Pakistan’s Cruise Missile: The Only One In Asia?


Tape Ball Star
Dec 27, 2009
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—Pakistan today test fired its air-launched cruise missile (ALCM), the Hatf VIII (Ra’ad).

This is the fourth successful test of the missile by the Pakistani Armed Forces. According to the Pakistani Armed Forces officials, the missile is capable of delivering both the nuclear and conventional high-explosive warheads.

The maximum effective operational range is estimated at 220 miles.

This is the third successful test of a nuclear capable missile by the Pakistani Armed Forces within the last 30 days.

Earlier, they had tested the Battlefield Range Ballistic Missile (BRBM) Nasr (Hatf-IX) this week and the Short Range Ballistic Missile (SRBM), the Hatf-III (Ghaznavi) on May 10th.

The Ra’ad is one of the four types of Land Attack Cruise Missiles currently operated by the Pakistani Armed Forces. Pakistan had inducted the Hatf VII (Babur), another land attack cruise missile on August 2005. They are also operating a number of the French-developed AS-30L and the American AGM-65 Maverick missiles.

The Ra’ad missile is equipped with stealth capabilities, which enables it to evade detection by enemy radars.

The missile is fully indigenously-developed without any foreign technical assistance.

It was jointly developed by the National Engineering and Scientific Commission (NESCOM) and the Air Weapons Complex (AWC), after the successful launch of another Pakistani cruise missile, the Hatf VII.

[Editor’s Note: This is how the ISPR, media arm of Pakistan Armed Forces, provided the following technical details:

The missile “enables Pakistan to achieve strategic standoff capability on land and at Sea. ‘Cruise Technology’ is extremely complex and has been developed by only a few countries in the world. The state of the art Ra’ad Cruise Missile with Stealth Capabilities is a Low Altitude, Terrain Hugging Missile with high maneuverability, and can deliver nuclear and conventional warheads with pin point accuracy.

“A major additional feature of today’s test was the effective employment of the National Command Authority’s fully automated Strategic Command and Control Support System (SCCSS). It has enabled robust Command and Control capability of all strategic assets with round the clock situational awareness in a digitized network centric environment to decision makers at National Command Centre (NCC). The system has the added capability of real time remote monitoring of missile flight path.”]

According to defense experts, the missile is one of the most accurate cruise missiles ever developed by any Asian nation.

Ra’ad, which can be used for precision strikes on enemy strategic facilities such as radars, SAM batteries, and warships, can carry a nuclear warhead of up to 300 kiloton.

The missile was first tested on 25 August, 2007. Another successful test was carried out the following year, and the third test was carried out on April last year. The tests were carried out from the Pakistan Air Force’s (PAF) Dassault Mirage III ROSE fighter aircrafts.
No PR- 27/2020-ISPR
Rawalpindi, 18 February 2020

Pakistan conducted successful flight test of Air Launched Cruise Missile “Ra’ad-II”.

Ra’ad-II, with a range of 600 Km, which significantly enhances air delivered strategic standoff capability on land and at sea. The weapon system is equipped with state of the art guidance and navigation systems ensuring engagement of targets with high precision.

The successful flight test was witnessed by Lieutenant General Nadeem Zaki Manj, Director General Strategic Plans Division, Dr. Nabeel Hayat Malik, Chairman NESCOM, senior officers from Strategic Plans Division, Strategic Forces and Strategic Organizations.

Director General Strategic Plans Division appreciated the technical prowess, dedication and commitment of scientists and engineers who contributed whole-heartedly to develop the weapon system and making this launch a success.

He also termed it “a major step towards complementing Pakistan’s deterrence capability”.

The President, Prime Minister of Pakistan, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee and Services Chiefs have congratulated the Scientists and Engineers on the successful conduct of missile test.
Good for Pakistan.

But didn’t India have similar thing called Brahmos for ages? and Brahmos2 being developed last I heard. Im not a defense expert, Just asking!!!
It is disgusting to see that India and Pakistan spend so much money on these military stuff that could have otherwise been utilized in a right manner especially upgrading the living standard of an average citizen. However, average citizen in India or Pakistan wet their chaddis due to poverty and hunger here we see false macho that is never going to be used over each other. It is a wishful thinking considering the mentality of of people in subcontinenet.
It is disgusting to see that India and Pakistan spend so much money on these military stuff that could have otherwise been utilized in a right manner especially upgrading the living standard of an average citizen. However, average citizen in India or Pakistan wet their chaddis due to poverty and hunger here we see false macho that is never going to be used over each other. It is a wishful thinking considering the mentality of of people in subcontinenet.

blame the war mongers in India, we have to build protection at all costs.
Brahmos is a variant of Russian Yakhont missile ....

From Wikipedia i came to know now that its joint venture of India and Russia based on some Russian missile platform.

I have followed your posts for years and you seem to be expert on these matters. Any idea how does these 2 missiles compare with each other?

Not that I’m advocating a war or something between 2 countries, Just a curiosity.
blame the war mongers in India, we have to build protection at all costs.

With all these military superiorities, when India sent 12 jets inside Pakistan airspace, how come not even one got shot down by Pakistan air force? Look at Iran, their military walked the talk and attacked American installations. I think no extremist party in India could think of going with a country that has nuclear arsenals. Look at Germany, they learned from their past mistakes and built their country once again from ashes in the same time Pakistan subsumed into a country which has no future. I mean, if our priorities are not in right order, there is no hope for our future generations. I mean, what kind of country we are going to leave for our future generations to live in where the basic neccessities of life are not available. How can they compete with the rest of the world? Insanity ensues when you do the same thing over and over again then expect a different outcome. It hurts me no end when Pakistan is not even on the same playing field with the rest of the world. It is not enough to shout Pakistan Zindabad on every 14th August and have a deep sleep after that.
With all these military superiorities, when India sent 12 jets inside Pakistan airspace, how come not even one got shot down by Pakistan air force? Look at Iran, their military walked the talk and attacked American installations. I think no extremist party in India could think of going with a country that has nuclear arsenals. Look at Germany, they learned from their past mistakes and built their country once again from ashes in the same time Pakistan subsumed into a country which has no future. I mean, if our priorities are not in right order, there is no hope for our future generations. I mean, what kind of country we are going to leave for our future generations to live in where the basic neccessities of life are not available. How can they compete with the rest of the world? Insanity ensues when you do the same thing over and over again then expect a different outcome. It hurts me no end when Pakistan is not even on the same playing field with the rest of the world. It is not enough to shout Pakistan Zindabad on every 14th August and have a deep sleep after that.

its not the topic of this thread,
btw, officially one indian Mig 21 was shot down ...
its not the topic of this thread,
btw, officially one indian Mig 21 was shot down ...

I expected this reply before I wrote my message. I cannot blame you when there is no culture of critical thinking. It is all about showing how better we are than India. Come on, name any other worthwhile contribution other than downing a jet. It is time for us to get a reality check and look inside, and fix ourselves. It is great Pakistan can defend themselves only against India. However, this should not be our Mount Everest, how about providing basic necessities of life to common people, provide better quality of education and so on and so forth. I digressed but really ........our goals are very small in scale.
From Wikipedia i came to know now that its joint venture of India and Russia based on some Russian missile platform.

I have followed your posts for years and you seem to be expert on these matters. Any idea how does these 2 missiles compare with each other?

Not that I’m advocating a war or something between 2 countries, Just a curiosity.

The title of this thread is lit bit misleading, and its not my thread.

Comparing a supersonic cruise missile with a Subsonic ALCM. It is like comparing Oranges to Apples since both ALCMs are technological from different class and belong to different league altogether.

Raad is just 1100 kgs in weight which is nearly half the weight of Brahmos which is 3000 kgs.

almost all PAF light weight jets can carry Raad under its belly, but Brahmos can only be carry by modified Su-30, recently IAF modified 40 to 60 Su-30 for that purpose.

Yakhont (Brahmos) is the export version of Russian P-800 Oniks , Russia and India did some changes to the Yakhont Variant and called it Brahmos , its a supersonic cruise missile with range of 500-600. becoz of the supersonic ability it has less maneuverability.
it has only advantage of speed, which can be tracked with Radars, SAMs & Missile based CIWS for their interception.

these days SAMs are meant to track and target high speed missiles, while its difficult for them to track low-altitude, terrain hugging missile with high maneuverability.

Raad II, is subsonic missile, and its a low-altitude, terrain hugging missile with high maneuverability.
Raad due to its stealthier build and design will be difficult to track when flying at tree top level but Brahmos does not have any stealth.

not comparing with US tech, but US still use Subsonic missiles such as Tomahawk for precision attacks on high value targets.

Brahmos ( Mach 3) can only be compared to Pakistani Variant of CM-400AKG (Mach 5) from China which is Supersonic, and is already Integrated with JF-17.

Only nirbhay subsonic missle can be compared to (Raad or) Babur once it fully develop.

these are not classified details, all the mentioned details are available on internet.
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