Palestinian elections appear headed for delay amid Jerusalem dispute (update #29)


Local Club Captain
Jan 29, 2005
Hamas Victory

What a slap in the face US! :)))
US always b*****s and moans about the lack of "Democracy" in the islamic world but now after a legitimate election the US says it will not work with Hamas :20:
Bush seems to want democracy but only if that yields a leader of their choice. Well Bush, you can't have it both ways, can you? :))
Jive Jive Pakistan said:
hamas does alot of good in palestine not just the milliatray actions as ti provides school and hospitals

Since when have suicide bombings ever got anyone anywhere!! All it does is makes things worse!!!!
Hamnas have said they reject violence-and are using the political tool-just like IRA and their 'political wing' Sinn Fein. Tony BLair negotiated with them-so for him to say anythingh different would just confirm how hypocrtitical he is.

Algerian FREE and FAIR elections 1994-Islamic Party won-USA banned the winners and nullified the elestion!

Bush is a jerk-he was probably getting ready to invade 'Tsunami' this time last year!!!

The West DOES NOT want a democratically elected party in power-if its Isl;amic...hence propping up all these Puppet dictators in the Middle East.
i dont know wt's wrong with this especially when israel has right-wing parties in power.
i guess double standards by israel and usa.
Raz said:
Since when have suicide bombings ever got anyone anywhere!! All it does is makes things worse!!!!

bro when did i say anything about the sucide bombing

the good they do and i was referring to ws the hospitals and schools they provide
Oxy™ said:
Hamnas have said they reject violence-and are using the political tool-just like IRA and their 'political wing' Sinn Fein. Tony BLair negotiated with them-so for him to say anythingh different would just confirm how hypocrtitical he is.

Algerian FREE and FAIR elections 1994-Islamic Party won-USA banned the winners and nullified the elestion!

Bush is a jerk-he was probably getting ready to invade 'Tsunami' this time last year!!!

The West DOES NOT want a democratically elected party in power-if its Isl;amic...hence propping up all these Puppet dictators in the Middle East.

welcome to the world of 'free and fair' politicis the west likes
I have been laughing away at the TV today - now we have TRUE democracy !! hahahahahaha!! Apparently, there is despair in Israel about election results!
Well Hanan Ashrawi said that if the Israelis were willing to have bilateral talks with the moderates in the Palestinian government then such a situation wouldnt have been required.

And while Im not for a second saying its ok for suicide bombers to blow civilians (thats a very repulsive act) but why did Israel leave southern Lebanon or the Sinei? Cause Lebenon and Eygpt managed to reach a level playing field. As long as the other side has the upper hand at the table, theres no way anyone will get what they want
For a really satisfying evening..... switch over to FoxNews and watch them cry about Hamas's victory.......
MenInGreen said:
For a really satisfying evening..... switch over to FoxNews and watch them cry about Hamas's victory.......
Why didnt I think of that earlier. Bill O'Reilly's 'no spin zone' would be a great watch
Listen out for the calls of this election was rigged and there were no UN observors present to supervise the elections etc etc.
Jive Jive Pakistan said:
bro when did i say anything about the sucide bombing

the good they do and i was referring to ws the hospitals and schools they provide

You said the following: "hamas does alot of good in palestine not just the milliatray actions as ti provides school and hospitals"

I think you probably meant that they do a lot of good in palestine, not in its military actions but it provides schools and hospitals.

Therefore i reacted the way i did because of what you actually wrote not what i think you meant to write :p
Oh bloody brilliant. What next? Al Qaeda standing for election in Afghanistan?
Rob H said:
Oh bloody brilliant. What next? Al Qaeda standing for election in Afghanistan?

If BNP can stand for elections RH...why cant anyone else? Al_Qaeda maybe an extreme example, and not many 'normal Muslim' people could stomach would they may get up to...but if IRA can be represented by Sinn Fein AND have seats in OUR UK Parliament...and be paid by the British taxpayer, what is to stop Hamas doing it in Palestine?

The West cant have it what ever way they wish-whinge that there is no Democracy-then refuse to deal with the winners of a free and fair democratic election!

Is it any wonder why there is so much cynicism of The West, esp Bush and Blair et al?
i don't agree with the right-wing israeli gov't and neither with hamas...the leftists and secularists on both sides are this is obviously going to be the result...the palestinians are frustrated and desperate...and in times of tends to rely on right-wing tactics...
Saj said:
Listen out for the calls of this election was rigged and there were no UN observors present to supervise the elections etc etc.

USA...George Bush..1st time around...wasnt it? NOw that was a SHAM!
Oxy™ said:
USA...George Bush..1st time around...wasnt it? NOw that was a SHAM!
The guy didnt even have a majority. But of course, that doesnt matter does it?
Rob H said:
Oh bloody brilliant. What next? Al Qaeda standing for election in Afghanistan?

what a foolish remark that was.

Was watching bbc news and a quote from an israeli general was - " u dont make peace with ur friends, u make peace with ur enemies" - and that was blown away as preposterous from Israeli government .
I dont think we need to get too hung about what Hamas stands for - after all the Brit govt are quite happy to talk to the descendents of the Ergun and other blood thirsty "independence" outfits who rountinely killed British Officers - wonder how their widows/children feel about that !
Famous Oil Tanker Condescending Rice Pudding was quoted as saying yesterday that "you can't have one foot in politics and one in terror." Makes you wonder who she was talking about - Bush, Isr**l, or Hamas!


V = Victory​
USA and her mates have tried to convert I.radicals into moderates through elections like they did to the IRA.

Why should a nation under attack give up her weapons just so that Bushy recognises them, who wants to talk to a cartoon character!!

The point being these elections always result in puppets of some sort or the other
They have slaughtered muslims on massive levels, muslims MUST now wise up, we must get smart and wake up.

We cannot continue to be fools, we must not be idiots.

There are 1.5 BILLION muslims and growing and and we must continue to grow and convert.

But we have to wake up, we cannot follow secular and non-muslim nations we must carve out power and position in the world ourselves.

Good economics etc dosent mean we must follow a system of government and governance

We muslims should follow islam we are muslims after all's, what the point of folliwing islam if we dont want islamic government
With Sharon still out for the count, his Veritas i mean Kadimah party in disarray, Hamas's victory does throw a spanner in the works for Israeli politics.

It almost seems cruel for such a fat man to have such a big problem.... and thats just the hospital food ;

The first Palestinian elections in 15 years appeared to be headed for a delay on Tuesday amid a dispute over voting in Israeli-annexed East Jerusalem and splits in President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah party.

Many Palestinians were sceptical from the start on whether parliamentary and presidential votes planned for May and July would even take place after they were announced by Abbas in January. Now 85, Abbas has been in power since 2005.

The timing of the long-awaited polls was largely seen as a bid to reset relations with Washington under President Joe Biden. Earlier this month, Biden began to restore U.S. aid to Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza that was cut under predecessor Donald Trump.

Wasel Abu Youssef, an Abbas confidant and member of the Palestine Liberation Organization's Executive Committee, confirmed to Reuters on Tuesday that the issue of voting in Jerusalem was a key factor in Abbas's thinking.

"Any prevention or obstruction of holding elections in Jerusalem would entail a postponement," he said.

Another Palestinian official close to Abbas, Hussein al-Sheikh, said Israel had officially informed the Palestinians that it would not permit balloting in Jerusalem, the contested city at the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Palestinians seek East Jerusalem as the capital of a future independent state in the West Bank and Gaza, territory Israel captured in the 1967 Middle East War.

Israel annexed East Jerusalem in 1980 but the move has not been recognised internationally. The area is still considered as occupied by most of the international community, although Israel deems Jerusalem its "eternal and indivisble" capital.

An Egyptian intelligence official told Reuters that the Palestinians informed Egypt that they plan to postpone the elections over the Jerusalem issue and that Abbas will announce the decision at a meeting of party leaders on Thursday.

A spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office said there has been no formal announcement on whether Israel will allow Palestinian voting in Jerusalem, as it did during the last elections in 2006.

Palestinian analysts say the Jerusalem dispute offers Abbas an excuse to call off elections he might lose.

After the elections were announced, his own Fatah party split, with internal challengers announcing their own list of candidates that threatens to undermine the official slate.

The split could jeopardise Abbas's long grip on power by allowing the Islamist group Hamas to gain more seats from Fatah's internal divisions - a key reason Fatah lost the previous elections.

"(Abbas) could certainly use (Jerusalem) as a pretext to delay the election," Gaza political analyst Talal Okal said, adding that Abbas's main concern "is Fatah, its separate lists, and fears that Hamas might get higher votes than Fatah."

Hamas and other Palestinian parties have objected to any delay.

"There is no chance (we will) discuss a delay. What we should discuss is how to conduct the election in Jerusalem," Hamas spokesman Hazem Qassem said.

Hamas seized control of Gaza in 2007 from Abbas's Palestinian Authority, which has limited self-rule in the West Bank. The two have been in a protracted power struggle since.

About 6,300 East Jerusalem Palestinians would need to cast ballots at Israeli post offices in the city, in accordance with past agreements, Palestinian officials say. The rest of the city's 150,000 Palestinians can vote outside the city, they say.