[PICTURES/VIDEOS] Does the English Defence League (EDL) still exist, and could it be banned in the UK?


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Sep 11, 2023
A wave of violent protests around the country has raised questions about whether the English Defence League (EDL) - technically a defunct organisation - should be banned under UK terrorism laws.

Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner said the Home Secretary Yvette Cooper will "be looking at" whether the EDL could be proscribed - banned under UK law.

The deputy prime minister condemned "thuggish behaviour" after violent scenes broke out following false reports that the suspect in the death of three young girls in a knife attack at a Taylor Swift-themed dance class was an asylum seeker.

What does it mean when something is proscribed?

If an organisation has been proscribed, it has been forbidden under UK law.

Under the Terrorism Act 2000, the Home Secretary may proscribe an organisation if they believe it is concerned with terrorism, and it is proportionate to do so.

Under the act, terrorism means the use or threat of action which involves serious violence against a person, serious damage to property, endangers a person's life or creates a risk to life, to influence the government or intimidate the public.

It must also be carried out with the aim to advance a political, religious, racial or ideological cause.

What is the EDL and what does it believe?

The EDL was founded in 2009 and experienced its heyday in 2011.

Established in London, the group formed around several football hooligan firms protesting the presence of an Islamist group in Luton.

Tommy Robinson - real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon - a former member of the BNP who had a criminal conviction for assault, became the group’s de facto leader shortly after it was formed.

Ideologically, it sat on the far right of British politics, rejecting the idea that Muslims can truly be English, while promoting Islam as a threat to European values and blaming a perceived decline in “English culture” on high immigration rates.

It distinguished itself from the traditional far-right by rejecting biological racism, antisemitism, and homophobia - evidenced by the existence of subgroups, including Jewish, Sikh and LGBT divisions.

The group adopted the slogan "Not racist, not violent, just no longer silent" and claimed to be standing up for the white working class.

Yet despite this messaging, racist chants continued to ring out at EDL rallies.

Ivan Humble, a former EDL member, told Sky News once he joined the group, he "found a sense of belonging".

Is the EDL now defunct?

The decline of the EDL mirrors that of the BNP, which saw significant support in the 2010 election but has since faded into electoral obscurity.

The profile of the EDL rose dramatically between 2010 and 2013, but soon began to lose momentum - partly due to in-fighting among the group’s different factions.

The group was then revealed to have links to Norwegian far-right activist Anders Behring Breivik, the perpetrator of a series of bombing and shooting attacks in July 2011 that killed 77 people.

In December 2011, two EDL supporters were convicted of plotting to bomb a mosque in Stoke-on-Trent.

By 2013, the number of members attending rallies was in decline, although the group did experience a brief resurgence in the wake of the murder of British Army soldier Lee Rigby.

Robinson left the organisation that same year, amid fears he could not control the group’s more violent followers.

By 2017, the EDL was still making headlines, but this time it was because a march was called off after just six people turned up.

These days, anti-racism group Hope Not Hate says it considers the organisation as non-existent, as does Robinson, the former founder, himself.

Robinson said on X: "The riots are by local residents fed up. Nothing to do with the EDL which closed down over a decade ago."

But although the organisation is now officially considered defunct, the sentiments feeding it - anger at immigration at the heart of it - have remained.

Merseyside police said supporters of the EDL appeared prominent in the Southport disorder after rioters clashed with police outside a mosque on Tuesday night.

Misinformation, peddled by the far right, suggested that the 17-year-old arrested in connection with the knife attack was a Muslim immigrant who had arrived by boat in the UK. That was not true.

Labour MP for Sunderland Central Lewis Atkinson said flags on the street bore the reference to the North East Infidels, "a Nazi, EDL offshoot from the north east chapter of what was the EDL". Images online show flags from the North East Infidels present at Friday's clashes.

Mr Atkinson said individuals previously involved with the EDL are "still out there" and need to be monitored by police.

Could the EDL be proscribed?

This is something the Home Secretary appears to be looking into - but given the organisation is officially defunct, it is unclear what difference this would make.

However, there are rules around aliases, which means if the government believes the EDL to be operating under a different name, that too could be banned.

"You may end up missing the target if you proscribe the organisation," said Lord Walney, a government adviser on political violence.

The priority, he said, should be going after "individual ringleaders who are currently stirring things up and moving from area to area".

"If proscription can be seen to be part of an effective tool in enabling us to get to those individuals, then yes let's try and do it quickly. But because of that complication, I'm not sure whether it is the first thing you go to."

It should be banned definitely because they are now getting physical. That's a red line.

Far-right extremist groups should be all banned.
they took so many beatings , they stopped turning up . Israel stopped the funding , Robinson hid away & only came out when the Gaza genocide started.

Interestingly the real far right who claim to be Christians are actually on very good terms with Muslims . They hated Jews but now realise israel is their enemy .
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Britain First is a more up to date version, although they are if anything more extreme as unlike Tommy, they have not compromised their white only position. Tommy has watered down his position where he is willing to accept israelis and hindus into his rebellion against Islam in Britain.
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Definitely should be out - lawed. Their clear intention is to cause harm to civilian population in the same mould as any terrorist organisation.

Their policies are more updated from the old BNP who were basically a Race hate party. Edl have inherited the uncle toms in society to make them look inclusive, and their sole agenda is to target everyone's so called Bogeyman the Muslims.
Britain First is a more up to date version, although they are if anything more extreme as unlike Tommy, they have not compromised their white only position. Tommy has watered down his position where he is willing to accept zionists and hindus into his rebellion against Islam in Britain.

It's hard to know what Tommy's real beliefs are. We know he doesn't like islamism. I don't recall him ever making comments on race. Or has he ?
Britain First is a more up to date version, although they are if anything more extreme as unlike Tommy, they have not compromised their white only position. Tommy has watered down his position where he is willing to accept israelis and hindus into his rebellion against Islam in Britain.

I think they are done too . Apparently the main man beat up his mrs & is was too pro israeli.
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You should watch her podcast, Jim Dowson podcast and Nick Griffin podcast with Dolly Husain from 5 pillars.

They are very vocal against Tommy. Absolute loonies the lot of them but their perspective on Tommy is interesting

I do feel sorry for her , no matter her views, what he has apparently done to her over years is very wrong . It might be an idea for Muslims to unite with these fanatical Christians against israel but the left never will & may those who do as fascist too . Thanks I’ll check it out
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It's hard to know what Tommy's real beliefs are. We know he doesn't like islamism. I don't recall him ever making comments on race. Or has he ?

He doesn't hide behind terms like islamism, he is quite happy to call out Islam quite directly. He was on some Indian news channel yesterday calling Islam a cult, and using terms like rape jihad. The video has since been taken down but it was running all night.
It's hard to know what Tommy's real beliefs are. We know he doesn't like islamism. I don't recall him ever making comments on race. Or has he ?

He has none , he is a big cocaine user & is making good money from his israel funding . He may also be compromised like many Epstein mates as one his right hand men was done for child sexual abuse .

If you really cared for England, you wouldn’t be sat in Spain calling others to hit the streets
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UK Gov will have to start proscribing some of these far right groups as terrorist organisations, no choice really. Would be a strong deterrent and most of the wasters at these protests wouldn’t dare turn up.
It's hard to know what Tommy's real beliefs are. We know he doesn't like islamism. I don't recall him ever making comments on race. Or has he ?
Yaxley Lennon and the right always need a target. The DM that is so pro Israel today, backed Oswald Moseley and his fascists against the Jews in the 30s. In the 50s and 60s the Asians and black were attacked by the Teddy boys, in the 70s and 80s the NF attacked Asians and called every Asian a Pakistani. In the 90s and 2000s the BNP attacked Jews and Asians and became prominent and now this tool. The right need targets for their hate. If there were no Muslims in the UK, would their hate of other non whites stop?
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I’m on holiday, not on the run, says Tommy Robinson​

Tommy Robinson, the far-right activist, has denied claims he fled the UK after a High Court judge issued an arrest warrant for him.

Robinson, 41, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, has been stoking tensions over the Southport stabbings from thousands of miles away in southern Europe.

Merseyside police believe supporters of the English Defence League (EDL), the far-right group previously led by Robinson, were among those responsible for injuring more than 50 officers and terrorising Muslim worshippers during the Southport riot.

He told CNN-News18, an Indian English-language news channel, that he adopted the pseudonym Tommy Robinson because people wanted to “murder” him.

He said: “My real name is actually Stephen Lennon. Yes I did use a pseudonym. Because if you want to speak about Islam, people want to kill you. Six Muslims are currently in British prisons for 30 years for planning to murder me.”

He added: “I tried to protect my name, because I wanted to protect my family. I don’t think that is ridiculous at all.”

A High Court judge issued an arrest warrant for Robinson last month and he is due to attend a full contempt hearing in London.

The case is around an alleged breach of an injunction forbidding him from repeating lies about Jamal Hijazi, a teenage Syrian refugee, in 2018.

In 2021 Hijazi won £100,000 in damages after a defamation case against Robinson, who had falsely accused him of attacking other pupils at school.

However, the activist repeated the claims in a film which he recently broadcast at a mass rally of his followers in Trafalgar Square, London.

Robinson said: “I haven’t fled the UK. I am on holiday with my children, that was planned. I never received any court documentation summoning me to court. I am not on bail to attend court.

“There was a process the court has to go to, that process is not to give information to far left organisations.”

Robinson’s exact whereabouts are unclear. However, photos emerged on Sunday purporting to show him at a luxury hotel in Ayia Napa, Cyprus.

In a social media post, Robinson has insisted he is not responsible for the widespread riots across the UK in recent days.

He said: “As the media and politicians try to blame me for what is happening in the country … What you’re witnessing now on the streets is the years of resentment built up by you (media and politicians) trying to hide the problems … So while you wish to blame other people for your failures, everything you’re witnessing are your failures.

It's hard to know what Tommy's real beliefs are. We know he doesn't like islamism. I don't recall him ever making comments on race. Or has he ?
There is not a single far-right voice, but in Europe and in general I would say that there have been two changes in the discourse of far-right groups compared with the inter-war period.

In large parts of society, the sort of biological racism that the Nazis peddled was discredited after the War. Of course there continued to be neo-Nazis and racism did not end and has not disappeared from society.

But many in the far-right began to emphasise culture rather than race. It was a makeover.

Prejudice was encased in seemingly more ‘respectable’ language. An early example is Alain de Benoist, a founding member of the Nouvelle Droite [New Right] in France, which emerged in the late 1960s. “My votes are for a Vietnamese Vietnam, as for an Algerian Algeria, a French France and a European Europe,” he wrote. Everyone should express their cultural identity but within their nation. Immigration was a threat to cultural health.

Even the British National Party (BNP) under Nick Griffin tried to project a reasonable image. One of its newspapers, in 2001, claimed: “The BNP is not a ‘‘race supremacist’’ party. The BNP does not claim that any one race is superior to any other, simply that they are different. The party merely wishes to preserve those differences which make up the rich tapestry of human kind.”

The other change has been a demonising of Islam. Hostility to Islam was always there but become especially prominent after 9/11. As @Bewal Express notes, it is useful to identity a supposed ‘enemy’ and to rally against it. In the case of Islam, it also enabled groups like EDL to claim that they were not racist; they were only targeting an ideology that was wicked and alien to the culture of Britain.

These shifts in the far-right discourse are aimed at projecting an image of discontinuity from the inter-war period.

In reality a ‘differentialist’ racism has replaced biological racism. It is a case of new roads but the same destination.

Indian news channel CNN-News 18 has been interviewing Tommy Robinson about the riots in the UK, where he has been given the opportunity to appeal to hindus to join the fight against Islam, citing rape jihad among one of his absurd claims. Indian news media is weird, even in the UK Robinson is held to account for spreading false information, but he seems to have found an outlet in Modi's India.
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Indian news channel CNN-News 18 has been interviewing Tommy Robinson about the riots in the UK, where he has been given the opportunity to appeal to hindus to join the fight against Islam, citing rape jihad among one of his absurd claims. Indian news media is weird, even in the UK Robinson is held to account for spreading false information, but he seems to have found an outlet in Modi's India.
Don't you suspect him to be a Hindutva agent working for RAW? Afterall, it's always a conspiracy against Muslims.
Don't you suspect him to be a Hindutva agent working for RAW? Afterall, it's always a conspiracy against Muslims.

He's actually a confirmed Israeli plant. Hindutvas just seem to be complimentary cheerleaders.
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He's actually a confirmed zionist plant. Hindutvas just seem to be complimentary cheerleaders.
:ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: Yea, sure. Anyone who speaks against Muslims is either a Israeli or a Hindutva.

By the way, confirmed? How?
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Cyprus ‘ready to help’ UK police on far-right agitator Tommy Robinson​

Cyprus police said Wednesday they were ready to assist their British counterparts in taking action against far-right leader Tommy Robinson, allegedly instigating anti-migrant violence from a sun lounger on the island.

“We are in contact with the British police, and if they need our assistance, we are ready to help,” a Cyprus police spokesperson said as thousands of UK riot police stood ready to deal with more potential outbreaks of violence.

According to British media, the former leader of the English Defence League, an Islamophobic group founded 15 years ago, appears to be evading a court hearing in Britain while holidaying in Cyprus.

He was filmed by AFPTV this week relaxing by a swimming pool at a five-star hotel in the resort town of Ayia Napa.

Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, is alleged to have orchestrated attacks targeting migrants in Britain through social media posts.

Cyprus police told AFP they believed Robinson was still on the island, and they have informed British authorities they are keeping an eye on him.

“He is still in Cyprus as far as we know,” the spokesperson said.

Robinson retorted that he was no longer on the island in a post on X. “Lucky I’m not in Cyprus then ain’t it,” he wrote.

Britain’s director of public prosecutions warned Wednesday that social media influencers allegedly fueling violent disorder would be extradited, but did not mention Robinson by name.

Stephen Parkinson told the BBC that offenders “must know that they are not safe and there is nowhere to hide.”

He added: “We would certainly consider extradition if we are satisfied that an offence has been committed.”

British interior minister Yvette Cooper said “there will be a reckoning” for perpetrators, adding that social media put a “rocket booster” under the violence which erupted more than a week ago after three children were murdered.

The government has said 6,000 specialist police are being readied to deal with England’s worst disorder in over a decade, which has seen hundreds arrested and more than 100 charged.

The violence broke out after three girls, aged nine, seven and six, were killed and five more children critically injured during a knife attack at a Taylor Swift-themed dance class in Southport, northwest England.

False rumors initially spread on social media, saying the attacker was a Muslim asylum seeker.


Such an extremely reliable and trustworthy source. By the way, expressing his support for Israel proves that he is an Israel agent, right? LMAO.
At least he has guts to come out and support whatever ideology he believes in unlike few India pretending to be not Hindutva and Israel supporters :)
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At least he has guts to come out and support whatever ideology he believes in unlike few India pretending to be not Hindutva and Israeli supporters :)
Well, most people who are not blind can blatantly see the common problem everywhere.
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Such an extremely reliable and trustworthy source. By the way, expressing his support for Israel proves that he is an Israel agent, right? LMAO.
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View attachment 145635

Tommy posing with the IDF
I can do it too if allowed. Doesn't mean I'm under the payroll of the Israel. Provide solid proof not pictures where you can assume things. By the way, kindly provide the links of those pictures as well.

Tommy Robinson is a Briton who is sick and tired of the nuisance that is Islamic extremism and terrorism all over the world. He wants to protect his nation's culture from being overtaken and destroyed.​
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I can do it too if allowed. Doesn't mean I'm under the payroll of the Zionists. Provide solid proof not pictures where you can assume things. By the way, kindly provide the links of those pictures as well.

Tommy Robinson is a Briton who is sick and tired of the nuisance that is Islamic extremism and terrorism all over the world. He wants to protect his nation's culture from being overtaken and destroyed.​

Lol put the 🥤 down , you’re embarrassing yourself…again

Israeli news good enough ?

I can do it too if allowed. Doesn't mean I'm under the payroll of the Zionists. Provide solid proof not pictures where you can assume things. By the way, kindly provide the links of those pictures as well.

Tommy Robinson is a Briton who is sick and tired of the nuisance that is Islamic extremism and terrorism all over the world. He wants to protect his nation's culture from being overtaken and destroyed.​

Do you think the Israeli defence forces are going to allow some random English bigot to pose with their armed force officials without backing?

No one is destroying Tommy's culture, it is still there where white people live in majority. Perhaps not in Wembley or Leicester which has a large hindu population, but what do you want us to do? Forcibly send them on the boats back to India?
Do you think the Israeli defence forces are going to allow some random English bigot to pose with their armed force officials without backing?

No one is destroying Tommy's culture, it is still there where white people live in majority. Perhaps not in Wembley or Leicester which has a large hindu population, but what do you want us to do? Forcibly send them on the boats back to India?
Exactly these fools going on like the it's 90% ethnic non White's and only 10% White Anglo Saxon
