Man Arrested For Using Aurangzeb's Pic On Whatsapp profile after complaints by Hindu organization

Most nations have been invaded or did you not learn history of how your new heros where you have immigrated to created the stars and stripes? No people have massacred so many natives as the Yanks have but thats ok because you they let the boat in.

Mughals turned the land into the richest nation on the planet and one of the strongest empires in history.

hahahaha. once again when no where to run making things up as you go along. please show me where I am supported american imperialism . You will find NONE. In fact you will find me opposing it. You on the other hand cherish and support the ottomans, the muslims invaders, Ukraine and so on. So please dont make things up just to make yourself look somewhat normal. You have a great track record of always being on the wrong side of history. Dont tarnish that.
hahahaha. once again when no where to run making things up as you go along. please show me where I am supported american imperialism . You will find NONE. In fact you will find me opposing it. You on the other hand cherish and support the ottomans, the muslims invaders, Ukraine and so on. So please dont make things up just to make yourself look somewhat normal. You have a great track record of always being on the wrong side of history. Dont tarnish that.

You are mute regarding it but quick to attack Muslims and Islam, this says it all.

Let me ask you, who has done more damage to the world the Mughals or the Yanks?

Ill help you by informing you the Mughals were in power far longer than America has existed. A sensible person would only attack an empire in history in relation to the current reality esp if you're living in the biggest terrorist the world has ever seen. You hate the Mughals not because you are educated in their history but because they are Muslim . Thus a rabbit eating meat has more credibility.
You are mute regarding it but quick to attack Muslims and Islam, this says it all.

Let me ask you, who has done more damage to the world the Mughals or the Yanks?

I’ll help you by informing you the Mughals were in power far longer than America has existed. A sensible person would only attack an empire in history in relation to the current reality esp if you're living in the biggest terrorist the world has ever seen. You hate the Mughals not because you are educated in their history but because they are Muslim . Thus a rabbit eating meat has more credibility.
I don’t hate the Mughals, they are part of our history but to sing their praise if ridiculous . Also they did not accomplish much. Hence a few British people turned them into puppets Mughals were very localized. America was very localized at first and then expanded outward. I am mentioned i the atrocities of the USA many times. It’s you who sings praises of the ottomans, the Mughals, Russia. I condemn all invaders. You are very selective based on your religion solely and hatred for the west where you reside and don’t intend of moving . So please instead of lecturing others take off your biased glasses and go read up on some history, instead of embarrassing yourself here
I don’t hate the Mughals, they are part of our history but to sing their praise if ridiculous . Also they did not accomplish much. Hence a few British people turned them into puppets Mughals were very localized. America was very localized at first and then expanded outward. I am mentioned i the atrocities of the USA many times. It’s you who sings praises of the ottomans, the Mughals, Russia. I condemn all invaders. You are very selective based on your religion solely and hatred for the west where you reside and don’t intend of moving . So please instead of lecturing others take off your biased glasses and go read up on some history, instead of embarrassing yourself here

I don't really know where to start with this post. You hate the invaders when it comes to Hindustan, apart from the British Raj who will always and forever be venerated with this title...yet you are a proud USA citizen despite them being direct descendents of British invaders who wiped out the native population, and now dominate the entire world from that seat, culturally, linguistically and financially. I feel there is a lot being left unsaid here and it maybe better suited to a dedicated thread which you will never have the guts to raise.
Lol. You ignored the entire point of the whole topic to go off on one tiny tangent about the creation of Pakistan, and it's me who's trolling. :91:

I like your sense of humor. Sometimes the posters don't have an idea when they got bitten.
India was always rich? Who told you that? Rich in what? Spices? Culture? Arts? Or rich in division, poverty, discrimination?

1000s year head start and India had barley anything to show for it until the Mughals arrived.

You talk as if India was so rich that it had its own infrastructure, educational, judiciary, sanitation, medicinal systems in place long before the Mughals and the British. Simply not true.

You still peddling this nonsense even after getting exposed in a previous thread sometime back .... you quietly bolted/started evading questions when I asked for reputable sources to back up your drivel. Same will repeat again.

Cue: The usual stalling, trolling and diversion tactics incoming for obvious reasons.
India was always rich? Who told you that? Rich in what? Spices? Culture? Arts? Or rich in division, poverty, discrimination?

1000s year head start and India had barley anything to show for it until the Mughals arrived. In the end the British built the infrastructure, educational system etc - and make no mistake about it, the British didn't build infrastructure for the benefit of Indians, it was for the benefit of the British so they could transport loot and educate their own. And the vaccines, again, to protect their own, not Indians. Indians have been living off British Imperialistic relics since 1947.

You talk as if India was so rich that it had its own infrastructure, educational, judiciary, sanitation, medicinal systems in place long before the Mughals and the British. Simply not true.

India owes its recognition and identity to the Mughals and the British because 1000s of years prior to this, India achieved squat.

Considering you applaud Western values and relics in India just goes to prove modern Indians under RSS government rather be looted and pillaged by foreigners and not their own. How utterly bizarre.

Though I will grant you natural resources in India considered valuable are by the bucket load.

India was always rich, but for some reason it still doesn't look much different from Bangladesh or Pakistan to the outsider. Loads of beggars, actually probably more than in Pakistan. Terrible roads and infrastructure, and millions fleeing the shining flower of Asia to the metropolises of the west where they are barely even acknowledged.
India was always rich, but for some reason it still doesn't look much different from Bangladesh or Pakistan to the outsider. Loads of beggars, actually probably more than in Pakistan. Terrible roads and infrastructure, and millions fleeing the shining flower of Asia to the metropolises of the west where they are barely even acknowledged.

More focus on actual facts than some cryptic nonsense is better sometimes😊

India is indeed poor now and a developing nation. West has been offering better opportunities for people not only in India but entire sub-continent and that should be the case as you migrated to UK?

And all the PR around India becoming better….it makes sense with the current economic indicators I feel. Its on the growing path but not quite there yet. Whats wrong in that? And as for the PR, it helps in getting us investments.

On the beggars part, cant argue as it might be true. And even if not in comparison with Pakistan, India still needs to improve a lot. Nothing shameful and it has been much better compared to past 20 years. Infrastructure wise, I dont think, you have any idea about South India. We do have terrible roads, but our metros can give a good competition to Western infrastructure.

And about the acknowledgement part, as a migrant who settled in the UK, I do feel bad if you arent getting the same recognition as others, but not the same case with everyone right?

People from sub-continent are getting to the top based on their merit. So, I see that, people do get awarded for their hard-work. May be some introspection might help for you🙂
India was always rich, but for some reason it still doesn't look much different from Bangladesh or Pakistan to the outsider. Loads of beggars, actually probably more than in Pakistan. Terrible roads and infrastructure, and millions fleeing the shining flower of Asia to the metropolises of the west where they are barely even acknowledged.

Being rich is always subjective.

If everyone is a millionaire, no one is rich; you need poverty to determine one's wealth, and in India's case, India has enough poverty to declare a few rich. This is where India's historical riches stem from and hence why India has not progressed much in the past 5000 years and had to rely on Islam and the British for any progress.

Even today, ask Hindu Indian what there values are, and they will struggle to answer, more than often they will cite Western values as their adopted values; hence why 100s millions of Indians aspire to leave India for the West - in seek of an identify - which is kind of ironic as it is.

More focus on actual facts than some cryptic nonsense is better sometimes��

India is indeed poor now and a developing nation. West has been offering better opportunities for people not only in India but entire sub-continent and that should be the case as you migrated to UK?

And all the PR around India becoming better….it makes sense with the current economic indicators I feel. Its on the growing path but not quite there yet. Whats wrong in that? And as for the PR, it helps in getting us investments.

On the beggars part, cant argue as it might be true. And even if not in comparison with Pakistan, India still needs to improve a lot. Nothing shameful and it has been much better compared to past 20 years. Infrastructure wise, I dont think, you have any idea about South India. We do have terrible roads, but our metros can give a good competition to Western infrastructure.

And about the acknowledgement part, as a migrant who settled in the UK, I do feel bad if you arent getting the same recognition as others, but not the same case with everyone right?

People from sub-continent are getting to the top based on their merit. So, I see that, people do get awarded for their hard-work. May be some introspection might help for you��

You can throw around figures as much as you want, it won't change the reality that India still looks like Bangladesh. I think this might be one of the reasons why even the ones with good careers still get looked down upon in the west. Perhaps if India looked more like Switzerland, the Europeans would look on them as equals. Get the hygiene right first, that would be my advice, then watch the respect levels rise.
Being rich is always subjective.

If everyone is a millionaire, no one is rich; you need poverty to determine one's wealth, and in India's case, India has enough poverty to declare a few rich. This is where India's historical riches stem from and hence why India has not progressed much in the past 5000 years and had to rely on Islam and the British for any progress.

Even today, ask Hindu Indian what there values are, and they will struggle to answer, more than often they will cite Western values as their adopted values; hence why 100s millions of Indians aspire to leave India for the West - in seek of an identify - which is kind of ironic as it is.

If Modi-vision is the Hindutva identity, then western identity might not be the worst one to adopt. But would work better if they adopted western standards to go along with it.
You can throw around figures as much as you want, it won't change the reality that India still looks like Bangladesh. I think this might be one of the reasons why even the ones with good careers still get looked down upon in the west. Perhaps if India looked more like Switzerland, the Europeans would look on them as equals. Get the hygiene right first, that would be my advice, then watch the respect levels rise.

The question is about Ancient India. Are you saying that the West was richer and looked just like it looks today say a thousand yrs ago ? How about 2 thousand yrs ago.
If Modi-vision is the Hindutva identity, then western identity might not be the worst one to adopt. But would work better if they adopted western standards to go along with it.

Precisly why Modi, the only G20 leader, has begged mercilessly for Western nations to lift immigration quotas for Indians.

You can throw around figures as much as you want, it won't change the reality that India still looks like Bangladesh. I think this might be one of the reasons why even the ones with good careers still get looked down upon in the west. Perhaps if India looked more like Switzerland, the Europeans would look on them as equals. Get the hygiene right first, that would be my advice, then watch the respect levels rise.

India boasts about so called foreign reserves, but the crucial element they miss is that foreign reserves cannot be spent on domestic improvement - hence 'foreign' reserves can only be used to cushion an attack on the INR.
Yes .... one of the worst scumbags ever. The bigger point I am trying to make is that of awareness. Because history has this uncanny knack of repeating.

Now can you answer my question I posed in post# 34 earlier in this thread ?

So you want police to go about arresting all on whatsapp with profile pic of churchill, mountbatten, king edward .. and throw them in prison, China style. Nice .. that tells me you are an extremist and a danger to civil society. Join Bajrang Dal or one of those frothing religious orgs, it will suit you better than the modern world.
So you want police to go about arresting all on whatsapp with profile pic of churchill, mountbatten, king edward .. and throw them in prison, China style. Nice .. that tells me you are an extremist and a danger to civil society. Join Bajrang Dal or one of those frothing religious orgs, it will suit you better than the modern world.

You didnt answer my question. I just need to know if it is right or wrong. We will discuss the Law and Order aspect of it (if any) after we settle on the answer.

So is eulogizing some of the worst scumbags to have ever lived on earth a right thing to do or not. Simple answer really.
You didnt answer my question. I just need to know if it is right or wrong. We will discuss the Law and Order aspect of it (if any) after we settle on the answer.

So is eulogizing some of the worst scumbags to have ever lived on earth a right thing to do or not. Simple answer really.

These sort of loaded questions are pathetic. I not surprised you aren't getting answered. Let me answer for you: eulogising the worst scumbags to have ever lived is definitely the wrong thing to do, yet we have had Wembley arena packed out to eulogise the Butcher of Gujarat. Was that the right thing to do? Simple answer please, yes or no.
These sort of loaded questions are pathetic. I not surprised you aren't getting answered. Let me answer for you: eulogising the worst scumbags to have ever lived is definitely the wrong thing to do, yet we have had Wembley arena packed out to eulogise the Butcher of Gujarat. Was that the right thing to do? Simple answer please, yes or no.

Thanks for the clear cut answer and there is nothing loaded about it. This is how we get to the root of the issues. Now to answer your question: The Courts of India after undertaking exhaustive investigation have ruled Modi to be not-guilty of the charges. Therefore it is not the same case as Historical figures like Aurangzeb/Tippu who are well known serial offenders when it comes to heinous crimes. You are perhaps thinking that Iam classifying these 2 as mass murderers just because they are Muslim.

One another thing that most Pakistani's miss: The investigations against Modi were carried out by central govt which at the time was run by a non-BJP Govt known to be very anti-Modi. So you cant even blame corruption in the investigation. If you want to debate the facts of the Godhra case please bump the appropriate thread and we can discuss there.
These sort of loaded questions are pathetic. I not surprised you aren't getting answered. Let me answer for you: eulogising the worst scumbags to have ever lived is definitely the wrong thing to do, yet we have had Wembley arena packed out to eulogise the Butcher of Gujarat. Was that the right thing to do? Simple answer please, yes or no.

RSS supporters will claim Modi was innocent as Hitler - both adored, revered, and respected in India.
RSS supporters will claim Modi was innocent as Hitler - both adored, revered, and respected in India.

Yes. And then they will claim that Modi was found not guilty of the Gujarat massacre by an "impartial" Indian court , all of these impartials totally discarding their Hindu bias of course. Not to mention key witnesses getting mysteriously bumped off before they could give evidence.

Then people wonder why the country is slipping back into the dark ages where police are arresting private individuals who choose a WhatsApp profile of a decorated former Indian ruler.
You didnt answer my question. I just need to know if it is right or wrong. We will discuss the Law and Order aspect of it (if any) after we settle on the answer.

So is eulogizing some of the worst scumbags to have ever lived on earth a right thing to do or not. Simple answer really.

Someone who is a scumbag to you might not be to others. The PM that you adore, Narendra Modi is a repulsive character to so many other Indians. Millions of people adore Churchill for stoping Hitler, there are many who might think Aurangzeb too has redeeming qualities.

It isn't the job of the law-enforcement to decide who people should respect/idolise and who they shouldn't. It is none of their business. Amazing that you want the state to engage in thought control.
Someone who is a scumbag to you might not be to others. The PM that you adore, Narendra Modi is a repulsive character to so many other Indians. Millions of people adore Churchill for stoping Hitler, there are many who might think Aurangzeb too has redeeming qualities.

It isn't the job of the law-enforcement to decide who people should respect/idolise and who they shouldn't. It is none of their business. Amazing that you want the state to engage in thought control.

There can be no redeeming qualities that can negate the gross human rights violations committed by Aurangzeb and Tippu. I mean these guys even documented their works in black and white. This would be like saying Hitler had some redeeming qualities.

But yeah not surprised by your blatant attempt to rationalize the works of some of the worst scumbags that walked on earth and then you had the cheek to lecture me and brand me as an Extremist !! Cant make this up.