My New Spartan CG Authority


Tape Ball Regular
Feb 3, 2012



Balance is okay, Ping is above average.....
Willow looks good, but remember its bleached.....
They claim that its grade a willow, but then i dont know why they've bleached grade a willow....any how......the handle is not the best, the threading done on it isn't glued at really cheap, the stickers are the cheapest ones out there....the toe guard came off by it self so it was 3rd class as well..........
On the whole, an avg bat....but a very high price......
MS looks much better than what cricketstore online had ... I have new bat coming as well... so wait for my review...
MS looks much better than what cricketstore online had ... I have new bat coming as well... so wait for my review...

yes, looks much better than the one in jasons video review.

oh thats cool......which one you gonna get man?
First off tell me more about this "Willow bleaching" you speak of, all I see is a G1 cleft. 9 straight grains. even-ish spacing. Is there a poly layer with the grains painted on? That I can't see?

What are you talking about with regards to glued twine on the bat handle? Its personal preference, plenty of top makers don't glue. You seriously have no clue if you are judging the bat this way. My current match bat does not have any glue on the twine and it even has gaps in spots that move around. The handle looks crudely laminated but: 1. no glue makes it lighter 2. more flex for improved performance 3. More friction to reduce grip moving up or down the handle. This bat has the least attractive handle setup of all the bats I own but I would put it up against any bat, it plays like a NASA powered Saturn 5 rocket!

You say "above average ping" what more do you want?
You do realise Spartan is a marketing company more than a manufacturing company right? You are paying a premium for all the athletes who endorse them. Don't complain about price.
First off tell me more about this "Willow bleaching" you speak of, all I see is a G1 cleft. 9 straight grains. even-ish spacing. Is there a poly layer with the grains painted on? That I can't see?

What are you talking about with regards to glued twine on the bat handle? Its personal preference, plenty of top makers don't glue. You seriously have no clue if you are judging the bat this way. My current match bat does not have any glue on the twine and it even has gaps in spots that move around. The handle looks crudely laminated but: 1. no glue makes it lighter 2. more flex for improved performance 3. More friction to reduce grip moving up or down the handle. This bat has the least attractive handle setup of all the bats I own but I would put it up against any bat, it plays like a NASA powered Saturn 5 rocket!

You say "above average ping" what more do you want?
You do realise Spartan is a marketing company more than a manufacturing company right? You are paying a premium for all the athletes who endorse them. Don't complain about price.

Yes, but you pay twice the amount for what it is actually worth. For the same price I'm sure you could buy a better bat.
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Looks terrific. Beautiful edges.
Don't know the why the FAKE word is drifting through the air.
First off tell me more about this "Willow bleaching" you speak of, all I see is a G1 cleft. 9 straight grains. even-ish spacing. Is there a poly layer with the grains painted on? That I can't see?

What are you talking about with regards to glued twine on the bat handle? Its personal preference, plenty of top makers don't glue. You seriously have no clue if you are judging the bat this way. My current match bat does not have any glue on the twine and it even has gaps in spots that move around. The handle looks crudely laminated but: 1. no glue makes it lighter 2. more flex for improved performance 3. More friction to reduce grip moving up or down the handle. This bat has the least attractive handle setup of all the bats I own but I would put it up against any bat, it plays like a NASA powered Saturn 5 rocket!

You say "above average ping" what more do you want?
You do realise Spartan is a marketing company more than a manufacturing company right? You are paying a premium for all the athletes who endorse them. Don't complain about price.

I think he's got a right to complain about price if he's paid for it . You haven't bought the bat so you don't know of its quality as such so it's easy for you to just say don't complain .
I think he's got a right to complain about price if he's paid for it . You haven't bought the bat so you don't know of its quality as such so it's easy for you to just say don't complain .

Exactly, he paid for it and didn't like it. It's his bat and I am sure he is allowed to have an opinion. The poster you quoted just had a random rant with nothing of any substance.
i never said it's a bad bat....i said it's an avg bat....

but if you gonna say its a stand out bat, then what about gn legends? powerbows? ca plus 15000? trd 12000? screaming cats? millichamp and hall ampluses? salixz? newberryz? ss tonz?

and guys plz relax, i love Gayle as well.......lolz.

and as some bothers said its a good bat, i mean they didn't keep in mind the cost of the bat, then i'd be selling the bat for $'s a good bat guys, get it from me! lolzzz
Exactly, he paid for it and didn't like it. It's his bat and I am sure he is allowed to have an opinion. The poster you quoted just had a random rant with nothing of any substance.

So tell us then, how do you tell if the willow was bleached? What grade would you put on the bat if not G1? Why is gluing the twine on the handle so important? Why is he complaining about price? if it was your only bat and you over paid maybe but this guy is spending thousands on bats, clearly money isn't that important.
Was this imported from Pakistan?

Apparently there's lots of fakes out there at the moment and the only genuine place you can buy Spartans is in Australia.
So tell us then, how do you tell if the willow was bleached? What grade would you put on the bat if not G1? Why is gluing the twine on the handle so important? Why is he complaining about price? if it was your only bat and you over paid maybe but this guy is spending thousands on bats, clearly money isn't that important.

okay, the willow isn't bleached, its grade 1++.....glued twine isn't important for you.....its suggested retail by its manufacturers is $500, get it for $400 from me. :)

and you asked how do i know if the bat is bleached, pay me the amount that i paid for the bat, i will washout the willow, if it comes out as it wasn't bleached i will pay you the double of what you had paid me. :D

If a CA or any other branded bat has 3rd class stickers, 3rd class toe guard, unglued twine, then its said to be a fake no matter if it has 10 grains and even pings better than the original ones!
okay, the willow isn't bleached, its grade 1++.....glued twine isn't important for you.....its suggested retail by its manufacturers is $500, get it for $400 from me. :)

and you asked how do i know if the bat is bleached, pay me the amount that i paid for the bat, i will washout the willow, if it comes out as it wasn't bleached i will pay you the double of what you had paid me. :D

If a CA or any other branded bat has 3rd class stickers, 3rd class toe guard, unglued twine, then its said to be a fake no matter if it has 10 grains and even pings better than the original ones!

good one Sarmad.....
Sarmad you just talk smack.

If you seriously think its a fake and were ripped off take it back to where you bought it from.

All I read in your posts is you dissing Spartan bats, personally I dislike the company but from all the information available, the bat you photographed is a G1 bat. I can't fault it, especially because of your "better than average ping" comment. Funny thing about the internet "Freedom of Speech"

I know a lot of first class players and coaches, spoken to plenty of bat makers, retailers, reps and I have never had some tell me a bat was bleached that didn't look like it was meant for tape ball.

All I asked was what "factors" led you to believe the willow was bleached? Does it smell of bleach? does it ping differently where the heartwood would be? does it not accept oil well? does it have non uniform weight? You couldn't even answer any of those questions instead you start trying to negotiate or make some wager with me. I honestly could care less how much you spent on this bat.

You have bought how many bats in the last two months? 13 bats? Are you serious? Its a well known analogy here that someone who has that much kit isn't much of a player. You can only be buying so many bats for appearances, you can't honestly say you need them all to play. As such I would suggest you have an inferiority complex where you need to show off to others in order to merit your own self worth, and for that I pity you.
Allah needs to bless him with a few bats as he doesn't seem to be too happy about you getting so many LOL

forget about him bro.....
will post better pics of the spartan tomorrow inshallah, and will post about MH as well......
I am not sure who came up with color's on this bat...a blind person? its so annoying to my eyes ...cannot stand watching this bat let alone playing with it. Jason is selling this bat for 299 because he is selling a replica and not the original bat that is made in India. It is stated clearly when you try to order it.
Have to say Sarmad this the worst bat in your collection.

All the others are much more better looking and maybe even better performing than this.

Anyways best of luck with it!
For 25k pkr it is not even genuine bat. That's only 275 dollars. What you have is a replica bat made by Ihsan. Below directly from Spartan website:

*** Fake Bats ***
Wednesday, 20 June 2012 5:56:02 PM Australia/Sydney


Please be aware that there a number of fake copies of our bats being sold around the internet.

Spartan has no deals in place with any international resellers, so anything being sold online outside of Australian or NZ online stores are fake.

Bats can be purchased from the stores below:[cat1]=-1&Variable[cat2]=-1&Variable[cat3]=-1

Please report any fakes you see to
saw a spartan today (melbourne).

THe above is def a fake!

the original has different profile (higher spine)
think that Spartan arent going to be happy! lol

As I said the shape of the bat that I saw in AU was different so Spartan might be getting these made from India as well as Pak. Spartan is originally an Indian company.

Anyone seen these new Spartans in India?
okay, here is what happened.

Spartan were getting only Kashmir willow bats made from Ihsan and english willow from a big company (cant say their name) in India.

Ihsan or their worker used the kashmir willow stickers on english willow bats and sold them as SPARTAN english willow bats. lol
okay, here is what happened.

Spartan were getting only Kashmir willow bats made from Ihsan and english willow from a big company (cant say their name) in India.

Ihsan or their worker used the kashmir willow stickers on english willow bats and sold them as SPARTAN english willow bats. lol
that's what Spartan claims, but has anyone heard to Ihsan? What do they say? That's gonna be interesting for sure.
Yes i m tryin to get one from aus... hopefully will get it in a couple of weeks and will let you know then!

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