Muslim girl refuses to shake hand with German President

If someone is so religious that she refuses to shake a man's hand then what is she doing in a mixed school in the first place surrounded by non-Mahram men? Why not follow the Shariah in its entirety?

If you ask her (or her parents) they would say that they cannot afford private schooling.
and in that case, shria allows mixed schooling.
There are many reasons to not shake ones hand, I won't shake someones hand who has been to the loo and then stepped out without washing his hand.

Am I breaking a law by not shaking his hand?

Society works based on so many unwritten laws.

Hopefully, Germany or any other EU country pass this (and so many other) as a law(s)...(looks like this is the only way these people can be integrated in to society).

on a similar stroke, chess players shake hands at the start of game, and if one extends the hand and other does not shake, then there is a penalty involved. Normally, when there is an animosity between players, no one extends the hand. and in this case no penalty.

lastly, washing hand, in your example, should also be a law.
Interestingly, this story has mainly been reported on sites like Daily Mail (originally) and subsequently on the likes of Breitbart and the desi tabloid itself, ET.

A non-story. The German President won't lose any sleep over it, for sure.

And the claims of the girl wanting to attain fame are laughable - I doubt anybody dreams of being abused in Daily Mail comment sections.

Perhaps she could have gotten the message across prior to this incident in some way, though.
Interestingly, this story has mainly been reported on sites like Daily Mail (originally) and subsequently on the likes of Breitbart and the desi tabloid itself, ET.

A non-story. The German President won't lose any sleep over it, for sure.

And the claims of the girl wanting to attain fame are laughable - I doubt anybody dreams of being abused in Daily Mail comment sections.

Perhaps she could have gotten the message across prior to this incident in some way, though.

Only classless individuals would assume such a thing. How silly.
I guess there is the same level of offence when a Japanese woman is involved.
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Strong woman. Girl power. Well done sister. #Solidarity

Would you have the same sentiments if she went against Islamic conventions?

Would she still be a strong woman?

Would you still stand in solidarity?

Would you still heap her with praise?
No wonder us Muslims are considered strange. Should have shook hands. This is just so extreme honestly.
These are the kind of people that give Islam a bad name. I for one second don't believe that you will be condemned to hell for shaking someone's hand which is a good gesture. Some Muslims make Islam a very strict and unappealing religion hence why us Muslims and our religion is mocked all the time by the West. If you want to follow something as extreme as not shaking someone's hand then please don't come to non Muslim countries.
No wonder us Muslims are considered strange. Should have shook hands. This is just so extreme honestly.

Why should she do anything?

The West is based on civil liberties. She has the right to live her life as she wishes provided she is not harming anyone.

She wasn't rude or discourteous.

Like I mentioned above, would this be an issue if it was a Japanese woman involved?

Now you can question the ideology which leads one to refrain from any physical contact and whether she has truly made an independent decision. But these are questions which most rather stay clear of because the answers make them uncomfortable.
These are the kind of people that give Islam a bad name. I for one second don't believe that you will be condemned to hell for shaking someone's hand which is a good gesture. Some Muslims make Islam a very strict and unappealing religion hence why us Muslims and our religion is mocked all the time by the West. If you want to follow something as extreme as not shaking someone's hand then please don't come to non Muslim countries.

Where would you like to stop with this line of thinking?

Meaning either conform to narrow parochial view or be ostracised?

Will you be just a comfortable when others accuse you of not conforming enough?
An observation. Anglos are the most disrespectful immigrants to other people's customs. They expect the world to cater to them. Never learn local languages, never integrate. Just be loud and egotistical.

Which country have you observed this in?.
It is not arguable for the young girl even.

You want to practice Islam, do it in a country which appreciates such gestures.

If you want to be different, live in a country which appreciates your religion and your beliefs as such.

But if you want to amalgamate in the West, eat with the West, drink with the West, earn tax benefits from the West and get education from the West, and insist that you will still follow tradition of the Arabs, then you are basically a hypocrite.

I doubt the young lady would be willing to give up her life in Germany by moving to Arabia and then getting her way with handshakes.

While I agree the handshake shouldn't have been refused, I also appreciate it as being a personal opinion of mine and not something I'd admonish someone for.

She and/or her family are contributing members of society and add value to Germany just like anyone else.

Plus, where does it stop? Shaking hands? Drinking alcohol? Eating pork? The premise of "To believe and practice the religion a person wants" is decimated if that's the mindset employed by a society.

IMO as long as a citizen doesn't harm someone else or break local laws, he/she should be able to follow their religion as they deem fit.

Eastern societies have long shown an inability to appreciate these rights. The West shouldn't stoop to such lows to win a battle of comparisons.
Why should she do anything?

The West is based on civil liberties. She has the right to live her life as she wishes provided she is not harming anyone.

She wasn't rude or discourteous.

Like I mentioned above, would this be an issue if it was a Japanese woman involved?

Now you can question the ideology which leads one to refrain from any physical contact and whether she has truly made an independent decision. But these are questions which most rather stay clear of because the answers make them uncomfortable.

Maybe not but assuming the scenario is on "integration" and as someone pointed out its in a way pointing superiority of culture over other but then very same country/culture has not withstood time and one has immigrated to Germany ,so should she had refused to shake hand?

I agree though if a Japanese immigrant would had refused to shake hands with head of the state wouldn't had made it news but everything probably depended on how Japan is being perceived "right" now.
If one sees the video rather the headline she actually touched her heart ,imo that was much more respectful but then again everyone has their own opinion.

The court issue is totally unacceptable,contempt of court cannot be allowed.

So Anglos that immigrate to Germany never learn local languages, never integrate. Just be loud and egotistical.

I guess you must be talking about the English, when they immigrate to France and Spain they never learn local languages, never integrate and are loud and egotistical.

Originally Posted by endymion248 An observation. Anglos are the most disrespectful immigrants to other people's customs. They expect the world to cater to them. Never learn local languages, never integrate. Just be loud and egotistical.
So Anglos that immigrate to Germany never learn local languages, never integrate. Just be loud and egotistical.

I guess you must be talking about the English, when they immigrate to France and Spain they never learn local languages, never integrate and are loud and egotistical.

Yes it's mostly the english and the americans, not a lot of new zealanders obviously.
I agree with all except the left hand right hand eating debate because if someone has dominant left hand than indeed Islam allows him to eat and drink with that hard.

Maybe not but assuming the scenario is on "integration" and as someone pointed out its in a way pointing superiority of culture over other but then very same country/culture has not withstood time and one has immigrated to Germany ,so should she had refused to shake hand?

I agree though if a Japanese immigrant would had refused to shake hands with head of the state wouldn't had made it news but everything probably depended on how Japan is being perceived "right" now.

You can't be selective in your appreciation of "western values". The core is the respect of civil liberties and central to that is respecting one's personal space. You can't suddenly abandon that simply because you feel certain people have to go above and beyond simply to "prove" they are worthy. That's fascism.