Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)’s diet


Test Star
Mar 30, 2016
If you have been wanting to bring about a change in your current eating habits and adopt a healthier way of life, what better role model is there to follow than our beloved Holy Prophet (PBUH). Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) led a life of balance, moderation and had an extremely nutritious diet.

Here is a list of foods that our Prophet (PBUH) used to have in his everyday life:

1. Dates
Dates are extremely nutritious, rich in fiber, Vitamin B-6 and minerals such as Iron, Calcium, Potassium, Manganese, Copper etc. that must be included in our daily diet. Dates are also known to be devoid of cholesterol and contain minimal fat. The Prophet (PBUH) used to have seven dates every single day. According to a hadith:

Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said, "He who eats seven 'Ajwa dates every morning, will not be affected by poison or magic on the day he eats them." (Bukhari 5445)

2. Figs
Figs are one of the fruits of Paradise and was favored by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) as well. Figs tend to be a good cure for stomach ailments, piles, gout diseases and strengthen bones in the human body as they contain a lot of nutrients and anti-oxidants. Allah (SWT) has also mentioned figs in the Holy Quran:

“By the fig and the olive” (Quran 95:1)

3. Milk
Milk is essential for strengthening the bones and teeth as it is rich in Calcium. It also cures gastric ailments, renews vision and improves human memory. The Prophet (PBUH) loved having goat and camel milk. Milk is also mentioned in the Holy Quran:

“We give you drink from what is in their bellies - between excretion and blood - pure milk, palatable to drinkers.” (Quran 16:66)

4. Meat
According to the Prophet (PBUH), meat is the king of foods as it is full of protein and minerals like Zinc, Iron etc. These minerals are essential for bone strength and play a vital role in maintaining the human immune system and body tissue.

5. Grapes
Grapes were another favorite food item of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). It also has a lot of health benefits which include the purification of blood and are really good for the kidneys and bowel movement as well.

6. Honey
Honey is a natural cure for almost all types of illnesses. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) used to drink a glass of water mixed with honey every single morning. Honey is considered to cure all ailments ranging from stomach issues, appetite issues and controlling phlegm.

The Prophet (PBUH) said, "Healing is in three things: cupping, a gulp of honey or cauterization.” (Bukhari 5681)

7. Olive oil
Olives are also one of the foods of Paradise and Allah (SWT) swears upon them in the Quran (as mentioned above). It is really beneficial for skin and hair treatments and is also used for healing when it comes to stomach inflammations etc. It can also be used for the cure of leprosy.

"The Prophet (PBUH) said: Eat of its oil and use it (the olives), for indeed it is from a blessed tree." (Tirmidhi 1852)

8. Barley
Barley is highly effective for curing fever, with its immense nutritional value. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) used to have it in the form of bread, dough and porridge. It has a lot of health benefits when it comes to different ailments and combating weakness. According to a hadith:

“The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) entered upon us, and with him was ‘Ali bin Abu Talib, who had recently recovered from an illness. We had bunches of unripe dates hanging up, and the Prophet (PBUH) was eating from them. ‘Ali reached out to eat some, and the Prophet (PBUH) said to ‘Ali: ‘Stop, O ‘Ali! You have just recovered from an illness.’ I made some greens and barley for the Prophet (PBUH), and the Prophet (PBUH) said to ‘Ali: ‘O ‘Ali, eat some of this, for it is better for you.’”(Ibn Majah 4:31:3442)

9. Melon
Melons are high in water content and low in calories. It contains various Vitamins and minerals along with anti-cancerous properties. Melons can also contribute towards the cure of kidney ailments, stomach ailments and heart conditions. It is also known for its anti-aging properties and skin treatments.

“The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) used to eat melon with fresh dates, and he used to say: The heat of the one is broken by the coolness of the other, and the coolness of the one by the heat of the other.” (Abu Dawood 3836)

10. Pumpkin
Pumpkin was one of the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) most favored vegetables. It is immensely beneficial for lungs and combats birth defects in humans. It also serves as a cure for diseases like asthma, blood pressure, some types of cancer and heart ailments.

“A tailor invited the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) to a meal which he had prepared. Anas said: I went along with the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) barley bread and soup containing pumpkin and dried sliced meat. Anas said: I saw the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) going after the pumpkin round the dish, so I have always liked pumpkins since that day.” (Abu Dawud 3782)

All these food items listed above have great health benefits and should definitely make it to your month’s grocery list! If you start including these food items in your daily diet, your health is sure to improve, after all, it is the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).

The holy prophet pbuh did not encourage eating of meat at all

He used to eat meat but not much.

Read a few times here and there.

Obv I’m not saying it’s not allowed. But the Prophet only used to eat once in weeks and sometimes months. He didn’t encourage regular consumption. These days many muslims eat it twice a day as if it is farz for us lol. If no meat then the meal looks incomplete.

For example last year I calculated that in the prior 10 years I had had hardly 3-4 days total where I hadn’t eaten meat throughout the day. That certainly is not what was encouraged. In 2020 so far I’ve had legit 10 days already with no meat consumption and have tried to eat more vegeterian stuff and lentils
The holy prophet pbuh did not encourage eating of meat at all

I understand hadiths can be fake, but it is written in the quran you can eat meat from four legged animals which eat grass other than swine.
Read a few times here and there.

Obv I’m not saying it’s not allowed. But the Prophet only used to eat once in weeks and sometimes months. He didn’t encourage regular consumption. These days many muslims eat it twice a day as if it is farz for us lol. If no meat then the meal looks incomplete.

For example last year I calculated that in the prior 10 years I had had hardly 3-4 days total where I hadn’t eaten meat throughout the day. That certainly is not what was encouraged. In 2020 so far I’ve had legit 10 days already with no meat consumption and have tried to eat more vegeterian stuff and lentils

Yeah. I have cut down on meat too.

I read that 90% of his diet was plant-based.

I need to add dates to my diet. This is such an underrated and nutrition-rich fruit.
I understand hadiths can be fake, but it is written in the quran you can eat meat from four legged animals which eat grass other than swine.

Oh bhai. Where did I say meat eating isn’t allowed lol. I’m just saying these days manu Muslims act as if it’s part of Islam to eat meat and there’s some requirement for it. Whilst in actuality the Prophet hasn’t been known to encourage eating it. He himself at it occasionally. However these days if you tell a group of Muslims that you will eat vegeterian they are shocked as if you’ve Committed some blasphemy
Our family diet is too meat heavy. I have had discussions with my wife but its seems that the kids are addicted to it, and she can't say no.
Our family diet is too meat heavy. I have had discussions with my wife but its seems that the kids are addicted to it, and she can't say no.
I’ve suffered a lot due to a meat heavy diet. Genuine advice to reduce your meat consumption, especially red meat.
Not directed to you [MENTION=1269]Bewal Express[/MENTION]. It was more of a general comment.
I’ve suffered a lot due to a meat heavy diet. Genuine advice to reduce your meat consumption, especially red meat.

Explain. Not directed at you but I often see many Hindus (I know you’re indian dunno about hindu) referencing science and personal experience to cut down on meat. They make it seem like the reason is moral or health whereas it actually is religious.
Read a few times here and there.

Obv I’m not saying it’s not allowed. But the Prophet only used to eat once in weeks and sometimes months. He didn’t encourage regular consumption. These days many muslims eat it twice a day as if it is farz for us lol. If no meat then the meal looks incomplete.

For example last year I calculated that in the prior 10 years I had had hardly 3-4 days total where I hadn’t eaten meat throughout the day. That certainly is not what was encouraged. In 2020 so far I’ve had legit 10 days already with no meat consumption and have tried to eat more vegeterian stuff and lentils

The Prophet lived in Arabia where meat eating isn't as common cause they didn't have as much livestock, in fact their main meat staple was camel meat. Also Arabia is one of the hottest regions in the world where the average temps are near 120* F and this over a millenia and half before electricity and refrigeration was invented, so the Prophet's recommendation was practical for the time and place since it wasn't healthy to eat so much meat but now those are no longer issues.
Nowadays scientist recommend eating like your ancestors did, just like not everyone is lactose intolerant, likewise not everyone responds negatively to a meat heavy diet, that is why these days in nutrition science there's a strong emphasis on individualized diets i.e tailored to the individual - you can do bloodwork and DNA tests to find out what your optimal source of nutrition should be if you're that interested.
Explain. Not directed at you but I often see many Hindus (I know you’re indian dunno about hindu) referencing science and personal experience to cut down on meat. They make it seem like the reason is moral or health whereas it actually is religious.

Heart related issues coupled with cholesterol
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Some hadiths I have found from

Miqdam bin Madikarib said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say: ‘A human being fills no worse vessel than his stomach. It is sufficient for a human being to eat a few mouthfuls to keep his spine straight. But if he must (fill it), then one third of food, one third for drink and one third for air.’”

It was narrated from Jabir bin ‘Abdullah that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:
“The food of one person is sufficient for two, the food of two is sufficient for four, and the food for four is sufficient for eight.”

‘Abdullah bin Ja’far told Ibn Zubair, who had slaughtered a camel for them, that he heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), and he (‘Abdullah) said:
“Some people were bringing meat to the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) and he said: ‘The best meat is the meat of the back.’”

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If you are Desi and you suddenly became lactose intolerant try A2 milk, ones in South West USA can get it in Braum's(they have only A2).

I hated the milk when I came to states and stopped drinking but after A2 realized its the cows that matter..
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Nowadays scientist recommend eating like your ancestors did, just like not everyone is lactose intolerant, likewise not everyone responds negatively to a meat heavy diet, that is why these days in nutrition science there's a strong emphasis on individualized diets i.e tailored to the individual - you can do bloodwork and DNA tests to find out what your optimal source of nutrition should be if you're that interested.

That is what I have understood as well , for example a Punjabi like me eventhough I grew up in South India rice doesn't suit me as much as wheat does.

Irrespective it depends on people and what suits them, I'm allergic to certain berries.
If you are Desi and you suddenly became lactose intolerant try A2 milk, ones in South West USA can get it in Braum's(they have only A2).

I hated the milk when I came to states and stopped drinking but after A2 realized its the cows that matter..

Never drank milk in Pakistan but loved it in US

Taste is next level, it's just thick but it doesn't smell like the ones in Pakistan, hella creamy
All Prophets ate as less as possible. You should only eat as much as you need, not in excess.

Prophet(pbuh) also ate foods which had medicinal advantages such as honey.

Today people are eating themselves to death, I have no sympathy for fat people unless it's due to an illness.
Never drank milk in Pakistan but loved it in US

Taste is next level, it's just thick but it doesn't smell like the ones in Pakistan, hella creamy

I think that is because of Pasteurization.. Buffalo milk is creamy on its own if you can digest it :narine
Hmmm. Looks like I am following Sunnah without being a Muslim :)

I eat all of them regularly except barley. Good choice and balance of food.
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Hmmm. Looks like I am following Sunnah without being a Muslim :)

I eat all of them regularly except barley. Good choice and balance of food.

His example was for mankind even for non-Muslims.

If you eat honey, interestingly the Prophet(pbuh) and the Quran mentions a tree, the Sidr Tree known as the Lot tree in old scriptures. The honey produced from this tree has amazing health benefits, I use it reguarly and never have a cold/flu etc, of course I exercise and eat a lot fruit too. But this honey is the best in the world imo, check out Sidr Honey and try it.
Need to reduce meat consumption. If there are 14 meals in a week (lunch and dinner) atleast 12 have meat in it. That is too much, but then again meat is just so delicious.
There are no reports that the Prophet ever ate beef. He reportedly never owned a cow in his life.

He is reported to have said that the meat of cows produces sickness.

Muslims, especially Muslims in India, should take heed and stop eating beef in order to follow the Prophet's recommendation as well as to respect the customs of the land that they live in.
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There are no reports that the Prophet ever ate beef. He reportedly never owned a cow in his life.

He is reported to have said that the meat of cows produces sickness.

Muslims, especially Muslims in India, should take heed and stop eating beef in order to follow the Prophet's recommendation as well as to respect the customs of the land that they live in.

LOL stop with the propaganda. You have to take into the account region of the world Prophey Muhammad lived in, cows aren't all that common and camel meat was the main protein source, I guess you're suggesting indian muslims eat camel meat because the Holy Prophet ate it? I've noticed some Indian muslims try to blend hindutva with the sunnah/islam in order to create a more palatable version of the deen for their national sensibilities.
“Drink cow's milk, for indeed it is a remedy, its butterfat (ghee) is a cure, but beware of its meat, for indeed its meat is a disease" - Hadith

Now I don’t know if it’s Sahih or zaeef Hadith. Though either way I cannot stop eating steaks
There are no reports that the Prophet ever ate beef. He reportedly never owned a cow in his life.

He is reported to have said that the meat of cows produces sickness.

Muslims, especially Muslims in India, should take heed and stop eating beef in order to follow the Prophet's recommendation as well as to respect the customs of the land that they live in.

And that is why we thank QeA everytime we munch down on a juicy beef burger.
There are no reports that the Prophet ever ate beef. He reportedly never owned a cow in his life.

He is reported to have said that the meat of cows produces sickness.

Muslims, especially Muslims in India, should take heed and stop eating beef in order to follow the Prophet's recommendation as well as to respect the customs of the land that they live in.

Instead of using the Prophet as an example, use Babur as an example.

Here is a letter he wrote to Humayun:

“Oh my son! The realm of Hindustan is full of diverse creeds. Praise be to God … that He has granted unto thee the empire of it. It is but proper that you, with heart cleansed of all religious bigotry, should dispense justice according to the tenets of each community. And in particular refrain from the sacrifice of cow, for that way lies the conquest of the hearts of the people of Hindustan; and the subjects of the realm will, through royal favour, be devoted to thee.

“And the temples and abodes of worship of every community under the imperial sway, you should not damage. Dispense justice so that the sovereign may be happy with the subjects and likewise the subjects with their sovereign. The progress of Islam is better by the sword of kindness, not by the sword of oppression.
If you are Desi and you suddenly became lactose intolerant try A2 milk, ones in South West USA can get it in Braum's(they have only A2).

I hated the milk when I came to states and stopped drinking but after A2 realized its the cows that matter..

I am lactose intolerant. If I drink even a cup of pure milk (not in tea or coffee), it will have more drastic effects than 4 pegs of whisky.
Hmmm. Looks like I am following Sunnah without being a Muslim :)

I eat all of them regularly except barley. Good choice and balance of food.

Fancy a can of beer? That has enough barley in it and more. ;)

As for pork - what is the stated reason in the Quran that bans its consumption, even though beef, mutton, chicken etc. are fair game?
Fancy a can of beer? That has enough barley in it and more. ;)

As for pork - what is the stated reason in the Quran that bans its consumption, even though beef, mutton, chicken etc. are fair game?

Pork is like T20 cricket. It is junk meat. Pigs generally eat anything and everything.

Long story short, pork is considered as harmful. You may want to read this article:
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That's 20th and 21st century science. I'm asking what the Quran says - out of curiosity.

I don't think religious texts owe their followers an explanation cause theoretically it's like you wanna be saved than follow these rules, if don't than you can leave and burn or suffer (like in Judaism)
(SS knows more Hadith and quran so he can explain the religious reasoning (also Islam imo is more open to "explanations" compared to other religions) but I was just pointing out how asking for explantations from a philosophical pov seems kinda odd to me just my two cents•••)

I'll post a video that explains why religion is not open to explanations about its laws
Start from 4.00

That's 20th and 21st century science. I'm asking what the Quran says - out of curiosity.

It says to not eat it. It is prohibited.

Why does Hinduism ban beef? Every religion has some rules and regulations.
It says to not eat it. It is prohibited.

Why does Hinduism ban beef? Every religion has some rules and regulations.

Hinduism bans beef because cow is a sacred animal - as it grazes the land and provides a livelihood. Political parties have stretched the emotion but this is the crux.
That's 20th and 21st century science. I'm asking what the Quran says - out of curiosity.

Say, “I do not find within that which was revealed to me [anything] forbidden to one who would eat it unless it be a dead animal or blood spilled out or the flesh of swine – for indeed, it is impure…” [Noble Quran 6:145]
It’d be careful going down this route.

I think most of what was lauded as beneficial back then would be considered quite disgusting now.
There are no reports that the Prophet ever ate beef. He reportedly never owned a cow in his life.

He is reported to have said that the meat of cows produces sickness.

Muslims, especially Muslims in India, should take heed and stop eating beef in order to follow the Prophet's recommendation as well as to respect the customs of the land that they live in.

I dont think cows were very common then, they are a modern phenomenon promoted by Americanisation of the world.
I am lactose intolerant. If I drink even a cup of pure milk (not in tea or coffee), it will have more drastic effects than 4 pegs of whisky.

You should try Raw milk - most problems with lactose begin with pasteurisation
Some of these things would be so harmful for diabetics.
Some of these things would be so harmful for diabetics.

You are right. However, this diet is pretty good if you do it in moderation and you have no health condition (along with doing exercise).
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