Puma Bionic Gloves


Feb 11, 2012
Just got 3 pairs of the New 2012 Puma Bionic Gloves, which are super limited edition. I got these gloves from Hammer at CricketStoreOnline, I ordered them a few months back and they were a nightmare to get as most stores didnt end up getting them out of all the stores the only one with them was Owzat and I spoke to Rob Pack and he said they would only be going to the top 5 Puma accounts in the UK...well anyways I did end up getting my 3 pairs and they are stupendous. The review will follow after a net session to truly gauge these, but the one major plus point on these gloves is the digital Pittards..pics will follow shortly
Pics of the Bionics along with the Pulse IPL gloves


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There is a pretty big difference between the two although they look similar. I am not sure if the Pulse's I got were Indian releases but they are a little smaller and also only have fiber shields on the bottom two fingers where the Bionics have fiber shields on all 8 fingers...contacted the guy I got the Pulses from so will see what he says
They retail around £65 - are they worth it ? How comfortable are they ?
y07richardsonnj: Club/League, College, no not sponsored...I wish
90MPH: They are amazing, supercomfy, I think they are more expensive because of the Digital Pittards
God! I absolutely detest people who sound like haters seeing others buy cricket gear. It doesn't matter how much anyone scores. You want something, you get it and you do your best. End of story. There is no need to be derogatory about someone buying equipments. spprivate... your tone is very insulting.
God! I absolutely detest people who sound like haters seeing others buy cricket gear. It doesn't matter how much anyone scores. You want something, you get it and you do your best. End of story. There is no need to be derogatory about someone buying equipments. spprivate... your tone is very insulting.

I don't think the tone is too bad, after all, he puts a smiley face at the end which makes it much nicer, after all, he may just be interested in how good the player is, because the people with better gear tend to be better players.
I am pretty sure that post was meant to have an offensive undertone. I've seen many before especially on this section of the forum.
P.S: I'll be the first one to admit, I am no where near pro level even though i own a lot of gear. But that is not the point.
God! I absolutely detest people who sound like haters seeing others buy cricket gear. It doesn't matter how much anyone scores. You want something, you get it and you do your best. End of story. There is no need to be derogatory about someone buying equipments. spprivate... your tone is very insulting.
I watched Kabeer's Youtube and was surprised by the money he invested in buying kits...was curious to know what he does with that much kit,after all you can use only one set in a given match...Why would I feel bitter after all it is his money and he can do whatever he want.Infact I was worried about the fact that in another thread a 12 year old thinking about buying a limited edition bat when he should be focusing on improving a game..Just expressed my thoughts ..thats it..
I am pretty sure that post was meant to have an offensive undertone. I've seen many before especially on this section of the forum.
P.S: I'll be the first one to admit, I am no where near pro level even though i own a lot of gear. But that is not the point.

Perhaps it did, maybe I'm not one to notice. But I do understand why people can feel aggrieved when it comes to equipment, as it gives a distinct advantage to the players who can afford it. I wish there was a way to make cricket a game where all equipment was of the same quality, to give players and equal advantage. But alas, it is not your fault for being able to buy good quality gear.
And also I was not questioning his affordability,I was just trying to understand the need for so many equipments.I don't have to be jealous for others cos I myself bought as many premium bats spending over $1500 in this season alone.