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Modi supporters attack Khalistanis, Kashmiris in London

This is quite interesting and not something I was aware of. How do Sikhs in general view Muslims and Muslim rule of the Indian subcontinent?

I ones I have personally known have a far better opinion of Muslims than the Hindus and the reverse is also true but that might just be a very small minority.

It's not a competition and unlike the Hinduvta warriors on here, I am not the spokesperson for all Sikhs:91:

And don't judge all Hindu's based on the Hinduvta trash that you see on here.

They are a lot of very sensible, non-bigoted Hindu's who have nothing but disgust and contempt for this Modi supporting lot.
It's not a competition and unlike the Hinduvta warriors on here, I am not the spokesperson for all Sikhs:91:

And don't judge all Hindu's based on the Hinduvta trash that you see on here.

They are a lot of very sensible, non-bigoted Hindu's who have nothing but disgust and contempt for this Modi supporting lot.

So those Hindus who have contempt for Modi ji are sensible and non bigoted? LOL. They are the ones who are Pakistan kay yaar and desh kay ghaddar. Self hating, trojan hindus, aasteen-ke-saanp and namak haraam.
The struggle against a common oppressor has a history of uniting different factions.. Read Indian history. :)

Yeah I do recall hearing about a struggle vs an oppressor named Aurangzeb, back in the day by both Sikhs and Hindus....
Yeah I do recall hearing about a struggle vs an oppressor named Aurangzeb, back in the day by both Sikhs and Hindus....
You are preaching to the choir, my friend. I don’t hold all the so called Muslim conquerors of subcontinent in high esteem like some of my compatriots. I also firmly believe we screwed up with East Pakistan.
The point is are indians going to learn from history? Because I’ll honestly tell you the current situation in India is actually good for Pakistan because it is one of divisiveness within minorities of India and the Hindu majority..

Just saying...