[PICTURES] Angelina Jolie's visits to Pakistan

Deewana Mastana

Test Star
Jun 8, 2008
The philanthropist, soft-hearted world’s number one female actress, Angelina Julie is not at all happy with her visit to Pakistan to see the flood victims. She came here, held the hands of the victims, made donations, stood up with the miseries of the people, denied any photo sessions, met with the aid agencies, but then she talks about the darker side of the things.

She is not happy with the attitude of the authorities and the government, who were more interested in toeing her line, watching her make movements, trying to please her while pushing the flood victims. She was also perturbed at the Prime Minister’s wish that his family wanted to meet him. Prime Minster’s family was especially flown down all the way from Multan to Islamabad and they presented expensive gifts to Jolie and had a sumptuous meal with her.

She said that she was feeling awful at that time to see so much food at the table, suffice for hundreds of flood victims who were fighting like crazy to get a small bag of flour and a small bottle of water. She was ill at ease when she saw the interior of lavish Premier house and some of the government buildings and the chartered planes and other such luxuries, when there was so much misery outside.

In her report to the United Nations, she has recommended UN to ask Pakistani government to first cut down on their expenses and to first cut down their luxuries before asking the aid from the world.

How true she is.

Am not surprised to read this at all - The PM flying down his entire family in a private jet to pose with Jolie as being her biggest fans etc; then having a massive feast while the rest of the nation is in starvation and under water! Totally humiliating!

Jolie is right in suggesting it to the UN to get Pak to cut down on these sort of luxuries and expenses etc; before opening out aid appeals around the world!
hahahah. This is pakistan. idhar sab kuch jaiz hai..
Disgusted, but not surprised.

I don't recall any of this bravado when she visited Pakistan while Mush was in power. Now she realises how corrupt and selfish a lot of Pakistani politicians are.
Hopefully she will ignore them at all cost if possible, when she visits again.
Well this Govt has proven over and over again they do not care about the people of PAkistan at all.
Did she compalin in her first visit as well (when Musharaf was in power)? The Prime Minister house is still the same in Pakistan.
Jolie for president of Pakistan ?? :)

On a serious note, she is correct and if we look at it its not only the PM

Most of us don't look at things that way. Did we ever cut down on our luxury expenses when our country was in need ?

However, The PM doing this kind of stuff is another level altogether. Idiotic to say.
In Pakistan again to aid in the flood relief effort

Great gesture from Angelina Jolie. She is a really nice person. May God bless her!

Hollywood star and humanitarian, Angelina Jolie has asked the international community to do more for the flood victims in Pakistan.

International humanitarian and UNHRC envoy Angelina Jolie visited the National Flood Response & Coordination Centre during his visit to Pakistan.

She said, “I’ve never seen anything like this before and many times I came because of the generosity that Pakistani people shown to people of Afghanistan over the years as a host country so often the countries that don’t have as much like so many other countries and now this time we see the countries cause less damage to the environment are now bearing the brunt of the disaster and the pain and the death. “

Jolie said, “And I’m absolutely with you in pushing the international community to do more. I feel like we say that often we speak of its appeals, reliefs and supports but this is something very different. I think this is a real wake-up call to the world about where we are at.”

“The climate change is not only real it’s not only coming, but it’s also very much here and even as somebody who spent a part of humanitarian aid for years, we often look at the crisis and we think of how to solve it and what we can do, what to rebuild, how to help the children or food.”

“And now we are in a situation like this, where the needs are so great and truly every effort is either life or death for so many people. “

The UNHCR envoy said, “Every current effort that I have seen, I see the army, I’ve been with the army and with my colleagues and I’ve seen those lives who were saved but also seen those who have been speaking to people and thinking that if enough aid doesn’t come, they won’t be here in the next few weeks, they won’t make it , too many children, so malnourished and even if they make it through the next months, the winter coming and the destruction of the crops and the harsh reality, I’m overwhelmed but I don’t feel it’s fair to say that because I’m not living in this so I will just simply try to speak out and help. “

“I really cannot imagine what it feels like to be there. I see the very thought out beyond this not only emergency that what to do and all it’s going to take and I am here as a friend to Pakistan and very warm friends relationships I have here and I will continue to return. My heart is very much with people at this time.”

ARY News
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Pakistan thanks Angelina Jolie, a special UN envoy, and other unsung heroes for becoming the voice of millions of people whose lives & livelihoods have been destroyed by raging floodwaters. We will forever remember their empathy & compassion for suffering humanity.</p>— Shehbaz Sharif (@CMShehbaz) <a href="https://twitter.com/CMShehbaz/status/1572885822826848256?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 22, 2022</a></blockquote>
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Following Jolie's footsteps

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">International wrestlers visited the flood-affected areas of Rajanpur as well as the army relief and medical camp in Fazalpur. The wrestlers were informed about the magnitude and severity of the floods and the devastating toll they had in many parts of Pakistan.<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/etribune?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#etribune</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/news?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#news</a> <a href="https://t.co/EKiZQiQoh3">pic.twitter.com/EKiZQiQoh3</a></p>— The Express Tribune (@etribune) <a href="https://twitter.com/etribune/status/1577652667203129344?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 5, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Its nice to see many celebs concerned but its also very sad to see, when Muslim nations have more money than anyone else yet Muslims are suffering due to lack of resources.

BT Sport in their Champions League coverage also were supporting the floods by asking viewers to donate.
Oscar-winning US actress Angelina Jolie says she is stepping down from her role as an ambassador for the UN refugee agency UNHCR after more than 20 years.

"I believe in many things the UN does, particularly the lives it saves through emergency relief," Jolie, 47, said.

And she added: "I will be working now with organisations led by people most directly affected by conflict, that give the greatest voice to them."

The UNHCR said she was one of the most influential refugee rights advocates.

In a post on her Instagram page, the Hollywood star wrote: "After over 20 years, I am stepping down today from my work with the UN refugee agency.

"Refugees are the people I admire most in the world and I am dedicated to working with them for the rest of my life."

Jolie provided no details about the organisations she was planning to work with.

Meanwhile, the UNHCR said in a statement that Angelina Jolie would "engage on a broader set of humanitarian and human rights issues".

In a statement, the refugee agency said "Jolie has worked tirelessly, carrying out more than 60 field missions to bear witness to stories of suffering as well as hope and resilience".

Jolie - who starred in a number of blockbusters including Mr and Mrs Smith and Lara Croft: Tomb Raider - has worked with the UNHCR since 2001, becoming the agency's special envoy in 2012.

In recent months, she has met displaced people in the war-torn Ukraine, Yemen and also Burkina Faso.
