

Tape Ball Regular
Sep 5, 2010
Do i have to oil the bat after its been knocked in because the bat is pure white a boom boom plus i dont have sand paper
Not essential to oil it once knocked in, but if the bat looks dry then just oil it on the face (half a teaspoon) then let it dry overnight with the bat facing the celling.
Well as far as i am concerened u have to oil the bat before knocking If i am wrong just correct me
my bat had cracks so i sanded it then oiled it then knocked then put super glue on half face and the next day it had the best ping lol
Boom Boom Bats come ready to play and are already oiled at factory and knocked in (suppousedly)

So based on that information, I'd still knock it in more, but IF you decide to oil, only the lightest of the light coats should be apply
You can tell how much its been oiled just from the ping alone.

though without seeing one in person I can't comment. If they prepare them properly at the factory you would not need to oil the bat.
Does anyone know if oiling the bat improves the actual performance or ping of it?

Does anyone know if oiling the bat improves the actual performance or ping of it?


I can copy paste lots of things for this question but i will explain u in my simple words, Yes oiling improves the performance and ping, If you want to prove your self you can buy a new bat non oiled, use it in nets with new ball you will feel the wiered sound of the bat when you strike the ball and you will also feel that force you are applying to strike the ball is more, and the bat is giving the less results the amount of force you are applying ON OTHER HAND if you oil the same bat knock it properly you will feel Huge difference, first sound of the bat like TAK TAK TAK as you strike the ball LOVELY SOUND, Plus you will also feel that you are applying less force and bat is giving more results when striking the ball ( Plus oiling protects the willow to avoid breaking )
Sorry for my poor english :ajmal
Not at all bhai, jazkallahkhair for explaining in so much detail.

So should I apply 3 coats and leave a week for each coat to dry? Also, I have an anti-scuff sheet on the face of the bat, so even if I just apply oil to the back of the bat will that improve the performance aswell?

Not at all bhai, jazkallahkhair for explaining in so much detail.

So should I apply 3 coats and leave a week for each coat to dry? Also, I have an anti-scuff sheet on the face of the bat, so even if I just apply oil to the back of the bat will that improve the performance aswell?


If you apply oil on anti-scuff sheet it will became dry and brittle and snapped , so if you realy want performnce from your bat buy an extra anti-scuf sheet , reomove the old one from bat apply 3 light coats of oil ( dont over oil it ) wait for 1 week when you feel willow is dry apply your anti-scuff sheet ,make sure willow is dry enough, Now start knocking your bat concentrate more on edges and Toe ,After knocking Go in nets and feel the performance while striking the ball, if you feel further knocking go ahead ,Now you have prepared your bat for the season hope You ll hit 100 JAZAKALLAHKHAIR
Ah okay, jazakallahkhair.

So there is no point in oiling the back of the bat, correct?

hahahaa I did nt say that I oil the every exposed part of the willow front and back You know why COZ it strengthens the whole willow OVERALL , i hope you get it :ajmal
That's cool i think...my understanding is that if you add the sheet you don't need 2 oil the face...but its ok if you want to oil the face and then add the sheet as well...if that makes sense :)
Yeh thanks, I think I will leave the sheet on and just apply some coats of oil to the back.

Thanks for the help.