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Pakistan bans five dating apps, including Tinder, over 'immoral, indecent' content

USA is about to ban TikTok. India has already banned TikTok, but no, people have a problem with Pakistan banning apps on the grounds of morality and decency. So what? Don't like it then VPN out.

I tell you what, those in support of these banned apps, also support access to porn sites. I bet you they browse porn on regular basis.

But no, apps are the problem.
Also judging by certain posts, you need to see it from a parent's perspective, ie, raising children, not adults.

These lefty loons don't realise that children are now targetted through dating apps. Don't believe me? Read up on Peado vigilantes; in the UK we have Dark Justice for example, who use apps to identify child molesters etc.

But no, I am a Doctor, or an Engineer, and I only care about freedom, but not sense.
PS: Most of the resistance displayed in this thread is actually a stealth attack on Islam.

Don't fall for it.
Also judging by certain posts, you need to see it from a parent's perspective, ie, raising children, not adults.

These lefty loons don't realise that children are now targetted through dating apps. Don't believe me? Read up on Peado vigilantes; in the UK we have Dark Justice for example, who use apps to identify child molesters etc.

But no, I am a Doctor, or an Engineer, and I only care about freedom, but not sense.

Atleast don't be a coward and quote me instead. Its about good parenting. When I was growing up my parents were excellent parents, weren't too pushy and weren't too lax either. So while people were getting picked up on MSN or Facebook me and my siblings never fell into the trap. Kids even now are more likely to be groomed via Facebook than any other app. Heck kids are groomed mostly by people they know and the most kids who are groomed come from broken vulnerable homes.

PS: Most of the resistance displayed in this thread is actually a stealth attack on Islam.

Don't fall for it.

I defend Muslims on PP more than you, whether its Kashmir or Palestine or China and even other fellow Muslim posters here like [MENTION=43583]KingKhanWC[/MENTION] and [MENTION=147314]topspin[/MENTION] to name a few know my real views have nothing to do with Islam. My family are all Muslims and I am not duty bound to tell you how much I love them and how I respect what religion has made them. I'd rather my own kids be Muslims than vagrants.

I hope this helps. You usually post trash so I am not sure why you arent there but hey never too late....so.....welcome to my ignore list. You join joshila and his BJP love brigade and also join Mamoon. Welcome!
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What the?

I may not quote users, because I wasn't refering to individuals,
but rather the mentality displayed in this thread. Insecure much?
Perhaps PakPak can post a post to show a user is in his ignore list?

Users rambling along but didn't stop to think about children, now come out with a one liner like they cared.

As for boasting about being a doctor, doctors are paid to prescribe. Save the Hail Mary routine.
Atleast don't be a coward and quote me instead. Its about good parenting. When I was growing up my parents were excellent parents, weren't too pushy and weren't too lax either. So while people were getting picked up on MSN or Facebook me and my siblings never fell into the trap. Kids even now are more likely to be groomed via Facebook than any other app. Heck kids are groomed mostly by people they know and the most kids who are groomed come from broken vulnerable homes.

But hey, I am no Wahabi ***** so what do I know?

I defend Muslims on PP more than you, whether its Kashmir or Palestine or China and even other fellow Muslim posters here like [MENTION=43583]KingKhanWC[/MENTION] and [MENTION=147314]topspin[/MENTION] to name a few know my real views have nothing to do with Islam. My family are all Muslims and I am not duty bound to tell you how much I love them and how I respect what religion has made them. I'd rather my own kids be Muslims than vagrants.

I hope this helps. You usually post trash so I am not sure why you arent there but hey never too late....so.....welcome to my ignore list. You join joshila and his BJP love brigade and also join Mamoon. Welcome!

I agree. Not sure how calling out someone with intolerance with their views on Tinder is considered to be "a stealth attack on Islam" just because there is a tiny fraction (at most) who use it for grooming and paedophilia. Great logic there :))
Pakistan needs to get its priorities right. When it comes to Adult related content, Pakistan is on the top of the charts when it comes to animal and gay pornography views.

Tinder isn't "corrupting the youth" but I am well aware that in some parts of the world it is filled with prostitutes.
Pakistan needs to get its priorities right. When it comes to Adult related content, Pakistan is on the top of the charts when it comes to animal and gay pornography views.

Tinder isn't "corrupting the youth" but I am well aware that in some parts of the world it is filled with prostitutes.

What is Tinder primarily used for? Enlighten us.

It is primarily used for hooking up and random one night stands. How many cheaters use this app? How many ladies become single mothers due to this app?

It is indeed corrupting the youths along with other disgusting apps.

We should promote positive apps. Tinder is pretty much Ashley Madison Lite.
As a doctor you easily make more money in Saudi Arabia or Qatar or Dubai if you're a British national or a Westerner. You don't have to believe me, you can check it online for doctors jobs at the registrar or consultant or GP level. My family have lived there for 3 years but returned to UK as they did not like the life style. I know it as British doctors get a lot offers for temp jobs or a year or two contracts in Jeddah and Riyadh, with flights paid for and expenses paid for. I know many people who took that route after finishing their foundation year in the UK, me and my wife both could do that too, we get regular recruitment emails from contacts but I have no interest in going to those states. This is pretty common knowledge for anyone with a medical background so not sure if I am the one with the sanctimonious jumbo or if you're simply being ignorant and don't know. Since you're not as idiotic as sweep shot and usually post good stuff I'll give you the benefit of doubt.

You said 10 times as much originally. Which is why i said no way i believe that.

And even if I lived in a religious state I would not go bashing religious states as it would make me a hypocrite. I would stay quiet and leave. Or I would admit that I am after money.Posters like sweep shot and their extreme friends admit neither thing. And love enjoying the freedoms of the secular states, the same freedoms which you'd deny others if you ruled it.

Thats fine, and had you left it there i would not have even made a response in the first place. However since you mentioned the $$$$, i wanted to point out that people dont go to the west to enjoy the freedom of secular states. They go because of the money they can make and that they can citizenship in a first world country. Everything else is secondary.

I have relatives in UK who wear a burkha, and i have other female relatives there who have no problem in wearing bikinis. My burkha wearing cousins would not immigrate to religious yet poor Egypt. And my Bikini wearing cousins would not immigrate to secular yet poor Hondourus. Money overrides a country being religious or secular.

Almost everyone who has left Pakistan has done so for the pounds, dollars, euros, riyals, etc. If you only had an option of going to Religious Saudi Arabia, or going to secular Houndours, you would go to Saudi Arabia.
You said 10 times as much originally. Which is why i said no way i believe that.

Thats fine, and had you left it there i would not have even made a response in the first place. However since you mentioned the $$$$, i wanted to point out that people dont go to the west to enjoy the freedom of secular states. They go because of the money they can make and that they can citizenship in a first world country. Everything else is secondary.

I have relatives in UK who wear a burkha, and i have other female relatives there who have no problem in wearing bikinis. My burkha wearing cousins would not immigrate to religious yet poor Egypt. And my Bikini wearing cousins would not immigrate to secular yet poor Hondourus. Money overrides a country being religious or secular.

Almost everyone who has left Pakistan has done so for the pounds, dollars, euros, riyals, etc. If you only had an option of going to Religious Saudi Arabia, or going to secular Houndours, you would go to Saudi Arabia.

A few things:

-You're deliberately being obtuse. I picked the best religious state with one of the best secular states in my comparison and pointed out that I would get paid massively more. The ten times more was clearly not meant to be literal, my point was the pay is massively significant enough but I never went for it. If you're being literal for instance a consultants pay is 85k-90k GBP, tax free, business class family tickets, 54 days off, education allowance, free accomodation, free utilities. This is the usual package roughly. My take home pay in UK as a consultant after tax would barely be £50k, with 28 days off, most of which would spent on bills without any allowance. I'd be lucky to save in single digits a year. My life in Saudi Arabia financially would not even match the difficulties I have faced in England, of which you have absolutely no idea of. I would live like a king in Saudi Arabia. Yet you don't see me running for money to a religious state. So your comparison to Honduras is completely stupid. As Pakistan, your original state and Bangladesh sweepshots; are nowhere bad as Honduras. Forget even Saudi Arabia, infact I myself would earn lakhon rupees in Pakistan if I went private somewhere posh in Islamabad or Lahore. Very easily. And a rich lifestyle in Pakistan easily beats a middle class in UK. Noone is asking you or your wahabbi pals to move a third world nation, instead you can move to Saudi Arabia and live the religious lifestyle you crave so much and ban any apps you want. Both are very advanced nations, one is secular one is religious. So the choice should be pretty easy.
-Even if I follow your ridiculous example I wouldn't ever leave Honduras, I never left UK despite being utterly broke at one point in my life. But in some alternate world if I would go to Saudi Arabia then I would admit I went there for money, which none of you ever admit to (you have so props to you, the others don't). And while in Saudi Arabia I wouldn't whine about the nation being a religious state nor would I harp on religious measures like you and your pals do everytime in Western nations and then quickly hide behind the freedom of speech veil. The same freedom which under YOUR perfect state you'd deny people like me.
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Is people’s faith in Islam really so weak that it needs constant protecting by banning websites or putting fatwas against heretics?

Surely believers have the willpower to adhere to their faith irrespective of these minor distractions.
A few things:

-You're deliberately being obtuse. I picked the best religious state with one of the best secular states in my comparison and pointed out that I would get paid massively more. The ten times more was clearly not meant to be literal, my point was the pay is massively significant enough but I never went for it. If you're being literal for instance a consultants pay is 85k-90k GBP, tax free, business class family tickets, 54 days off, education allowance, free accomodation, free utilities. This is the usual package roughly. My take home pay in UK as a consultant after tax would barely be £50k, with 28 days off, most of which would spent on bills without any allowance. I'd be lucky to save in single digits a year. My life in Saudi Arabia financially would not even match the difficulties I have faced in England, of which you have absolutely no idea of. I would live like a king in Saudi Arabia. Yet you don't see me running for money to a religious state. So your comparison to Honduras is completely stupid. As Pakistan, your original state and Bangladesh sweepshots; are nowhere bad as Honduras. Forget even Saudi Arabia, infact I myself would earn lakhon rupees in Pakistan if I went private somewhere posh in Islamabad or Lahore. Very easily. And a rich lifestyle in Pakistan easily beats a middle class in UK. Noone is asking you or your wahabbi pals to move a third world nation, instead you can move to Saudi Arabia and live the religious lifestyle you crave so much and ban any apps you want. Both are very advanced nations, one is secular one is religious. So the choice should be pretty easy.
-Even if I follow your ridiculous example I wouldn't ever leave Honduras, I never left UK despite being utterly broke at one point in my life. But in some alternate world if I would go to Saudi Arabia then I would admit I went there for money, which none of you ever admit to (you have so props to you, the others don't). And while in Saudi Arabia I wouldn't whine about the nation being a religious state nor would I harp on religious measures like you and your pals do everytime in Western nations and then quickly hide behind the freedom of speech veil. The same freedom which under YOUR perfect state you'd deny people like me.

You must be confusing me with someone else. One of the first threads i created in this forum was Make Pakistan a secular Muslim state. A state that has its cultural symbols reflecting the Muslim heritage of the subcontinent, but secular otherwise. So in my perfect version of Pakistan it would be a secular Muslim state, like Israel is a secular Jewish state. So not denying you anything. Unless you are bothered with things like the crescent flag, or the Persianized Urdu anthem, etc.
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You must be confusing me with someone else. One of the first threads i created in this forum was Make Pakistan a secular Muslim state. A state that has its cultural symbols reflecting the Muslim heritage of the subcontinent, but secular otherwise. So in my perfect version of Pakistan it would be a secular Muslim state, like Israel is a secular Jewish state. So not denying you anything. Unless you are bothered with things like the crescent flag, or the Persianized Urdu anthem, etc.

Fair enough, as that is my view exactly as well.
When will Pakistanis realize that you cannot control people's personal lives through government? And yes, i am an overseas Pakistani myself.

Its stupidity like this that will ensure that Pakistan remains backward. I bet a lot of the religious posters here have and do visit adult websites. Hypocrites.
What is Tinder primarily used for? Enlighten us.

It is primarily used for hooking up and random one night stands. How many cheaters use this app? How many ladies become single mothers due to this app?

It is indeed corrupting the youths along with other disgusting apps.

We should promote positive apps. Tinder is pretty much Ashley Madison Lite.

Tinder is a dating app. How adults use it isn't dictated by the app provider but by the end user. Tinder doesn't promote one night stands. It is no different to Muslim dating apps, where I've heard some Muslims use this merely for ONS and FWB type relationships. Does that make those Muslim dating apps "disgusting"?

Going by your thought process, I'm surprised you haven't claimed that watching TV and women driving cars is haram.
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Tinder is a dating app. How adults use it isn't dictated by the app provider but by the end user. Tinder doesn't promote one night stands. It is no different to Muslim dating apps, where I've heard some Muslims use this merely for ONS and FWB type relationships. Does that make those Muslim dating apps "disgusting"?

Going by your thought process, I'm surprised you haven't claimed that watching TV and women driving cars is haram.

Tinder is mostly for random sex. Educate yourself. Tinder is a very big danger to society.
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Thirdly, Tinder is indeed for one night stands. Educate yourself. Tinder is a very big danger to society.

You made a blanket statement like Tinder is for one night stands and then you are asking the poster to educate himself. Irony died a thousand deaths right there :)))

Tinder is no more danger than Twitter,FB,Insta etc, Prostitution, Harassment etc happen more on there than on Tinder where people at least know what they want and there are legit relationships also from what I hear.
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You made a blanket statement like Tinder is for one night stands and then you are asking the poster to educate himself. Irony died a thousand deaths right there :)))

Tinder is a dating app on paper but it really is used for one purpose.

For actual dating, there are other better apps.

This is common knowledge.
Tinder is no more danger than Twitter,FB,Insta etc, Prostitution, Harassment etc happen more on there than on Tinder where people at least know what they want and there are legit relationships also from what I hear.

Simply not true. Tinder is not the same as Twitter. Twitter is a public facing platform. Many have been arrested etc for posting stuff such as threats, etc.

Apps like Tinder etc are private.

Peado Vigilantes use these apps to track down targets, and there is no end. More and more peado vigilante groups are propping up in the UK, to track-down peados using said banned apps.

Look it up on Google. Dark Justice or Guardian of the North. Without these apps they could not have tracked them down.
Backward steps like this are the reason we are a laughing stock in the world and nobody takes us seriously.

If only our government was as serious about banning Khadim Hussain Rizvi, Ramzan Mengal and other extremists which have ruined our country.
Those who can't go up to a girl/boy and need help of their phone to swipe right to ask them to participate in premarital activities are upset.
So you have used it?

Tinder? Never!

Other apps? Checked those out but never met a woman with an app.

Only dated once (before I became religious) and that was a real life friend.
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[MENTION=149166]Technics 1210[/MENTION]

Irrespective what the the app stands for morally, you are a technical person , don't you appreciate their algorithms? Even among their negatives which can be seen in the show Connected on netflix where they had 800 page on a single user and yes its dangerous yet intriguing as how it works.
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I don't know much about it. I am not sure if it is even halal. Need to do enough research first.

Then do it and tell us what difference do you find between both.. coz you have called Tinder prostitution app.
Then do it and tell us what difference do you find between both.. coz you have called Tinder prostitution app.

I know enough about Tinder. LOL.

Tinder is indeed a disgusting prostitution app. You are swiping to get a prostitute (kind of).
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I know enough about Tinder. LOL.

Tinder is indeed a disgusting prostitution app. You are swiping to get a prostitute (kind of).

But as a CS graduate don't you find the tech intriguing , also check out the privacy-data issue with them, that should had been the biggest reason for you to dislike Tinder instead you are abusing the app morally instead of data.
But as a CS graduate don't you find the tech intriguing , also check out the privacy-data issue with them, that should had been the biggest reason for you to dislike Tinder instead you are abusing the app morally instead of data.

Tinder is disgusting no matter how you look at it.

I consider it as Ashley Madison Lite.
[MENTION=149166]Technics 1210[/MENTION]

Irrespective what the the app stands for morally, you are a technical person , don't you appreciate their algorithms? Even among their negatives which can be seen in the show Connected on netflix where they had 800 page on a single user and yes its dangerous yet intriguing as how it works.

I appreciate the technology, and it is fascinating, but the application of such tech is questionable.

Like the algorithms for Facebook, with all the Whatsapp intergration etc, I now worry about what I type in Whatsapp. I see adverts for stuff I typed in WA! Yes Whatsapp is encrypted end to end, but the moment you save your chat, it is clear text. Hence I disabled backups on WA (enabled by default). This is just one example.

Using the same algorithms, it's not difficult to pick up personal data from a phone, and with it you can identify the user with ease. This is precisly why children are at the biggest risk.

You could say that children shouldn't be given smartphones at a young age, but that's an entirley different topic altogether.
I appreciate the technology, and it is fascinating, but the application of such tech is questionable.

Like the algorithms for Facebook, with all the Whatsapp intergration etc, I now worry about what I type in Whatsapp. I see adverts for stuff I typed in WA! Yes Whatsapp is encrypted end to end, but the moment you save your chat, it is clear text. Hence I disabled backups on WA (enabled by default). This is just one example.

Using the same algorithms, it's not difficult to pick up personal data from a phone, and with it you can identify the user with ease. This is precisly why children are at the biggest risk.

You could say that children shouldn't be given smartphones at a young age, but that's an entirley different topic altogether.

Anyways what gives someone authority to decide what is moral and immoral.

Are adult websites banned? Even if they aren’t, aren’t people using alternate ways to get around that. Isn’t that way worse than these apps? Given how much exploitation happens of women and minors in that industry as well.

You can’t be selective.

So what is haalal and harram? If it is religion you are taking about, there are probably a million videos of cooking bacon and pork items on YouTube. Is Pak IT cell going to monitor each one of those?

Anyways you can’t have selective judgement that’s the point. I don’t care of any of those apps exist or not personally
Anyways what gives someone authority to decide what is moral and immoral.

Are adult websites banned? Even if they aren’t, aren’t people using alternate ways to get around that. Isn’t that way worse than these apps? Given how much exploitation happens of women and minors in that industry as well.

You can’t be selective.

So what is haalal and harram? If it is religion you are taking about, there are probably a million videos of cooking bacon and pork items on YouTube. Is Pak IT cell going to monitor each one of those?

Anyways you can’t have selective judgement that’s the point. I don’t care of any of those apps exist or not personally

Watching pornography and having premarital sex are not same.

Having premarital sex is zina which is much more severe sin than watching porn.

Would you be fine if your child commits premarital sex with random men/women? Think about it.

This is not just about faith. It is about common sense.
Watching pornography and having premarital sex are not same.

Having premarital sex is zina which is much more severe sin than watching porn.

Would you be fine if your child commits premarital sex with random men/women? Think about it.

This is not just about faith. It is about common sense.

Not sure if internet porn existed back then hence it is not probably mentioned in your religious texts.
Anyways what gives someone authority to decide what is moral and immoral.

Are adult websites banned? Even if they aren’t, aren’t people using alternate ways to get around that. Isn’t that way worse than these apps? Given how much exploitation happens of women and minors in that industry as well.

You can’t be selective.

So what is haalal and harram? If it is religion you are taking about, there are probably a million videos of cooking bacon and pork items on YouTube. Is Pak IT cell going to monitor each one of those?

Anyways you can’t have selective judgement that’s the point. I don’t care of any of those apps exist or not personally

I decide as a parent.

Come back to this conversation when you have children.

As for adult sites, these are are not apps, but URLS. Look up the difference.

So please also read up on technology. As I said the only reason people like you find this thread interesting is because it's an opportunity for people like you, to diss Pakistan, thus Islam.

I dont see you having a problem with USA/India banning apps, but no, Pakistan is the problem.

Troll off pal.

Per this article these are the download rates of these apps.

Tinder was downloaded 440,000 times in Pakistan in the last 12 months compared to 13 million times in the United States during the same period, according to data analytics firm Sensor Tower.

Grindr — which describes itself as "the largest social networking app for gay, bi, trans, and queer people" — was downloaded 300,000 times in Pakistan compared to nearly 2 million in the United States in the last 12 months.

Tagged and SayHi had each been downloaded about 300,000 times in Pakistan, and Skout 100,000 times in the past 12 months, according to Sensor Tower.
Tinder is indeed for one night stands. Educate yourself. Tinder is a very big danger to society.

You're telling me to educate myself but you have generalised all the millions of people who you use Tinder. :facepalm
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Per this article these are the download rates of these apps.

Tinder was downloaded 440,000 times in Pakistan in the last 12 months compared to 13 million times in the United States during the same period, according to data analytics firm Sensor Tower.

Grindr — which describes itself as "the largest social networking app for gay, bi, trans, and queer people" — was downloaded 300,000 times in Pakistan compared to nearly 2 million in the United States in the last 12 months.

Tagged and SayHi had each been downloaded about 300,000 times in Pakistan, and Skout 100,000 times in the past 12 months, according to Sensor Tower.


These apps are getting popular in Pakistan. Concerning signs indeed.
You're telling me to educate myself but you have generalised all the millions of people who you use Tinder. :facepalm

Look, I know what Tinder is. I don't need lectures about it.

People mostly use it to have random sex.

For actual dating, there are other better apps.
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Why does everything have to be in the context of what is written in religion? Isn’t it just common sense that promiscuous affairs have risks of STD’s and other legal problems in case of solicitation of prostitution?

I didn't even bring in religion here. My first post was:

Good job, Pakistan.

Tinder is a disgusting app.

Even if I were an atheist, I would still oppose Tinder and call it a disgusting prostitution app.
If you support Tinder (an app that is mostly used for random sex), you shouldn't write about religious matters.

I said at earlier on, the vocal supporters of these apps are dragging Islam in for the sheer fact Pakistan is involved. They are silent when other nations ban apps.

As I said! Stealth attack on Islam.
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I said at earlier on, the vocal supporters of these apps are dragging Islam in for the sheer fact Pakistan is involved. They are silent when other nations ban apps.

As I said! Stealth attack on Islam.

Indeed, my brother.

All I did was call Tinder a disgusting app. These Indians and liberals got triggered.
Indeed, my brother.

All I did was call Tinder a disgusting app. These Indians and liberals got triggered.

Its not disgusting if consenting adults are involved.

The best is to uninstall the App if it is disgusting. Why ruin the party for others? Why ban it for Christians or Hindus or Atheists in Pakistan?
Its not disgusting if consenting adults are involved.

The best is to uninstall the App if it is disgusting. Why ruin the party for others? Why ban it for Christians or Hindus or Atheists in Pakistan?

It's just a matter of perspective. Jihadi websites and apps are banned from internet in western countries, Pakistan being a Muslim country obviously takes a conservative view on dating apps.

I am just relating an observation here before the likes of Local Dada start assuming I am saying this in support of Pakistan. It is an explanation only.
What about adult websites. Are they legal in Pakistan?

Pakistan is preparing to launch a major crackdown on internet pornography after its telecom regulator ordered internet service providers on Monday to block access to more than 400,000 adult websites.


In two years, 769,870 porn sites or pages were blocked


The National Assembly Standing Committee on Defence was informed Wednesday that Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) had so far blocked as many as 831,443 pornographic websites

I appreciate the technology, and it is fascinating, but the application of such tech is questionable.

Like the algorithms for Facebook, with all the Whatsapp intergration etc, I now worry about what I type in Whatsapp. I see adverts for stuff I typed in WA! Yes Whatsapp is encrypted end to end, but the moment you save your chat, it is clear text. Hence I disabled backups on WA (enabled by default). This is just one example.

Using the same algorithms, it's not difficult to pick up personal data from a phone, and with it you can identify the user with ease. This is precisly why children are at the biggest risk.

You could say that children shouldn't be given smartphones at a young age, but that's an entirley different topic altogether.

Fair enough, but atleast with apps you as a parent will have more control.. I was given the desktop in late 90s and in 2000 internet... and my parents gave me free reign luckily only thing i discovered was Yahoo, msn , myspace ,orkut(social media not the meaning) later on..wonder how they showed ads based on what.

I do agree that apps have major privacy issue , but as you said children shouldn’t be given smartphones or ipads but guess what did Pandemic do to schooling?
Fair enough, but atleast with apps you as a parent will have more control.. I was given the desktop in late 90s and in 2000 internet... and my parents gave me free reign luckily only thing i discovered was Yahoo, msn , myspace ,orkut(social media not the meaning) later on..wonder how they showed ads based on what.

I do agree that apps have major privacy issue , but as you said children shouldn’t be given smartphones or ipads but guess what did Pandemic do to schooling?

Internet was in its infancy in late 90s and early 00s (especially after the .com crash). There was no Youtube, no Facebook, etc.

Fast forward to today, the internet is more harmful than helpful. IMO.

Case in point, I bought laptops for my kids recently. I want them to embrace technology but to be careful. The access to all sorts of material by default was shocking. I say this as a parent and a Telecoms professional.

I configured all sorts on the home network etc to ensure I could achieve maximum child safe access. I deny all traffic by default and provide access to sites I feel are both safe, and educational. I match these rules based on MAC addresses for extra security.

Would I give my child a Smartphone? Yes. I played with tech since I was 5. Would I want them GLR access to the internet and all content? Resounding no.
Internet was in its infancy in late 90s and early 00s (especially after the .com crash). There was no Youtube, no Facebook, etc.

Fast forward to today, the internet is more harmful than helpful. IMO.

Case in point, I bought laptops for my kids recently. I want them to embrace technology but to be careful. The access to all sorts of material by default was shocking. I say this as a parent and a Telecoms professional.

I configured all sorts on the home network etc to ensure I could achieve maximum child safe access. I deny all traffic by default and provide access to sites I feel are both safe, and educational. I match these rules based on MAC addresses for extra security.

Would I give my child a Smartphone? Yes. I played with tech since I was 5. Would I want them GLR access to the internet and all content? Resounding no.

Well done actually, I have been telling other couples- family and friends that but I usually get yelled back with things like’ you have no kids so you can’t judge us or tell us’ which I didn’t as i just sent them youtube vids and other links to mesh routers with PCS for kids, irrespective I don’t have kids and they are right but hoping the idea is planted in their mind and they would do it.
While i have nothing against these apps, I would like to point to those who oppose the ban, especially of Grindr, that Pakistan is a democratic country.

And in Pakistan if a political party campaigns on rights of people to use Grindr, they would win 0 out of 342 seats. People need to accept the will of the majority. Pakistan is right now not a tolerant country for gays. And again i oppose this ban.
Its stupidity like this that will ensure that Pakistan remains backward. I bet a lot of the religious posters here have and do visit adult websites. Hypocrites.

What about adult websites. Are they legal in Pakistan?

Adult websites mostly lead to onanism.

Thru Tinder and whatever app, here the govt is trying to take steps to curb prostitution.

Two totally different scenarios.
Surprised that Grindr was allowed in Pakistan, seeing anti-LGBT laws in Islamic nations. They will find some other platforms if not these. Atleast these apps are safe enough to use.
For Hamza Baloch, Grindr was a life-changer. As a gay man in Pakistan, an Islamic republic where homosexuality carries a sentence of up to 10 years in prison, his means of meeting others in the LGBT community had always been shrouded in secrecy and risk and kept within known safe spaces.

But the arrival of dating apps such as Grindr and Tinder in Pakistan about four years ago brought with it a small revolution among young people across the spectrum of sexuality. Here they could connect and meet people on their own terms, with an honesty about their sexuality that was previously taboo and dangerous. The apps proved popular: Tinder has been downloaded 440,000 times in Pakistan in the last 13 months.

“I used Grindr a lot for dating, sometimes just so I could meet up with someone over a cup or tea or dinner, or sometimes for more casual hookups,” said Baloch, who is an LGBT activist in Karachi. He emphasised that Grindr was not just the preserve of upper- and middle-class people in cities, and said he had seen the app used by gay and trans people even in remote rural communities in Sindh province, for example.

But this week the Pakistan government announced it was imposed a sweeping ban on dating apps, accusing them of hosting “immoral and indecent content”. It is part of what has been seen as a move by the prime minister, Imran Khan, to appease the conservative religious factions who wield enormous amounts of power and influence in Pakistan.

In response, Grindr, which describes itself as the world’s largest social networking app for gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people, said it was “exploring ways that we can be of service to the LGBTQ community in the region”.

Homosexuality is still widely perceived to bring shame to families in Pakistan, and has led to so-called “honour” killings. But the apps have also been met with disapproval over heterosexual meetups, particularly for women from more conservative households who are discouraged from dating on their own terms and instead are expected to enter into an arranged marriage with someone selected by their family.

“What sane government in 2020 stops its citizens from dating?” said Baloch. “Even those who call themselves religious and practising people of faith used these apps for their private life to fulfil their desires and human needs, which they didn’t want to do publicly or visibly.”

He added: “No matter which strata of society they belong to, be it a university grad or a shopkeeper at some village, these apps provided a great and a safe platform to the queer community to connect and interact with each other, without putting themselves at risk.”

The apps were not without their dangers. After an incident in 2016 in which a 20-year-old man killed three gay men he had lured from LGBT Facebook pages, claiming to be stopping the spread of evil, the LGBT community was warned to avoid anonymous meetings with people through apps and social media. In order to protect their identities, LGBT people often did not post identifying photos on their Tinder and Grindr profiles.

The decision by Khan’s government to bring in the ban on dating apps has led to accusations of hypocrisy against the prime minister, who before entering politics was a Test cricketer with something of a lothario reputation. Many criticised the move as further evidence of the weakness of Khan’s government in the face of the powerful religious right, while others wryly commented that Khan would be the “playboy that brought in sharia [Islamic law according to the Qur’an]”.

Neesha*, 20, an LGBT student at Habib University in Karachi, said apps like Tinder had taken the fear out of dating, whichwould now return after the ban. While small groups and communities of LGBT people had existed long before the apps arrived in Pakistan, Tinder and Grindr had opened up the opportunity to meet people who might be less comfortable attending LGBT meetups or who were still exploring their sexuality.

Neesha spoke of two university friends who had not known the other was gay, both too fearful to speak openly about it, until they saw each other on Tinder. They subsequently began a relationship. “People say these apps aren’t for countries like ours but I think it’s to the contrary, we need them more because we can’t be public about who we are,” she said, describing the ban as “pure hypocrisy”.

The impact of banning the apps was not only felt in the LGBT community. “Going on dates is considered wrong in our society and so honestly Tinder has made it easier for people in Pakistan to communicate with each other and meet each other,” said a 25-year-old student studying at Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology, Islamabad. “Banning these apps is absurd.”

Minahil, a student and activist at Iqra University, Karachi, said the apps had “definitely made it easier for gay people in Pakistan to find love” and she feared that the ban was part of a wider crackdown on the gay community that would once again ensure “people in Pakistan stay in the closet forever”.

“By blocking these apps, Imran Khan is trying to win the hearts of conservatives and hide his own past,” she said. “But we can all see the hypocrisy.”

Tinder to sue Muzmatch

Tinder takes on Muslim love rival: US dating giant Match Group launches legal war with UK-based Islamic app Muzmatch after accusing it of copying their product and services

Match Group is the powerhouse behind matchmaking apps Tinder and Hinge

Firm accuses British Muslim dating app Muzmatch of trademark infringement

The legal battle centres around the use of 'match' in Muzmatch's metadata

Muzmatch rejects all allegations ahead of court hearing later this month


Pakistani singles defy tradition, search for spouses in person​

Dozens of young singles gathered this week to meet potential marriage partners in Pakistan's eastern city of Lahore, the first attempt by a UK-based matrimonial app to help people find spouses in person in the conservative Islamic country.

Typically, marriages in Pakistan are arranged by parents who look for suitable matches for their children from within their communities or the extended family. Dating apps are generally stigmatised and gender segregation socially and at work remains common in the country of 240 million people.

The Lahore event was organised by Muzz, formerly Muzzmatch, which says its app is based on Islamic etiquette. The app is restricted to Muslim users, and, in a nod to traditional values, gives the option of blurring pictures except for specific matches and allows for chaperones to oversee meetings.

Other smaller events are also emerging in the country to challenge traditional matchmaking norms.

Despite criticism online in the past for the app, the Muzz event was attended by about 100 people.

Aimen, a 31-year-old woman who did not want to be further identified, said she used the app on the recommendation of her U.S.-based brother.

"I used the app for two weeks, but then I saw an ad for this event and thought, why not meet people in person?" she told Reuters.

She said that her mother would have accompanied her as a chaperone but couldn't attend because of ill-health.

Muzz, launched in 2015 in the Britain, which also has a sizeable Muslim population, has over 1.5 million users in Pakistan, its second-largest market after Morocco.

Moaz, a 27-year-old man, said he has been using Muzz for a year and that he was hopeful of finding a wife through the app.

"I do get matches, but they have different priorities," he said adding that girls on the app expect him to involve his parents from the beginning.

"That is not (immediately) possible," he said, stressing the need of getting to know someone before taking the next big step.

Annie's Matchmaking Party, another Lahore event last week, used an algorithm to match 20 young professionals after a selection process and invited them to the meet.

Noor ul Ain Choudhary, the 30-year-old organizer, faced criticism online that her event promoted a "hookup culture". She countered that it aimed to provide a safe space for singles to meet and connect.

"In Pakistan, we've had two options: biased arranged marriages or time-consuming dating apps with no guarantees. Safety during meetings is also a concern," she said.

Abdullah Ahmed, 22, was bullish about in person events and said he was convinced he may have found his perfect match at the Muzz gathering.

"The highlight was meeting an amazing girl," he said, beaming with excitement, adding that they instantly clicked and swapped social media handles.

"We're both Marvel fans! We're already planning to catch the new Deadpool & Wolverine together," he said.

"We're both Marvel fans! We're already planning to catch the new Deadpool & Wolverine together," he said.
This is the problem with people, that they get excited over surface level similarities. Hey, we both love Marvel. Let's hook up!

Relationships should be based on something more deep and fundamental. Or just skin deep, if all you care about is physical beauty ( that is fine too).

How does your spouse treat your near ones in your family?
How well does your spouse communicate their differences with you?
How well does your spouse take a disagreement?
Is you spouse willing to take a career break for kids? Or will they be done with a single child only?
What is there attitude towards money?
How much is your spouse attracted to you?

No, but let's build our future life together on the fact that we both love marvel movies.
Very good from Pakistan.

Tinder should be banned worldwide. It has become an adultery/fornication app.
All good but isn't immoral to lock up people without trial, lock up cancer sufferers for years without trial and 1000s of others. Isn't it immoral to kidnap people and torture them.