New Zealand to ban cigarettes for future generations


ODI Debutant
Jul 30, 2012
New Zealand will ban the sale of tobacco to its next generation, in a bid to eventually phase out smoking.

Anyone born after 2008 will not be able to buy cigarettes or tobacco products in their lifetime, under a law expected to be enacted next year.
"We want to make sure young people never start smoking," Health Minister Dr Ayesha Verall said.

The move is part of a sweeping crackdown on smoking announced by New Zealand's health ministry on Thursday.

Doctors and other health experts in the country have welcomed the "world-leading" reforms, which will reduce access to tobacco and restrict nicotine levels in cigarettes.

"It will help people quit or switch to less harmful products, and make it much less likely that young people get addicted to nicotine," said Prof Janet Hook from the University of Otago.

The crackdown has been met with mixed reactions.

"I reckon it's a good move, really," one man told Reuters news agency. "Because right now there's a lot of young kids walking around with smokes in their mouth. Public are asking how they're getting these smokes.

"And it's also good for myself too because I can save more money."

However, others have warned that the move may create a black market for tobacco - something the health ministry's official impact statement does acknowledge, noting "customs will need more resource to enforce border control".

"This is all 100% theory and 0% substance," Sunny Kaushal, chairman of the Dairy and Business Owners Group, a lobby group for local convenience stores, told New Zealand's Stuff news site. "There's going to be a crime wave. Gangs and criminals will fill the gap".

New Zealand is determined to achieve a national goal of reducing its national smoking rate to 5% by 2025, with the aim of eventually eliminating it altogether.

At the moment, 13% of New Zealand's adults smoke, with the rate much higher among the indigenous Maori population, where it soars to almost a third. Maori also suffer a higher rate of disease and death.

New Zealand's health ministry says smoking causes one in four cancers and remains the leading cause of preventable death for its five million strong population. The industry has been the target of legislators for more than a decade now.

As part of the crackdown announced on Thursday, the government also introduced major tobacco controls, including significantly restricting where cigarettes can be sold to remove them from supermarkets and corner stores.

The number of shops authorised to sell cigarettes will be drastically reduced to under 500 from about 8,000 now, officials say.
In recent years, vaping - smoking e-cigarettes which produce a vapour that also delivers nicotine - has become far more popular among younger generations than cigarettes.

New Zealand health authorities warn however, that vaping is not harmless. Researchers have found hazardous, cancer-causing agents in e-cigarette liquids as well.

But in 2017 the country adopted vaping as a pathway to help smokers quit tobacco.
Good decision. It will have many critics though.
Oh and before anyone of you come back with the ‘smoking is unhealthy’ malarky, may I remind you Alcohol kills as many if not more - so why not ban alcohol for the next generation?
Oh and before anyone of you come back with the ‘smoking is unhealthy’ malarky, may I remind you Alcohol kills as many if not more - so why not ban alcohol for the next generation?

Hard to fathom what your issue might be with banning one of the biggest causes or preventable death? They didn’t ban alcohol, so got 1 out of 2 right. Isn’t that better than nothing?

Sounds like you’d rather cigarettes be available than not?
Do I personally agree with this move? Unsure. But it is a leading move from New Zealand. This is probably the way that all western/anglosphere countries will eventually go.
If cigarettes is bad for health there are other things also which are bad , they should ban them as well.
Hard to fathom what your issue might be with banning one of the biggest causes or preventable death? They didn’t ban alcohol, so got 1 out of 2 right. Isn’t that better than nothing?

Sounds like you’d rather cigarettes be available than not?

You didn't answer my point, why? You don't smoke but drink?

Let me answer for you, taxation. Don't fall for the health excuse.
The thing is in the recent 2020 election, there was a referendum to make marijuana legal, and more people voted yes for this. I was confused on why they had this referendum despite having the aim to ban cigarettes.
I don't know how to feel about this..

I’m torn between “authoritarian politicians encroaching on citizen’s personal freedoms” and “a very good public health measure” !

But it is not my country. It’s up to the people of NZ and their representatives to decide what to do.
I’m torn between “authoritarian politicians encroaching on citizen’s personal freedoms” and “a very good public health measure” !

But it is not my country. It’s up to the people of NZ and their representatives to decide what to do.

I don't like the idea of the state dictating the citizens what to do and what not to do in a democracy. I get the argument that cigarettes are hazardous to health and therefore there's a good argument for the state to ban their sale like they do with drugs in most countries. But then again, it looks hypocritical for them to ban cigarettes but not alcohol.
Oh and before anyone of you come back with the ‘smoking is unhealthy’ malarky, may I remind you Alcohol kills as many if not more - so why not ban alcohol for the next generation?

If they are going to go down this road, then really they should.
This will simply increase the crime rate as people will look to make money like cartels do

Stupid move even tho I don't smoke myself.
Anyone who believes that such bans will work is naiive beyond the point of stupidity.
The cigarette supply in NZ will simply go underground and the mafia will make merry.

Silly and pointless move.
As en ex smoker who struggled for 30 years to give up I know how addictive nicotine is.
They say its as addictive as herione and I can believe that...

When you actually think about it, you realise how absurd it that in the 21st Century anyone over the age of 18 (used to be 16 in the UK) can buy something that gets you addicted to it so quickly and is so harmful for you.

But is it the right move? As others have alluded, how does this impact on people's freedom of choice and if they are going to ban Cigarettes then where do you stop? Alcohol, although not as addictive, causes the same if not more destruction then smoking cigarettes does. How many people under the influence of alcohol have caused death to others? Either by driving or by committing murder because they couldn't think straight? What else are we going to ban?

It's a difficult one
Five-eye Freedom ladies and gentlemen.

The new face of facism.

:)) hilarious to see smokers annoyed by this.

Great decision. Smoking is one of the most disgusting habits and alot of people not only ruin tehir health but the people around them too.
Anyone who believes that such bans will work is naiive beyond the point of stupidity.
The cigarette supply in NZ will simply go underground and the mafia will make merry.

Silly and pointless move.

Mafia should be dealt with harshly then. Issue is countries are way too soft with criminals.
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It is extremely difficult to quit smoking because of two reasons: nicotine is extremely addicting and the experience of smoking becomes a habit in itself.

This is why other sources of nicotine - patches, gums etc. do not usually work because it cannot replicate the experience and the joy of lighting up a cigarette.

Smokers need the process of smoking as much they need nicotine.

I don’t know how I feel about this to be honest. I am not a regular smoker but I do have the urge and the need to light one up every now and then.
:)) hilarious to see smokers annoyed by this.

Great decision. Smoking is one of the most disgusting habits and alot of people not only ruin tehir health but the people around them too.

I'm not a smoker.

Alcohol also ruins lives of people around drunks. Drink and drive deaths, socially too (domestic violence).

So why not ban alcohol too?

Come back when you have an answer.
Alcohol causes more harm. No one gets inebriated with smoking cigarettes whereas Alcohol plays part in domestic violence in Anglo societies as well.
But NZ will never ban alcohol as it is considered part of their "culture".
Pretty ridiculous move. Australia is somewhat similar in a sense that cigarettes are extremely expensive there and they plan to increase prices further.
Anyone who believes that such bans will work is naiive beyond the point of stupidity.
The cigarette supply in NZ will simply go underground and the mafia will make merry.

Silly and pointless move.

Nah it will work effectively. NZ is an Island and they control their borders. Laws and Systems are pretty strong and majority follows rules. Off course few small gangs will try to run an underground market, but wil be caught. NZ/Australia/Singapore are Nanny and Surveillance states.
Do you know Federal Police in these countries can check your messages/telecommunication in the name of security and they have weakened and diluted the privacy laws.

Read up this case They spied on a criminal but without any warrant and this could not be pulled in Europe/USA due to stronger privacy laws.
It is extremely difficult to quit smoking because of two reasons: nicotine is extremely addicting and the experience of smoking becomes a habit in itself.

This is why other sources of nicotine - patches, gums etc. do not usually work because it cannot replicate the experience and the joy of lighting up a cigarette.

Smokers need the process of smoking as much they need nicotine.

I don’t know how I feel about this to be honest. I am not a regular smoker but I do have the urge and the need to light one up every now and then.

I agree with your views on this.

I am an ex smoker, smoked daily for 8 years, but gave up when I was 23. A long time ago now.

I still enjoy the luxury though… I have 3 cigars a year. Birthday, Christmas, and New Year.
I agree with your views on this.

I am an ex smoker, smoked daily for 8 years, but gave up when I was 23. A long time ago now.

I still enjoy the luxury though… I have 3 cigars a year. Birthday, Christmas, and New Year.

You started smoking at 15?
I agree with your views on this.

I am an ex smoker, smoked daily for 8 years, but gave up when I was 23. A long time ago now.

I still enjoy the luxury though… I have 3 cigars a year. Birthday, Christmas, and New Year.

I am an ex smoker too. Quitting cigarette was one of the toughest thing I have witnessed. But finally I could manage to do it cold turkey. I can proudly say to have not touched a cigarrete since 31 Dec 2020 11.59pm.

Its just a habbit and a very bad one at that. Earlier I needed a ciggy with morning coffee, post lunch, post dinner, while drinking. Heck even I needed to cigarette in my lips to think about how to quit smoking...haha. Its one of the worst addictions and hopefully I can stay cold turkey for rest of my life.
I started smoking at 14-15. Looking back im not really sure how or why.

The 'cool' factor around smoking has been hit hard by the smoking ban. When I was younger all the 'cool' kids, movie stars, actors etc all smoked.

Now its pretty uncool and people have to stand in the rain miles away from pubs and bars to light up.

Vaping has made the delivery of nicotine much safer and much more enjoyable. I quit smoking many years ago and quit vaping too. There are literally 0 benefits to cigarette smoking and it no loss to anyone bar tobacco factories that its banned.

Its a great step from the NZ government and if it stops people from picking up a habit with zero benefits but many downsides then it gets the thumbs up from me.
Opposed to this. I have never smoked but free societies should enable citizens to make informed choices rather than governments making the choice for citizens, and I say that as a progressive who believes in government intervention.

The problem with the public health argument is then why not ban fast food given the amount of people who die every year from high cholesterol, hypertension, heart attacks etc. Why not ban alcohol ?

If it's about stopping addictions, then why do we allow the over-the-counter sale of opiate painkillers like co-codamol ? How far along this road do we travel ?

Tax and regulate is my preference to outright bans.
Oh and before anyone of you come back with the ‘smoking is unhealthy’ malarky, may I remind you Alcohol kills as many if not more - so why not ban alcohol for the next generation?


But Ardern loves a glass of wine or a large sherry but Im guessing doesn't smoke.

Western so called liberals are arguably the most idiotic group. Booze is legal, advertised all over the place, yet they want to ban smoking and cannabis lol.

I smoke when I want and not when I don't want. Ive never felt addicted, prob because I have been fasting since a child every Ramadan. Will power is enough to stop smoking.
why should tax payer money be used to stop people smoking, why does a government have to tell people not to light up. ive never met someone aggressive or antisocial due to cigarettes, if u smoke privately and away from others u arent harming anyone else.

if u really want a fair system, have health MOTs and rescind peoples health cover for not following doctors advice regarding exercise, diet, drinking and smoking. have a holistic approach to health, but everyone would be up in arms about that cos it means the majority would be held accountable for their behaviour.

im willing to bet smokers are a minority in NZ, at least small enough to not matter to voters. everyone should have the right to harm themselves without government interference, if the gov is willing to pick the tab for over eaters, over drinkers, then why single out smokers.

me personally, i dont like cigarettes, i enjoy the occasional cigar, and smoke shisha socially a few times a month. make of that what u will.
why should tax payer money be used to stop people smoking, why does a government have to tell people not to light up. ive never met someone aggressive or antisocial due to cigarettes, if u smoke privately and away from others u arent harming anyone else.

if u really want a fair system, have health MOTs and rescind peoples health cover for not following doctors advice regarding exercise, diet, drinking and smoking. have a holistic approach to health, but everyone would be up in arms about that cos it means the majority would be held accountable for their behaviour.

im willing to bet smokers are a minority in NZ, at least small enough to not matter to voters. everyone should have the right to harm themselves without government interference, if the gov is willing to pick the tab for over eaters, over drinkers, then why single out smokers.

me personally, i dont like cigarettes, i enjoy the occasional cigar, and smoke shisha socially a few times a month. make of that what u will.

Critical illness plans/health insurance do ask if you smoke, and if you do the premiums are almost double.
Opposed to this. I have never smoked but free societies should enable citizens to make informed choices rather than governments making the choice for citizens, and I say that as a progressive who believes in government intervention.

The problem with the public health argument is then why not ban fast food given the amount of people who die every year from high cholesterol, hypertension, heart attacks etc. Why not ban alcohol ?

If it's about stopping addictions, then why do we allow the over-the-counter sale of opiate painkillers like co-codamol ? How far along this road do we travel ?

Tax and regulate is my preference to outright bans.

Governments already enforce public health via food standards agencies and ensuring that food products meet a certain standard without impacting public health. Certain additives are banned from food items and manufacturers have to seek alternatives when developing products.

This case is similar. NZ have not banned nicotine, just a harmful form of nicotine delivery that does not meet acceptable health standards.
Governments already enforce public health via food standards agencies and ensuring that food products meet a certain standard without impacting public health. Certain additives are banned from food items and manufacturers have to seek alternatives when developing products.

This case is similar. NZ have not banned nicotine, just a harmful form of nicotine delivery that does not meet acceptable health standards.

Not what Ive read.

They want to stop anyone under 14 to be banned from buying cigarettes.

Age limit to increase year by year until 2025 to end smoking in NZ.

Alcohol costs more in deaths. You can be killed by a drink driver, you cant be a driver under the influence of tobacco. Its a stupid move.
Critical illness plans/health insurance do ask if you smoke, and if you do the premiums are almost double.

you missed my point, the cost of such programs is usually justified by the saving the health service makes in not treating substance caused illnesses. if modifying citizen behaviour to be healthier and less of a burden on the healthcare system is the paramount concern access to universal health care should be predicated on patients following doctors advice regarding lifestyle advice to treat each substance which may harm in relation to the empirical harm it can casue..
Eh? How does post mortem exams affect your insurance payouts? Are the insurance companies going to claim in the afterlife?

If you have a policy that pays your loved one upon death. For example, an insurance policy that pays off the mortgage upon death.

As I said it’s pretty obvious.
you missed my point, the cost of such programs is usually justified by the saving the health service makes in not treating substance caused illnesses. if modifying citizen behaviour to be healthier and less of a burden on the healthcare system is the paramount concern access to universal health care should be predicated on patients following doctors advice regarding lifestyle advice to treat each substance which may harm in relation to the empirical harm it can casue..

I would go further, if someone doesn’t smoke or drink then their NI contributions should be much lower too.
If you have a policy that pays your loved one upon death. For example, an insurance policy that pays off the mortgage upon death.

As I said it’s pretty obvious.

If you don't like insurance fraud then I would suggest steer away from right wing capitalist opportunism, and pledge your flag to left leaning liberals where the state will pay for all health issues similar to the NHS program in the UK.
If you don't like insurance fraud then I would suggest steer away from right wing capitalist opportunism, and pledge your flag to left leaning liberals where the state will pay for all health issues similar to the NHS program in the UK.

Insurance fraud? Er ok.

State doesn’t offer life insurance. Born in this country were you? Sounds like you are living in a different world.
Breast implants are free on the NHS if it causes a woman distress.

There is a long list on waste of taxpayers money on the NHS.

I think in NZ its more of a case of control on the population. Australia and NZ are leading the world on how to run a tyrannical controlled society where freedoms are being lost monthly.