Schism in the Anglican Church community


Test Star
Nov 4, 2007
Post of the Week

Anglican Archbishops in Chile, Africa and Melanesia are breaking away from Canterbury (hitherto considered first among equals) with regard to the decision to bless same-sex marriages.

The Anglican Church in UK will not marry gay couples - these have to go to registry offices. But it will bless the unions if asked.

Anglican Archbishops in Chile, Africa and Melanesia are breaking away from Canterbury (hitherto considered first among equals) with regard to the decision to bless same-sex marriages.

The Anglican Church in UK will not marry gay couples - these have to go to registry offices. But it will bless the unions if asked.

Why is the UK church blessing something their religion says is a sin ?
This is the constant discrepancy in most religions, they preach peace and everyone is equal but require their followers to be homophobic.
Why is the UK church blessing something their religion says is a sin ?

Modern understanding of Leviticus has changed. The translation from Aramaic appears to refer to hygiene, not morality. But now we have soap and water.

The historical strength of Christianity is that it sees itself as part of a wider culture and has changed with culture over time.
Modern understanding of Leviticus has changed. The translation from Aramaic appears to refer to hygiene, not morality. But now we have soap and water.

The historical strength of Christianity is that it sees itself as part of a wider culture and has changed with culture over time.

The verse 'You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination' has a different meaning related to hygiene ? I have not come across that. What does it mean ?

There are passages in the New Testament too that consider homosexuality a sin.
Why is the UK church blessing something their religion says is a sin ?

There is a lot of pressure externally from celebrities that are supposedly christian and from government.

The church occupies several seats in the House of Lords and there have been calls for them to be removed for discriminating against LGBTQ.

I think its quite difficult to be openly christian in the UK now especially if you are in power/politics. Far easier to belong to a minority religion.
There is a lot of pressure externally from celebrities that are supposedly christian and from government.

The church occupies several seats in the House of Lords and there have been calls for them to be removed for discriminating against LGBTQ.

I think its quite difficult to be openly christian in the UK now especially if you are in power/politics. Far easier to belong to a minority religion.

I know the politics behind it. The sin of homosexuality has been taught by the church for 2000 years. If people say the church got it wrong simply because of language translation, then a lot of other characteristics of Christianity is up for debate.

Is Jesus Christ really the divine figure that church has been teaching for the last two millenia ?
The verse 'You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination' has a different meaning related to hygiene ? I have not come across that. What does it mean ?

There are passages in the New Testament too that consider homosexuality a sin.

The Aramaic word for abomination is the same as the word for unhygienic.
I know the politics behind it. The sin of homosexuality has been taught by the church for 2000 years. If people say the church got it wrong simply because of language translation, then a lot of other characteristics of Christianity is up for debate.

Is Jesus Christ really the divine figure that church has been teaching for the last two millenia ?

This is the problem that conservative Christians have - if you change one rule then every rule is up for grabs.

I think that several very intellectual liberal Christians deny the divinity of Christ - privately. But his message of love, forgiveness, and kindness to the Other is what counts. So he becomes less the Son of God and more a psychological principle or ideal model of human behaviour.
The verse 'You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination' has a different meaning related to hygiene ? I have not come across that. What does it mean ?

There are passages in the New Testament too that consider homosexuality a sin.

Why is the UK church blessing something their religion says is a sin ?

Great questions.

Christianity is anti-LGBTQ just like Islam and Judaism. There is no if and but.

So, if some of the western churches are blessing gay marriages, they are being anti-Christians. Not surprised that Africa, Chile, and Melanesia are breaking away from Canterbury.
This is the constant discrepancy in most religions, they preach peace and everyone is equal but require their followers to be homophobic.

Would you say those who engage in beastialities should be treated with love and equality too?

Where do you draw the line?
Re-interpretation of holy texts is not new. They will twist and bend the texts to any degree to suit their agenda.

Christianity is moving with modern times. If they want to survive in this new world, they have to adjust to the new world.
What happened to good old secularism in the West? The separation between the State and Religion?

Seems to me that the State is pushing its political ideology on to religion.

Shame, Christianity was the last shred of identity the UK has.

Trying to change the Bible, claiming it was misinterpreted, turning 2000 years of text and teachings on its head - just to appease less than 1% of people in the UK sums up liberalism.

Good job on Chile, Africa and Melanesia.
Re-interpretation of holy texts is not new. They will twist and bend the texts to any degree to suit their agenda.

Christianity is moving with modern times. If they want to survive in this new world, they have to adjust to the new world.

Christianity is dying in the West, if the Western Christians want to preserve their religion, they need to stand up against liberalism ( feminism, LGBT etc.) instead of bending to it.

They should take a cue from Muslims who stand firm and don't bend their religion to conform to liberalism.
Christianity is dying in the West, if the Western Christians want to preserve their religion, they need to stand up against liberalism ( feminism, LGBT etc.) instead of bending to it.

They should take a cue from Muslims who stand firm and don't bend their religion to conform to liberalism.

Hmm unique do non Christians go to Christian countries or opposite? Maybe the Christian Liberals are doing something write that attracts the world than the opposite?
Hmm unique do non Christians go to Christian countries or opposite? Maybe the Christian Liberals are doing something write that attracts the world than the opposite?

Radical liberals are sending West down the drain. Real work was done by their conservative forefathers.

Even then, one may argue that stealing resources from other countries was the reason why West flourished.

If you steal 45-trillion from Indian subcontinent and oil from Middle East, it is easier to be developed.
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Christianity is dying in the West, if the Western Christians want to preserve their religion, they need to stand up against liberalism ( feminism, LGBT etc.) instead of bending to it.

They should take a cue from Muslims who stand firm and don't bend their religion to conform to liberalism.

As a result, Muslim countries got stuck 800 years ago. Their culture never developed past the Middle Ages, while Europe embraced the new liberal enlightenment in a dynamic balance with Christianity, and overran the world.
Radical liberals are sending West down the drain. Real work was done by their conservative forefathers.

Even then, one may argue that stealing resources from other countries was the reason why West flourished.

If you steal 45-trillion from Indian subcontinent and oil from Middle East, it is easier to be developed.

Actually real work was done by educated citizens of the West who kept improving their Nations on back of scientific progress.

Steal? They were basically doing what empires have done throughout the history it’s wrong for sure but you as a poster are very selective in your outrage of empires.
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As a result, Muslim countries got stuck 800 years ago. Their culture never developed past the Middle Ages, while Europe embraced the new liberal enlightenment in a dynamic balance with Christianity, and overran the world.

Even the Jews to be honest promoted education heavily and distinguished themselves from their conservative side to have huge contributions now and actually found a balance between religion and scientific progress in the last 100 years.
Actually real work was done by educated citizens of the West who kept improving their Nations on back of scientific progress.

Steal? They were basically doing what empires have done throughout the history it’s wrong for sure but you as a poster are very selective in your outrage of empires.

Stealing 45-trillion from Indian subcontinent.
Stealing resources from Africa.
Stealing oil from Middle East.

If you want to defend these thefts, that's your business. But, let's not deflect from facts.
As a result, Muslim countries got stuck 800 years ago. Their culture never developed past the Middle Ages, while Europe embraced the new liberal enlightenment in a dynamic balance with Christianity, and overran the world.

Islam is flourishing and is as strong as ever in the Muslim majority countries, while Christianity has literally dissappeared from the public space in the West.

Maybe its the Western Christians who need to do some introspection?
Stealing 45-trillion from Indian subcontinent.
Stealing resources from Africa.
Stealing oil from Middle East.

If you want to defend these thefts, that's your business. But, let's not deflect from facts.
I think he is not defending. He is saying you are being selective. You never mention ottoman, or other Muslim empires
Islam is flourishing and is as strong as ever in the Muslim majority countries, while Christianity has literally dissappeared from the public space in the West.

Maybe its the Western Christians who need to do some introspection?

Disappearance of Christianity has done wonders for the west. Education kills superstition. Sheikh yasir qadahi has done a lecture on the Muslims leaving Islam in the USA also. I think the lecture is from a year ago. I think he said 1.8 out of 5 leaving Islam.
Would you say those who engage in beastialities should be treated with love and equality too?

Where do you draw the line?

I don't equate beastiality with homosexuals.

you draw the line where people can live in peace and all are treated equally.
I think he is not defending. He is saying you are being selective. You never mention ottoman, or other Muslim empires

Ottoman empire never stole resources and reduced the natives to poverty like the European colonial empires did. e.g. when Ottomans conquered Istanbul, they made it the best city in the empire.
Disappearance of Christianity has done wonders for the west. Education kills superstition. Sheikh yasir qadahi has done a lecture on the Muslims leaving Islam in the USA also. I think the lecture is from a year ago. I think he said 1.8 out of 5 leaving Islam.

There are tonnes of educated Muslims out there. If anything worldly education makes you a better Muslim.

And Islam is the fastest growing religion in the USA. Loads and loads of Americans have accepted Islam since 9/11
Ottoman empire never stole resources and reduced the natives to poverty like the European colonial empires did. e.g. when Ottomans conquered Istanbul, they made it the best city in the empire.

What about the executions of humans is that counted for any empire, Mughals to Ottomons?

Is Armenian war a lie?
What about the executions of humans is that counted for any empire, Mughals to Ottomons?

Is Armenian war a lie?

The Armenian genocide was committed by the young Turks, Ottomans were collapsing by then.
Ottoman Empire was known for its tolerance. When the Jews were expelled from Spain, they took refuge in the Ottoman empire. Jews and Christians flourished under the Ottoman empire.
Mongol Empire, in it's 160 or so years, killed AT LEAST 30,000,000 people, with some accounts of up to 70,000,000 people throughout their conquests.
Ottoman Empire was known for its tolerance. When the Jews were expelled from Spain, they took refuge in the Ottoman empire. Jews and Christians flourished under the Ottoman empire.

In that logic US UK take in way more non-christians in terms of % and let them rise to the top.
Scholars estimate that timurs military campaigns caused the deaths of 17 million people, amounting to about 5% of the world population at the time.
In that logic US UK take in way more non-christians in terms of % and let them rise to the top.

Yes they do, but they don't let them follow their own religious laws, e.g. Muslims are expected to follow secular liberal laws in the West, whereas the Ottoman empire had millet system, where every religious community was governed according to their own religious laws.

Anyways we are kind of derailing the thread here, so lets stop this discussion here.
In that logic US UK take in way more non-christians in terms of % and let them rise to the top.

They should take in because they have stolen resources from all over the world. Worth trillions of Dollars.

When you steal something, you should give it back or make up for it.
They should take in because they have stolen resources from all over the world. Worth trillions of Dollars.

When you steal something, you should give it back or make up for it.

So what you are saying is people of today need to be punished for something that happened before they were born.
An example of Western prowess in education - the inability to describe what a man or woman is.
It was Christianity that pushed Europe into the dark ages, and Islam that pulled Europe out of the dark ages.
An example of Western prowess in education - the inability to describe what a man or woman is.

Good one.

A lot of people are confusing modern day radical liberals with their educated conservative forefathers. This video perfectly shows what happens when you allow radical liberals to hijack education system:

Good one.

A lot of people are confusing modern day radical liberals with their educated conservative forefathers. This video perfectly shows what happens when you allow radical liberals to hijack education system:

To me, the OP is confused. An Atheist defending the Anglican Church.

This is the problem, radical liberals have no self values or discipline because their opinions are determined by MSM.
To me, the OP is confused. An Atheist defending the Anglican Church.

This is the problem, radical liberals have no values, their values are determined by MSM.

Robert thinks sleeping around before marriage and homosexuality are both permitted in Christianity (check that patriarchy thread and also this thread).

It is one thing if people want to live in a certain way. But, it is another thing to try to change a religion.
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Islam is flourishing and is as strong as ever in the Muslim majority countries, while Christianity has literally dissappeared from the public space in the West.

Maybe its the Western Christians who need to do some introspection?

But where is the innovation coming from? Still the West, and China and India. Not the Muslim lands. Because literalist interpretation of scripture became more important than the science that flourished in the Caliphates from 800-1200 CE.
Robert thinks sleeping around before marriage and homosexuality are both permitted in Christianity (check that patriarchy thread and also this thread).

It is one thing if people want to live in a certain way. But, it is another thing to try to change a religion.

I do not pay attention to Atheists who defend Theism, Liberals who promote war, and 'Free thinkers' who regurgitate MSM.
Remember folks, the West changed the colour of Jesus [PBUH] from someone who was dark, to a white blue eyed messenger of God.

So it shouldn't come as a surprise to you that we now have liberals changing the Bible to suit their delusional agenda.
Remember folks, the West changed the colour of Jesus [PBUH] from someone who was dark, to a white blue eyed messenger of God.

So it shouldn't come as a surprise to you that we now have liberals changing the Bible to suit their delusional agenda.

Yeah. That was racist.

Jesus (PBUH) wasn't like a white European. He was a Middle Eastern guy. Brown skin possibly.
Yeah. That was racist.

Jesus (PBUH) wasn't like a white European. He was a Middle Eastern guy. Brown skin possibly.

Yup, thus proving the point the West are masters at not just rewriting history, not also masters at rewriting the rule book when it suits them.
In Africa jesus is black. In south Mexico i ene to a church once in chiapas ( more native than european state ). Jesus was native looking.
But where is the innovation coming from? Still the West, and China and India. Not the Muslim lands. Because literalist interpretation of scripture became more important than the science that flourished in the Caliphates from 800-1200 CE.

Innovation and scientific discovery isn't be all end all. Islam is contributing to civilization in other ways.

Islam stands for traditional values and is a positive influence on most of its adherents. Its the only religion that still upholds its own morality and wouldn't bow to Western liberalism.
Innovation and scientific discovery isn't be all end all. Islam is contributing to civilization in other ways.

Islam stands for traditional values and is a positive influence on most of its adherents. Its the only religion that still upholds its own morality and wouldn't bow to Western liberalism.
Most Muslim
Most Muslim countries have terrible womens rights, minority rights, freedom of press . Have almost zero contributions to science and innovation.
Innovation and scientific discovery isn't be all end all. Islam is contributing to civilization in other ways.

Islam stands for traditional values and is a positive influence on most of its adherents. Its the only religion that still upholds its own morality and wouldn't bow to Western liberalism.

Well said.

One misconception that many radical liberals have is they think Islam is anti-science.

Islam supports science. What it may not support is radical liberal pseudoscience.

Let's not confuse science with pseudoscience.

Also, let's not forget that science keeps on changing.
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Most Muslim
Most Muslim countries have terrible womens rights, minority rights, freedom of press . Have almost zero contributions to science and innovation.

You are again judging Islam on the framework of liberalism. Islam is patriarchal, all this gender equality nonsense doesn't apply to Islam.

Besides feminism hasn't made women in the West happier, it has made them even more miserable.

As far as minority rights goes, its a post colonial thing, minorities in Muslim lands flourished in precolonial times. Only when Muslim lands were colonized, the situation of the minorities deteriorated.
You are again judging Islam on the framework of liberalism. Islam is patriarchal, all this gender equality nonsense doesn't apply to Islam.

Besides feminism hasn't made women in the West happier, it has made them even more miserable.

As far as minority rights goes, its a post colonial thing, minorities in Muslim lands flourished in precolonial times. Only when Muslim lands were colonized, the situation of the minorities deteriorated.

Thanks for sharing that worth a read that was but the end conclusion of that article:

“Declining happiness among women may seem depressing. But who ever claimed an expanded consciousness brings satisfaction?”

The above is true..even if it might seem condescending which will probably be true for men in poor societies than say Japan.
Ottoman Empire was known for its tolerance. When the Jews were expelled from Spain, they took refuge in the Ottoman empire. Jews and Christians flourished under the Ottoman empire.

Slowdown hero. Ottomans used to kidnap women and children from Eastern European nations. Women ended up in their harems and kids used to become Janissaries. The same Janissaries who are so brainwashed that used to attack their own people and kidnap more of their own people.
The kidnapping was so bad that the Asian looking Turks are now European looking :))
Byzantium was never Turks land. They occupied that land from Christians.
Innovation and scientific discovery isn't be all end all. Islam is contributing to civilization in other ways.

Islam stands for traditional values and is a positive influence on most of its adherents. Its the only religion that still upholds its own morality and wouldn't bow to Western liberalism.

If the West was not liberal, you would not even be allowed to stay there. They would not let people who have nothing in common with them live among them and thrive.
Byzantium was never Turks land. They occupied that land from Christians.

By that logic, North America belongs to Native Americans and doesn't belong to current Americans/Canadians. No?
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By that logic, North America belongs to Native Americans and doesn't belong to current Americans/Canadians. No?

But no one is saying Americans were not brutal. If anything Americans/Canadians give reservations to the same people and acknowledge the atrocities , how many Christians are in Turkey or get reservations?
But no one is saying Americans were not brutal. If anything Americans/Canadians give reservations to the same people and acknowledge the atrocities , how many Christians are in Turkey or get reservations?

Are you saying Christians in Turkey are homeless?
Slowdown hero. Ottomans used to kidnap women and children from Eastern European nations. Women ended up in their harems and kids used to become Janissaries. The same Janissaries who are so brainwashed that used to attack their own people and kidnap more of their own people.
The kidnapping was so bad that the Asian looking Turks are now European looking :))
Byzantium was never Turks land. They occupied that land from Christians.

Learn some history kiddo, Ottomans were by and large very tolerant of Jews and Christians. The millet system of governance ensured that the Jews and Christians lived according to their own laws and flourished.

As far as Byzantium goes it was a dump, when Ottomans conquered it and today Istanbul is one of the greatest cities in the world.
You are again judging Islam on the framework of liberalism. Islam is patriarchal, all this gender equality nonsense doesn't apply to Islam.

Besides feminism hasn't made women in the West happier, it has made them even more miserable.

As far as minority rights goes, its a post colonial thing, minorities in Muslim lands flourished in precolonial times. Only when Muslim lands were colonized, the situation of the minorities deteriorated.

Actually women by all accounts are happier in secular countries. Everything you say is incorrect. Not just incorrect but totally opposite.
You really need to read ottoman history. They are on par with the Belgians on their brutality. I see facts are your enemy
They perhaps moved or converted. We know Christianity is declining worldwide.

Are you against them converting to Islam?

Lol this is why I say you have no merit when you criticize an empire because it’s completely biased, and I’m personally against conversion into any religion period but i believe everyone has the right to do so if they did it by their own will so in this case if the latter is true , then no issues.
Anatolia has been under Muslim rule for over a 1000 years, most Christians in that timeperiod have converted to Islam.

And how long has England, Greece , Germany, France ,Spain been under the Christians/Liberals?
And how long has England, Greece , Germany, France ,Spain been under the Christians/Liberals?

Well, the Church at Canterbury was established around 300 AD by Roman Emperor Constantine and it spread across what came to be called Great Britain from there.

Liberalism is a political and social theory which as been developing since the late 17th century.
Interesting how even conservative Christians ignore many of the Genesis and Leviticus rulings about slavery and leather handbags, and concentrate on the one about gay sex.
Learn some history kiddo, Ottomans were by and large very tolerant of Jews and Christians. The millet system of governance ensured that the Jews and Christians lived according to their own laws and flourished.

As far as Byzantium goes it was a dump, when Ottomans conquered it and today Istanbul is one of the greatest cities in the world.

The word slavery comes from Slavs who were Ottomans favorite people to enslave.

May be you should read below to understand how good Ottomans were.
What many do not realise is that the Church of England is a rogue institution born out of Henry VIII need for divorce from one of his playgirls in order to start an affair with a new one.
Learn some history kiddo, Ottomans were by and large very tolerant of Jews and Christians. The millet system of governance ensured that the Jews and Christians lived according to their own laws and flourished.

As far as Byzantium goes it was a dump, when Ottomans conquered it and today Istanbul is one of the greatest cities in the world.

Not the Armenians, though.
Modern feminism leads to greater unhapiness among women, its proven by various studies.

Read the following articles before showing your ignorance.


Modern day feminism is a scam. Modern day feminism is for lunatic spoiled brats who throw tantrums when goings get tough.

Suicide rates and depression tend to be high in secular countries.
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