I understand your anger. I don’t blame you, I’ve been there before too when Pakistan have been in the dumps and people have used it as an opportunity to further infuriate the true fans. It’s not a pleasant time or phase.
Pakistan is my team. It’s the only team in the world that I invest my time and money for. I don’t book days off from work to watch other teams play, nor do I buy tickets to watch any other team play live.
Having dislike for certain elements of the team, structure and culture is part of the love one has for its family. Families have disagreements, but they always stay family. You can’t replace your biological mother, father, brother, sister, cousins, uncles with others that are not related to you in blood. But that doesn’t mean that you cannot fall out with them, have disagreements with them, start harbouring ill thoughts for them. It’s life, life teaches you many lessons. Life offers new perspectives with the passage of time and with the growth of maturity.
I don’t think I am being someone who I am not. It is who I am, I struggle to accept things that do not sit right with me within. As far as this article or essay is concerned, maybe this is something I have written with a positive tone towards Pakistan, not my usual blunt force driven narrative style.
What I have written is an honest assessment. I do regret not mentioning Rizwan’s number 4 position as a positive or negative, because I’d rather just let it be and not offend or appease anyone. Besides that, how can I be criticised for saying I ‘personally’ do not believe Pakistan is mentally or physically strong enough to defeat those 4 teams mentioned? I did also admit that I had the same personal feeling in 2019 for Pakistan against England, so I could well be wrong. It’s just a personal opinion, and it’s not supposed to be the overall narrative. I don’t hold that power, no one honestly holds the power to establish the complete narrative.
If every small thing, comment that doesn’t conform to how you would expect people to be offends you, then then you will always be hurting yourself time and time again mentally. It’s really not worth it. Take this honest advice from me if you wish,
Believe in something. Don’t care if others believe in you or not. Mark those whose strong views do not match yours about that subject, wait patiently. When your time comes, let them know! Wait for the right time, because your time will come if you truly believe it to be correct.