Name the most disgusting and awful politican in the history of Pakistan

The Bald Eagle

Super Moderator
Staff member
Nov 25, 2023
Pakistan politicans are just laughing stock for anyone. Some act like Aristotle and some are even not ashamed to show their inner beast. From Governor General Ghulam Mohammad to current lot. Name any politican from past and current era that you dislike the most. Also if possible then describe the reason for that too.

Plz don't be abusive or expletive here.
if we talk about the history so nobody can beat our cringe PM Shahbaz Sharif.
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I would like to say Maryam Aurangzeb. SHe is one of the most toxic characters in the whole political system.
Shouldn't you be considering the first dictator - Ayub Khan? He was the one who set Pakistan down such a dark path toward authoritarianism and military rule that after 65 years it's tough to see the country ever come out of it without major bloodshed.
Asif Zardari. The biggest fraudster ever no doubt about it. He would murder his mother for money like he did his wife.