PM Imran Khan mulls introducing law to divert recovered black money to education in Pakistan


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2004
ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan said Thursday he was mulling introducing a law to divert recovered black money towards education.

PM Imran Khan — while addressing the inauguration ceremony of the Pak-Austria Fachhochschule Institute of Applied Sciences & Technology (PAF-IAST) at Mang in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa's Haripur city — said he was pondering passing a law to divert money brought in from "corrupt individuals" by the government’s asset recovery unit towards education.

"The more we invest in education, the more secure our children and country’s future will be," the premier said, acknowledging that his government had failed to "focus on education" since it came to power.

The failure of the ruling party's focus on education, he continued, was due to a "game of survival" it faced after coming into power.

Also read: PM Imran welcomes children as schools across Pakistan reopen after virus lockdown

The PTI regime's first year was spent on "stabilising the economy" while the coronavirus pandemic intervened in the second year, he noted. "Now, my attempt is that we as a nation need to decide that wherever we save money from, we divert it to education," he said.

PM Imran added that Pakistan needed to move towards becoming a knowledge economy in order to progress and "free our minds" from colonialism — something that diverted the country from its path 15-20 years after the independence in 1947.

"The dependency syndrome was put on us [after independence]," the prime minister said. Reminiscing about his cricketing days, he shared an example wherein his seniors told the team during his first tour to England that their tour would be a "big success" if they lost "respectfully".

"There was so much complex that we cannot win against them," the premier recalled, adding that a similar "mindset was everywhere".

The premier also wondered aloud why Pakistan did not produce its own scientists or inventions and why did not have technological juggernauts such as Facebook and Microsoft — which are bigger than the country’s economy.

"That's because the [West] have opted for technology and innovation and we have become the copies," the PM said, adding that it was now the right time for the country to take up that path.

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"We do not want to become good slaves [but] we want to find our own way. And this will happen through knowledge economy," he said. Pakistan was also at an advantage, he added, as the country had a young population and "a lot of talent".

PM Imran said the setting up of a university in Haripur was a "big start" towards the goal and that Fachhochschule Oberösterreich was a "big engineering university in Austria".

"This is a big step in the right direction for Pakistan — not just the KP and Haripur," he noted.

Related: PM Imran directs for priority provision, easy accessibility of Internet to students

The premier also thanked the people who had virtually joined the inauguration in China and Austria, adding that Pakistan looked forward to future cooperation.

Earlier, the Prime Minister's Office had said the institute is one of the initiatives of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Government that "envisages to create highly credible technical education infrastructure both at tertiary and hi-tech industry levels".

"The concept underlying the PAF-IAST program is to contribute towards the development of a broad-based balanced industrial economy in Pakistan," the PM's Office said on Twitter.

It added that the institute sought to "promote expansion and enhancement of higher education quality in engineering, science and technology".

The education facility would have a "parallel focus on the development of a hi-tech industry" in Pakistan, it added.
Can Immy inform all of us how much money has he recovered from Nawaz? After all, he won the election on the back of his accountability rhetoric.

I am sure Murad Saeed has already brought back the 200 billion rupees or dollars stashed abroad.
The notion in here is good however we need to have more laws and legislations put into place for establishing corrupt/black money. Once under law a property or wealth is categorised as corrupt/black by high or supreme courts of Pakistan then another legislation should be passed for Pakistan government to take that corrupt wealth over. This obviously becomes tricky if the property or bank account is outside Pakistan's jurisdictions therefore its essential that we get out of the grey list of FATF and on back of new money laundering bills we get countries united over such actions.

The problem in here is that Supreme court has disallowed Nawaz and co from holding any public office however their official wealth hasn't been categorised as corrupt/black. The next action should be to get these properties and assets under the corrupt umbrella and take action accordingly.
The occasion was inauguration of a state of the art Pak-Austria university in Haripur, KPK with specializations in subjects like Artificial Intelligence, Railways Engineering etc, but sadly this is what the news reporter chose as his headline.
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