Party of Talented Individuals: Asad Umar Retires From Engro Ready to Join PTI?


Senior ODI Player
Mar 8, 2009
KARACHI: Corporate Pakistan lost one of its most admired CEOs on Monday, with Asad Umar taking an early retirement from the Engro Corporation, amidst rumours that he might be closing out a highly successful business career to begin a political one.

Umar himself refused to comment on what he would do next. “I do not want to address the speculation at this time. You will hear within the next two to three days what I will be doing next,” he told The Express Tribune. The market however did react to news of his departure and the stock price went up 5% within minutes of the announcement.

His departure, meanwhile, raises the question of who will replace him at the helm of one of the largest and most respected companies in the country. In an internal e-mail circulated to employees, Engro’s chairman and largest shareholder Hussain Dawood did not offer specifics. “Asad’s successor will be announced in the near future,” he said. Dawood owns around 38% of the company.

While there were initially some rumours that indicated that Umar may have left after disagreements with the board, sources close to Engro’s board say that the decision was purely motivated by Umar’s personal desire to move on to other interests.

His tenure at Engro has certainly been a remarkably successful one. When Umar took over as President and CEO of the company in January 2004, Engro was largely just a fertiliser manufacturer with a small petrochemical subsidiary. Under his leadership, however, the company turned into a diversified industrial conglomerate, with interests ranging from fertilizers, foods, petrochemicals, chemical storage, energy and commodity trading.

Small wonder, then, that Dawood was effusive in his praise of Umar when announcing the departure to the company’s employees, noting that under his leadership, Engro’s revenues had grown from just Rs13 billion in 2004 to Rs114 billion in 2011, growing at an annualised rate of nearly 36.4%. (Inflation during that time averaged 12.6% per year.)

Even within the core fertiliser business, Umar took Engro from being a local player to a globally competitive one, leading the firm into the $1.1 billion project that set up the world’s largest single-train urea manufacturing plant in Pakistan.

Umar’s 27-year career at Engro began in 1985, when the company was still a subsidiary of ExxonMobil, the global oil giant. “I still remember the exact figure of my first salary: Rs8,170 per month. My boss at the time said ‘Well, frankly they are paying you too much.’” As CEO of Engro Corporation, Umar was paid Rs68.6 million for the year 2011, which comes to a monthly salary of Rs5.7 million.

In addition to his salary, Umar, 50, was also paid in stock and currently owns about 2 million shares of the company, with options to buy another 924,000, according to Engro’s latest available financial statements. At Monday’s closing price of Rs102.47 per share, that puts the value of Umar’s stocks and options at over Rs300 million.

Umar represents the growing class of executives trained by the country’s business schools who made it big by working their way up the corporate ladder rather than being born into privilege. Umar graduated from the Institute of Business Administration in Karachi in 1984, working for a short stint at HSBC Pakistan before moving to what was then Exxon Chemical Pakistan as a business analyst.

He was the only Pakistani employee of Exxon working abroad (in Canada) when the famous management buyout of Engro took place in 1991. Umar came back to Pakistan and in 1997 was appointed the first CEO of Engro Polymer & Chemicals, the group’s petrochemical arm.

When Umar became president of the company in 2004, he immediately made the company take a global perspective, becoming the first Pakistani private sector firm to hire the top (and expensive) US consulting firm McKinsey & Company to help create the Engro’s strategy. Engro changed its corporate structure as a result of that engagement and is now on a global expansion kick, buying out a US-based food company and considering expanding into the fertiliser business in North Africa to supply the European market.

Possible political aspirations

Umar is long rumoured to have harboured political aspirations. In 2007, he appeared as a contestant on the DawnNews game show “Enter the PM”, which was a mock selection of a new prime minister shortly before the 2008 general elections. Umar emerged the winner in that contest.

In recent months, the blogosphere has been increasingly vocal about Umar’s political leanings, which he hinted at strongly by participating in the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf’s “Professionals Forum”. Indeed, his political leanings have been rumoured to have had a negative impact on Engro’s relations with the current administration, led by the rival Pakistan Peoples Party.

So strong is this market perception that Engro’s stock hit the upper circuit breaker of 5% as soon as the news was revealed that Umar would be leaving the company. “People think that Engro has not been getting gas for its new fertiliser plant because he has bad relations with the government,” said one portfolio manager based in Karachi.

Published in The Express Tribune, April 17th, 2012

Another man that deserves a special thread

Ok I stole The party of Talented Individuals from comments from this story :p

Shameful stuff by PPP government for shutting down the gas of Engro for Asad Umar opposing the government.
Leading from the front. He made his appearance in Insaf Professional Forum 2 months ago and told Participants there to stand up and be counted. He is doing Just That now standing up :14:


Thank You Musharaf regime and Lawyers Movement for waking up people of Pakistan.
PTI is quietly building a solid Economic Team.


KARACHI : Former Director Karachi Stock Exchange, Mr. Iqbal Ismail Culcuttawala formally join Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf.

Mr. Iqbal Ismail has done his Master of Business Administration from University of Pittsburgh, USA and M.A. Economics from Karachi University . He has worked with Investment Corporation of Pakistan and has also been Director of Karachi Stock Exchange. Mr. Iqbal Ismail is the Chairman of ACE Securities (Pvt) Ltd, a Corporate Brokerage House of Karachi Stock Exchange.

Jahngir Tareen We already know about him.


Islamabad. March 14th, 2012 - The Chairman of Pakistan’s Tehreek-e-Insaf (Movement for Justice) party, Imran Khan, has appointed Dr Azeem Ibrahim as his strategic policy adviser.

Dr Ibrahim's remit will be to develop comprehensive policies which can be implemented as soon as Khan takes office. Scottish-born Azeem Ibrahim, who holds a PhD from Cambridge University and served as a scholar at Harvard and Yale, was named as one of the Top 100 Global Thinkers of 2009 by the LSDP European Social Think Tank. He brings a formidable track record to such a task as over the past ten years, he has advised over half a dozen world leaders.

Others like Firous Khan and Naeem Ul Haq and now finally Asad Umar who is probably the best out of all of these guys.
Great news!
Remember when I wanted to search something on thar coal - a subject that Imran Khan hismelf talks a lot about - this video came out:

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Anti-PTI generally don't want to listen about some economic team, or about peoples who focus on precise socio-economic subjects (education, energy crisis, ...) because they just have to go on the Insaf Research Wing (IRW) website and read at the reports.
They just like to think and say - sadly both sometimes - that Imran Khan is all about slogans and not practical solutions, as if PTI begins and ends with Imran Khan, with no other members in the party.

By the way, has Moeed Pirzada joined PTI ? He just recently "liked" pages like "We Want Imran Khan To Be The Next Prime Minster Of Pakistan" or "Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf" on FB. :D

What do peoples think of Shaukat Tarin as economist ?
But with another "Tarin" in the team, "peoples" will say that it's nepotism, like Imran Khan Niazi is promoting his "distant relative" Saif Ullah Khan Niazi. :D
By the way, has Moeed Pirzada joined PTI ? He just recently "liked" pages like "We Want Imran Khan To Be The Next Prime Minster Of Pakistan" or "Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf" on FB. :D

He probably has going by his recent rant against media for not giving enough coverage to PTI just like all other PTI Wallas :). ok maybe it wasn't a rant.

I think his article that came right after October 30th on PTI gave us a lot of details about who and why he is supporting.
Leading from the front. He made his appearance in Insaf Professional Forum 2 months ago and told Participants there to stand up and be counted. He is doing Just That now standing up :14:


Thank You Musharaf regime and Lawyers Movement for waking up people of Pakistan.

I remember listening to this 3 times a while back. Everything he said, had professionalism, and patriotism written all over it.

No big promises, no big talk, positive and practical.

I have heard that he is about to take up a very important position in PTI, and that is why he has left Engro.

If he joins PTI he should go ahead and contest election against Imran Khan and send a strong message to the usual politicians in pti.

I would rather have a non-politician leading PTI then a proper politician.
Talent man, He had some great marketing strategies with promoting Olpers and juice he released.

If he joins PTI he should go ahead and contest election against Imran Khan and send a strong message to the usual politicians in pti.

I would rather have a non-politician leading PTI then a proper politician.

Yes, that would send a strong message, BUT, it would sort of tarnish his image of being a professional who has joined politics to work for pakistan, NOT to get to the top of a party he just joined.

If I were him, I would work hard, and stay away from running against IK.

For me, the most important thing is what I posted earlier, that he has supposedly quit the corporate world to "do something" in politics with PTI. A guy who makes 70 million a month, wont quit unless he is planning something major in politics. Very exciting stuff
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Yes, that would send a strong message, BUT, it would sort of tarnish his image of being a professional who has joined politics to work for pakistan, NOT to get to the top of a party he just joined.

If I were him, I would work hard, and stay away from running against IK.

For me, the most important thing is what I posted earlier, that he has supposedly quit the corporate world to "do something" in politics with PTI. A guy who makes 70 million a month, wont quit unless he is planning something major in politics. Very exciting stuff

Fair enough.

waisey Merit Ka taqaza yeh he hai ke he contest election for the top post.
^Agreed. In terms of merit, Asad is in a different class altogether.

Do you have any inside info on what his role might be in the party? That's why I wrote the last paragraph in my last post:yk

the sources are mid level officials and they have no idea. I guess the higher up want to make it a big news and get maximum out of it.
Everybody basically knew it :p but that's now "official" : Asad Umar announced it during a press conference.
Imran Khan said that he played the "tableeghi" for quite a long time in order to cash him. :))
The press conference will probably be available on Youtube very soon.

EX Engro CEO Asad Umar joins PTI

Islamabad: Former President of fertiliser-to-food conglomerate, Engro Corporation Asad Umar has joined the Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI).

He announced his decision during a press conference flanked by PTI Chairman Imran Khan on Wednesday.

Asad had taken early retirement on Monday after more than 27 years with Engro.

A graduate of IBA of the batch of 1984, Asad joined Exxon Chemical Pakistan in February 1985 and rose to the rank of President and CEO of Engro in 2004.

Umar had dramatically transformed a chemical company into a major Pakistani conglomerate.

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Here it is:

Press Conference of Imran Khan with Asad Umar (April 18, 2012)

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Whaattaay News!

Welcome to the Cult Mr. Asad I mean PTI Family :p

I feel Like Dr. Arif Alvi in this video.

Salary of Rs 68.6 million + Bonus and the guy decides to take early retirement to join Politics. If this isn't change then I don't know what is.

He will address IPF sindh Seminar on Saturday in Karachi.

haha I love it when all the haters stay away and don't bother showing their faces and then appear in some other thread saying...

"PTI has no team"
What an addition! It was obvious, but I feel even more excited now that it is official.

Congrats to all PTI members and fans!

This guy was the top most CEO of Pakistan, made millions every month, transformed Engro completely. And yet, he was out on the streets protesting against the govt. He was put in jail.

Why would a guy like him do all those things, if he didnt care about the country.
haha I love it when all the haters stay away and don't bother showing their faces and then appear in some other thread saying...

"PTI has no team"

:)) :))

Come on haters reply here. I know you talking about S.........a

:)) :))
What an addition! It was obvious, but I feel even more excited now that it is official.

Congrats to all PTI members and fans!

This guy was the top most CEO of Pakistan, made millions every month, transformed Engro completely. And yet, he was out on the streets protesting against the govt. He was put in jail.

Why would a guy like him do all those things, if he didnt care about the country.

End of his speech in post #4 tells us the type of a man he is. I am proud of the fact he will be representing us instead of Raja Rental ya Phir Raja 3G.
hopefully he doesnt treat politics like a business where he can make money
hopefully he doesnt treat politics like a business where he can make money

I hope he does treat politics like a business.

That would mean giving competent people important posts. Ensure that government institutions are run professionally and provide quality service on par with a private business and most importantly they turn over a profit and are not always ending up in loss (PIA - Railway)

It was former Engro CEO Asad Umar’s debut as a new leader of the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf, and if the standing ovation he received is any indication, Karachi’s business professionals look likely to turn their professional admiration for Umar into support for his party.

Umar was speaking in Karachi at an event organised by the PTI’s Insaf Professionals Forum, a relatively new platform set up by the party to engage ‘professionals’ in different fields as a think-tank of sorts.

Umar, who quit Engro after 27 years and officially joined the party last week, offered an engaging presentation on how to change an ‘unjust’ society into one where people can live with dignity.

Among the attendees were familiar faces on Karachi’s social circuit such as designer Sonya Battla and activist Uzma Noorani, executives at prominent firms including Indus Motors CEO Parvez Ghias and Abbott Laboratories MD Asif Jooma, as well as a mix of excited young 20-somethings.

Umar spoke on a number of topics, peppering his speech with anecdotes and witty jibes. Following up on a comment made by PTI Sindh President Nadir Leghari about how most people in the room would agree that “Imran Khan is a good guy” but didn’t know what to do next, Umar looked at the attendees and said that this was the problem. “The country’s smartest people are disengaged from the political process.” It isn’t important, Umar reiterated, to just be ‘good’, party agenda mattered too.

While he stressed that his presentation consisted of his own thoughts on these issues, Umar linked several points to PTI strategy.

The crux of his speech was that when there are separate systems created for the elite and the rest of the country, that system “goes to hell”. “When you have private security guards, there is no focus on security. If a rich person can get a generator, there is no focus on electricity.”

“The elite,” he laughed, “have yet to figure out how to have separate roads for Prados and buses and rickshaws, which is why we have good roads!”

He explained this through the system of education in detail, noting that the current educational systems in the country had created “apartheid” because they had contributed to the social inequality. Drawing on his own life, having studied at a government school in Nursery and the Government Commerce College before he went to the Institute of Business Administration, Umar said this was the “investment” that the state had made in his education that led him to be hired by Exxon when he graduated, and make enough money in one month to equal the money the state had spent on him. He gave a ringing endorsement of the concept that there should be “one system of education” in the country. “I strongly feel that you cannot have one nation unless you have one educational system,” he said.
“Thirty per cent of children can’t get an education,” Umar lamented.

The taxation system, he said, was “heavily skewed in favour of indirect taxes”. An employee at Engro, he said, lived in Orangi and would change two buses to get to work and paid taxes, while those driving Prados don’t.

State expenditure has to match the levels of child mortality in the country, not on the “fancy Governor Houses and Prime Minister Houses that we so like” or “intercontinental ballistic missiles” or “millions in subsidies to private enterprises”.

He highlighted how devolution was essential for the country to progress. “The 18th amendment is a step in the right direction, but if power has been transferred from Islamabad to Karachi it hasn’t made much of an impact on someone in Khairpur”. This, he said, was a party goal that has been elaborated in a new draft policy for local governance, which was recently released by party leader Jahangir Tareen.

Umar supports the concept of social protection, even though many criticise it as monetary handouts. (The Benazir Income Support Programme is one such initiative that has been criticised by opposition groups). He said the state of poverty in the country right now required this, and also for the net to be expanded.

Asad Umar also discussed foreign policy, and said he had realised that Pakistan’s policy appeared to be “negotiated subservience”. “We are willing to suspend laws as long as the price is right,” he said, drawing on conversations he had had with people who weren’t so much offended at the violations of sovereignty as they were that they had come at such little monetary benefit.

“This isn’t just about the US. There are many other examples where we don’t act as a sovereign state,” Umar said. “You have to live under international law and respect the sovereignty of others.”

Umar responded to questions from attendees and had the audience laughing when he jokingly told one person, “I can’t guarantee that I won’t fool you like other politicians have!” and “Sorry, but that is a very Harvard-Kennedy School way of thinking”. As soon as the talk was over, Umar was swallowed up by a crowd of his peers and PTI supporters, while others made a beeline for the refreshments table to catch up over biscuits and tea.

Civil-military relations: “Not to get confrontational but to engage on clear lines where the supremacy of the people of Pakistan is not compromised”

Criticising the political system: “PTI has to be very careful about this. You can criticise individuals and parties but not say that the system cannot deliver”

Power: “It is not just about being in power but how you get to power”

Hope: “The people of South Asia are exceptionally talented”

Divides: “The islands of peace and prosperity that we spend our lives on will not remain so”

Backchannel talks: “Economic policy is determined by who you know”

I like this guy already can't wait for the video to come out.
Excellent catch for Tsunami Inc.

Wonder where he will stand from, come election day.
Indeed, happy - and numerous - faces:


PTI Sindh president Nadir Leghari:


Damn exciting, this party looks more and more strong every day - and all these Karachiite businessmen will finance the 30 crores-walay-jalsays :siddique-al-farooq-pml-n-&-co, so no need to ask the istablishment either in the future.
^^ Party individuals are definitely competent, but that does not always translate into votes. Constituency politics is such a different beast, newcomers might be shocked.

@ Insaftak.

Yes, i coined the term Tsunami Inc. after repeatedly being abused by trolls, hence the signature.
@ ahsan

I think Sher Walays won't care for constituency politics this time. Given we take the voter turn out to 60%

Abhi dekna hum Hanif Abassi ka political Janaza kitnay dhoom say Nikaltay hein aglay mahene.
waisey Down2Earth is a better troll than the PTI trolls. I mean seriously :)
@ ahsan

I think Sher Walays won't care for constituency politics this time. Given we take the voter turn out to 60%

Abhi dekna hum Hanif Abassi ka political Janaza kitnay dhoom say Nikaltay hein aglay mahene.

Hanif Abassi has opened a couple of girls and boys colleges in Pindi during the last year. Helped built the Chandni Chowk flyover, and the last time i was there, the saraafa bazaar trading community was still strongly backing him and the other NooN league leaders.

Not that i have a thing for a lota like Hanif, but just saying.
He is also under investigation in the new drug scandal that involves PM son. There might also be some sort of seat adjustment with Sheikh Rasheed in Na 55 not that I like Sheikh Sahab.

Sheikh Rasheed showed his cards too soon. he was with Imran Khan in Shahzeb Khanzada's show and said he is holding a jalsa on 13th August in Liaqat Bagh and will announce who he is going to do an alliance with. The next day Imran Khan goes to Quetta and announces Tsunami's next stop is Rawalpindi :))

LOL @ Bechara Sheikh Sahab got played by Imran Khan. I seriously don't like his chaploosi of Imran Khan.
Pindi will be like a homecoming for ImyK. Afterall, GHQ is only a few km from Liaqat Bagh. :p
Pindi will be like a homecoming for ImyK. Afterall, GHQ is only a few km from Liaqat Bagh. :p

What makes you think we are going for Liaqat Bagh. we don't go for small venues. Pindi Cricket Ground will be rocking.
AFAIK, Pindi Stadium has never been used for a political gimmick.

Ijazat nai milegi.

It's the tsunami Inc we talking about.

We will whine and complain on Twitter and say Punjab government is scared of Tsunami and isn't allowing us to do a jalsa in a bigger venue :p

Tsunami Inc. has big businessmen in the pocket. We can get permits for anything :p

Worse comes to worse, Engro will build another plant in pindi just for the jalsa


Shiekh Rasheed is trying too hard nowadays. But he is still a weasel. The way e was answering student's questions on Front line, it was obvious how he still thinks too highly of himself, and considers others as being lowlifes. He has no choice but to jump on the PTI bandwagon, or even PML-N bandwagon. If Imran wants to use him, then Imran should use him, and then throw him away like toilet paper.
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another business executive set to say goodbye to his business career and join PTI

Karachi: Dara Bashir Khan, a renowned name in Pakistan media, is likely join Pakistan Tahreek-e-Insaf after saying goodbye to his more than three decade advertising career.
After his bold decision to join media industry to politics, he has left the chairmanship of OMD and PHD Media Pakistan. He is also owner and CEO and Owner of Manhattan International Limited (MIL), which is considered one of the leading advertising companies in top five ranking.
He is highly educated having foreign degrees in the discipline of advertisement and marketing from University of Oxford and Florida.

Khan is considered a good addition in the PTI prospective as he is an intelligent mind having good reputation in media industry.
PTI officials did not deny his joining in the party but they did not official declare his political affiliation in the party.

Asad Umar, a tycoon of corporate world, recently quit Engro Corporation as President and CEO to join PTI.

Political analysts say that addition of top guns of corporate sector and media industry will not only boost the image of the PTI but their role will also expand the circle of party circle and affiliation in corporate and business world of the country.
insaftk - Be wary of "Business" heads joining the political parties.

They usually love an unregulated Free-market.... And Competition and Private enterprise. Which could prove detrimental in instilling PTI's Social plans...

As long as the party's agenda of introducing the direct taxation and getting rid of the cruel indirect taxation system is not threatened by the new joinings. I have no problem with it. He seems to be someone associated with advertising/media can help us a lot in further improving the brand "Insaf" aka Tsunami Inc.

On a side note, Glad Asad Umar opposes Imran Khan and party on Benazir Income Support Program. I have always supported this while the whole of PTI leadership has been talking of getting rid of this program and spending Rs 60 Billion on some other program.

PTI as a party is business friendly but does believe in breaking the cartels that are currently sucking the blood of People. I expect them to reform competition commission and give them more powers to keep an eye on the cartels.
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:)) I was watching this yesterday, and these anchors said two of the most stupid things ever.

The one of the right was trying to tell Asad how to manage a big organization where people have their own interests as well. He was teaching THIS to the highest paid CEO of the country :))

And then, the same hackneyed question of PTI being the establishment's party. These two guys bring this up every time a PTI member is on. Asad told them that Imran's stance was exactly the same years ago, that it is now. And then the anchors come with the lame "that is why the establishment are backing him" statement. So now, for them, if Imran would have changes his stance for politics, he would not be accused of being backed by the establishment

How stupid can one get
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lol that was hilarious. Establishment is backing Imran Khan but Imran Khan has been opposing Establishment's war on terror for last ten years that is why establishment is supporting him :))) :)))
This Dara Bashir Khan guy, does he own any media agency that we may have heard of? a news channel, newspaper or the likes?
its a gain for pti as a political party but complete loss for Pakistan. 1 less competent ceo's left in the country.
Mr. Asad Umar at IPF Sindh Seminar

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Can we make this guy CEO of PIA? I bet, PIA will change within 2-5 years.
A lot of respect for Asad Umar

The way he has transformed Engro has been nothing short of phenomenal. I know some of his family members, and I know he quite a simple life for the kind of salary he earns!

Not really a PTI fanboy, but I must admit I like how they are involving proven professionals from all corners. I hope they will actually be given positions of authority if PTI does win enough seats to form the cabinets.

As long as the party's agenda of introducing the direct taxation and getting rid of the cruel indirect taxation system is not threatened by the new joinings. I have no problem with it. He seems to be someone associated with advertising/media can help us a lot in further improving the brand "Insaf" aka Tsunami Inc.

On a side note, Glad Asad Umar opposes Imran Khan and party on Benazir Income Support Program. I have always supported this while the whole of PTI leadership has been talking of getting rid of this program and spending Rs 60 Billion on some other program.

PTI as a party is business friendly but does believe in breaking the cartels that are currently sucking the blood of People. I expect them to reform competition commission and give them more powers to keep an eye on the cartels.

Knowing Imran often talks of European and rather Socialist leaning Scandinavian countries, that bodes well.

Germany has an excellent Balance of Business and Socialism for example.

The issue is the Business heads that join PTI might well look at solely increasing GDP at the cost of much needed Social programs and or Social fairness. Equating Pakistan as solely = A Business ; And then running it as such.

You don't want a PTI man to essentially sell off national assets simply due to free-market ideology.

You see how much the PPP have sucked up to the IMF; Make sure the PTI Economic boffins look at what happened in Argentina and other Latin countries that had "Business folk" at the helm when their respective countries had debt like Pakistan and much natural resources.
One can sense something big happening here. I think Imran will surprise quite a few next election.
I have heard 3 interviews of Asad since he joined PTI, and he has been absolutely brilliant in all three of them.

Not to mention the hosts have looked like dumbasses for trying to look at aggressive and critical.

We should thank General Pasha for this gift to PTI. Without him, this wouldnt have been possible
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Islamabad. April 27, 2012. Former Rector GIK Institute, Swabi and ex Member Planning Commission of Pakistan, Dr. Shaukat Hameed Khan, met Chairman Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf Imran Khan in Islamabad today and announced to join PTI. Present on the occasion was Sardar Asseff Ahmed Ali, former Foreign Minister and senior member of the party. Dr. Shaukat is a premier scientist of the country who worked for a long time in Atomic Energy Commission of Pakistan and rose to become its Chief Scientist. A Rhodes Scholar he is also a member of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences.

Chairman PTI Imran Khan welcomed him to the party and said that eminent people like Dr Shaukat joining the party is a further indication that people of Pakistan are looking towards Tehreek e Insaf as a party of change that will bring the country out of the difficult situation it finds itself in.

Talent? I hope he contests election
I have heard 3 interviews of Asad since he joined PTI, and he has been absolutely brilliant in all three of them.

Not to mention the hosts have looked like dumbasses for trying to look at aggressive and critical.

We should thank General Pasha for this gift to PTI. Without him, this wouldnt have been possible

general pasha and asad umar?? can't understand the link. Please explain.
general pasha and asad umar?? can't understand the link. Please explain.

The general Pasha, the all-encompassing transcendent consciousness, is monitoring every single thought process of all future, past and actual PTI members, and pulling out jalsays nationwide.
general pasha and asad umar?? can't understand the link. Please explain.

The general Pasha, the all-encompassing transcendent consciousness, is monitoring every single thought process of all future, past and actual PTI members, and pulling out jalsays nationwide.

TO add to this, Pasha is still influencing people to join PTI. Even after retirement, he is using his influence. PTI is nothing without Pasha

There was a time when people laughed about PTI not having electables. What about now?

There was a time when people laughed about PTI not having talent and professionals who can devise strategies and policies. What about now?


actually we have always had the policy and strategy guys, our biggest criticism was of not having electables and we have got them too now.
Hanif Abassi has opened a couple of girls and boys colleges in Pindi during the last year. Helped built the Chandni Chowk flyover, and the last time i was there, the saraafa bazaar trading community was still strongly backing him and the other NooN league leaders.

Not that i have a thing for a lota like Hanif, but just saying.

Thats the problem, these are certain things, which local bodies should do. he is member of assembly and he should focus on constitutional matters.

actually we have always had the policy and strategy guys, our biggest criticism was of not having electables and we have got them too now.
Let me clarify my point more, I meant policy, administration and strategy guys with "real world" experience.

Remember THAT post about experience :p
Thats the problem, these are certain things, which local bodies should do. he is member of assembly and he should focus on constitutional matters.

A young Pakistani social scientist calls it, naali aur sarak ki politics.
Hanif Abassi has opened a couple of girls and boys colleges in Pindi during the last year. Helped built the Chandni Chowk flyover, and the last time i was there, the saraafa bazaar trading community was still strongly backing him and the other NooN league leaders.

Not that i have a thing for a lota like Hanif, but just saying.

PML-N Pindi ranks creaking

RAWALPINDI, April 29: PML-N leadership has taken to the warpath against the PPP but maybe it should be worrying more about the strength of its own ranks in a battle. Dawn has learnt that the findings of a secret survey conducted to gauge the popularity and performance of PML-N lawmakers in the urban areas of this garrison city has sounded alarmbells in the party.

Carried out by the intelligence wing of Punjab police, on the directive of the party stalwart and leader of the opposition in the National Assembly, Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan, the survey found that the popularity graph of PML-N in Rawalpindi city had fallen sharply.

Rawalpindi’s urban areas are known to be the stronghold of the PML-N and in the general elections of February 2008 the party had clinched five of the National Assembly and 11 of the provincial assembly seats. The PPP could managed to grab only one NA seat from Gujar Khan and two provincial assembly seats from the rural areas while the PML-Q was left with one provincial assembly seat in Taxila.

A PML-N leader requesting not to be named said the opposition leader in the National Assembly was in-charge of the party’s Rawalpindi division and in order to check its popularity graph he had directed the police special branch last month to conduct the survey.

According to the findings of the survey received two weeks back, the PML-N workers and supporters came down hard on their party leaders and provincial ministers for not resolving their problems. It said the residents of these urban constituencies had held the provincial government equally responsible for the federal government’s failure to provide basic facilities to them. It also pointed out that the elimination of dual votes in the new electoral lists would create problems in the urban areas as most of the PML-N voters belonging to Murree were settled in Sadiqabad, Muslim Town, Shamsabad, Raja Bazaar, Nayya Mohallah and College Road.

The likely seat adjustment between Awami Muslim League of Sheikh Rashid Ahmed and Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaf would create further problems for the PML-N by clinching the votes of those who were angry with it.

“After receiving the report, Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan called a meeting of the local lawmakers in the Punjab House last week and discussed the issue with them,” said the PML-N leader, adding Mr Khan directed the participants of the meeting to launch a cleanliness drive in the city areas consisting of NA-55 and NA-56 under the supervision of MPAs so that
people-to-leaders contact could be promoted.

He said Mr Khan also sought weekly performance report from the MNAs and MPAs and directed them to contact party workers in their respective areas on a daily basis.

Aqib Khan, a PML-N worker in Union Council-2 Dhoke Ratta, told Dawn that party supporters were unhappy over the performance of the area MNA and MPAs. “Mostly they remain busy in Lahore and Islamabad and pay less attention to resolve the problems of the masses,” he said.

Malik Yasir, a resident of Nayya Mohallah and also a PML-N worker, said the residents staged a protest demonstration against the federal government in the winter against low gas pressure but the MNAs were not there.

He said when the residents contacted the MNAs and MPAs for resolution of their problems; they were told that they had no say in the affairs of the federal government.

When contacted by Dawn, MNA Malik Shakeel Awan said: “I am not aware of the survey. Rawalpindi is the fort of PML-N and the people here love Nawaz Sharif and they will also vote him in the next general elections.” He said the popularity graph of the PML-N was increasing due to Nawaz Sharif’s firm stands on different issues. He said the PML-N paid first priority to the well-being of its workers.

MPA Shaharyar Riaz added: “The survey was conducted during the last two weeks but I don’t know about its findings.” The MPA said he was not in the meeting held at the Punjab House. “But my colleagues had informed me about the details.”

The general secretary of the PML-N’s Rawalpindi chapter and former MNA from NA-55, Haji Pervaiz Khan, admitted that the secret survey was conducted. “In the survey, the PML-N workers and supporters expressed their resentments over the performance of the sitting MNAs,” he observed.

He, however, said the popularity of the party would improve if the elected representatives worked to resolve the public issues.
Inner city-Rawalpindi will be fiercely contested in the elections unless PTI and Sheikh Rashid enter into a mutual co-operation.

I can't recall the name of the programme hosted by a lady on Express news (?) where she interviewed people of inner-city Rawalpindi. PTI was immensely popular amongst the people especially the labourers.
I would've posted the video but don't know the name of that particular show.
Inner city-Rawalpindi will be fiercely contested in the elections unless PTI and Sheikh Rashid enter into a mutual co-operation.

I can't recall the name of the programme hosted by a lady on Express news (?) where she interviewed people of inner-city Rawalpindi. PTI was immensely popular amongst the people especially the labourers.
I would've posted the video but don't know the name of that particular show.

This one I think.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Also a "Faisla Aap Ka" with Asma Shirazi in Rawalpindi, exclusively concerned about for who they'll vote:

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

You can mainly see two options - not vote at all, or PTI. And that's why I always say : the turn-out for the previous elections didn't concern the majority of the society, but Imran Khan has literally politicized all individuals living in Pakistan (thanks to the current situation too) so the point is not only to fight PML-N in main Punjab/PPP in south Punjab/Sindh, but also try to cash on these "new voters", and I think that the jalsays help to shape the peoples perception, and the one on the 12th may (?) in Rawalpindi will probably earn lots of PTI voters too.
Asad Umar has some baggage from Past :moha

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Asad Umar doing to Pakistan's economy what he did to Engro - it was fined Rs 3.14 billion by the Competition Commission for collusive pricing for urea in 2010 - the day his departure was announced Engro's stock price rose sharply and hit the 5% upper barrier in a few mins</p>— omar r quraishi (@omar_quraishi) <a href="">September 22, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
Some good and some bad moves by Asad Umar as finance minister.

Opposition this time around is showing maturity esp PML N who are not playing in the hand of anti democratic forces like PTI (2013-2018)

Bilawal lead PPP is under pressure due to former President Asif Ali Zardari’s case in FIA.

Good thing is that both PPP and PTI haven’t opposed any good move by Asad Umar. IE national cause above political differences.
Some good and some bad moves by Asad Umar as finance minister.

Opposition this time around is showing maturity esp PML N who are not playing in the hand of anti democratic forces like PTI (2013-2018)

Bilawal lead PPP is under pressure due to former President Asif Ali Zardari’s case in FIA.

Good thing is that both PPP and PTI haven’t opposed any good move by Asad Umar. IE national cause above political differences.

Assad umer is cleaning up the disaster of the 8% budget deficit. It will take time but unlike your thieves he won't hide or run to London.
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