Redback or Saf?


Jun 12, 2012
I am interested in getting a bat from either of the two and i would like to know how you guys rate these bats? Which brand is better and how do they compare to other brands such as ss gm gn etc
Both are good brands. You are looking at a bit higher pricing than usual brands- sorta paying more for knowing who exactly is making your bat.

Did you end up playing with that Screaming Cat?
I have used SAF and they are quite good, nicely balanced with a long middle. Prodirect cricket is selling redback at a discount price currently.
I would say SAF, because I have had trouble getting in touch with Gary at redback cricket twice and that's how I ended up with a SAF, and another bat. The hades made by Andy@ SAF are getting pretty good reviews and looks awesome with a massive middle.
I'd rate it a 8.75.For such a light weight bat it has immense power it picks up like a tape ball bat.It's fully knocked innow the grains have opened up all they could.