Pakistani Bats in London ?


Tape Ball Star
Jul 7, 2012
Post of the Week
Hi Pakpassion fans :) i live in England (London.) I am looking to buy a CA or MB Malik bats but i cant seem to find any good shops who charge reasonable prices. I asked Malik Sports in slough for a price on a Bubber Sher and he told me it was £189?

Anyone know any good shops to purchase Pak bats from as id prefer to get a feel for the bat before hence why i am a little against online orders.

All feedback is appreciated !
maybe better to put what side you live in - so ppl can give you specific details of local sellers.
Also how much do you wanna spend? Coz a lot of good custom bat makers in UK- they charge a pretty penny though!
Thanks no i live in West London but i am willing to travel around London. Budget wise i am not willing to spend more than £150+ and i know Asian Pak/Indo bats are pretty good for around that budget.. Thanks Crickeritsmylife !