Paul Scholes The Legend...


ODI Debutant
Nov 18, 2009
Post of the Week
Excellent Guardian article on The Ginger Legend....
Paul Scholes ponders another year at United but prepares to exit left

Manchester United's 36-year-old looks to be heading for his final home game for the club, against Blackpool on Sunday

Daniel Taylor, Thursday 19 May 2011 17.40 BST


Paul Scholes, right, is embraced by his Manchester United team-mate Wayne Rooney at Ewood Park last Saturday, when he secured what for him was a 10th league title with his only club. Photograph: Michael Steele/Getty Images

For now, all that can be said for certain is that there will be no great fanfare. If it is true, and Paul Scholes really is to confirm the growing suspicion that he is leaving football, we all know he would rather slip away quietly. A few short lines on Manchester United's website, perhaps. Maybe a brief appearance on MUTV – the usual stuff about it being a privilege to play for the club, wishing everyone well, thanking Sir Alex Ferguson and the supporters. What we should not expect is for Sky's cameras to be invited into his living room at Saddleworth. Or a staged sit-down on the back lawn with the three little redheads – Arron, Alicia and Aiden – playing in the background.

This is one of the things the game's true lovers admire about Scholes: he thinks all that side of football is, well, boll.ocks. He will not be looking for a newspaper deal to make a few quid. We can forget about him popping up in the television studio every Saturday afternoon with Jeff and Phil and the others. Heck, he does not even have an agent.

Strangely enough, Scholes has always held that old-fashioned view that footballers should be judged on their touch, their passing, and their desire to want the ball when the heat of the battle is close to intolerable. Not the car they drive down Deansgate. Or the VIP passes that are pressed into their hands. Or their number of Twitter followers. Scholes's routine was always refreshingly old-school: "Train in the morning, pick up my children from school, play with them, have tea, put them to bed and then watch a bit of TV."

But this is now the time when Scholes, that rare treasure, has to contemplate whether it might be time to go, and that it is always better for a personally choreographed exit rather than someone else pointing it out. Gary Neville, three months younger, has already taken that jump and now it is Scholes's turn to decide whether to cut himself free before there is even the slightest possibility that he can place at risk one of football's great reputations.

Scholes will be 37 three months into the new season. His testimonial is pencilled in for the first week of August. The following month, Paul Scholes: My Story hits the bookshops. Hearing he has written a book feels strangely out of keeping with the rest of Scholes's life until further investigation reveals it will be dominated with photographs rather than his words. Naturally.

A testimonial, then a book ... these feel like telling clues. In previous seasons Scholes has always signed a new contract by April at the latest. It is now the third week of May and he has still not announced his decision. The club now do not expect one until June and, increasingly, there is the sense at Old Trafford that this could really be it. If Scholes plays against Blackpool on Sunday, his 675th appearance for the club could very well be his last in a competitive fixture at Old Trafford.

What a player the sport would be losing. What a footballer. Scholes in his pomp gave the impression he could land the ball in a bucket from 60 yards. Scholes made sure games were played at his tempo. Those passes could instantly change the direction of a match. He was someone who made football look mesmeric. More than that, he reminded us a pass can be every bit as beautiful as, say, a 25-yard shot into the top corner. But there were plenty of those, too. Scholes always had a ferocious shot and an eye for the spectacular, with 150 goals for the club.

Zinedine Zidane has talked of him being "undoubtedly the greatest midfielder of his generation". Xavi Hernández has said the same. Thierry Henry, too. Marcello Lippi, a World Cup-winning manager, was asked about Scholes once and replied: "He would have been one of my first choices for putting together a great team – that's how highly I rate him."

Then there are the people who have seen him close up. Rio Ferdinand says: "He'll do ridiculous things in training like say: 'You see that tree over there?' – it'll be 40 yards away – 'I'm going to hit it.' And he'll do it. Everyone at the club considers him the best."

There is no argument, either, from Sir Bobby Charlton, a man with nearly 60 years in the game. "Many great players have worn the shirt of Manchester United. Players I worshipped then lost with my youth in Munich. Players like Denis Law and George Best who I enjoyed so much as team-mates and now, finally, players I have watched closely in the Alex Ferguson era. And in so many ways Scholes is my favourite."

In total, Scholes has won 10 league titles, one European Cup, three FA Cups and two League Cups as well as 66 England caps, although it should have been well over 100.

He finished with international football seven years ago, at the age of 29, fed up of being squeezed out of the area of the team where he could properly spread his feathers. Every England manager since has tried, and failed, to talk him back. In hindsight, they probably should have tried hypnotising him.

His problem these days is that the legs can fail him. The vision is still there, the uncommon ability to pick out a pass, long or short, to understand the angles of a football pitch, always to want the ball and, unfailingly, to know the best thing to do with it – a man, to borrow that elegant line from Patrick Barclay, who plays with "a hundred years of football in his blood".

But Scholes has always been captive to his craft. He has his bad matches, when his touch deserts him, and there is a look of something close to self-revulsion on his face. Which is part of the issue. He wants to be seen – or to see himself – as someone who can still make an impact, and not just when passes are going astray and Ferguson introduces him to re-establish some form of control. Scholes has found it difficult drifting to the edges, playing the odd 20 minutes here and there, decorating matches rather than dominating them.

He has already stayed on longer than he anticipated. In 2008 Scholes talked openly of having "two years left at the most". Ferguson, however, thinks the midfielder can last one more season. United's manager is a man of great persuasive powers and Scholes will know him well enough to realise he is not saying it for the sake of sentimentality.

Equally, though, the sporting world is full of heroic figures who have blundered badly when deciding the time to retire. As Sugar Ray Robinson once said: "You always say, 'I'll quit when I slide.' Then, one morning, you wake up and you've slid." Neville could tell his old mate the same. Whatever happens next, there is one certainty: it will be the hardest question Scholes has had to ask himself in his professional life.
"A role model. For me, and I really mean this, he's the best central midfielder I've seen in the last 15, 20 years. He's spectacular, he has it all, the last pass, goals, he's strong, he doesn't lose the ball, vision. If he'd been Spanish he might have been rated more highly. Players love him."

- Xavi talking about the Ginger Legend...​
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Truly a legend.

Along with Giggsy and Rio, he's my favourite player
Absolute legend, there's a reason the players call him sat-nav. Scholes pinging an inch-perfect pass across the pitch is a sight I'll never tire of seeing.
Typical Scholesy. We know he is to retire however he does not want to make a big deal of it so says nothing yet. I have a feeling 1 week after CL final, he will say it.
Class player

Can't tackle and is a bit nasty at times with some of his challenges BUT what a player going forward he was - at his peak he was quality and was my favourite Man-U player
Fantastic player, you have to love him. Hope he plays for another season.
Rio Ferdinand says: "He'll do ridiculous things in training like say: 'You see that tree over there?' – it'll be 40 yards away – 'I'm going to hit it.' And he'll do it. Everyone at the club considers him the best."

The accuracy Scholes had when it came to shooting from distance OR volleys were simply perfect, he'd always strike it so cleanly and he also had the ability to hit them with lethal power, a brilliant player... Who has achieved and produced magical moments so many times.

Scholes, a definition of a true footballing legend :14:
Scholes and Giggs (***) have always been my favourite players from that Golden Generation. No surprise that some of the quieter less Showbizzy members (ahem Sharpe, Beckham...etc), including Gary Neville, lasted the longest at the club.
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I do agree with you guys about Scholes. Imagine if he was an exotic Italian, Spanish, Argentinian or Brazilian. He would be regularly mentioned in the same breath as Zinedine Zidane. Or even if he was utilised correctly by England.

Scholes is acknowledged as a great player by most and acknowledged as a legend by those who really understand football.
One of the true legends of the game. Along with Giggs, he should be the role model for footballers of the future.
What has Giggs done wrong? Apart from showing his hairy chest and that too way back in 1999. :))
No problem now.....John Hemmings MP has mentioned him in what was the biggest non-secret!
Well if you judge a quality of a person by how well he is respected and rated by his peers, Scholes is right at the top it seems:

"My toughest opponent? Scholes. He is undoubtedly the greatest player of his generation." - Zinedine Zidane

"Without any doubt the best player in the Premiership has to be Scholes... He knows how to do everything." - Thierry Henry

"Out of everyone at Manchester United, I would pick out Scholes - he is the best midfielder of his generation, I would have loved to have played alongside him." - Pep Guardiola

“Scholes? Fantastic! Why isn’t he playing for England? It is crazy. Only in England. Scholes is a great, great player. So experienced and still, for me, one of the best in the world in midfield. Manchester United are lucky to have him.” - Jose Mourinho

"He is the one whose level I aspire to. He is the best player in the Premier League." - Cesc Fabregas

Sir Alex Ferguson gave evidence in court on behalf of one of his former trainees and listened to the prosecution barrister's list of United's top players.

"You've missed Paul Scholes - and he's my best player," Ferguson chided her.
^^ Add to that ringing endorsements from both Xavi and Iniesta, two all-time greats who have both said how Scholesy is the very best and someone who not only inspired them, but is someone they look up to and aspire to be!
Shukar boj kam ho gah ground pe,what an average player.
Seeing Scholesy walking around the pitch I really got the feeling that that is the last time we'll see him in the United strip, which is a sad thought :(

Shows how highly he is rated that Iniesta went straight to him to swap shirts after the final whistle (second pic)-

InshAllah Xavi wanted the shirt too and now they have an internal conflict. Xavi being senior believes he deserves it but Inieista won't budge. Xavi says fine, he is off to Old Trafford where we promise him as many Scholes jersey's as he wants. :D Our new summer singing :p
Well the timing does feel right for Paul Scholes to retire. He has had a wonderful career and achieved lots.

One of the best English midfielders in the history of the game. If anyone wants to argue that then ask his footballing peers.

He came on late yesterday and could not make a big impact but I think he is passed and definitely in that declining slope.

It is wonderful to see that he spent all of his career at Old Trafford and is a true role model apart from when he is smashing somebody's legs in!
Well he has finally confirmed his retirment. The time had come and it was the right decision.

What a great servant to the premiership. We can look at his faults like retiring too early for England and the tendency to tackle a bit too hard but that is all outweighed by his sheer amazing vision and passing.

As already said in earlier posts, Scholes is looked upon by players like Xavi as being an absolute legend. Ferguson regarded Scholes as his best player for years. Overall, his career has been fantastic and modest. I love the fact that he is only known for football.

I believe he might have a biography released. I will be at the top of the queue if that is the case.
he has been a great player for Man U and i hope they can get as good a replacement. even at this age he was a key player. shows how much talent he has and how well he is regarded by all. and after giggs' scandal, he will be known as the true role model.

Wel done to you and hope to see you in a coaching capacity at Old Trafford
All the footballing legends have praised Scholes as a true legend. Good point by Waq above that in all these years he is only known for his football. Top role model for young kids. Had a great career internationally as well as with united of course.

Paul Scholes, he scores goals.
Just heard Paul Scholes has retired, best I've ever played against by a mile. Most technically gifted player in english history. Legend

ringing endorsement from Joey Barton

part of me is glad to see the back of him, the bugger always scored against us BUT overall he will be a miss to the league cos he was class

Scholes was clearly past his peak BUT he still had some top performances (ripped us apart on the opening day of the season)

He is probably my favourite Man-U player
Wow! The following reads like a Who's Who of Footballing Glitterati... All unanimous in their praise for Scholesy:
Manchester United's Paul Scholes lauded by players and coaches around the world after announcing retirement

Following Paul Scholes's confirmation he is retiring from football, players and managers from around the world have heaped praise on the Manchester United midfielder.

Sir Bobby Charlton: Many great players have worn the shirt of Manchester United. Players I worshipped, then lost with my youth in Munich. Players like Denis Law and George Best who I enjoyed so much as team-mates and now, finally, players I have watched closely in the Alex Ferguson era. And in so many ways Scholes is my favourite.

Xavi Hernandez:
Paul Scholes is a role model. For me – and I really mean this – he's the best central midfielder I've seen in the last 15, 20 years. I've spoken to Xabi Alonso about him. He's spectacular, he has it all: the last pass, goals, he's strong, he doesn't lose the ball, vision. If he'd been Spanish he might have been rated more highly. Players love him.

Socrates (Brazil):
Good enough to play for Brazil. I love to watch Scholes, to see him pass, the boy with the red hair and the red shirt.

Zinedine Zidane:
My toughest opponent? Scholes of Manchester. He is the complete midfielder. Scholes is undoubtedly the greatest midfielder of his generation.

Marcello Lippi:
Paul Scholes would have been one of my first choices for putting together a great team – that goes to show how highly I have always rated him. An all-round midfielder who possesses quality and character in abundance.

Laurent Blanc:
I tell anyone who asks me – Scholes is the best English player.

Roy Keane: No celebrity bulls**t, no self-promotion – an amazingly gifted player who remained an unaffected human being.

Sir Alex Ferguson:
One of the greatest football brains Manchester United has ever had.

Edgar Davids:
Everyone of us should emulate him. We can all learn from Paul Scholes.

Ryan Giggs: I’d go for Scholesy as the club’s greatest ever player. I’ve seen him do things that no other player can do. The way he can control the tempo of games, and his range of passing, are both incredible. We’ve seen over the years that players just haven’t been able to get near him. And you can’t forget his goals either.

Cesc Fabregas:
For any football player in the Premiership, Scholes is a player you want to emulate. One player does not make a team but there is no doubt that the presence of some players add extra motivation and confidence. Scholes is a player with character and is capable of transmitting that mental strength to his team-mates.

Rio Ferdinand:
Paul Scholes retires from football ... the BEST player of his generation #fact loved every minute of playing football with him. . Paul Scholes aka Sat Nav went from a scoring midfielder to a dictator of the game (changed his game while still at top of the game). Going to miss training with him + his cold cutting + dry comments on the bike while warming up next to me on any1 who deserves it!

Wayne Rooney:
He will be missed greatly. He is definitely the best player I have played with. I tried to ask him what he was doing but you don't get much out of him. I didn't think it would come this quickly. Everyone will be sad to see him stop. He is a great player.

Gary Neville:
Paul Scholes- The Best! Great Player, Person, Friend! New Song- Local Boy in The Photograph ... His Best Goals for me! Barca 08 Semi Bradford away Aston Villa away Go and watch them 3 all day!

Jack Wilshere:
Sad to hear Paul Scholes is retiring, what a player! Top class and a great role model for any young #English midfield player!

David Gill:
It is very sad day for Manchester United fans around the world. We all know that Paul was one of the players that came through the ranks of the academy system in the 90s and has established himself as one of the greatest players to ever wear the United shirt. "It is very important that the club keeps the associated with these great players and we are delighted that Paul will join the coaching staff.

Clayton Blackmore:
I was slightly surprised – he's a very quiet lad and he's gone out very quietly. We all knew Edwin (van der Sar) was going to finish, but I thought we might get another season out of Scholes. He played a big part this season in us winning the league and getting to the Champions League final.

Gerard Pique:
One of the best players I've ever seen in my life! Spectacular on training! Playing with him was a joy!
Further comments / quotes:

  • After the Champions League, FIVE Barca players went to Scholes to get this shirt: Xavi, Messi, Busquets and Pedro. Iniesta beat all of them to it and was the lucky recipient.

Lionel Messi:

"As La Masia (Barcelona' Academy), his name was mentioned a lot. He's a teacher"

Andres Iniesta:

"[Scholes is a] living legend"
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Still has it. Sad to see him go.

Under-rated by football fans in general but those who have played with and against him know his true quality. Probably the best PL player of his generation.
Trademark Scholes goal.

Sadly, the good moments in life don't last forever.
Under-rated by football fans in general but those who have played with and against him know his true quality. Probably the best PL player of his generation.


Its such a shame when other football supporters and more recently on this forum were saying Gerrard has always been a better player
Former Manchester United and England midfielder Paul Scholes has been charged with misconduct for allegedly breaking FA betting rules.

Scholes is alleged to have placed 140 bets on football matches between 17 August 2015 and 12 January 2019.

The 44-year-old, who spent 31 days in charge of Oldham Athletic between February and March this year, has a 10% stake in fifth-tier side Salford City.

He has until 26 April to respond to the charge.

Scholes, who won 11 Premier League titles with Manchester United and was capped 66 times by England, retired from playing in 2013 and became a part-owner of Salford in 2014 alongside former United players Gary and Phil Neville, Ryan Giggs and Nicky Butt.
To think that he left playing for England partly because he was forced to play on the left of a midfield diamond!