundred sons of the blind king Dhartarashtra, on the other hand, had a grotesque, demonic birth, and are said more than once in the text to be human incarnations of the demons who are the perpetual enemies of the devotees of the lord. The most dramatic figure of the entire Mahabharata, however, is Sri Krishna who is the supreme personality of Godhead himself, descended to earth in human form to reestablish his devotees as care takers of the earth, and who practice Dharma. Krishna Vasudeva was the cousin of both parties, but he was a friend and advisor to the Pandavas, became the brother-in-law of Arjuna , and served as Arjuna's mentor and charioteer in the great war. Krishna Vasudeva is portrayed several times as eager to see the war occur, and in many ways the Pandavas were his human instruments for fulfilling that end.

The Dhartarashtra party behaved viciously and brutally toward the Pandavas in many ways, from the time of their early childhood. Their malice displayed itselfwhen they took advantage of the eldest Pandava, Yudhishthira (who had by now become the ruler of the world) in a game of dice: The Dhartarashtras 'won' all his brothers, himself, and even the Pandavas' common wife Draupadi They humiliated all the Pandavas and physically abused Draupadi; they drove the Pandava party into the wilderness for twelve years, and the twelve years of exile had to be followed by the Pandavas' living somewhere in society, in disguise, without being discovered.

The Pandavas fulfilled their part of that bargain by living out side the kingdom, but the evil leader and eldest son of Dhartarashtra, Duryodhana , was unwilling to restore the Pandavas to their half of the kingdom when the thirteen years had expired. Both sides then called upon their many allies and two large armies arrayed themselves on 'Kuru's Field' (Kuru was one of the eponymous ancestors of the clan), eleven divisions in the army of Duryodhana against seven divisions for Yudhishthira. Much of the action in the Mahabharata is accompanied by discussion and debate among various interested parties, and the most famous dialog of all time, Krishna Vasudeva's ethical lecture and demonstration of his divinity to his devotee and friend Arjuna (the Holy Bhagavad Gita appeared in the Mahabharata just prior to the commencement of the world war. Several of the important ethical and theological themes of the Mahabharata are tied together in this Gita, and this "Song of the Blessed One" has exerted much the same sort of powerful and far-reaching influence in the Vedic Civilization that the New Testament has had in the Christian world. The Pandavas won the eighteen day battle, but it was a victory that deeply troubled all except those who were able to understand things on the divine level (chiefly Krishna, Vyasa, and Bhishma the Bharata patriarch who was symbal of the virtues of the era now passing away). The Pandavas' five sons by Draupadi, as well as Bhimasena and Arjuna Pandava's two sons by two other mothers (respectively, the young warriors and Abhimanyu, were all tragic victims in the war. Worse perhaps, the Pandava victory was won by the Pandavas slaying, in succession, four men who were like fathers to them: Bhishma, their teacher Drona , Karna (who was, though none of the Pandavas knew it, the first born, pre-marital, son of their mother), and their maternal uncle Shalya (all four of these men were, in succession, 'supreme commanders' of Duryodhana's army during the war). Equally troubling was the fact that the killing of the first three of these 'respected elders,' and of some other enemy warriors as well, was accomplished only through ' trickery', most of which were suggested by Krishna Vasudeva as absolutely required by the circumstances.

The ethical gaps were not resolved to anyone's satisfaction on the surface of the narrative and the aftermath of the war was dominated by a sense of horror and malaise. Yudhishthira alone was terribly troubled, but his sense of the war's wrongfulness persisted to the end of the text, in spite of the fact that everyone else, from his wife to Krishna Vasudeva, told him the war was right and good; in spite of the fact that the dying patriarch Bhishma lectured him at length on all aspects of the Good Law (the Duties and Responsibilities of Kings, which have rightful violence at their center; the ambiguities of Righteousness in abnormal circumstances; and the absolute perspective of a beatitude that ultimately transcends the oppositions of good versus bad, right versus wrong, pleasant versus unpleasant, etc.); in spite of the fact that he performed a grand Horse Sacrifice as expiation for the putative wrong of the war. These debates and instructions and the account of this Horse Sacrifice are told at some length after the massive and narrative of the battle; they form a deliberate tale of pacification that aims to neutralize the inevitable reactions of the war.

In the years that follow the war Dhritarashtra and his queen Gandhari , and Kunti , the mother of the Pandavas, lived a life of asceticism in a forest retreat and died with yogic calm in a forest fire. Krishna Vasudeva departed from this earth thirty-six years after the war. When they learned of this, the Pandavas believed it time for them to leave this world too and they embarked upon the 'Great Journey,' which involved walking north toward the polar mountain, that is toward the heavenly worlds, until one's body dropped dead. One by one Draupadi and the younger Pandavas died along the way until Yudhishthira was left alone with a dog that had followed him all the way. Yudhishthira made it to the gate of heaven and there refused the order to drive the dog back, at which point the dog was revealed to be an incarnate form of the God Dharma (the God who was Yudhishthira's actual, physical father), who was there to test Yudhishthira's virtue. Once in heaven Yudhishthira faced one final test of his virtue: He saw only the Dhartarashtra Clan in heaven, and he was told that his brothers were in hell. He insisted on joining his brothers in hell, if that were the case! It was then revealed that they were really in heaven, that this illusion had been one final test for him.
Karna also got his education, war abilities and other trainings from Parasurama. Karna conned him to be Parasurama's desciple.

Karna was a man of principles , a true legend and a loyal friend. He was a victim of circumstances and was capable enough to destroy whole pandava army by himself
Mahabharata is a true story, but it did not happen as the way we are being told. But the story of 2 sets of cousins fighting each other with some other mighty warriors being involved is true

Some proofs that Mahabharata actually happened -

1. A city similar to description of Dwaraka found submerged off the west coast of Gujarat. Estimated to be around 3000-5000 years old by carbon dating

2. A 5000 year old viman found in a cave in Afghanistan, similar to vimanas described in the mahabharata

3. Some proofs of nuclear radiations have been found looking at the soil in some area near Kurukshetra, the site of Mahabharata war
Btw Gandhari , mother of kauravas and wife of Dhritrashtra was from present day Afghanistan. who knows she might have been a pashtun:afridi
the best thing about Karna is, a lot of people can relate to him, the most humane character of the epic characterwise. His life was tragic yet he become the inspiration for many.
By the way pandavas was the fancy name of the 5 siblings I.e. Arjuna(Greatest archer of all time), Yudhisthir(Eldest and the most pious of them all), Bheem(Basically he was the hulk from Marvel Comics), Nakul(Greatest swordsman), and Sehdev(Most handsome man in the universe).
Karna was a man of principles , a true legend and a loyal friend. He was a victim of circumstances and was capable enough to destroy whole pandava army by himself

Parashurama>Karna for me. Faced more hardships in life, was more learned and was more powerful.
Mahabharata is a true story, but it did not happen as the way we are being told. But the story of 2 sets of cousins fighting each other with some other mighty warriors being involved is true

Some proofs that Mahabharata actually happened -

1. A city similar to description of Dwaraka found submerged off the west coast of Gujarat. Estimated to be around 3000-5000 years old by carbon dating

2. A 5000 year old viman found in a cave in Afghanistan, similar to vimanas described in the mahabharata

3. Some proofs of nuclear radiations have been found looking at the soil in some area near Kurukshetra, the site of Mahabharata war

Yeah there was a documentary shown on History channels few months back about the 3rd point. It was shocking to know that Atom bombing happened 4000 years back.
No Nakul was the most handsome and Sahdev was the most intelligent. Both being master swordsman. And Parshuram doesn't have much role to play in Mahabharata except being Guru of Two most powerful warriors Karna and Bhishma, Cursing Karna and having a face off with his student Bhishma.
No Nakul was the most handsome and Sahdev was the most intelligent. Both being master swordsman. And Parshuram doesn't have much role to play in Mahabharata except being Guru of Two most powerful warriors Karna and Bhishma, Cursing Karna and having a face off with his student Bhishma.

Ohh yeah!! I always confuse between the two of them.
Bhagwan Parashuram was also guru of Dronacharya.

Its bizzare that all his 3 students were opposing Lord Krishna in the war.Lord Krishna and Parashuram are both avatars of Lord Vishnu.
Bhagwan Parashuram was also guru of Dronacharya.

Its bizzare that all his 3 students were opposing Lord Krishna in the war.Lord Krishna and Parashuram are both avatars of Lord Vishnu.

Parashurama was the Avatar of Shiva.
Karna all the way... The Anti hero of Mahabharata ala Dravid of that time :lol

His birth story was epic
He is over all for me because he is very hard working,most couragious,most loyal person in Mahabharta
That's why these 3 have been called the most powerful warriors from pandav side.
Actually their is a ranking system and it follows as-

Levels of Warrior Excellence:

Mahamaharathi : A warrior
capable of fighting 24
Atimaharathi warriors
simultaneously. No warrior has
attained this status, not least
because there have never been
24 Athimaharathi warriors at the
same time, but, warriors who can
be called Mahamaharathis are
Shiva , Vishnu and his
incarnations, like Rama and
Krishna, Shakti, Brahma, Skanda ,
Ganesha , Narsimha and

Atimaharathi: A warrior capable
of fighting 12 Maharathi warriors
simultaneously.Vali, Kartavirya
avan,Bhisma, Karna, Arjuna,
Dronacharya and Indrajit are

Maharathi : A warrior capable of
fighting 60,000 warriors
simultaneously; circumspect in
his mastery of all forms of
weapons and combat skills.
Yudhistra, Bhim, Nakul, Sahadev,
Abhimanyu, Satyaki,
Dhristadyumna, Shalya,
Duryodhana, Kripacharya,
and Banasur were Maharathis.

Atirathi: A warrior capable of
contending with 10,000 warriors
simultaneously. Yuyutsu,
Drupada, Virata, Uttar, Shikandhi,
Dushashana, Vikarna, Jayadratha
and Shakuni were Atirathis.
It's not that gandhari give birth to child one after one,she was given boon by Lord shiva of being shata putravati(mother of hundred sons),but the story goes that when she was pregnant for a very unusual time and during that time yudhisthara was born,dhritrashtara started cursing her for not giving his heir birth on time,can't bearing this agony,she started beating her belly,suddenly she started feeling the pain and after some time gave birth to a loath of flesh,which on sage vedavyas A's advise was cut into hundred pieces and kept in hundred pots for 1 year,after that when the first pot was opened ,the child inside it made a horrible noise,and nature started showing ominous signs at that time ,so bhishma,vidur and sage vyasa adviced king dhritrashtara,to abandon this child if he wants to spare his other child's,if he doesn't abandon him,he will be responsible for the end of his linege,but he didn't listen to anybody and named him duryodhana(he who can't be easily defeated)

sent from dil se
My favourite character was Bhima - greatest wrestler of all time
lol this has to be the first thread in PP history where every single post bar 1 has been from indian PP'ers

#indianstakingoverPP :p
Is there any place/city mentioned in Mahabhartha which still exist/name doesent change except Vidarbha,Kurukshetra
the best thing about Karna is, a lot of people can relate to him, the most humane character of the epic characterwise. His life was tragic yet he become the inspiration for many.

Karna the tragic hero was the incarnation of Lord shani,the story goes that when sangya the wife of surya was not able to bare his aura,she created her replica chhaya and left,till her children were born chayya use to take care of sangya's children ,but when her own children were born she started neglecting them,one day when he tried to get an explanation for her behaviour towards them,she started cursing him,this enraged shani and he lifted his foot and hit her,enraged chaya cursed of having immense pain in the feet with which he hit her,also he would be born on earth and his mother will leave him after giving him birth,he will be humiliated by everybody and will be killed by his own brother,shocked he told everything to his father,who said that no mother can punish his child so harshly even if he commits 1000 crimes,don't worry o will take care of in that life and u will be born as my son,though being on the wrong side ,people will respect u immensely and u rites will be performed by none other than krishna himself.

sent from dil se
Karna the tragic hero was the incarnation of Lord shani,the story goes that when sangya the wife of surya was not able to bare his aura,she created her replica chhaya and left,till her children were born chayya use to take care of sangya's children ,but when her own children were born she started neglecting them,one day when he tried to get an explanation for her behaviour towards them,she started cursing him,this enraged shani and he lifted his foot and hit her,enraged chaya cursed of having immense pain in the feet with which he hit her,also he would be born on earth and his mother will leave him after giving him birth,he will be humiliated by everybody and will be killed by his own brother,shocked he told everything to his father,who said that no mother can punish his child so harshly even if he commits 1000 crimes,don't worry o will take care of in that life and u will be born as my son,though being on the wrong side ,people will respect u immensely and u rites will be performed by none other than krishna himself.

sent from dil se

I know all of this. Sort of phd in about everything about Karna :msd
Patliputra. The present day Patna. Most of the places have name changed although.
It is believed that karna possessed all the qualities of 5 panda va ' s ,the righteousness of yudhisthara,the power of bheema,the skills of arjuna,the handsomness of nakula and wisdom of sahdev,unlike pandavas he was exceptional in all warfares,only ravana and bheeshma had these 5 qualities m

sent from dil se
Patliputra. The present day Patna. Most of the places have name changed although.

Do u know that arjuna later took karna ' s only surviving son vrishketu under his own patronage.

sent from dil se
Yes. And he was killed by Babruvahana, another son of Arjun accidentally, Lord Krishna later revived him.
It is believed that karna possessed all the qualities of 5 panda va ' s ,the righteousness of yudhisthara,the power of bheema,the skills of arjuna,the handsomness of nakula and wisdom of sahdev,unlike pandavas he was exceptional in all warfares,only ravana and bheeshma had these 5 qualities m

sent from dil se

Ravna is my fav from Ramayana
I know all of this. Sort of phd in about everything about Karna :msd

And do u know in another story he was arun daitya in his previous life and was granted 1000 lives by brahma and when his 999 lives were taken by Lord nara narayan,he requested Lord surya to intervene,who requested Lord nara not to kill him ,Lord nara said that this asura will be born on earth and will be killed by my incarnation.

sent from dil se
2. A 5000 year old viman found in a cave in Afghanistan, similar to vimanas described in the mahabharata

so the taliban were found in possesion of a magical flying saucer, did they bring it from the future using a stargate type portal.

any other hi tech weapons the taliban have like ray guns or maybe a flying camel that fires laser beams ?
Yes. And he was killed by Babruvahana, another son of Arjun accidentally, Lord Krishna later revived him.

Actually it was arjuna who got killed by brabhuvahana and he was revived by ullupi ,it was due to ganga's curse,that arjuna will be killed by his own son.

sent from dil se
Well how many of u know about that series jaha jaha ram chali jayi or mil gaye ram on zee tv palti have u heard about it

sent from dil se
I have actually met this guy who found these ramayana sites round about 400 or may be more in 32 years.

sent from dil se
His name is pandit ramavtar sharma,man I must say 32 years is heck of a time,he said it is easier to find mahabharat proof than ramayana coz it is a lot older civilization than one can imagine and very advanced as well.

sent from dil se
I gotta be brave with this, but honestly my favorite character has always been Duryodhana! :moyo I dunno maybe its because of his amazing portrayal by Puneet Issar in the original tv series. Not only that but his story, his conviction, his real human attitude is what makes me connect to it. Duryodhan wasn't pure evil, he was a great friend to Karna, very talented warrior and leader as well.
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1 Ramayana proof still exists - a ancient bridge between India & Sri Lanka which is now submerged under water
These days, Star plus is showing Mahabharat on TV, but more than 50% of it is false. Lots of made up stories in that mahabharata. Original Mahabharat by BR Chopra was better. Download it and watch that
New age shows are awful. Nothing would ever beat BR chopra and Ramanand Sagar's work. Thanks to both of them for producing epic masterpieces that made my childhood amazing.
I gotta be brave with this, but honestly my favorite character has always been Duryodhana! :moyo I dunno maybe its because of his amazing portrayal by Puneet Issar in the original tv series. Not only that but his story, his conviction, his real human attitude is what makes me connect to it. Duryodhan wasn't pure evil, he was a great friend to Karna, very talented warrior and leader as well.

East or West
Rajni is the best
Well Vrishketu was killed too and I have read like 80% of whole Mahabharata in depth and know the whole story.
Very interesting stories. I have to admit, I dont have the courage nor the time to read it all but nonetheless it must have been a great accomplishment for whoever wrote this thing (whether real or not)

Who knows whats the truth but I would not be surprised if some of it was extra terrestrial influence.
Its actually 1 lakhs verses long. So very huge, and lots of version exist, even an Indonesian, a persian, a version from Akbar' rule too...
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Its actually 1 lakhs verses long. So very huge, and lots of version exist, even an Indonesian, a persian, a version from Akbar' rule too...

But it's core jaya had 6000 verses

sent from dil se
Well Vrishketu was killed too and I have read like 80% of whole Mahabharata in depth and know the whole story.

Well i have read the whole Mahabharata as well as other versions as well as garga samhita as well.

sent from dil se
Used to read mahabharata stories from comic books.but my knowledge about Ramayana mainly comes from 'Jai Hanuman' serial of doordarshan.also i used to watch 'om nama shivaya' was fun..:))
lol this has to be the first thread in PP history where every single post bar 1 has been from indian PP'ers

#indianstakingoverPP :p

Kouravas vs Pandavas...If there were any cricket matches between these two,the fans would have been behaved exactly like Ind and Pak..No doubt...yep exactly!!
Used to read mahabharata stories from comic books.but my knowledge about Ramayana mainly comes from 'Jai Hanuman' serial of doordarshan.also i used to watch 'om nama shivaya' was fun..:))

Yep that was one of epic serial watched that series 4 time in Marathi and 2 time in Hindi and i still like that and there title song:)))
Ramayana was my fav serial but later Shaktimaan arrived after that not watched it.....
Its actually 1 lakhs verses long. So very huge, and lots of version exist, even an Indonesian, a persian, a version from Akbar' rule too...

Man you're a legend. From now onwards, you shall be called Patli_Putra :p :23:
Existed around 3000 years ago. Included battle between cunning kaurawas and naive pandavas with krishna the self praising hindu numero uno god interfering big time, chauffeuring arjuna to beat all haters through misdirection, some big words and deadly astra shastras. Eventually all the preserved info helped Rama bhai turn the story into a legendary TV series. But all said and done, how much of it is truth? :13:


looking at the picture, just had a thought, how nice would it be if we could 'sit' in one anothers company without animosity or hate, what would that be like..ah well
Love the stories, and my parents always presented all of it as facts to me. Still remember wasting 3 hours as a 6 year old child, doing "tapasya" bcz I wanted a Vardaan of flying.. :yk
Love the stories, and my parents always presented all of it as facts to me. Still remember wasting 3 hours as a 6 year old child, doing "tapasya" bcz I wanted a Vardaan of flying.. :yk

:))) what the hell...
Love the stories, and my parents always presented all of it as facts to me. Still remember wasting 3 hours as a 6 year old child, doing "tapasya" bcz I wanted a Vardaan of flying.. :yk

I do same thing while watching Ramayana
But after some time my leg gives ans to me
looking at the picture, just had a thought, how nice would it be if we could 'sit' in one anothers company without animosity or hate, what would that be like..ah well

Well the exact period of mahabharat is 5150 years

sent from dil se
How Shri Krishna ended up on Pandavas side in Mahabharata war
Duryodhana and Arjuna both went to Dwarka to meet Krishna in order to seek his support for Mahabharata. Duryodhana was first to reach Dwarka. Satyaki informed that Krishna was asleep. Both Duryodhan and Arjuna entered Krishna¡¯s bedroom. Duryodhana who was first to enter the room sat on a seat at the head of the bed on which Krishna was asleep. Arjuna went to the foot of the bed and stood there with hand folded. When Krishna got up he saw Arjuna first who was standing at his foot. Duryodhana said that as he came first so it was fair that Krishna should join Kauravas.On this Krishna smiled and said as he saw Arjuna first when he got up so it is also fair that he should help both Kauravas as well as Pandavas. So on one hand was his famous Narayani army, and on other hand was he himself alone and shall not yield any weapon. Then he added that dharma demands that the younger should have the first choice. So Arjuna was given the first chance, he fell at the feet of Lord Krishna with tears in his eyes he chose him. Duryodhana was very happy with the decision. Shri Krishna later became the Arjuna¡¯s sarathi during the war of Mahabharat.
There can be some truth to those stories. But for sure over centuries, a lot of exaggeration might have crept into the description of each of those characters.

It is quite fascinating to know how in those times, the entire south India is considered to be either Raskshasas (Demons) or Pisachas (Bad Jinns) etc etc.