[VIDEOS] King Charles III, the new monarch of the United Kingdom


World Star
Jan 8, 2006
Post of the Week
At the moment the Queen died, the throne passed immediately and without ceremony to the heir, Charles, the former Prince of Wales.

But there are a number of practical - and traditional - steps which he must go through to be crowned King.

<b>What will he be called?</b>

He will be known as King Charles III.

That was the first decision of the new king's reign. He could have chosen from any of his four names - Charles Philip Arthur George.

He is not the only one who faces a change of title. Prince William and his wife Catherine are now titled Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and Cambridge, and the king has conferred on them the title of Prince and Princess of Wales.

There is also a new title for Charles' wife, Camilla, who becomes the Queen Consort - consort is the term used for the spouse of the monarch.

<b>Formal ceremonies</b>

Charles will be officially proclaimed King on Saturday.

This will happen at St James's Palace in London, in front of a ceremonial body known as the Accession Council.

This is made up of members of the Privy Council - a group of senior MPs, past and present, and peers - as well as some senior civil servants, Commonwealth high commissioners, and the Lord Mayor of London.

More than 700 people are entitled in theory to attend, but given the short notice, the actual number is likely to be far fewer. At the last Accession Council in 1952, about 200 attended.

At the meeting, the death of Queen Elizabeth will be announced by the Lord President of the Privy Council (currently Penny Mordaunt MP), and a proclamation will be read aloud.

The wording of the proclamation can change, but it has traditionally been a series of prayers and pledges, commending the previous monarch and pledging support for the new one.

This proclamation is then signed by a number of senior figures including the prime minister, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the Lord Chancellor.

As with all these ceremonies, there will be attention paid to what might have been altered, added or updated, as a sign of a new era.

<b>The King's first declaration</b>

The king will then attend a second meeting of the Accession Council, along with the Privy Council.

This is not a "swearing in" at the start of a British monarch's reign, in the style of some other heads of state, such as the President of the US.

Instead there is a declaration made by the new King and - in line with a tradition dating from the early 18th Century - he will make an oath to preserve the Church of Scotland.

After a fanfare of trumpeters, a public proclamation will be made declaring Charles as the new King. This will be made from a balcony above Friary Court in St James's Palace, by an official known as the Garter King of Arms.

He will call: "God save the King", and for the first time since 1952, the national anthem will be played with the words "God Save the King".

Gun salutes will be fired in Hyde Park, the Tower of London and from naval ships, and the proclamation announcing Charles as the King will be read in in Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast.

<b>The coronation</b>

The symbolic high point of the accession will be the coronation, when Charles is formally crowned.

Because of the preparation needed, the coronation is not likely to happen very soon after Charles's accession - Queen Elizabeth succeeded to the throne in February 1952, but was not crowned until June 1953.

For the past 900 years the coronation has been held in Westminster Abbey - William the Conqueror was the first monarch to be crowned there, and Charles will be the 40th.

It is an Anglican religious service, carried out by the Archbishop of Canterbury. At the climax of the ceremony, he will place St Edward's Crown on Charles's head - a solid gold crown, dating from 1661.

This is the centrepiece of the Crown Jewels at the Tower of London, and is only worn by the monarch at the moment of coronation itself (not least because it weighs a hefty 2.23kg - almost 5lbs).

Unlike royal weddings, the coronation is a state occasion - the government pays for it, and ultimately decides the guest list.

There will be music, readings and the ritual of anointing the new monarch, using oils of orange, roses, cinnamon, musk and ambergris.

The new King will take the coronation oath in front of the watching world.

During this elaborate ceremony he will receive the orb and sceptre as symbols of his new role and the Archbishop of Canterbury will place the solid gold crown on his head.

<b>Head of the Commonwealth</b>

Charles has become head of the Commonwealth, an association of 56 independent countries and 2.4 billion people. For 14 of these countries, as well as the UK, the King is head of state.

These countries, known as the Commonwealth realms, are: Australia, Antigua and Barbuda, the Bahamas, Belize, Canada, Grenada, Jamaica, Papua New Guinea, St Christopher and Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, New Zealand, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu.

His speech today:

"I speak to you today with feelings of profound sorrow.

"Throughout her life, Her Majesty The Queen - my beloved mother - was an inspiration and example to me and to all my family, and we owe her the most heartfelt debt any family can owe to their mother; for her love, affection, guidance, understanding and example.

"Queen Elizabeth's was a life well lived; a promise with destiny kept, and she is mourned most deeply in her passing. That promise of lifelong service I renew to you all today.

"Alongside the personal grief that all my family are feeling, we also share with so many of you in the United Kingdom, in all the countries where the Queen was Head of State, in the Commonwealth and across the world, a deep sense of gratitude for the more than 70 years in which my mother, as Queen, served the people of so many nations.

"In 1947, on her 21st birthday, she pledged in a broadcast from Cape Town to the Commonwealth to devote her life, whether it be short or long, to the service of her peoples.

"That was more than a promise: it was a profound personal commitment which defined her whole life. She made sacrifices for duty.

Likely to reign for 15 years or more.

The first King of most people’s lifetime!
It feels unusal to say King Charles instead of Queen Elizabeth.

All the best to King Charles.
Likely to reign for 15 years or more.

The first King of most people’s lifetime!

UK will have a King for the rest of the 21st century. Charles III, William V, George VII. If UK remains a Monarchy we won’t have a Queen for a long time even if George’s firstborn is a girl.
<b>King Charles III: A guide to his Accession Council and proclamation</b>

The new king is due to be proclaimed by an Accession Council at 10:00 Saturday. What exactly does that mean?

Charles is already king - under the terms of the Act of Settlement 1701, he automatically became so on the death of his mother.

So the purpose of the Accession Council is basically a ceremonial one - it officially announces the name of the new monarch.

Normally, this happens within 24 hours of the death of the sovereign. But on this occasion a little more time will have passed between the death of Queen Elizabeth II and the ceremony at St James's Palace in London.

In another break with tradition, King Charles III has decided that for the first time the Accession Council will be televised.

<b>Who attends, and what can we expect?</b>
The council is attended by members of the Privy Council (a group of senior politicians that formally advise the monarch), the Lord Mayor of the City of London, and senior judges and officials.

The Accession Council is divided into two parts, and Charles will only be present for the second.

In the first part, the Lord President - the MP Penny Mordaunt, appointed by Liz Truss on 6 September - will announce the monarch's death.

She will then ask the clerk of the council, currently retired civil servant Richard Tilbrook, to read out the Accession Proclamation, which confirms the name of the new monarch.

The proclamation is then signed by the members of the Royal Family, the prime minister, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lord Chancellor and the Earl Marshall - the Duke of Norfolk, who is responsible for organising state ceremonies.

After the signing, Ms Mordaunt will call for silence then read out the outstanding items of business, which include disseminating the proclamation and directing that artillery guns will be fired at Hyde Park in central London and the Tower of London.

The proclamation will then be read out from a balcony above the Friary Court at St James's Palace by the Garter King of Arms, England's senior herald. He is joined by the Earl Marshall and other officials wearing traditional heraldic garments.

The proclamation will also be read in Belfast, Cardiff and Edinburgh, and other locations around the country.

<b>What is Charles' role?</b>
Part two of the Accession Council is the first meeting of the Privy Council held by the new monarch, and Charles is expected to begin with a personal declaration.

According to Robert Hazell, professor of government and the constitution at University College London, this usually has three elements.

The king will commemorate the Queen, then affirm his fidelity to the constitution, and finally express "hope for the support of the nation in his heavy responsibilities".

Under the terms of the Act of Union, new monarchs are also required to make an oath to maintain and preserve the Church of Scotland.

Usually, this takes place at part two of the Accession Council and the new monarch signs two copies of the oath.

Charles can say if he objects to any of the oaths he is asked to make, although the last time a new monarch did so was in 1910 when King George V rejected the anti-Catholic wording of the declaration oath.

The government of the time evidently agreed with him as they changed the wording in the Accession Declaration Act 1910.

After the Accession Council concludes its business, it may be some time before Charles's coronation takes place.

Some 16 months passed between the death of Queen Elizabeth's father, King George VI, in February 1952 and her coronation in June 1953.

<b>King announces extra Bank Holiday</b>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">King Charles III has approved an order that the day of the Queen's funeral will be a bank holiday<br><br>For more on this and other news visit <a href="https://t.co/NEDMP2uP6W">https://t.co/NEDMP2uP6W</a></p>— Sky News Breaking (@SkyNewsBreak) <a href="https://twitter.com/SkyNewsBreak/status/1568535358345826310?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 10, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
• The Garter of Arms stands on the balcony of St James's Palace and proclaims Charles III the new king

• Crowds outside the palace sing 'God save the King' as the band plays, before giving three cheers

• Charles III pays tribute to the late Queen before swearing an oath during the elaborate ceremony

• Prince William, Queen Camilla, as well as hundreds of dignitaries including former prime ministers were in attendance

• A wave of further proclamations will take place across the UK until Sunday
<b>Charles praises Queen's reign as he is formally confirmed as King</b>

King Charles III has praised the Queen's "unequalled reign" after being proclaimed king at a ceremony at St James's Palace.

The King became the monarch after the death of his mother, but a meeting formally confirmed it on Saturday.

He also approved the day of the Queen's funeral being a bank holiday, though it is not known what date this will be.

Speaking before the Accession Council, the King said his mother's death had been an "irreparable loss".

Meanwhile, senior MPs in the House of Commons, including Prime Minister Liz Truss, have been swearing allegiance to the new monarch.

Making his address in the State Apartments of St James's Palace in London, King Charles said:

"It is the greatest consolation to me to know of the sympathy expressed by so many to my sister and brothers and that such overwhelming affection and support should be extended to our whole family in our loss."

He later spoke of the Queen's "selfless service", saying: "My mother's reign was unequalled in its duration, its dedication and its devotion.

"Even as we grieve, we give thanks for this most faithful life."

The King added he would "strive to follow the inspiring example" he was set by his mother in taking on the "heavy responsibilities of sovereignty".

It is the first time the historic ceremony, which dates back centuries, has been televised.

The King himself was not present for the first part of the meeting when he was proclaimed monarch by the Accession Council, made up of senior politicians, judges, and officials.

Clerk of the Privy Council Richard Tilbrook proclaimed Charles "King, head of the Commonwealth, defender of the faith", before declaring "God Save the King".

The packed room, including all of the six living former British prime ministers, repeated the phrase.

The proclamation was then read out on a balcony above Friary Court in St James's Palace.

Full story at:—
How are they going to fit his ears on the new coins? genuine question
Charlie boy might be King now but just not feeling it.

He is in his 70s, do not see him mark his silver jubilee.

Non-the-less, a new era has begun!

I wonder if Harry & Meghan will return now their Dad is King.
The WEF puppet with big ears & a man who cheated on his wife is not fit to run a soup kitchen let alone be king .
The WEF puppet with big ears & a man who cheated on his wife is not fit to run a soup kitchen let alone be king .

TBF, that's pretty tame compared to other monarchs in history, look at Henry VIII. A lot more debauched rulers and kings in recent history as well from around the world.

As long as he's past the talking to plants phase, I'm fine with him being the King.
TBF, that's pretty tame compared to other monarchs in history, look at Henry VIII.

Mary I - murdered thousands of Protestants.

Henry VIII - dissolved the church because the Pope wouldn’t give him a divorce.

Charles I - tried to arrest Parliament, and kicked off the Civil War.

James I - tried to force Parliament to accept his will, and accused the Seven Bishops of the trumped up seditious libel case.

George III - went crazy.

Edward VIII - Nazi sympathiser.
I wonder if Harry & Meghan will return now their Dad is King.

They'll keep their distance. Rest assured there's a lot of dirty linen that'll come falling out of King charlie boy and his perv brothers wardrobes! This isn't going to be a long stint. The tabloids are licking their lips in delight, the govt. will be a willing participant, anything that will distract the junta from truss's f ups.
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An incredibly ugly prince for the UK with the personality of a goldfish.
I must say his speech was quite moving and touching. He feels genuinely sad after the demise of his beloved mother. While no one will ever replicate what Queen Elizabeth did, I think the country is in capable hands with Charles at the helm. Best of luck to him.
I must say his speech was quite moving and touching. He feels genuinely sad after the demise of his beloved mother. While no one will ever replicate what Queen Elizabeth did, I think the country is in capable hands with Charles at the helm. Best of luck to him.

Is there any son in the world who would not feel emotional after losing his mother?. There is nothing special about Charlie! Just another so called Royal who has always lived on freebies.
Is there any son in the world who would not feel emotional after losing his mother?. There is nothing special about Charlie! Just another so called Royal who has always lived on freebies.
Relax bro. No need to be so aggressive.
Why isn’t he paying the inheritance tax? Are UK citizens ok with that?
He was paying taxes when he was the Prince of Wales, now that he is head of state, he does not pay any inheritance tax.

Well 40% tax on 750 million $ ,apparently a rule approved in 1993.

In these days of high inflation that’s a massive escape.
My assumption is majority of English citizens are ok with it as no one seems to have an issue.
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Well 40% tax on 750 million $ ,apparently a rule approved in 1993.

In these days of high inflation that’s a massive escape.
My assumption is majority of English citizens are ok with it as no one seems to have an issue.

We are subjects, not citizens. The King is sovereign, not subject. All the other Royals are subjects.
Well 40% tax on 750 million $ ,apparently a rule approved in 1993.

In these days of high inflation that’s a massive escape.
My assumption is majority of English citizens are ok with it as no one seems to have an issue.

It's not an escape, inheritance tax can be avoided by putting your assets in a trust, which means you CANNOT sell the assets. This is how Prince William, has avoided paying taxes on the £1.2 BILLION he inherited from his grandmother, the Queen.
Maybe mind your own business then and don’t tell us UK folks how we should run our country. You are not from the UK.

Relax, are you some sort of Gold level subject?

How much will the taxpayers fork out for this coronation? The bloke is 70+ what if he kicks the bucket in 6 months?
Relax, are you some sort of Gold level subject?

How much will the taxpayers fork out for this coronation? The bloke is 70+ what if he kicks the bucket in 6 months?

Then William V will ascend. But KC3 has probably got a couple of decades in him.
Maybe mind your own business then and don’t tell us UK folks how we should run our country. You are not from the UK.

This is a message board. We are here to give opinions and what not. Thats the whole point. Yes not from UK. I have great teeth.
Relax, are you some sort of Gold level subject?

How much will the taxpayers fork out for this coronation? The bloke is 70+ what if he kicks the bucket in 6 months?

The government will create money out of thin air, just like they do when funding wars.

The idea that we the public own the taxpayer kitty died a long time ago.

For example, the taxpayer bailed out the banks, when sold for profit, did you or I receive (the taxpayer) any windfall or dividends? No. When we hear it will save the taxpayer billions, it does not reflect on our pay packet, we do not get a share of any savings.
The government will create money out of thin air, just like they do when funding wars.

The idea that we the public own the taxpayer kitty died a long time ago.

For example, the taxpayer bailed out the banks, when sold for profit, did you or I receive (the taxpayer) any windfall or dividends? No. When we hear it will save the taxpayer billions, it does not reflect on our pay packet, we do not get a share of any savings.

It will reflect on the future economy, the debt of the UK will not vanish, it will cost the people in future.

If this is case, give us all a £1 million each or £10 million, let us live the their life too.
This is a message board. We are here to give opinions and what not. Thats the whole point. Yes not from UK. I have great teeth.

He seems to be a staunch Royal even though no brown man will ever see this privilege. Such people are upset atm, give them the benefit of doubt. :wg
It will reflect on the future economy, the debt of the UK will not vanish, it will cost the people in future.

If this is case, give us all a £1 million each or £10 million, let us live the their life too.

The debt of the UK has never vanished and never will.

We will never receive £1M or £10M, we do not own the treasury or a share of the taxpayer revenue.
He seems to be a staunch Royal even though no brown man will ever see this privilege. Such people are upset atm, give them the benefit of doubt. :wg

Where do you think the term brown sahib came from? Some are born to be of service.
The debt of the UK has never vanished and never will.

We will never receive £1M or £10M, we do not own the treasury or a share of the taxpayer revenue.

Exactly, taxes will go up in future, less money spent on services. Debt of course will play a factor , otherwise as I stated they could give us all millions.
You jealous of other people’s privileges?


Not all at if earned through hard work. But many nations around the world are not jealous but disgusted at how their wealth was accumulated.

Why are you so upset if people prefer a republic rather than monarchy? Are you hoping to join this family?

Not all at if earned through hard work. But many nations around the world are not jealous but disgusted at how their wealth was accumulated.

Why are you so upset if people prefer a republic rather than monarchy? Are you hoping to join this family?

Lol I couldn’t care less if people prefer a republic, especially now that Queen Elizabeth is dead.

But I would prefer the monarchy to stay as it is a big part of our culture.
The government sets the taxes, not the Monarchy.

lol. Come on bro, you're not this slow.

Taxpayers fund the monarchy.

Lol I couldn’t care less if people prefer a republic, especially now that Queen Elizabeth is dead.

But I would prefer the monarchy to stay as it is a big part of our culture.

Many dont.

Let me ask, as a subject, if you the King met Charles, would you bend the knee to him? :wg
lol. Come on bro, you're not this slow.

Taxpayers fund the monarchy.

Not true. Every individual of the Monarch pays taxes, except for the head of state.

With the exception of the King/Queen, the Monarchy contribute to the taxpayer kitty, meaning they find themselves.
The only time a subject has to kneel is when they are knighted. Otherwise it's handshakes all round. When Lizz Truss met the Queen, there was no bowing or kneeling.
Not true. Every individual of the Monarch pays taxes, except for the head of state.

With the exception of the King/Queen, the Monarchy contribute to the taxpayer kitty, meaning they find themselves.

The estimated cost of the Royals to the taxpayer is around £350 a year.

The only time a subject has to kneel is when they are knighted. Otherwise it's handshakes all round. When Lizz Truss met the Queen, there was no bowing or kneeling.

Of course, they cant force you. I dont even have to meet a Royal if I dont want to.

But the official guide is here. From their own website.

For men this is a neck bow (from the head only) whilst women do a small curtsy. Other people prefer simply to shake hands in the usual way.

On presentation to The Queen, the correct formal address is 'Your Majesty' and subsequently 'Ma'am,' pronounced with a short 'a,' as in 'jam'.

For male members of the Royal Family the same rules apply, with t


As a Royalist, why wouldnt you do this? Hope the neck is in good order. :)

Many dont.

Let me ask, as a subject, if you the King met Charles, would you bend the knee to him? :wg
No, because no one does that. Whenever people meet the royals and shake their hand, they do a little bow, but not kneeling.
I think the mini bow is fine. That is just a respectful way of greeting another person, and common in many cultures.
No, because no one does that. Whenever people meet the royals and shake their hand, they do a little bow, but not kneeling.

I know, ive given the Royals view above on how they want you to meet them. Some do like to kneel, the loyal ones.

So you would bow with your neck? Does this mean Charles is superiour to you ? If so how?
The estimated cost of the Royals to the taxpayer is around £350 a year.

Of course, they cant force you. I dont even have to meet a Royal if I dont want to.

But the official guide is here. From their own website.


As a Royalist, why wouldnt you do this? Hope the neck is in good order. :)

It costs the taxpayer BILLIONs every year just to support those on welfare let alone the Royal family. £345M is nothing in the gran scheme of things. Not to mention the PM and his entourage are also funded by the taxpayer.

Also a courtesy is not kneeling or a bow.
£350M is not much really, GDP of UK is £3.3 trillion.
£350 figure is just the base figure. Still could be saved.

Billions are lost every time some event happens.

As I wrote Australian businesses have suffered.

As for King Charles, if he was man with great intelligence or great reputation even then there could be a point. This bloke is over 70 might end up shaking hands with invisible people in a few years. Not to mention a poor role model as seen by his personal life.

I wonder if the Royalist loyal subjects would also defend if Andrew was somehow made King?
It costs the taxpayer BILLIONs every year just to support those on welfare let alone the Royal family. £345M is nothing in the gran scheme of things. Not to mention the PM and his entourage are also funded by the taxpayer.

Also a courtesy is not kneeling or a bow.

Answer question, would you bow your neck to Charles? Yes or No will do.
Australia are free to become a Republic, but they choose not too, despite Australian businesses suffering.
I know, ive given the Royals view above on how they want you to meet them. Some do like to kneel, the loyal ones.

So you would bow with your neck? Does this mean Charles is superiour to you ? If so how?

I won’t bow my neck all the way down. Just a little bow.

You are trying to be clear but you aren’t succeeding. You keep crying about privileges and superiority. Humans aren’t equal.
I won’t bow my neck all the way down. Just a little bow.

You are trying to be clear but you aren’t succeeding. You keep crying about privileges and superiority. Humans aren’t equal.

The Queen herself performed a neck bow to Diana's coffin! Makes a complete mockery of its value anyway!
I won’t bow my neck all the way down. Just a little bow.

You are trying to be clear but you aren’t succeeding. You keep crying about privileges and superiority. Humans aren’t equal.

Appreciate your honesty while Technics is doing neck exercises to decide.

Im not crying, you are . Queen means nothing to me.

But imo you are no less a human than a Royal. Only bow your neck to the true King, the Lord of the Universe, which is what I do. :)
Appreciate your honesty while Technics is doing neck exercises to decide.

Im not crying, you are . Queen means nothing to me.

But imo you are no less a human than a Royal. Only bow your neck to the true King, the Lord of the Universe, which is what I do. :)

And this is the crux of all your issues, you some how bring race and religion into it.

For the record, the Queen never thought she was superior to anyone, this is why she endorsed her 2 grandsons marrying commoners, Kate, and Megan - who was also half black.

The Monarchy is now purely symbolic, let go of the past and move on.

And this is the crux of all your issues, you some how bring race and religion into it.

For the record, the Queen never thought she was superior to anyone, this is why she endorsed her 2 grandsons marrying commoners, Kate, and Megan - who was also half black.

The Monarchy is now purely symbolic, let go of the past and move on.


Not at all, only on the issue of bowing. Only God is deserving.

Sure, lets move on but for all good neck exercices.

Forward and Backward Tilt

Start with your head squarely over your shoulders and your back straight.

Lower your chin toward your chest and hold for 15-30 seconds. Relax, and slowly lift your head back up.

Tilt your chin up toward the ceiling and bring the base of your skull toward your back. ...

Repeat the set several times.
Not at all, only on the issue of bowing. Only God is deserving.

Sure, lets move on but for all good neck exercices.

Forward and Backward Tilt

Start with your head squarely over your shoulders and your back straight.

Lower your chin toward your chest and hold for 15-30 seconds. Relax, and slowly lift your head back up.

Tilt your chin up toward the ceiling and bring the base of your skull toward your back. ...

Repeat the set several times.

The thing is though you initially referred to bowing as the act of lowering the torso and head, we don't live in them ages anymore.

Neck-bow, only the neck is lowered, this is akin to nodding your head.

World of difference.

Don't you live in Canada? King Charles III is the head of State in Canada.

Nope states, I did have PR of Canada until an year ago.

And I always hated it when Canada was loyal to the crown as well, on this aspect alone I’m with Quebec.
Appreciate your honesty while Technics is doing neck exercises to decide.

Im not crying, you are . Queen means nothing to me.

But imo you are no less a human than a Royal. Only bow your neck to the true King, the Lord of the Universe, which is what I do. :)

You seem to think that bowing your head is a sign of worship. In various cultures around the world such as the Japanese culture, they greet each other by bowing their heads. If I bow while meeting Charles or anyone, it doesn't mean I worship them. I worship the same Lord as you do.

Of course, we all worship the Lord.
The Queen herself performed a neck bow to Diana's coffin! Makes a complete mockery of its value anyway!

Exactly. Neck bow is a sign of respect. In Japanese culture, they greet each other by doing a neck bow to show respect. But KingKhanWC seems to think that neck bow is a sign of worship.
You seem to think that bowing your head is a sign of worship. In various cultures around the world such as the Japanese culture, they greet each other by bowing their heads. If I bow while meeting Charles or anyone, it doesn't mean I worship them. I worship the same Lord as you do.

Of course, we all worship the Lord.

No I dont lol.

Its the official away to greet the Royals according to the Royals own official website.

If you bow your neck it means you see them as supeiour to you.
No I dont lol.

Its the official away to greet the Royals according to the Royals own official website.

If you bow your neck it means you see them as supeiour to you.

Okay whatever you say. I don't see them as superior to me.
Okay whatever you say. I don't see them as superior to me.

For me this Tiger was superiour to the Queen. Thankfully they are protected now, Charles wont be doing any tiger hunts in India. Wonder if she met the Tiger now?

Queen Tiger.jpg