Pakistani stadiums vs developed world stadiums


Tape Ball Star
Feb 9, 2011
I was looking at the pictures on the PTI facebook page about preps for some "peace match" at Arbab Niaz Stadium. That stadium has so much potential to become a beauty but sadly it just looks like the equivalent of a 3rd tier college sports stadium in the US.

If you follow sport, one of the things that you'll notice is that with the EPL, NFL, or NBA, and many other major leagues, there are marked points of success with respect to public support at stadiums and commercial support as well. That point in sports happens when the organizations start looking after their infrastructure and taking care of their fans.

With the EPL in the late 80's and early 90's with football in the UK starting to take a downturn the emphasis was put on making the "fan experience" better and money put towards infrastructure development. With the NFL you saw this happen in the 60's and 70's. This seems to be a recurring theme.

My question is this:

Why is it that when you look at stadiums, even older ones in the developed world, they look (for the part) really beautiful and comfortable enough to go watch a match at but we here in Pakistan, even Bangladesh and Sri Lanka and older Indian stadiums, put up generic concrete bleachers? We spend the money but in my opinion just aren't getting the bang for the buck. I've seen some of Pakistan's stadiums and most of them have so much potential but its just the same old generic stuff.

When are we going to start learning from successful leagues and their ventures and start to implement those things?

Source for above information: I love reading about the "tipping point" for business/ventures/sports. Am an absolute sports nut and this kind of thing fascinates me. I could go around looking for where i've read all this but its too tedious right now and I don't have that much time on my hands. (sorry)
Bro cuz there is no international sports in Pak right now.
From top to bottom each and every Pakistani official is corrupt (I can bet on that), so even if in annual budget they give money to ministry of sports or whoever the eff in charge, money will go to banglows/cribs ;)
I'm not comparing to knock anybody, the developed world started somewhere too! I'm not trying to knock anybody either, what I'm saying/asking is when do WE get to a point or What is it going to take to have that realization here in the sub-continent to start moving forward?
Compare the general infrastructure of both sets of countries and you'll get your answer.
The Arbab Niaz stadium in Hyderabad for several years was used as a wedding venue !

I agree that sporting infrastructure is quite poor in comparison to other countries but when even basic infrastructure such as water, electricity and sewage systems aren't functioning then how can we expect our cricket stadiums to be all polished up ?
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I think it's Imran Khan who said that Melbourne has more stadiums that the whole Pak put together. We don't have stadiums, cricket academies or even basic school cricket and structural coaching ; all our cricket, from its inception by Lahore college graduate until today, relies on individual talent which wants to pop up here and now, not because of our infrastructure.
If Pakistan want to remain a top 4 team for a long time, we'll have to adress all these problems, you can't expect Hanif Mohammed/Fazal Mehmood, Imran Khan/Javed Miandad, Wasim/Waqar/Inzy, ... to magically appear all the time, we need a system, and the lack of (quality with the) stadiums is just ONE of the myriad of problems affecting our cricket.
Because every chairman has his own agenda :zaka guy was interested in building stadium in Garhi Khuda Baksh and Islamabad and even wasted some millions on it :facepalm: why not develop the already available stadiums
Right, I understand that every tom, dick, and harry walking into the chairmans seat has his own agenda. What I'm trying to move the conversation towards is, what is it going to take to get the process moving?

For example, in the EPL it literally took riots and people burning stuff in the stands for the FA to take notice about something not being right. For the NFL, it was the popularity of the early Super Bowls that opened their eyes. What will it take for the PCB to wake up and take notice?
Because without consistent international matches their isn't the revenue stream to justify it.
I think BCCI has invested a lot of money in improving infrastructure and its already showing. Some of the newer stadiums seem top notch and the older ones are also being renovated. So thumbs up to the BCCI in that regard, making good use of the money.

Secondly, onus is also on us fans to maintain these facilities. I remember how disappointed Sahara group was when the found people destroying state of the art facilities at the Pune stadium that they had developed. Thats pretty shameful, we just don't acknowledge the good treatment and kind of deserve to be treated like animals. :facepalm:

Unfortunately the Mohali stadium, which once used to be one of India's best has not received any renovations for a long time and seems in poor shape now.
Bro cuz there is no international sports in Pak right now.
From top to bottom each and every Pakistani official is corrupt (I can bet on that), so even if in annual budget they give money to ministry of sports or whoever the eff in charge, money will go to banglows/cribs ;)
Recently in Lahre there was ASIA Cup U16 qualifiers of football
^ The people of Mohali deserve it, for not turning up to watch any game.

Chennai and Mumbai are top venues.
^ The people of Mohali deserve it, for not turning up to watch any game.

Chennai and Mumbai are top venues.

Only in tests where usually people have to deal with either extreme cold or extreme heat.Gets tough, otherwise ODIs,T20s, IPLs are always sold out.
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Only in tests where usually people have to deal with either extreme cold or extreme heat.Gets tough, otherwise ODIs,T20s, IPLs are always sold out.

and it doesn't get hot in Chennai, Hyd? Even Kanpur crowd shows up in better-than-decent numbers for all days of a test match. Mohali and Nagpur are the worst test avenues in India in terms of the crowd..
It look like people are too much obsess about cricket and Pakistani living abroad are living in fantasy world. Look like people have no idea about the ground realities of the country.

Cricket and conditions of the stadium is the last thing people need to worry at the moment. Pakistan is in the state of war for almost 10 years and on top of that, corruption of the leaders have left nothing for the average people to live or eat.

Building fancy stadiums are like, a poor man has nothing to eat and has no roof on top and you are asking, hey dude, why you are not driving BMW?
We are months away from international cricket in Pakistan resuming.

Are there any plans to renovate Gaddafi stadium? Perhaps rename it too? 27,000 stadium is too small. Also the roof looks rusty. They need to paint the roof.
Rafi stadium construction progress.

I reckon we are 18 months away from a game in Rafi. 50,000 seater international grade stadium will be a first for Pakistan finally.
Pak stadiums v the rest is like comparing a road of potholes to a smooth one:tahir2
Think cricket stadiums are least of their worries right now.. If international cricket was regular in Pakistan then maybe the OP would have had a point but without international cricket spending millions on revamping stadiums is tough for a country like Pakistan..
Pakistan cricket is still stuck in the 90's with their brand of cricket, so suffice to say the infrastructure would also be frozen in time.

You don't have to be playing in the country to keep things up-to-date and renovated. Especially when you have the top guy at the cricketing board ready for renewals of matches in Pakistan. You can't have it both ways.
Rafi stadium construction progress.

I reckon we are 18 months away from a game in Rafi. 50,000 seater international grade stadium will be a first for Pakistan finally.

Any 3D model of this stadium? How will it look after completion? Where is this stadium?
Think cricket stadiums are least of their worries right now.. If international cricket was regular in Pakistan then maybe the OP would have had a point but without international cricket spending millions on revamping stadiums is tough for a country like Pakistan..

Improving the stadiums is also a part of improving the domestic structure. Playing in these trashy stadiums is affecting upcoming players
Those claiming that maintaining stadiums is cheap are delusional
It's hard to think of any financial incentives the PCB would have regarding keeping stadiums in top conditions. No one turns up to watch domestic cricket in them.
Stadiums need improvement and heck Islamabad has needed a international cricket stadium for decades, but lack of international cricket in Pak has meant no money.

Since the start of PSL and a few international matches you can see PCB using some money to renovate Lahore and Karachi staduims. Peshawar and Faislabad will be next.
More money needs to be spent on sports science - that's the biggest factor in any sports