South Korea emerges as Quad alternative to India


Test Star
May 5, 2014
Seoul poised to play a bigger role in US-led regional security policy and arms exports under President-elect Yoon

South Korea has long stood out as a geopolitical anomaly – a rising power curiously punching well below its weight. A long-time US treaty ally, the Northeast Asian nation has at the same time cultivated extremely cordial, if not at times subservient, relations with neighboring China, a top trading partner.

Despite being a global economic dynamo and a leading military equipment exporter, South Korea has remained largely marginal in shaping the geopolitical landscape in its own Asian neighborhood.

Outgoing President Moon Jae-in’s chief foreign policy focus, if not obsession, has been his largely ineffectual engagement with North Korea, which has shown little interest in actual disarmament and denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula.

Let’s see if this happens , and we can say again India misses the bus. lol
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Why would it be alternative to India? Are you saying India will leave this alliance soon?

India with its UN voting and buying Russian oil has already shown it can’t be all weather ally US wants which South Korea would be.

Also that’s the headline of the editorial.
We always play every side and end up like the jack of all trades. In this context we buy S400s from Russia, use the United States to treat us as a strategic counterweight against China, and have $100 billion trade with China.

They are free to dump us as we never pick a side.
India with its UN voting and buying Russian oil has already shown it can’t be all weather ally US wants which South Korea would be.

Also that’s the headline of the editorial.


I doubt India will leave this alliance as long as China is seen as a threat. The Yanks dont care for Indians or anyone in the region. India should make peace with both China and Pakistan. Join the SCO as full members, others such as Middle Eastern nations and others in the pacific will also lean this way. A new order can be created where west cannot control nations anylonger.

I doubt India will leave this alliance as long as China is seen as a threat. The Yanks dont care for Indians or anyone in the region. India should make peace with both China and Pakistan. Join the SCO as full members, others such as Middle Eastern nations and others in the pacific will also lean this way. A new order can be created where west cannot control nations anylonger.

Honestly no nation cares about another as such but India has a knack of never picking sides as [MENTION=132715]Varun[/MENTION] has said.

So US would defn look at Taiwan/S Korea for better Defense partnership.

Also India is permanent member of SCO, India-China are also heavily involved in Asian development bank along with US Australia(lol)
Honestly no nation cares about another as such but India has a knack of never picking sides as [MENTION=132715]Varun[/MENTION] has said.

So US would defn look at Taiwan/S Korea for better Defense partnership.

Also India is permanent member of SCO, India-China are also heavily involved in Asian development bank along with US Australia(lol)

To be with US who is not in the region and continue animosity with China/Pak it is picking sides. If India didnt buy so much arms and other commodities from Russia, it would join US fully.

If there is a WW3 in future, India will be forced to go against China, leading to its own suffering for America which would be a pretty stupid own goal.
To be with US who is not in the region and continue animosity with China/Pak it is picking sides. If India didnt buy so much arms and other commodities from Russia, it would join US fully.

If there is a WW3 in future, India will be forced to go against China, leading to its own suffering for America which would be a pretty stupid own goal.

Not really Russia is also India’s biggest ally in UN, for years they have voted for us. Indian establishment has lot of Russian loyalists, they somehow don’t give into economic prosperity of west(baffles me but whatever suits them to have strategic independence I guess).

I don’t think India will pick sides in WW3.. We aren’t even able to pick west’s side for a trivial UN vote.

Also how is India with US, no offense Pakistani establishment has way more Us loyalists which became obvious in last few months.
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Seoul poised to play a bigger role in US-led regional security policy and arms exports under President-elect Yoon

South Korea has long stood out as a geopolitical anomaly – a rising power curiously punching well below its weight. A long-time US treaty ally, the Northeast Asian nation has at the same time cultivated extremely cordial, if not at times subservient, relations with neighboring China, a top trading partner.

Despite being a global economic dynamo and a leading military equipment exporter, South Korea has remained largely marginal in shaping the geopolitical landscape in its own Asian neighborhood.

Outgoing President Moon Jae-in’s chief foreign policy focus, if not obsession, has been his largely ineffectual engagement with North Korea, which has shown little interest in actual disarmament and denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula.


Lol Quad Alternative :))

There is no Quad Alternative that can replace the the mass of Indian military.

India is needed to counter Beijing via the Indian ocean, making it impossible for Chinese military influence in the Indian ocean and cutting off lanes from the Horn of Africa etc...

Quad Alternative, ppl are so gullible....
India is needed to counter Beijing via the Indian ocean, making it impossible for Chinese military influence in the Indian ocean and cutting off lanes from the Horn of Africa etc...

The Quad - with or without India or with or without South Korea - is just a glorified climate change conference as things stand. All those Total War fantasies and Naval War games are moot.