Norwegian terrorist Andres Breivik says he will repeat terror act


Tape Ball Star
Dec 27, 2009
Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik has defended his July 2011 massacre of 77 people on the second day of his trial, saying he would do it again.

Testifying at a court in Oslo on Tuesday, Breivik read out a statement explaining why he had carried out the massacre, vowing he "would do it all again because he was motivated by goodness, not evil."

He claimed to be speaking as a commander of the European and Norwegian resistance movement. "I have carried out the most spectacular and sophisticated attack on Europe since World War II," he added.

The anti-Muslim extremist lashed out at Norwegian and European governments for embracing multiculturalism.

Breivik has pleaded not guilty to criminal charges, saying he acted in defense. He claimed himself to be a crusader and his attacks a political act designed to prevent what he described as a "Muslim invasion" of Europe.

Earlier, the court dismissed Thomas Indreboe, a lay judge in the trial of Breivik, after he posted a comment on a Facebook page the day after the July 22 attacks, saying the anti-Islam extremist should face the death penalty for the worst act of violence.

Breivik, 33, faces terrorism and premeditated murder charges for detonating a bomb in the center of the Norwegian capital and a shooting spree at the governing Labor Party's annual youth camp on Utoya.

Eight people died in Oslo and 69 were killed on the island.

The 10-week trial, which begins on Monday, will decide whether Breivik should be sent for treatment at a psychiatric hospital or to jail.

If found sane, Breivik faces a maximum 21-year jail term, but sentences can be prolonged indefinitely for inmates deemed to pose a danger to Norwegian society.

Similar rules apply in those under psychiatric care.
Seems to me something less than human about that one.
The most frightening thing about Breivik is his well-groomed appearance and above average IQ. This is a man who wrote an extensive manifesto, which George Galloway said is only surpassed in its venom by its articulation.

I believe Breivik's ideology is unhinged and terrifying. One could argue that then makes him mad too, but he seems legally sane to me. Just strongly radicalised with absolute conviction, and thus a huge danger to society. If he is not imprisoned for the rest of his life, he will kill people again (RIP, the victims). The maximum jail sentence in Norway no matter what your crime is 21 years, with room for indefinite extension in special cases. This man needs to go away forever. He is close to being a walking argument for capital punishment.

Me and a friend were debating the televising of the trial yesterday. He said it gives neo-Nazism and Christian terrorism a voice; I said that showing the public this man is the right thing to do, as it will educate them on the evils of the far right. What does everyone else think?
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The most frightening thing about Breivik is his well-groomed appearance and above average IQ. This is a man who wrote an extensive manifesto, which George Galloway said is only surpassed in its venom by its articulation.

The BBC program claimed most of it was copied from articles which already existed. If you can watch it, it's decent viewing.

I believe Breivik's ideology is unhinged and terrifying. One could argue that then makes him mad too, but he seems legally sane to me. Just strongly radicalised with absolute conviction, and thus a huge danger to society. If he is not imprisoned for the rest of his life, he will kill people again (RIP, the victims). The maximum jail sentence in Norway no matter what your crime is 21 years, with room for indefinite extension in special cases. This man needs to go away forever. He is close to being a walking argument for capital punishment.

His ideology is actually pretty common. Even if everyone doesn't agree with his entire view many including Muslims on timepass hold similar sentiments. In the UK we have the EDL who hold exactly the same views even if they haven't acted out violence in the same manner, not yet anyway.

I blame the war propaganda after 911. Ever since Muslims have become the enemy which radicalised some disillusioned individuals who already hold prejudiced views.

Me and a friend were debating the televising of the trial yesterday. He said it gives neo-Nazism and Christian terrorism a voice; I said that showing the public this man is the right thing to do, as it will educate them on the evils of the far right. What does everyone else think?

I don't think hate should be given a platform full stop. Those who are against will not change their views but those who hold some sympathy could be strengthened.
I think that the EDL are too cowardly to kill people. Tommy Robinson is a moron that drinks too much, but he is sane enough to appear on The Big Questions in a suit and debate with people (albeit idiotically). He just needs educating. Hopefully this happens before his organisation affects ordinary British families.

Hrmmm. The BNP have fallen to pieces since the day they were given a platform by the BBC. Normal people see through the far right.

Definitely going to hit Play on that video soon :)
I agree people in general will see through fascism of all kinds but it only takes a one like Brievik to cause mass murder. The same goes for any other ideology which spreads hatred against a particular group of people. It's a shame as it would be better for people to speak their mind.
I believe Breivik's ideology is unhinged and terrifying. One could argue that then makes him mad too, but he seems legally sane to me.

I think he is completely sane, and a pure psychopath. If he had not synthesised an anti-Islam agenda, he would have killed people for some other reason.
He's a sociopath with demented mind. I bet he has several personality ingrained in his head which sees different outcome of different situations. These kind of people have no remorse and sees himself as a liberator of some sort
i can't remember this ???
this happened in 2007 ??
did he kill 69 people ??
were they all muslims ???

Breivik has pleaded not guilty to criminal charges???
are they serious .. not guilty why ... ??
I think he realizes he's gone for life. There is no way they will let him out of prison and back into society.

Thus, he's focusing on furthering his ideology through the trial. He's trying to leave some sort of legacy for people who agree with him to follow.

Just a twisted, demented individual really. Like, James said, he's a perfect case for those in support of capital punishment. In my opinion, he has no right to live after how many innocent and unsuspecting civilians he murdered.
i can't remember this ???
this happened in 2007 ??
did he kill 69 people ??
were they all muslims ???

Breivik has pleaded not guilty to criminal charges???
are they serious .. not guilty why ... ??

No, he did this in 2012, killing 77.

Some of the victims might have been Norwegian Muslims, but most were the youth group of a Norwegian political party which promotes muliticulturalism.
i can't remember this ???
this happened in 2007 ??
did he kill 69 people ??
were they all muslims ???

Breivik has pleaded not guilty to criminal charges???
are they serious .. not guilty why ... ??

Last year one guy blew up the goverment office where around 5-8 people died (most had gone home for the day, + it was summer holidays) and then he drove to this island, took the boat where the goverment party had their yearly summer youth camp. He posed as a policeman and killed around 69-70 children and youth. I am born in 1990, and most of his victims were younger then me, some being born in 1995-1997.

Some were hiding on the Island, some tried to swim to the shore in the ice cold water, and some drowned. Most of them were executions. After that he made a call to the police and said "I am commander bla bla of bla bla army and I have completed my operation, now I wan't to surrender myself".

So his trial is going on now, which will last for 10(!) week, and it is all over the media.

Good to see a thread about this year, I have seen some previous threads about it as well, but have never really participated. I have been following this case since it started on Monday, and it is very interesting. Also considering to attend the court one day next week.

(Un)fortunatley only the first day was showed live on television, rest is not being shown. It is very gripping and sad to follow this, definatley this incident is the worst moment in almost every Norwegian's life, including me. We are a bunch of 5 million people, and never used to anything like this. So when this happened it felt like this was not part of the reality.

If you guys have any more questions feel free to ask, and I will try my best to answer :)
I agree people in general will see through fascism of all kinds but it only takes a one like Brievik to cause mass murder. The same goes for any other ideology which spreads hatred against a particular group of people. It's a shame as it would be better for people to speak their mind.

Self awareness should never be underrated
He says he'd rather face the death penalty than be sentenced to a 'ridiculous' jail term. A very complex mind, but he is not insane. He is a highly articulate person, carrying his attacks out very methodically.

However the Norwegian security service response was terrible. It took police about 90 minutes to reach the scene of the mayhem because they had no access to a helicopter - officers able to fly the aircraft were all on summer vacation.

Then, as police attempted to reach the island where youth campers had gathered, their boat broke down and they had to be rescued by a civilian craft. According to Breivik's lawyer, he was surprised that he had even managed to get to the island, let alone left with so much time to open fire with his assault rifle and handgun.
He says he'd rather face the death penalty than be sentenced to a 'ridiculous' jail term. A very complex mind, but he is not insane. He is a highly articulate person, carrying his attacks out very methodically.

However the Norwegian security service response was terrible. It took police about 90 minutes to reach the scene of the mayhem because they had no access to a helicopter - officers able to fly the aircraft were all on summer vacation.

Then, as police attempted to reach the island where youth campers had gathered, their boat broke down and they had to be rescued by a civilian craft. According to Breivik's lawyer, he was surprised that he had even managed to get to the island, let alone left with so much time to open fire with his assault rifle and handgun.

Yes, there has been talks in the media that the Police etc could have handled it much better, and lives could have been saved! I have not been reading about that particular part, so can't say much.

Generally speaking the thing with Norway is that it is a very, very, very peaceful and calm country. So something like this to happen is not even imaginable. So this took the country by a massive surprise, and I guess we were unprepared. It does not strenghten the case that

1) it was during the "fellesferie" which is known as the official holiday period (4 weeks I think), so everything is really peaceful and slow at that time here

2) the attacks at the Island were at a secluded place, you can almost call it a village. I think there were only a few people at work at the local police station, etc.

However, I was not in the country when it happened, and did not read much about the police response etc, so can't say anything specific.
I'd much rather see courts spend their time on people who are yet to see trial forget a fair one after spending several years in shackles

This has been played out to give him and his manifesto the maximum amount of coverage possible
I'd much rather see courts spend their time on people who are yet to see trial forget a fair one after spending several years in shackles

This has been played out to give him and his manifesto the maximum amount of coverage possible

I think you may be spot on here chacha.

Most of the victims don't want to hear his story since it's pretty obvious he is guilty but I guess the Norwegian legal system has to offer him this right. This attack came not long after Norway decided to pull out of Libya and at that time many thought it was payback. There is no way this man built the bomb all by himself. He claimed to have written the manifesto himself but we know now it's copied from various articles, all pro-Zionist. I'm pretty sure there is a hidden hand behind this and this hand would like to see him given coverage for some sort of reason(s). The Norwegian PM stated Brevik has had the opposite affect, bringing people together but I am in no doubt he is seen as a hero by many and some of those will want to stage similar attacks after this.
I think you may be spot on here chacha.

Most of the victims don't want to hear his story since it's pretty obvious he is guilty but I guess the Norwegian legal system has to offer him this right. This attack came not long after Norway decided to pull out of Libya and at that time many thought it was payback. There is no way this man built the bomb all by himself. He claimed to have written the manifesto himself but we know now it's copied from various articles, all pro-Zionist. I'm pretty sure there is a hidden hand behind this and this hand would like to see him given coverage for some sort of reason(s). The Norwegian PM stated Brevik has had the opposite affect, bringing people together but I am in no doubt he is seen as a hero by many and some of those will want to stage similar attacks after this.

Should be behind closed doors with no reporters then

He has openly spoke of being influenced by some richard guy in london and some serbian and said he was following orders.
He's always tried to acrediate al qaeda with the attacks which is kinda like the kkk looking upto one of the black panthers for inspiration.
It's being documented as showing the evils of the far right but he's not a neo nazi and he hasn't showed up the far right with any of his articulate speech
Yes, there has been talks in the media that the Police etc could have handled it much better, and lives could have been saved! I have not been reading about that particular part, so can't say much.

Generally speaking the thing with Norway is that it is a very, very, very peaceful and calm country. So something like this to happen is not even imaginable. So this took the country by a massive surprise, and I guess we were unprepared. It does not strenghten the case that

1) it was during the "fellesferie" which is known as the official holiday period (4 weeks I think), so everything is really peaceful and slow at that time here

2) the attacks at the Island were at a secluded place, you can almost call it a village. I think there were only a few people at work at the local police station, etc.

However, I was not in the country when it happened, and did not read much about the police response etc, so can't say anything specific.
Thanks for the insight, good to find out more from people in the country.

I thought your Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg was inspirational in his response.

The Norwegian response to violence is more democracy, more openness and greater political participation.

He also visited a mosque for two Muslim fatalities.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Also thought it was very emotional when King Harald was in tears at the memorial service. Amazing to see a monarch to be in so touch with the emotions of the masses.

I think the 'Scandinavian model' and the Norwegian style of governance is a model Pakistan should look to adopt. Wonderful country tragically spoiled by a lunatic.
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Last year one guy blew up the goverment office where around 5-8 people died (most had gone home for the day, + it was summer holidays) and then he drove to this island, took the boat where the goverment party had their yearly summer youth camp. He posed as a policeman and killed around 69-70 children and youth. I am born in 1990, and most of his victims were younger then me, some being born in 1995-1997.

Some were hiding on the Island, some tried to swim to the shore in the ice cold water, and some drowned. Most of them were executions. After that he made a call to the police and said "I am commander bla bla of bla bla army and I have completed my operation, now I wan't to surrender myself".

So his trial is going on now, which will last for 10(!) week, and it is all over the media.

Good to see a thread about this year, I have seen some previous threads about it as well, but have never really participated. I have been following this case since it started on Monday, and it is very interesting. Also considering to attend the court one day next week.

(Un)fortunatley only the first day was showed live on television, rest is not being shown. It is very gripping and sad to follow this, definatley this incident is the worst moment in almost every Norwegian's life, including me. We are a bunch of 5 million people, and never used to anything like this. So when this happened it felt like this was not part of the reality.

If you guys have any more questions feel free to ask, and I will try my best to answer :)

thanks a lot , very sad story , i hope he should be hanged for his crime and his thoughts ,
I think the 'Scandinavian model' and the Norwegian style of governance is a model Pakistan should look to adopt.

Easier said than done, given:

A) Norway is fueled by large oil reserves

B) Pakistan has a much, much larger population

C) Pakistan's colonial past and conflict with India
he's not a terrorist. He's a "gunman", "killer" "murderer" "insane" but not a terrorist. the media have reserved that term for another community!
^^ Very true. Spoiled western media bias is obvious here!

Media is trying their best to somehow exhibit this guy related to that "another community" for which terms like terrorist are reserved.

Latest headlines..........."Anders Breivik studied 'each' al-Qaida attack before Norwegian massacre"

What on earth is there to study about a freakn terrorist attack with random gun firings at innocent people trapped on a small island?!!
^^ indeed because white westerners cant have thought this up on their own. Those evil saracens must have helped somehow.

whats surprising is the fact that no one seems to have asked if he was acting alone or not. How did he plan this? with whom? where was he trained in bomb making? how did he get his hands on the weapons and material? why have all these questions been avoided?
This terrorist needs to be hanged but since it's Norway, he'll probably be released after 25 years and the jails in Norway are like high end motel rooms.
he's not a terrorist. He's a "gunman", "killer" "murderer" "insane" but not a terrorist. the media have reserved that term for another community!

So the british media does not call him terrorist?

The norwegian media has called him terrorist since day one and is still calling him a terrorist.
I've been following this story and it's horrifying. Here's the latest.

Breivik shot teens as they froze with fear

Helen Pidd
April 22, 2012 - 3:00AM


What he was about to describe, he cautioned, would be ''horrendous''. But no warning could truly prepare Oslo criminal court for the experience of listening to Anders Behring Breivik detail in a calm, blank way how he gunned down terrified teenagers in the second of two attacks he carried out on July 22 last year.

The 33-year-old spent two hours on Friday afternoon giving a bullet-by-bullet account of what he refers to as his ''operation'' on the island of Utoya, where the youth wing of Norway's Labour party was holding its annual summer camp. He shot and killed 67 people on the island that day; two others died trying to escape.

Leaning back in his chair, fiddling with a pen in his right hand, Breivik - flushed, but never losing control - told how some of the teenagers he killed were so paralysed with fear that he had time to reload his rifle before shooting them. He'd never seen such a thing, he said - not even on TV.

He recalled teenagers ''playing dead'' whom he slowly approached before shooting them at close range.

Relatives of those he had killed hugged each other. Some who had dodged his bullets stared straight ahead. There were tears in the eyes of some of the most experienced journalists in the courtroom. Lawyers bit their lips as they listened to Breivik, in a clear, measured voice, remember how he decided halfway through the massacre to ''look for places where I would naturally try to hide''.

On the west side of the island, he said, he came across a group ''hiding, pressing themselves against the cliff face''.

With nowhere to run, he was able to shoot them too. Another gang had clustered near an escarpment. Spotting them, he murdered five. Breivik remembered campers ''screaming and begging for their lives''.

One boy saw him coming and shouted ''Please, mate''. Breivik shot him regardless: ''I shot everyone there.'' He repeatedly recalled taking what he called ''follow-up'' shots to ensure that those on the ground were dead. It was part of a string of military terminology he used to describe the massacre. He also referred to using a building on the island as a ''forward operational base''. It was to there that, in one of the most tragic twists, he had persuaded his first victim to help him carry a bag containing extra rounds of ammunition.

Trond Berntsen, 51, one of the island's security officials, had met Breivik off the ferry. Utoya's head of security, Monica Elisabeth Bosei, had been told by Breivik that he needed her help to sail to the island because he was a police officer who had come to reassure campers in the wake of the Oslo bombing he had carried out barely an hour earlier. He was dressed in police uniform, and Bosei believed him. Within five minutes of Breivik setting foot on the island, both the security officials were lying dead.

But he said that he had deliberately spared those who looked the youngest, recalling at one point how he encountered ''a small boy … crying hard''. Breivik said: ''I don't know if he is paralysed, he is just standing there, crying. And he looks very small, very vulnerable, I thought he can't possibly be 16 years old, so I said 'fine, just relax, things will work out'.'' He turned around and carried on his killing spree.

''My point was … to kill 600,'' he told the courtroom. Breivik intended to shoot ''as few as possible because it was cruel,'' preferring to ''scare them into the water so they would drown,'' as he tracked his movements on the island using an aerial photograph.

Hearing a helicopter overhead, Breivik said he considered killing himself. ''I thought, 'do I really want to survive this? I will be the most hated person in Norway and every day for the rest of my life will be a nightmare'.''

What stopped him pulling the trigger was the thought of the 1801-page manifesto he had spent five years compiling in an attempt to make Norway wake up to what he sees as the ''systematic deconstruction of the Norwegian and European culture'' from multiculturalism. ''I thought 'you should let yourself be arrested and fight for your cause through the judicial procedure or prison'.''

He said he had thought about wearing a swastika on his chest as a pure fear factor, but decided against it because he didn't want people to think he was a Nazi.

Questioned by his own lawyers how he was able to carry out the attacks, he described a ''meditation'' technique he had developed. He insisted he was a ''nice person'' who was capable of empathising with those whose lives he had ruined, but he had chosen not to as a self-preservation technique.

''If you are going to be capable of executing such a bloody and horrendous operation you need to work on your mind, your psyche, for years. We have seen from military traditions you cannot send an unprepared person into war.''

Asked how he was able to talk about the atrocities in such an impassive manner, Breivik said he had learnt to rely on ''technical, de-emotionalised language''. ''People say, 'he must be a monster, he cannot be from this planet, he must have no emotions and empathy left', but this has to do with preparing and training.''

Guardian News & Media, Associated Press, Bloomberg

This story was found at:

This guy is lucky he doesn't live in Texas.
I think he realizes he's gone for life. There is no way they will let him out of prison and back into society.

Thus, he's focusing on furthering his ideology through the trial. He's trying to leave some sort of legacy for people who agree with him to follow.

Just a twisted, demented individual really. Like, James said, he's a perfect case for those in support of capital punishment. In my opinion, he has no right to live after how many innocent and unsuspecting civilians he murdered.

This is Norway we're talking about though.
Last year one guy blew up the goverment office where around 5-8 people died (most had gone home for the day, + it was summer holidays) and then he drove to this island, took the boat where the goverment party had their yearly summer youth camp. He posed as a policeman and killed around 69-70 children and youth. I am born in 1990, and most of his victims were younger then me, some being born in 1995-1997.

Some were hiding on the Island, some tried to swim to the shore in the ice cold water, and some drowned. Most of them were executions. After that he made a call to the police and said "I am commander bla bla of bla bla army and I have completed my operation, now I wan't to surrender myself".

So his trial is going on now, which will last for 10(!) week, and it is all over the media.

Good to see a thread about this year, I have seen some previous threads about it as well, but have never really participated. I have been following this case since it started on Monday, and it is very interesting. Also considering to attend the court one day next week.

(Un)fortunatley only the first day was showed live on television, rest is not being shown. It is very gripping and sad to follow this, definatley this incident is the worst moment in almost every Norwegian's life, including me. We are a bunch of 5 million people, and never used to anything like this. So when this happened it felt like this was not part of the reality.

If you guys have any more questions feel free to ask, and I will try my best to answer :)

Why are they giving him a platform to spout his diatribes? Aren't they worried about copycat killings?
Why are they giving him a platform to spout his diatribes? Aren't they worried about copycat killings?

IMO this incident is an absolute bad. Pure evil that very few if any other people would be capable of planning, documenting and consummating individually. There is such thing as a one off.

Good response in the comments....

"This guy IS a terrorist and whatever his motivations were for his actions, the language used in the media is in stark contrast with the language used if this guy was a Muslim. No words like barbaric, outrage, terror etc are to be heard in reports. No interviews with the local priest or what churches he frequented etc.
This shows clear and blatant hypocrisy on the part of the western media and plays right into the hands of those who protest that the war against terror is in fact a war against Islam....after seeing the coverage of Breivik, they would be right. At no point was Bin Ladens sanity questioned or any of his henchmen - This guy is white so he is getting preferrential treatment aswell as a platform to air is racist views...and believe it or not he has gained a following which makes his atrocity a success...because thats what he wanted - publicity!"

Very true. Bold part is also very saddening. Westerners are supposed to be educated, but most of them are so ill-fed by their media and government that they can't even think rationally when it comes to "terrorism/mass murdering by their own." You go through multiple articles comments on this trial and you see people arguing that multiculturalism/Muslim migration is the cause. How pathetic and outrageous?!

Helpless innocent kids were murdered by a pathetic insane racist man, whose now trying to justify his act and seems to be finding sympathizers.....really shocking & disheartening. Just think about those kids who were stuck on the island, and you will find no sympathy, no rationality to this terrorist's stance.
Just sickening, the way he described his actions.

Goosebumps ran down my spine when he talked about shooting people as they were "playing dead".


Those of you who don't know, the terrorist said in the court that there is this one specific song that he despies because it brainwashes Norwegian school children. This is a song which is song in Norwegian elimentary schools, and it talks about that eveyone is equal, no matter your colour, background, etc.

And now... there is this marking all over the country in different cities, and one in Oslo where A LOT of people are gathered outside the court with roses, singing the song non stop in the rain...

This is just amaizing... This is how we fight hate...
This is Norway for you, the best country in the world!
The marking started after some people made this facebook event/group, and now 40.000 people are gathered outside the court. And it's raining as well, so this is just amaizing!

I am watching the live stream.
IMO this incident is an absolute bad. Pure evil that very few if any other people would be capable of planning, documenting and consummating individually. There is such thing as a one off.

One thing you learn living in Pakistan is that there is no limit to the amount of malice and evil that a human being is capable of unleashing upon others and the concept of a one off is a purely theoretical one. 42000 people murdered for motives very similar to Breivik's bear witness to that.
Easier said than done, given:

A) Norway is fueled by large oil reserves

B) Pakistan has a much, much larger population

C) Pakistan's colonial past and conflict with India

Although the Scandinavian model would have been very good for Norway, you do raise some valid points. I think a comparison with China is much more realistic. Look how they have improved in so many fields from technology to sports in such a short period of time...
The most frightening thing about Breivik is his well-groomed appearance and above average IQ. This is a man who wrote an extensive manifesto, which George Galloway said is only surpassed in its venom by its articulation.

Honestly, the "extensive manifesto" just looks like a series of footnotes written over the years - the only interesting point is that he was an avid reader, but even you and me can come up with +1500 pages like that by reading books and esp. article on the internet (JihadWatch, ...) and writing comments every single day for years and years.
It's more an ideological compendium from different sources than a real original manifesto.
The Australian terrorist who carried out terrorist attacks in NZ clearly inspirered by this terrorist Breivik.
The Australian terrorist who carried out terrorist attacks in NZ clearly inspirered by this terrorist Breivik.

This came to my mind straight away. Breivik was part of an online cult and the following had others that aspired to do the same.
Mass murderer Anders Breivik gives Nazi salute as he enters court for parole hearing.

Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik gave a Nazi salute on Tuesday as he entered court for a parole hearing that will decide whether he should be released after spending more than a decade behind bars.

Breivik, a far-Right extremist, killed 77 people in Norway's worst peacetime atrocity in July 2011. He killed eight with a car bomb in Oslo and then gunned down 69, most of them teenagers, at a Labour Party youth camp.

With a shaven head and dressed in a dark suit, Breivik made a white supremacist sign with his fingers before raising his right arm in a Nazi salute to signal his far-Right ideology as he entered the court.

He also carried homemade signs printed in English with the words: “Stop your genocide against our white nations" and "Nazi-Civil-War".

The rest can be read behind a pay-wall at link below.

Last paragraph is intriguing. Genocide against white nations? What planet is he living on?
He’s one of these extreme ethno-nationalists who believes that any mixing of the races is “white genocide”.
Recently watched 22 July on Netflix.
It was an extremely harrowing film especially the first 60 minutes

His actions are categorically political therefore he is a terrorist.

Do you have a subscription for the Telegraph?

Why single out the Telegraph now? Can you cite me a few other links from say BBC, Guardian, SKY etc that refer to him as a terrorist?
I dont think this terrorist will ever be released & he knows it.

Problem is they keep giving him more publicity. He is an inspiration for many far right extremists, almost monthly a huge plot is foiled.

Norway is a nice country but some liberals have taken liberalism too far.