Member Interview : Oxy


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Jun 1, 2001
The Oxy Interview

Q. What are your duties as mod apart from threatening to ban people and abusing your power?

A. Unlike all the other Mods/Admin who ensure Pakpassion runs smoothly behind the scenes, I just Mod. That’s all!

Q. What’s better - an Afridi six sent out of the ground or a Shoaib yorker uprooting middle stump?

A. A Shoaib Akhtar yorker does it for me every time!

Q. Have you tried any treatments to cure your balding?

A. Not really. I long accepted that ‘when it’s gone, it’s gone!’

Q. Why are you a mediocre team I am not talking about India (though there have been times when we questioned your loyalties), I am talking about Glamorgan

A. Well it’s my hometown team, and there is nothing embarrassing about supporting your local team-whether they win or lose.. I have a been a member of Glamorgan for most of my life. And for your information, we have been a very successful side, attracting some of the greatest international players to have graced the game! I refer to Javed Miandad, Viv Richards and Majid Khan amongst others.

Q. Whats the toughest decision you've ever had to make?

A. Agreeing to this interview!

Q. How do you find it moderating a forum with a large member of people on the site?

A. It’s an honour to be assisting Saj & Co. The more members the better!

Q. What do you most enjoy by being a mod?

A. The company car and the all-expenses paid trip to Geneva for our monthly Mods meeting

Q. Do you find the job demanding as you have to spend time on the site?

A. Not at all. I could quite happily give up on life and devote myself 24/7 to Pakpassion.

Q. How does it feel to be old, do u wish u were young again with a bit of hair on ur head ?

A. Well I would never want to be 18 again! There are advantages to being old you know!

Q. Where do you see pp in the next decade ?

A. You’ll have to ask the boss that question!

Q. If you were the Pakistani cricket coach (God Forbid) what would be your philosophy and what changes would you make to the team ?

A. Following the successful English model, I would want all my squad to be on central contracts that reward success; be available a certain time before the start of a series i.e. released by their clubs when we say so. Also, each and every squad member would have to be world class athletes i.e. super-fit humans (e.g .no smokers). Players like Danish Kaneria would not play for Pakistan under my regime if he continued to smoke. I would enfore strict curfew times-anyone found breaking the terms of that curfew would be dismissed/sent home from the squad. During a series, no player would be able to give interviews to the media unless sanctioned by the PCB.

I would work closely with the players clubs, and have long advocated specialist batting/bowling coaches for the Pak team.

At the same time-there would be no public criticism of my players from me nor fellow players-it will remain in the dressing room.

Q. What was the happiest moment in your life ?

A. Birth of first child.

Q. Top 5 bowlers of all time ?

A. Michael Holding
Malcolm Marshall
Dennis Lillee
Shane Warne
Waqar Younis

Q. How was it growing up in the 1850's

A. I remember having tea with Queen Victoria as if it were only yesterday!

Q. Would you rather Liverpool win the Premiership (yeah we know its unlikely but this is all fun ) or pakistan win the cricket world cup?

A. That’s an easy one. Pakistan for the World Cup. I went to Pakistan after the 1992 win, and the impact it had on the public was amazing. Sure, I would like to see Liverpool win the Premiership, but I think the antics of overhyped/overpaid footballers is making me lose interest in the game. And besides, Liverpool hold the record for the most championships!

Q. Is it true what they say about welsh ppl and sheep?

A. Yes it is….then you go on to eat them!!!

Q. Oxy - which team do you prefer - Faisalabad or Glamorgan and who would you support if the 2 played each other.

A. That’s a tough one! I’ve never given it any thought before, but I think I would go for Glamorgan when they meet at Sophia Gardens, and Faisalabad when they meet at Iqbal Stadium.

Q. Also, what does Mrs. Oxy think of your time on PP ?

A. I am surprised she is still Mrs Oxy! She is not impressed and cannot understand why anyone would spend so much time on a site like PP and not want to be paid for it! The internet is like her toy to her. She just doesn’t get it!

Q. You are a pretty jovial type of person in real life yet you seem to appear quite serious on PP - any reason for the discrepency ?

A. Well MIG, I hadn’t realized that I came across so seriously – maybe it’s something I will look to address. In real life, what you see is what you get with me.

Q. Who is your favourite all-time player and which young player do you think has what it takes to be a world-class player?

A. All-time batsman: Sir Vivian Richards

All-time bowler: Michael Holding

Youngster: Salman Butt can become a world class batsman one day. He has the makings of it – hopefully the selectors will invest some patience in the lad.

Q. What is your favourite cuisine? Any dishes in particular?

A. I don’t eat red meat at all…so anything with chicken. Preferably Pakistani cuisine, although I do like Italian food.. I love cooking, and do some mean desserts!

I am about 20kg overweight, need to join a gym to help me lose that flab…I just love my food!

Q. Who is your favorite batsmen to watch?

A. Viv Richards, David Gower; Mohd Azharuddin, Jeff Dujon, Mark Waugh.

Q. What are your opinions on Inzi's captaincy?

A. I have always said that Inzi is Pakistan’s ‘relectunt captain’. By that I mean he almost fell into it by default in 2003. He never actively sought out the captaincy. It just happened to come his way. He is not a natural captain and he’s not ruthless enough as an individual. He is the ‘nice guy’…and that’s what I like about him and I wouldn’t change anything about the way he captains-especially if it was to affect his batting.

Q. Oxy- how did u come up with the name oxy?

A. I was cooking some food one day, when I burnt the frying pan and the cooker-my wife handed me this tub of cleaner called ‘Oxy Clean’…..and clean I did.

Q. Pakistan are 1-0 up and face an England team intent on winning the last game to salvage some pride in this series. You have the chance of transporting yourself into the body of a Pakistan player for the last test. Who would that player be and why?

A. Mohammad Sami. Why?
Because I am NOT a fan of his. He hasn’t done anything for 2 years, yet is still playing for his country. Once inside his body, I will get a better understanding of exactly what it is he does to command a place in the team-and if possible, I’ll try to wake him up - I may even try to bowl a few straight balls!!!

Q. Also, your opinion on Rameez Raja the player and the commentator?

a. I never liked Rameez Raja as a player. I thought he was overated and retained his place through his connections. His century v the Windies in the 1992 World Cup (in a losing cause) was one of the worst innings I had ever seen.

His commentary is even worse. Just because he speaks good English doesn’t mean he is a good commentator! He talks utter garbage; and is hyper-critical of the Pak team-and this angered me especially when he was CEO at the PCB.

Q. It's the cricket world cup Final, Pakistan versus India. Pakistan are chasing, Inzamam is on strike, and Pak need 3 runs to win from the final delivery. BUT, there is always a but, the woman of your life is offering you a night that you will never forget, and you will have to remove yourself from watching, listening , checking cricinfo, for the final result.
What would you do?

A. I have had 10 years of unforgettable nights with the woman of my life, so for this one-off night…it’s me and Inzi!

Q. How come you’re always been back up moderator and part of the first team?

A. Well on the old Sportsnetwork forums, I was a co-Moderator to help out Saj. That became a more permanent role when we moved over to our new home.

Q. Are you competing with sami for who has the longest hair?

A. I wish!

Q. Fav footie team?

A. Cardiff City/Liverpool

Q. Tea or Coffee?

A. Neither. Have only had 1 cup of coffee in 5 years and that was when I met MIG!!!

Q. Last time you had a cricket net?

A. Probably in 2000. Didn’t react well to the quick stuff; ended up in hospital with my arm in a sling (so we signed him up the following season!)

Q. Your fav poster on PP?

A. There are few actually, but in particular Geordie Ahmad and Toonboy Awaisboy stand out.

Q. Do you know who i am? (asks Kean0)

A. You sound like the ‘mad Scotsman’ who tussled with me in the old Sportsnetwork days (Qazaa?)

Q. How would a separate Wales Cricket team do in international cricket?

A. Not Good! Wales do have a team in the Minor Counties league, using local club cricketers from Wales. Any international class Welsh players (like Simon Jones) will automatically play for England.

Q. Oxy, your favourite non Pakistani cricketer ?

A. Courtney Walsh-just came across as too nice a guy to be a lethal fast bowler! Showed incredible sportsmanship in the 1987 World Cup.

Q. Also, did you play cricket yourself and if so, what standard / Can you please tell us about your club career in the good ol' days

A. Not a high standard I’m afraid! Usually batted at No.3 and then opened for a couple of years; also kept wicket for 2 seasons. Played for quite a few local clubs in South Wales; had trials with Glamorgan at Under 16 level (in the good ‘ol days)

Q. How did it feel to see Pakistan give up without a fight vs India in 2004 when you'd given yourself a chance to watch every ball. Did you feel betrayed?

A. did watch every ball of that series and I was very disappointed in the way Pak capitulated to the Indian team. Would I say that I felt ‘betrayed’? Absolutely not! The team don’t owe me anything, although from a financial point of view, I could say that I had been ‘short-changed’ – its not cheap to follow our team these days.

Q. Recently, a revert from the UK, said to me that he could not understand why kids born in Britain support Pakistani cricket teams - whats your view? Can you see day when your children would put England first in their loyalties ( in cricket ) ?

A. Well we are born into Pakistani households; we speak the language; we eat the food; we are immersed in the culture; we look different; we have funny sounding names – how can we NOT support Pakistan? Also, cricket has been traditionally a middle-class sport in England, played by the public-school children, whereas for us it’s a working-class sport played by all ‘back home’. Hence we identify with Pakistan far more easily.

Can I see the day when my children put their cricketing loyalties in England? If I am honest, I can see them supporting Pakistan, and playing for England…if that makes sense.

Q. Who will be the next coach after BW? Which ex cricketer would you prefer to have this job ( assuming BW does retire at some point or leaves to "spend time with his family" )

A. I would prefer to have a Pakistani coach to succeed BW – but given the politics of our game, it is unlikely that any successor would be able to function effectively in the role.

Aaqib Javed has done a good job in recent years, and doesn’t seem to have the same sort of baggage that Waqar/Wasim carry around with them. Anyone that is interested in a dual media career should not be allowed anywhere near the team in my opinion.

My hope is that BW can groom a successor to take over with a smooth transition, whoever that is!

Q. How far do you think 'freedom' of expression should go?

A. I tend to follow the Chairman Mao/Fidel Cstro school of thought…..

Q. How would you describe your moderation style?

A. It varies according to the context; the user; and my mood. If in doubt…delete/edit it!

Q. What do you look for when you see a new young batsman? What characteristics in particular do you look for? What sets the quality player apart from the rest?

A. Just the the simple things: patience and playing the ball on its merits. A quality batsman tends to see the ball early, thus have more time to play their shot.

Q. You mentioned you 'chose' to not play cricket as a career. Do you feel it was the right move and how far do you think you could have made it had you continued? (Were you talented)

A. My close friends tell me I could have been a good player-but if I am honest, I’m not that ambitious in life.

Q. Your thoughts on Shoaib. Do you feel some on PP went too far in their 'criticism' on Shoaib (and also the praise)? Are you surprised by how well he's bowling and how much do you think is still left in the tank?

A. I am a Shoaib fan, and I have criticized his attitude in the last 2 years, esp during the ‘Jeet lo Dil’ series where I feel he let his country down. I had always hoped he would regain some of his past venom and desire, so I a delighted to see him bowling with pace and passion. How long it lasts remains to be seen though. But he does get unfair criticism on PP.

Q. Do you still think MoYo is the man to take over from Inzi given the seniority etc etc. Or do you feel a year or two would be enough to groom YK for the role?

A. I have been a huge YK fan, and thought that ignorant Pak fans mocked his inclusion into the test team. He is a bubbly, effervescent individual…and a team man. But I think MoYo should have been next in line to take over from Inzi. Age possibly will count against MoYo when Inzi finally retires.

Q. Given that you were quite disappointed by Pakistani test match crowds how does it feel to see them return? What can the PCB do to continue the trend?

A. Well part of my disappointment stems from Faisalabad being denied any games during the ‘Jeet lo Dil’ series in 2004, when we could have guaranteed full houses for every day-which was the case v England last week.

PCB makes ALL its income from the broadcasting rights…they simply do not rely on gate receipts, which is why I would advocated free test tickets for all supporters. Just look what atmosphere does to the home team’s performance.

Q. Any young bowler around the world you feel is one for the future? What makes them stand out?

A. Simon Jones (England). His career has been affected by 2 injuries, but when he is fit, he is fantastic to watch. I believe it was his bowling that ultimately clinched the Ashes, and he can bat. And he’s been reversing it Glamorgan for many years before anyone else could do it in the current Eng set up.

Q. Who are the best three batsmen TODAY in the world and what sets apart each individual?

A. Brian Lara
-Rahul Dravid

-They shoulder responsibility when it comes to batting and they cope with it incredibly well. Take them out of the side, and the team looks far more susceptible to being skittled out for a low score.

Q. I know you are a great supporter of King Viv and that he is difficult to be compared to but who do think has been relatively close in terms of ability?

A. Honestly? No one!

Q. Your thoughts on the future of test cricket over the next couple of years, in particular, which teams will be leading the world? Do you think with Australia in relative decline, England's rise, Pakistan showing signs of change and India with SA possible threats and a few new bowlers beginning to make their mark we might see a period of intense

A. Australian teams are all in decline-just look at their cricket, rugby union and rugby league teams! Perhaps they should pin all their hopes on their football team!

Seriously, I think we will enter a period where 3 or4 teams will be good enough to compete for the top slot, with these teams all capable of beating each other.

Q. Your thoughts on the Pakistan test team. How far have they improved and what is now required to make them more competitive.

A. I am an optimistic fan, tending to look at the positives…and less likely to criticize. They have improved under BW, and providing the openers can see off the new ball, I have faith in the team setting a good score. As long as Shoaib is physically and mentally fit, we will be fine…but we need another quality spinner to give us an edge.

Q. Who would you open with, in England this summer?

A. Salman Butt and either Yasir Hameed/Imran Farhat
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Saj said:
The Oxy Interview

Q. What are your duties as mod apart from threatening to ban people and abusing your power?

A. Unlike all the other Mods/Admin who ensure Pakpassion runs smoothly behind the scenes, I just Mod. That’s all!

Q. What’s better - an Afridi six sent out of the ground or a Shoaib yorker uprooting middle stump?

A. A Shoaib Akhtar yorker does it for me every time!

Q. Have you tried any treatments to cure your balding?

A. Not really. I long accepted that ‘when it’s gone, it’s gone!’

Q. Why are you a mediocre team I am not talking about India (though there have been times when we questioned your loyalties), I am talking about Glamorgan

A. Well it’s my hometown team, and there is nothing embarrassing about supporting your local team-whether they win or lose.. I have a been a member of Glamorgan for most of my life. And for your information, we have been a very successful side, attracting some of the greatest international players to have graced the game! I refer to Javed Miandad, Viv Richards and Majid Khan amongst others.

Q. Whats the toughest decision you've ever had to make?

A. Agreeing to this interview!

Q. How do you find it moderating a forum with a large member of people on the site?

A. It’s an honour to be assisting Saj & Co. The more members the better!

Q. What do you most enjoy by being a mod?

A. The company car and the all-expenses paid trip to Geneva for our monthly Mods meeting

Q. Do you find the job demanding as you have to spend time on the site?

A. Not at all. I could quite happily give up on life and devote myself 24/7 to Pakpassion.

Q. How does it feel to be old, do u wish u were young again with a bit of hair on ur head ?

A. Well I would never want to be 18 again! There are advantages to being old you know!

Q. Where do you see pp in the next decade ?

A. You’ll have to ask the boss that question!

Q. If you were the Pakistani cricket coach (God Forbid) what would be your philosophy and what changes would you make to the team ?

A. Following the successful English model, I would want all my squad to be on central contracts that reward success; be available a certain time before the start of a series i.e. released by their clubs when we say so. Also, each and every squad member would have to be world class athletes i.e. super-fit humans (e.g .no smokers). Players like Danish Kaneria would not play for Pakistan under my regime if he continued to smoke. I would enfore strict curfew times-anyone found breaking the terms of that curfew would be dismissed/sent home from the squad. During a series, no player would be able to give interviews to the media unless sanctioned by the PCB.

I would work closely with the players clubs, and have long advocated specialist batting/bowling coaches for the Pak team.

At the same time-there would be no public criticism of my players from me nor fellow players-it will remain in the dressing room.

Q. What was the happiest moment in your life ?

A. Birth of first child.

Q. Top 5 bowlers of all time ?

A. Michael Holding
Malcolm Marshall
Dennis Lillee
Shane Warne
Waqar Younis

Q. How was it growing up in the 1850's

A. I remember having tea with Queen Victoria as if it were only yesterday!

Q. Would you rather Liverpool win the Premiership (yeah we know its unlikely but this is all fun ) or pakistan win the cricket world cup?

A. That’s an easy one. Pakistan for the World Cup. I went to Pakistan after the 1992 win, and the impact it had on the public was amazing. Sure, I would like to see Liverpool win the Premiership, but I think the antics of overhyped/overpaid footballers is making me lose interest in the game. And besides, Liverpool hold the record for the most championships!

Q. Is it true what they say about welsh ppl and sheep?

A. Yes it is….then you go on to eat them!!!

Q. Oxy - which team do you prefer - Faisalabad or Glamorgan and who would you support if the 2 played each other.

A. That’s a tough one! I’ve never given it any thought before, but I think I would go for Glamorgan when they meet at Sophia Gardens, and Faisalabad when they meet at Iqbal Stadium.

Q. Also, what does Mrs. Oxy think of your time on PP ?

A. I am surprised she is still Mrs Oxy! She is not impressed and cannot understand why anyone would spend so much time on a site like PP and not want to be paid for it! The internet is like her toy to her. She just doesn’t get it!

Q. You are a pretty jovial type of person in real life yet you seem to appear quite serious on PP - any reason for the discrepency ?

A. Well MIG, I hadn’t realized that I came across so seriously – maybe it’s something I will look to address. In real life, what you see is what you get with me.

Q. Who is your favourite all-time player and which young player do you think has what it takes to be a world-class player?

A. All-time batsman: Sir Vivian Richards

All-time bowler: Michael Holding

Youngster: Salman Butt can become a world class batsman one day. He has the makings of it – hopefully the selectors will invest some patience in the lad.

Q. What is your favourite cuisine? Any dishes in particular?

A. I don’t eat red meat at all…so anything with chicken. Preferably Pakistani cuisine, although I do like Italian food.. I love cooking, and do some mean desserts!

I am about 20kg overweight, need to join a gym to help me lose that flab…I just love my food!

Q. Who is your favorite batsmen to watch?

A. Viv Richards, David Gower; Mohd Azharuddin, Jeff Dujon, Mark Waugh.

Q. What are your opinions on Inzi's captaincy?

A. I have always said that Inzi is Pakistan’s ‘relectunt captain’. By that I mean he almost fell into it by default in 2003. He never actively sought out the captaincy. It just happened to come his way. He is not a natural captain and he’s not ruthless enough as an individual. He is the ‘nice guy’…and that’s what I like about him and I wouldn’t change anything about the way he captains-especially if it was to affect his batting.

Q. Oxy- how did u come up with the name oxy?

A. I was cooking some food one day, when I burnt the frying pan and the cooker-my wife handed me this tub of cleaner called ‘Oxy Clean’…..and clean I did.

Q. Pakistan are 1-0 up and face an England team intent on winning the last game to salvage some pride in this series. You have the chance of transporting yourself into the body of a Pakistan player for the last test. Who would that player be and why?

A. Mohammad Sami. Why?
Because I am NOT a fan of his. He hasn’t done anything for 2 years, yet is still playing for his country. Once inside his body, I will get a better understanding of exactly what it is he does to command a place in the team-and if possible, I’ll try to wake him up - I may even try to bowl a few straight balls!!!

Q. Also, your opinion on Rameez Raja the player and the commentator?

a. I never liked Rameez Raja as a player. I thought he was overated and retained his place through his connections. His century v the Windies in the 1992 World Cup (in a losing cause) was one of the worst innings I had ever seen.

His commentary is even worse. Just because he speaks good English doesn’t mean he is a good commentator! He talks utter garbage; and is hyper-critical of the Pak team-and this angered me especially when he was CEO at the PCB.

Q. It's the cricket world cup Final, Pakistan versus India. Pakistan are chasing, Inzamam is on strike, and Pak need 3 runs to win from the final delivery. BUT, there is always a but, the woman of your life is offering you a night that you will never forget, and you will have to remove yourself from watching, listening , checking cricinfo, for the final result.
What would you do?

A. I have had 10 years of unforgettable nights with the woman of my life, so for this one-off night…it’s me and Inzi!

Q. How come you’re always been back up moderator and part of the first team?

A. Well on the old Sportsnetwork forums, I was a co-Moderator to help out Saj. That became a more permanent role when we moved over to our new home.

Q. Are you competing with sami for who has the longest hair?

A. I wish!

Q. Fav footie team?

A. Cardiff City/Liverpool

Q. Tea or Coffee?

A. Neither. Have only had 1 cup of coffee in 5 years and that was when I met MIG!!!

Q. Last time you had a cricket net?

A. Probably in 2000. Didn’t react well to the quick stuff; ended up in hospital with my arm in a sling (so we signed him up the following season!)

Q. Your fav poster on PP?

A. There are few actually, but in particular Geordie Ahmad and Toonboy Awaisboy stand out.

Q. Do you know who i am? (asks Kean0)

A. You sound like the ‘mad Scotsman’ who tussled with me in the old Sportsnetwork days (Qazaa?)

Q. How would a separate Wales Cricket team do in international cricket?

A. Not Good! Wales do have a team in the Minor Counties league, using local club cricketers from Wales. Any international class Welsh players (like Simon Jones) will automatically play for England.

Q. Oxy, your favourite non Pakistani cricketer ?

A. Courtney Walsh-just came across as too nice a guy to be a lethal fast bowler! Showed incredible sportsmanship in the 1987 World Cup.

Q. Also, did you play cricket yourself and if so, what standard / Can you please tell us about your club career in the good ol' days

A. Not a high standard I’m afraid! Usually batted at No.3 and then opened for a couple of years; also kept wicket for 2 seasons. Played for quite a few local clubs in South Wales; had trials with Glamorgan at Under 16 level (in the good ‘ol days)

Q. How did it feel to see Pakistan give up without a fight vs India in 2004 when you'd given yourself a chance to watch every ball. Did you feel betrayed?

A. did watch every ball of that series and I was very disappointed in the way Pak capitulated to the Indian team. Would I say that I felt ‘betrayed’? Absolutely not! The team don’t owe me anything, although from a financial point of view, I could say that I had been ‘short-changed’ – its not cheap to follow our team these days.

Q. Recently, a revert from the UK, said to me that he could not understand why kids born in Britain support Pakistani cricket teams - whats your view? Can you see day when your children would put England first in their loyalties ( in cricket ) ?

A. Well we are born into Pakistani households; we speak the language; we eat the food; we are immersed in the culture; we look different; we have funny sounding names – how can we NOT support Pakistan? Also, cricket has been traditionally a middle-class sport in England, played by the public-school children, whereas for us it’s a working-class sport played by all ‘back home’. Hence we identify with Pakistan far more easily.

Can I see the day when my children put their cricketing loyalties in England? If I am honest, I can see them supporting Pakistan, and playing for England…if that makes sense.

Q. Who will be the next coach after BW? Which ex cricketer would you prefer to have this job ( assuming BW does retire at some point or leaves to "spend time with his family" )

A. I would prefer to have a Pakistani coach to succeed BW – but given the politics of our game, it is unlikely that any successor would be able to function effectively in the role.

Aaqib Javed has done a good job in recent years, and doesn’t seem to have the same sort of baggage that Waqar/Wasim carry around with them. Anyone that is interested in a dual media career should not be allowed anywhere near the team in my opinion.

My hope is that BW can groom a successor to take over with a smooth transition, whoever that is!

Q. How far do you think 'freedom' of expression should go?

A. I tend to follow the Chairman Mao/Fidel Cstro school of thought…..

Q. How would you describe your moderation style?

A. It varies according to the context; the user; and my mood. If in doubt…delete/edit it!

Q. What do you look for when you see a new young batsman? What characteristics in particular do you look for? What sets the quality player apart from the rest?

A. Just the the simple things: patience and playing the ball on its merits. A quality batsman tends to see the ball early, thus have more time to play their shot.

Q. You mentioned you 'chose' to not play cricket as a career. Do you feel it was the right move and how far do you think you could have made it had you continued? (Were you talented)

A. My close friends tell me I could have been a good player-but if I am honest, I’m not that ambitious in life.

Q. Your thoughts on Shoaib. Do you feel some on PP went too far in their 'criticism' on Shoaib (and also the praise)? Are you surprised by how well he's bowling and how much do you think is still left in the tank?

A. I am a Shoaib fan, and I have criticized his attitude in the last 2 years, esp during the ‘Jeet lo Dil’ series where I feel he let his country down. I had always hoped he would regain some of his past venom and desire, so I a delighted to see him bowling with pace and passion. How long it lasts remains to be seen though. But he does get unfair criticism on PP.

Q. Do you still think MoYo is the man to take over from Inzi given the seniority etc etc. Or do you feel a year or two would be enough to groom YK for the role?

A. I have been a huge YK fan, and thought that ignorant Pak fans mocked his inclusion into the test team. He is a bubbly, effervescent individual…and a team man. But I think MoYo should have been next in line to take over from Inzi. Age possibly will count against MoYo when Inzi finally retires.

Q. Given that you were quite disappointed by Pakistani test match crowds how does it feel to see them return? What can the PCB do to continue the trend?

A. Well part of my disappointment stems from Faisalabad being denied any games during the ‘Jeet lo Dil’ series in 2004, when we could have guaranteed full houses for every day-which was the case v England last week.

PCB makes ALL its income from the broadcasting rights…they simply do not rely on gate receipts, which is why I would advocated free test tickets for all supporters. Just look what atmosphere does to the home team’s performance.

Q. Any young bowler around the world you feel is one for the future? What makes them stand out?

A. Simon Jones (England). His career has been affected by 2 injuries, but when he is fit, he is fantastic to watch. I believe it was his bowling that ultimately clinched the Ashes, and he can bat. And he’s been reversing it Glamorgan for many years before anyone else could do it in the current Eng set up.

Q. Who are the best three batsmen TODAY in the world and what sets apart each individual?

A. Brian Lara
-Rahul Dravid

-They shoulder responsibility when it comes to batting and they cope with it incredibly well. Take them out of the side, and the team looks far more susceptible to being skittled out for a low score.

Q. I know you are a great supporter of King Viv and that he is difficult to be compared to but who do think has been relatively close in terms of ability?

A. Honestly? No one!

Q. Your thoughts on the future of test cricket over the next couple of years, in particular, which teams will be leading the world? Do you think with Australia in relative decline, England's rise, Pakistan showing signs of change and India with SA possible threats and a few new bowlers beginning to make their mark we might see a period of intense

A. Australian teams are all in decline-just look at their cricket, rugby union and rugby league teams! Perhaps they should pin all their hopes on their football team!

Seriously, I think we will enter a period where 3 or4 teams will be good enough to compete for the top slot, with these teams all capable of beating each other.

Q. Your thoughts on the Pakistan test team. How far have they improved and what is now required to make them more competitive.

A. I am an optimistic fan, tending to look at the positives…and less likely to criticize. They have improved under BW, and providing the openers can see off the new ball, I have faith in the team setting a good score. As long as Shoaib is physically and mentally fit, we will be fine…but we need another quality spinner to give us an edge.

Q. Who would you open with, in England this summer?

A. Salman Butt and either Yasir Hameed/Imran Farhat

Q. Pakistan are playing against india in the world cup final and on the other channel liverpool are playing manchester untied in the final of the FA cup which do you watch?