"My love for cricket has helped me overcome a lot of hurdles" : Matloob Qureshi


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Oct 2, 2004
Born in Multan in 1987, Matloob Qureshi was just 5 years old when a horrible accident near his home resulted in him losing his right arm. Whilst many in his position in Pakistan would have struggled to lead a normal life, let alone take part in sports, Matloob's love for the game of cricket, inspired by his role model Saeed Anwar, pushed him to greater heights. Rising through the ranks via the club cricket route, he played in the 2008 National Disabled Championships, with his big moment coming later on as he was selected for the Pakistan Disabled Cricket team in 2009. He hasn't looked back since. Currently part of the Balochistan team, he is a regular member of the squad for the annual Pentangular Tournament which the team has won three times since its inception in 2010. He was man of the series during the first disabled series between Pakistan and England in 2012 where he scored 113 not out to further demonstrate his batting prowess.

The 26 year old was also the star attraction in the recently concluded series against England in Dubai (2014) and in an exclusive interview with PakPassion.net, he spoke about his disability and his struggle to become a regular member of the Disabled Cricket team, as well as the issues facing Disabled Cricketers from Pakistan.


PakPassion: Tell us about the nature of your disability.

Matloob Qureshi: I lost my right arm at the age of 5 in an unfortunate accident. This happened in Ghalla Mandi in Multan. I clearly recall that I had just come back from school, eaten lunch and was on my way to play in a nearby field. I was hit by a truck whilst walking by a main road. The force of the impact resulted in the dismembering of my right arm, which caused my disability.

PakPassion: This was obviously a traumatic injury and must have caused you tremendous hardship and pain throughout your childhood. How did the interest in cricket come about? Who was your role model?

Matloob Qureshi: Obviously it wasn't an easy journey but I was inspired by my favourite player, Saeed Anwar, who was also my role model and someone who I admire. I would love to meet him one day and thank him! In terms of playing the game, I started to play tape ball cricket at the age of 8 with friends in alleyways around my house. As I grew older and reached the age of 17, I began going to grounds and played proper cricket there with a leather ball.

I played the first national championship for disabled cricketers in 2008 and then in 2009 my name appeared in the Pakistan Disabled team trials and that’s when I was selected. Also, I would like to say that whenever I played with my friends, I did not receive any special treatment. In fact, even now, I usually play club cricket with able-bodied players in Multan where I have scored seven centuries already, which is more than what I have achieved playing as a disabled cricketer where I have just three!

PakPassion: Tell us about the facilities for disabled cricketers in Pakistan. How are they different from what able bodied cricketers can expect when playing?

Matloob Qureshi: I am pleased to say that from my experience, we as disabled cricketers also get all the facilities that normal First-Class cricketers expect such as traveling and lodging arrangements as well as proper sports clothing. On top of that, we also get to play on good grounds like in Karachi as well as at other venues in Pakistan and we also get a lot of good exposure and help from the PCB. For example, just recently, Mr. Subhan Ahmed (COO PCB) attended the 4th Pentangular Championship final as Chief Guest at the Gaddafi Stadium in Lahore which is a matter of great satisfaction for us and we are grateful to him for this.

We also have access to the facilities in Karachi where we play at the Rashid Latif Academy, UBL Complex, NBP Sports Complex Stadium and the National Stadium, where we played the final game of the inaugural edition of the Pentangular Cup in 2010.

PakPassion: You mentioned the Pentangular Cup which has been held for four years and is the premier cricket tournament for Disabled Cricketers. How has your team performed in this tournament?

Matloob Qureshi: This is a very important competition for disabled cricketers and the Balochistan team, whom I play for, has won this cup three times in the past in 2010, 2011 and 2012. Whilst Sindh won the 2013 edition of the tournament, I am proud to say that players from my native Multan have been doing extremely well for Balochistan. Players such as Mehdi Hassan, Jahanzaib Tiwana, Umaiz-ur-Rehman and I have shown very good performances in victories from 2010-2013. Also our coordinator in Multan, Jamil Kamran, who also supervises Bahawalpur, deserves a lot of praise for ensuring that the facilities and guidance available to us are of the highest quality possible.

PakPassion: How do you support yourself financially? Have you completed your education and if so, what level have you attained?

Matloob Qureshi: You are right, we have no contracts or sponsorship that brings us a steady income. You need to make money to feed yourself and that is not available from cricket alone. Thanks to the Almighty, I have a small job at the Auqaf Department (Religious Affairs) which helps me meet my requirements. As far as education is concerned, I am proud to say that I have completed my BA, although I wanted to gain a BSc or even an MSc but I really couldn't devote time as I love playing cricket!

Going back to the topic of employment for disabled cricketers, I would like to say that the Pakistan Disabled Cricket structure is in its infancy and it is like a small plant that will grow and improve slowly over time. So the fact that departments are not hiring us is not a real concern right now. However, I hope that over time, different companies and departments will take interest in our disabled players, so that some of our players can get a job. The future looks bright, and it's our wish that departments will hire us. Right now all we can do is hope for the best.

PakPassion: What is your most memorable match?

Matloob Qureshi: My most memorable match was the 1st ODI in the first ever ODI disability series between Pakistan and England, held in Dubai in 2012. I made 113 not out in that game and this is an innings I will always remember. Even our opponents appreciated that innings and were inspired by my efforts. We won the series 2-1 and I was declared the man of the series from Pakistan which was even more pleasing on a personal level.

PakPassion: What kind of hurdles did you have to overcome to play cricket for Pakistan and what message do you have for disabled people wishing to pursue the sport?

Matloob Qureshi: Beyond the obvious ones of battling with my disability, when I first started playing with the leather ball I found It very difficult. It's not an easy task to middle the ball with one hand and I even broke a few bats in trying to do it! But now I can middle the ball easily regardless of who is bowling to me. I believe in the expression "practice make perfect" and I do practice a lot more than normal guys.

My love for cricket has helped me overcome a lot of hurdles as well as pain, and I have a message for my disabled brothers. It is simply that they shouldn't just sit back and think about their disability. Instead they should work hard and show the world that they can take on any challenge. If you keep thinking about disabilities you'll never be successful in anything. Even if you're physically disabled, be strong mentally and believe in yourself and you can achieve anything!

PakPassion: What kind of support do you get from the PCB and how are they associated with the PDCA (Pakistan Disabled Cricket Association)?

Matloob Qureshi: Yes the PCB obviously helps us as they are the main governing body for cricket in Pakistan. However, the main source of support for disabled cricketers is the PDCA which is associated with the PCB. The PDCA helps in the organisation of various domestic tournaments at national level and looks after about 600 disabled players who play for various clubs around the country. They also formulate laws of the game as disabled cricket is still in its initial years. As far as foreign series are concerned such as the recently concluded one against England, the PCB is responsible for all arrangements of this tournament and they also support us financially.

PakPassion: What is the league structure for disabled cricketers in Pakistan?

Matloob Qureshi: We have a domestic structure but it cannot be classed as a league. We have 12 teams representing 12 different regions, who play for a championship. Then, all the best performers from the championship are selected for the Pentangular Cup. Top performers from the Pentangular Cup are then ultimately selected for Pakistan and this is exactly the same route I have taken to be part of the national Disabled team. I performed well in the National Disabled ODI Championships and then the Pentangular Cup, and then I made it to the National Team.

PakPassion: What steps would you like the government to take to encourage disabled people to play cricket?

Matloob Qureshi: The Government definitely needs to appreciate the amazing work our association, PDCA is doing and help them with more funding so that they can do even more for disabled cricket in Pakistan. Our players need to earn money to feed themselves and their families so at the very least, they need to be provided with jobs. I have said before that we get good facilities at the national level but they really don't compare with what players from other countries have.

For example there was a huge difference in equipment used by the England Disabled Team and what we use. We saw this during their recent visit to play the T20I and ODI series against us in Dubai. I have to say that, although their equipment was way better than ours, talent-wise our team was on a different level and that is something to be proud of.

PakPassion: What was your impression of the recently concluded series against England? Which England players impressed you?

Matloob Qureshi: It went really well for us. We won the series in both formats with a 2-1 margin. It was a total team effort and everybody performed very well, but I will say that some boys such as Hasnain Alam, Jahanzaib Tiwana, Rao Javed and Danish Ali were outstanding. As far as England are concerned, players such as Leon Thomas, Colin Flynn are very good players and above all, I've also become good friends with them.

PakPassion: How important are such tours/series for developing general interest in the activities of disabled cricketers?

Matloob Qureshi: Participating in such series is important for the promotion of our cricket. Hopefully more of our disabled cricketers will be encouraged to take part if they see us winning series like we just did against England. This will also send a clear message to the whole world to show them the amount of effort and hard work our disabled team is putting in. I believe that by taking part in such games we can really make this game popular amongst our people.

PakPassion: Many thanks for your time Matloob. Finally, what message do you have for the people of Pakistan?

Matloob Qureshi: Thank you very much for speaking to me. All I will ask and request the people of Pakistan is to pray for our success and to help us where they can to attain even higher goals.
All I can say is that it was indeed an honour to have spoken to this young man.
His inspiration is Saeed Anwar, and that allowed him to achieve his dreams. Makes me wonder what message we will be sending out to youngsters when we keep selecting players on non-merit basis and let match-fixers back into our folds.
Sensational a stuff !

I'd love to meet this man one day and let him know I'm a massive fan of his after reading this article. Goes to show nothing can stop you if you work hard and trust in Allah
A wonderful interview. Quite an inspirational guy, is Matloob Qureshi.

I hope he gets to meet Saeed Anwar one day, soon that is.

"Also, I would like to say that whenever I played with my friends, I did not receive any special treatment. In fact, even now, I usually play club cricket with able-bodied players in Multan where I have scored seven centuries already, which is more than what I have achieved playing as a disabled cricketer where I have just three!"

Wow! The above bit from his interview was quite astonishing to read.
I said to the guys as soon as I saw this man's picture we have to interview him.

I'm so glad we did - what an inspiration and brave man he is.
Wow! Just goes to show anything can be achieved, very inspirational.

Really hope and (pray) he gets to meet the legend Saeed Anwar soon.
a remarkable human being with a remarkable story, really inspirational stuff and a wonderful interview.

they can always do more but it looks like the PCB are doing a good job taking care of them here.

and kudos to the PP team for this interview, always going the extra yard for Pakistan cricket, hats off guys.
It was a motivation seeing these guys play, tells you nothing is impossible.

Matloob even has a couple of hundreds to his name. What a remarkable achievement
The man is inspirational.

The blind and disabled team should been given more media coverage.
Speechless!! Class interview! Keep it up PP. Wish you all the best Matloob Sahib :).
Best wishes for the future for Matloob.

I just hope the PCB support these players more than what they are at the moment.
There was so much determination in his voice - incredible really.
One of the most inspirational interviews we have done on PP - Well done to Matloob
[Video] Meet Matloob Qureshi lost his arm in accident but still scoring centuries in cricket

Speechless no words to describe. Someone please show this video to Pakistani batsmen

<iframe frameborder="0" width="480" height="270" src="//www.dailymotion.com/embed/video/x11uxr0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Respect and Respect and a lot of respect... I am just out of words.
A disabled pacer from Pakistan

<iframe frameborder="0" width="480" height="270" src="//www.dailymotion.com/embed/video/x125z1l" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Time to remind ourselves of the achievements of this courageous young man
A reminder of what one can achieve if they have the passion for anything in life!
this is one of the best interview from pakpassion team. best wishes for matloob you are inspiration for others .
He is batting right now for Multan match is live on Geo Super. Multan vs Hyderabad
No offense to him he is marvelous but is this cricket for disabled. ..seems other guys are limping as well.

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Farhan Saeed's picture which has been used to promote cricket and which can be seen at Lord's <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Cricket?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Cricket</a> <a href="https://t.co/P1HTQWtftF">pic.twitter.com/P1HTQWtftF</a></p>— Saj Sadiq (@Saj_PakPassion) <a href="https://twitter.com/Saj_PakPassion/status/940928684600561664?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 13, 2017</a></blockquote>
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