The US, Japan, India and Australia part of 'Quad group' to counter Chinese influence

Close to them? Go check the 9 dash line in South china sea. It's ridiculous. It's a popular trade route to all the countries sorrounding the South China sea. China even lost the case in international courts on this. Other than the trade routes, it's rich in oil, gas and fishing resources with other countries deserved claimants of those. Watch a YouTube video or read about it instead of supporting everything China blindly. And no, Russia and china can't wipe out UK in an hour. It was hilarious claim though.

There is a staying in hindi/ urdu

Badshah se bhi jyada badshah ke saage

More loyal to the emperor than the emperor himself.
That’s still not an answer as to why Australia feels it needs SSNs.

The next big battle ground is Taiwan. It's insulting to Chinese nationalism if they can't control their brothers across those straits. China will attempt to occupy Taiwan soon. They started this by building bases on South China sea. US, UK, AUS, Japan and many other countries have their war ships ready there. Selling these nuke subs to AUS is US' declaring that it's ready to go nuclear.
Close to them? Go check the 9 dash line in South china sea. It's ridiculous. It's a popular trade route to all the countries sorrounding the South China sea. China even lost the case in international courts on this. Other than the trade routes, it's rich in oil, gas and fishing resources with other countries deserved claimants of those. Watch a YouTube video or read about it instead of supporting everything China blindly. And no, Russia and china can't wipe out UK in an hour. It was hilarious claim though.

China has every right to worry when war mongering nations enters waters near them. China can also roam around int waters near UK and USA, they would react in a much more hostile way.

Its hillarious because once again you are ignorant. I should get paid for the times I have to correct people on here. Russia have developed RS-28 Sarmat, capable of wiping out the UK easily.

UK shouldnt get involved in any conflict with China, we are far away so no point getting on the wrong side of the Dragon for others.

But I understand Indians wanting to cheerlead others, when too scared to deal with China.
China has every right to worry when war mongering nations enters waters near them. China can also roam around int waters near UK and USA, they would react in a much more hostile way.

Its hillarious because once again you are ignorant. I should get paid for the times I have to correct people on here. Russia have developed RS-28 Sarmat, capable of wiping out the UK easily.

UK shouldnt get involved in any conflict with China, we are far away so no point getting on the wrong side of the Dragon for others.

But I understand Indians wanting to cheerlead others, when too scared to deal with China.

You will get paid zero in this case as you are ignorant. Heard of nuclear weapons yet? Yeah I'm sure you did. So unless Russia wants destruction, they won't attack UK.

China is a big deal but they've been shooting their own feet with the restrictions on their own corps. Their yuans are not dollars so that debt will bite their behind. But again, When two behemoths fight, you watch and take advantage like India does instead of being their pet. India doesn't need to wage a war with China. They just need to be there to give some legitimacy to the western fight against China. Take advantage of the latest tech by being a part of 'Quad' or triad or some other thing. It's all games for one-upmanship.
You will get paid zero in this case as you are ignorant. Heard of nuclear weapons yet? Yeah I'm sure you did. So unless Russia wants destruction, they won't attack UK.

China is a big deal but they've been shooting their own feet with the restrictions on their own corps. Their yuans are not dollars so that debt will bite their behind. But again, When two behemoths fight, you watch and take advantage like India does instead of being their pet. India doesn't need to wage a war with China. They just need to be there to give some legitimacy to the western fight against China. Take advantage of the latest tech by being a part of 'Quad' or triad or some other thing. It's all games for one-upmanship.

Taliban fan I see. You giving those destitutes weekly donations for food yet? Or is it just empty support from afar that has zilch value?

That's the difference in thinking. China India trade is at an all time high. India doesn't need to wage a war with China. Heck, India isn't even waging a war with a weaker nation Pakistan. India will take advantage of the situation to put a check on China though. It's free and there's no downside.

lol. Of course any war will be nuclear war.

Russia can wipe out UK with one attack, UK cannot do the same to Russia.

Trade doesnt stop even between nations at war. You need to learn some history, even the extremist Crusaders would trade with Muslims fighting them to liberate the holy land.

Pakistanis support the Taliban in power not because we are like them but we know with them in charge Indians cannot stage terrorist attacks. Indians should be ashamed of what you did, Taliban are great , kind people compared to Hindutva fascists, who are cowardly using proxies to kill Pakistanis.
lol. Of course any war will be nuclear war.

Russia can wipe out UK with one attack, UK cannot do the same to Russia.

Trade doesnt stop even between nations at war. You need to learn some history, even the extremist Crusaders would trade with Muslims fighting them to liberate the holy land.

Pakistanis support the Taliban in power not because we are like them but we know with them in charge Indians cannot stage terrorist attacks. Indians should be ashamed of what you did, Taliban are great , kind people compared to Hindutva fascists, who are cowardly using proxies to kill Pakistanis.

No matter how much you want it, India won't wage a war with China. Plain and simple. Indians don't have a history of invasion. India needs West without being their pet. India also needs trade with China while keeping them at arm's length and without being part of their debt trap. So far, It has been a fruitful foreign policy and I don't see a reason why it should change any time soon.

As far as Taliban goes, India just showed that Jihadis are "use and throw" commodities. Just throw some money at them and use them as you wish. It's the same philosophy that Pak employed in Kashmir. The warrior Taliban are currently begging for aid from the same country that they apparently beat. Is there any other pathetic "victor" in history? They will squeal with hunger and might behead some woman out of boredom and frustration but they are trapped.

The moment a Russian nuclear missile is launched towards UK, hundreds of missiles from Alaska will blow Russia apart. Luckily, They aren't idiots and understand how things work.
Japan, Taiwan and South Korea rely on the US for their defence against Chinese ambition.

Quite what the Royal Navy flagship is doing there is unclear to me, though it appears to be an expression of ‘Global Britain’ which replaces our EU influence. Five Eyes’s brief is growing beyond intel-gathering.

Stupidity. Ask any China expert and they will tell you that China has no expansion plan out of her historical territory. Apart from Taiwan, they have claim on no one. Infact typical western bigotry at display here. It was combined west that abused and colonised China less than a century ago and not the other way around. China is ideologically not interested in expanding outside due to their Middle Kingdom ideology.

Australia feeling “threatened” by China is a big joke.
Stupidity. Ask any China expert and they will tell you that China has no expansion plan out of her historical territory. Apart from Taiwan, they have claim on no one. Infact typical western bigotry at display here. It was combined west that abused and colonised China less than a century ago and not the other way around. China is ideologically not interested in expanding outside due to their Middle Kingdom ideology.

Australia feeling “threatened” by China is a big joke.

Historical territory from 1st century AD? Can India claim Pakistan and Afghanistan? It's that ridiculous.
Historical territory from 1st century AD? Can India claim Pakistan and Afghanistan? It's that ridiculous.

I believe you are wrong here. I think Taiwan was a part of China not long ago and after rise of Communist Party of China, their rival capitalist faction defected to Taiwan and created a separate country. I guess this was happening in 1940s,if I remember it correctly, that CCP came to power.
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More warmongering by the usual culprits.

UK is a tiny island, this isnt the 1800's, Russia and China can wipe us out within an hour. The same goes for Aus, they are no match for China.

China has every right to self defence and to enter waters close to them. UK, US has no business being in waters around China. They are not the worlds police but as seen recently have governments which are state terrorists.

And Indians cheerleading others to do what they cant :)))

And we can wipe out Russia in another hour, which is why they will never dare fire on us.

Everyone has the right to sail in international waters.

So China has a right to self-defence but Australia does not? If China undergoes a massive military buildup, doesn’t Australia have the right to do the same?

As usual you assert your double standard.
Stupidity. Ask any China expert and they will tell you that China has no expansion plan out of her historical territory. Apart from Taiwan, they have claim on no one. Infact typical western bigotry at display here. It was combined west that abused and colonised China less than a century ago and not the other way around. China is ideologically not interested in expanding outside due to their Middle Kingdom ideology.

Australia feeling “threatened” by China is a big joke.

I wonder would you call me stupid and bigot to my face? In order to earn respect you have to show it.

The Middle Kingdom undertook plenty of expansionism.

China also had the most terrible civil war in history, reducing the population of the planet by 2% - in those terms bloodier than WW2.

Then their Great Leap Forward killed more people than Hitler and Stalin combined.

Communist China annexed Tibet, entered the Korean War and has claims on numerous islands in the South China Sea. They reneged on their deal with UK to safeguard the liberty of the Hong Kongers. Were I living in Taiwan, Brunei, Malaysia or the Philippines I would be very worried by their massive military buildup.

Australia clearly feels threatened else they would not be upgrading their submarine fleet, so maybe they know something you don’t?
Stupidity. Ask any China expert and they will tell you that China has no expansion plan out of her historical territory. Apart from Taiwan, they have claim on no one. Infact typical western bigotry at display here. It was combined west that abused and colonised China less than a century ago and not the other way around. China is ideologically not interested in expanding outside due to their Middle Kingdom ideology.

Australia feeling “threatened” by China is a big joke.

Historical territory from 1st century AD? Can India claim Pakistan and Afghanistan? It's that ridiculous.

I wonder would you call me stupid and bigot to my face? In order to earn respect you have to show it.

The Middle Kingdom undertook plenty of expansionism.

China also had the most terrible civil war in history, reducing the population of the planet by 2% - in those terms bloodier than WW2.

Then their Great Leap Forward killed more people than Hitler and Stalin combined.

Communist China annexed Tibet, entered the Korean War and has claims on numerous islands in the South China Sea. They reneged on their deal with UK to safeguard the liberty of the Hong Kongers. Were I living in Taiwan, Brunei, Malaysia or the Philippines I would be very worried by their massive military buildup.

Australia clearly feels threatened else they would not be upgrading their submarine fleet, so maybe they know something you don’t?

China claims Indian states like Arunachal Pradesh.
The next big battle ground is Taiwan. It's insulting to Chinese nationalism if they can't control their brothers across those straits. China will attempt to occupy Taiwan soon. They started this by building bases on South China sea. US, UK, AUS, Japan and many other countries have their war ships ready there. Selling these nuke subs to AUS is US' declaring that it's ready to go nuclear.

I think this too.

The SSNs are not nuclear-armed though. Australia is banned from owning nukes by the Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Building the SSNs is fine by me, it will safeguard British jobs for decades. I wouldn’t get involved militarily though. Let USA defend Taiwan, and bring our carrier back to the North Sea to counter Russia.
UK is a pawn. It cannot launch its nukes without approval from Uncle Sam, and it's second strike capabilities are non existent and Trident program is on the verge of bankruptcy.

China owns over 40% of US debt in treasuries, China owns UK gilts too, it's a fact; the West is now in China's pockets.
Nuclear weapons have changed the stakes.

A tiny nuclear arsenal like North Korea's, can alter everyone's lives if, God forbid, some lunatic fires them. I believe people who would die at the moment of explosion will have the easiest of deaths. The fallout / nuclear winter would kill the rest of survivors all around the world very painfully and slowly...

Now, just imagine kind of destruction countries like USA, China or Russia can cause with their massive arsenals...

USA have already given nukes to Israel and now they are gonna all but ship some to Australia as well :facepalm:

What is the end game? An all out WW3? There will be literally no one and nothing left.

This is a very short simulation of a possible "Nato vs Russia" nuclear war:

Now add China to the mix... :facepalm:
No country is stupid enough to launch a nuclear weapon - it will be global suicide.

War is now waged through economies and currencies.
UK is a pawn. It cannot launch its nukes without approval from Uncle Sam, and it's second strike capabilities are non existent and Trident program is on the verge of bankruptcy.

China owns over 40% of US debt in treasuries, China owns UK gilts too, it's a fact; the West is now in China's pockets.

You are repeating Russian propaganda. Who would ever have bought such a system? The whole idea is silly, and in any event inconsistent with HM Armed Forces doctrine.

UK’s second strike capability is exactly the same thing as its first strike capability. The CASD boat checks for certain information every so often. One of which is, I believe, whether BBC World Service is still broadcasting. In the event of certain orders, the skipper will come to periscope depth and launch. Or in the absence of certain information, he opens his Letter of Last Resort from the PM. That may say “Fire” or it may say “Go to the nearest American port and place yourself under US SUBLANT control” or it might say “Deterrence has failed so do what you think best”. The skipper would then assume that UK is obliterated and might seek revenge against the aggressor, or might decide returning fire is pointless as Armageddon has already happened and nuclear winter is kicking in.
Nuclear weapons have changed the stakes.

A tiny nuclear arsenal like North Korea's, can alter everyone's lives if, God forbid, some lunatic fires them. I believe people who would die at the moment of explosion will have the easiest of deaths. The fallout / nuclear winter would kill the rest of survivors all around the world very painfully and slowly...

Now, just imagine kind of destruction countries like USA, China or Russia can cause with their massive arsenals...

USA have already given nukes to Israel and now they are gonna all but ship some to Australia as well :facepalm:

What is the end game? An all out WW3? There will be literally no one and nothing left.

This is a very short simulation of a possible "Nato vs Russia" nuclear war:

Now add China to the mix... :facepalm:

Appplying coq-up theory, more nations with nuclear weapons means the chance of an accident / error increases geometrically.
I wonder would you call me stupid and bigot to my face? In order to earn respect you have to show it.

The Middle Kingdom undertook plenty of expansionism.

China also had the most terrible civil war in history, reducing the population of the planet by 2% - in those terms bloodier than WW2.

Then their Great Leap Forward killed more people than Hitler and Stalin combined.

Communist China annexed Tibet, entered the Korean War and has claims on numerous islands in the South China Sea. They reneged on their deal with UK to safeguard the liberty of the Hong Kongers. Were I living in Taiwan, Brunei, Malaysia or the Philippines I would be very worried by their massive military buildup.

Australia clearly feels threatened else they would not be upgrading their submarine fleet, so maybe they know something you don’t?

Sorry sir. I like your reasoned opinion on PP and it was not my intention but nonetheless still wrong of me to use that language.

In short, I don’t believe China is a bastion of hope for humanity etc. But I believe neither is west.

We can have our differences on who killed more people but I believe you would agree that China does not have the kind of imperial past that west has. Moreover, west have even kind of institutionalised these in concepts like American exceptionalism etc. We all may wish a perfectly egalitarian global order but reality is given the history and standards, China has not behaved in the way that is traditionally attributed to global power. China has shown remarkable constraint even in her own neighbourhood by those standards.
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You will get paid zero in this case as you are ignorant. Heard of nuclear weapons yet? Yeah I'm sure you did. So unless Russia wants destruction, they won't attack UK.

China is a big deal but they've been shooting their own feet with the restrictions on their own corps. Their yuans are not dollars so that debt will bite their behind. But again, When two behemoths fight, you watch and take advantage like India does instead of being their pet. India doesn't need to wage a war with China. They just need to be there to give some legitimacy to the western fight against China. Take advantage of the latest tech by being a part of 'Quad' or triad or some other thing. It's all games for one-upmanship.

Every conflict and weapon use won’t automatically escalate to nuclear war. A good example is Indian surgical strikes and Pak response to them.

Why that debt will bite them? I don’t see any reason for it.

India is not neutral by any measure. Please know that you guys are now firmly in US camp. And I expect this to get even more extreme as American Indians grow their influence in US economy and government.
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Close to them? Go check the 9 dash line in South china sea. It's ridiculous. It's a popular trade route to all the countries sorrounding the South China sea. China even lost the case in international courts on this. Other than the trade routes, it's rich in oil, gas and fishing resources with other countries deserved claimants of those. Watch a YouTube video or read about it instead of supporting everything China blindly. And no, Russia and china can't wipe out UK in an hour. It was hilarious claim though.

Russia could, but China doesn’t have the ICBMs to hit UK.

But then Russia would be effectively obliterated in return. So they won’t launch.
You are repeating Russian propaganda. Who would ever have bought such a system? The whole idea is silly, and in any event inconsistent with HM Armed Forces doctrine.

UK’s second strike capability is exactly the same thing as its first strike capability. The CASD boat checks for certain information every so often. One of which is, I believe, whether BBC World Service is still broadcasting. In the event of certain orders, the skipper will come to periscope depth and launch. Or in the absence of certain information, he opens his Letter of Last Resort from the PM. That may say “Fire” or it may say “Go to the nearest American port and place yourself under US SUBLANT control” or it might say “Deterrence has failed so do what you think best”. The skipper would then assume that UK is obliterated and might seek revenge against the aggressor, or might decide returning fire is pointless as Armageddon has already happened and nuclear winter is kicking in.

Nope, you refuse to accept the truth about UK nukes as per UK Gov website, and multiple articles I have posted many times.

Remember, you thought 5-eyes was a conspiracy too at one point.
And we can wipe out Russia in another hour, which is why they will never dare fire on us.

Everyone has the right to sail in international waters.

So China has a right to self-defence but Australia does not? If China undergoes a massive military buildup, doesn’t Australia have the right to do the same?

As usual you assert your double standard.

Please check the world map. Russia is huge, UK will need multiple nukes but still wont wipe out Russia. Russia only needs one.

If Russia & China sail in Int waters near UK or USA, they would be in uproar. Recently UK Navy nearly waltzed into Russian water, they fired, the UK Navy kids were nearly in tears.

Please read carefully, I wrote Aus is no match for China, of course they have right to self defence but dont have any ability to defend against China.

Care to explain what UK is getting involved and irking China & Russia thousands of miles away from the white cliffs of Dover? This isnt the 1800's colonial expanasions or do you want more state terrorism now we are out of Afghanistan and Iraq? Please stop cheerleading war.
NATO is finished. The West only ever attacks on weaker nations, Russia annexed Crimea, and at best the USA imposed economic sanctions and sent Russian diplomats home.

I cannot believe some of you are sabre rattling with 1st and 2nd strike capabilities, ICMBs, such weapons are pointless, this isn’t post WW2 era anymore. We’re in the 21st century, and it’s all about economic warfare.

Also ask yourself why the West is manufacturing chemical weapons, sells them to the highest bidder, then weeps and moans like a child when events like Salisbury take place.
The thing is Russia and China are no Muslim country they are huge superpowers who are more than capable of giving these western countries a broken nose

I doubt west would even dare contemplate an attack.

We saw what Russia did in South ossetia , Ukraine ,crimea and Syria west couldn't do anything .

You can bully countries like pakistan , afghanistan , libya , Iraq, Syria

But these 2 giants are something else .
The biggest irony of them all? Russia and China are on the permanent members of the UN security council.
The thing is Russia and China are no Muslim country they are huge superpowers who are more than capable of giving these western countries a broken nose

I doubt west would even dare contemplate an attack.

We saw what Russia did in South ossetia , Ukraine ,crimea and Syria west couldn't do anything .

You can bully countries like pakistan , afghanistan , libya , Iraq, Syria

But these 2 giants are something else .

These countries are not in NATO so not the business of “the West”. Putin will not dare try to invade a NATO state.
‘ Trident is reliant on the US. Without approval from Washington, the UK could not use its nuclear weapons system.’

From the link above.
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I think this too.

The SSNs are not nuclear-armed though. Australia is banned from owning nukes by the Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Building the SSNs is fine by me, it will safeguard British jobs for decades. I wouldn’t get involved militarily though. Let USA defend Taiwan, and bring our carrier back to the North Sea to counter Russia.

What would China do if the US or UK reneged on those debts by cooking up some flim flam excuse, such as China being disreputable creditors due to humans rights violations or something similar? Let's not forget that the US froze all Iranian assets in the country when they wanted to turn the screw, so I wouldn't count it out.
I read them. None of them say what you claim.

Only the Prime Minister can authorise the use of our nuclear weapons Source:

He authorises the strike once the war heads are armed. They are armed by the USA.

Where are the UK warheads manufactured?

The UK missiles are leased from the USA.

The CND webpage contradicts itself in a space of two paragraphs.

It says "Furthermore, it is inconceivable that the UK would ever use Trident without the prior approval of the US." This implies that the UK has the ability to use the Trident system without US approval, but would not do so.

In the next para it says "Trident is reliant on the US. Without approval from Washington, the UK could not use its nuclear weapons system."

So all this is just speculation by CND. All sorts of wrong information can be found on the internet on less than reliable websites.
It's a shift in geo-politics.

The world is becoming divided as we speak. When the United States left Afghanistan, it gave the region a chance to grow and develop.

Afghanistan was a strategic location for the US. It prevented China from accessing the rest of Asia and forming direct trade routes.

With CPEC expanding at a decent rate, and with the prospects of stability in Afghanistan, the biggest gains in the region will be made by the neighbors of Afghanistan.

Countries like Russia, who at one point neglected relations with Pakistan, are now interested in what profits are to be made from this region.

This is a big opportunity for many stakeholders in the region; should there be prolonged periods of peace in Afghanistan, countries like Iran, Pakistan, China, Russia, Uzbekistan, and the other -stans would not need to be extremely dependent on the western powers for resources.

There is mesmerizing potential if Afghanistan remains stable, which is why Imran Khan is trying to initiate talks between the Taliban and other minorities to make sure that the country remains peaceful.

If you think about it from a role-based perspective:

Pakistan will be tasked to maintain a cordial relationship with the Taliban, and ensure that their policies align in ways to make sure that the region experiences stability.

China will lead the reconstruction of Afghanistan as they have done in a lot of African nations.

Neighboring countries will be asked to keep their policies towards Afghanistan friendly and start revitalizing trade to promote the economy.

There is significant economic growth to be made in that region, and the western world will not be a part of it. That is what stings for them.
He authorises the strike once the war heads are armed. They are armed by the USA.

Where are the UK warheads manufactured?

The UK missiles are leased from the USA.

CND is a hard left organisation no doubt infiltrated by the FSB. That’s what I’d do if I were Putin.

Ok, so you are telling me that the Vanguard-class boats have to make a five day cruise to the USA to arm the warheads in the event of a conflict situation development. And then five days more to get back to firing position. By which time it will be too late. That doesn’t make a lot of sense, does it?

I wouldn’t buy such a weapons system, neither would you and neither has HM Gov.

No, the weapons are armed right now and always have been. That’s the whole point of deterrence - the possibility of obliteration not next week, but right now - and the Kremlin knows it which is why they are using useful idiots like CND to disseminate their propaganda for them.
What would China do if the US or UK reneged on those debts by cooking up some flim flam excuse, such as China being disreputable creditors due to humans rights violations or something similar? Let's not forget that the US froze all Iranian assets in the country when they wanted to turn the screw, so I wouldn't count it out.

Not sure what you mean, Cap. What debts?
So this morning I learned about the Five Nation Defence Agreement - Malaysia, Singapore, YK, NZ and Australia.

This has been around since 1971 and us pretty low key.

It’s not like NATO where an attack on one is an attack on all, as on 9/11.

It’s a looser agreement where if one is attacked they immediately alert the others, who may or may not help.

But it does shed more light on why the RN carrier is in the South China Sea, supported by the Malaysian navy. PRC’s military buildup can only be to impose Chinese will on shipping in that part of the world, and the surrounding powers are making the point that they won’t accept this.
CND is a hard left organisation no doubt infiltrated by the FSB. That’s what I’d do if I were Putin.

I stopped here. No point. Any evidence against your view is Russian propaganda etc, run by Putin.

And yes the whole point is deterrence, which means UK nukes controlled by USA act as a deterrent, rendering any UK authority meaningless.
Is US and UK renege on debt obligations, then China can do what Covid has shown, stop shipments of US/UK manufactured goods. I don't need to tell you, when this happened (inadvertently through Covid), global stock markets plunged by over 30%.

That's just the tip of the iceberg.
I stopped here. No point. Any evidence against your view is Russian propaganda etc, run by Putin.

And yes the whole point is deterrence, which means UK nukes controlled by USA act as a deterrent, rendering any UK authority meaningless.

No, I am not privy to MI5 secrets. But it’s what I would do. Same MO as in Crimea - infiltrate the unions and dissenting organisations, foment rebellion, spreading falsehood to undermine confidence in government. Cold War never ended, but tactics change. I urge you to read Alternative War by JJ Patrick.

And not even that CND article claims we cannot fire.
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No, I am not privy to MI5 secrets. But it’s what I would do. Same MO as in Crimea - infiltrate the unions and dissenting organisations, foment rebellion, spreading falsehood to undermine confidence in government. Cold War never ended, but tactics change. I urge you to read Alternative War by JJ Patrick.

And not even that CND article claims we cannot fire.

The CND article doesn't claim UK cannot fire, it simple says UK needs US approval before firing (arming the nukes).

Politico, Guardian, The Times, just some broadsheets that reported the same (and I did link these articles previously).

Anyway, I think the entire Nuclear argument is pointless. No nation will risk complete annihilation.

The fact is UK is not self sufficient. Even most of our energy supplies are imported, Russia included. Russia and China have invested heavily in the UK too - so out goes the human rights malarky - money talks. Our manufacturing is next to zilch, China manufactures are large chunk of our goods.

UK is only attractive for legal and money laundering services. The rest has been on decline since Breton Woods agreement, and post WW2.

Every Empire has seen its end days, Britain is no exception.
The CND article doesn't claim UK cannot fire, it simple says UK needs US approval before firing (arming the nukes).

Politico, Guardian, The Times, just some broadsheets that reported the same (and I did link these articles previously).

Anyway, I think the entire Nuclear argument is pointless. No nation will risk complete annihilation.

The fact is UK is not self sufficient. Even most of our energy supplies are imported, Russia included. Russia and China have invested heavily in the UK too - so out goes the human rights malarky - money talks. Our manufacturing is next to zilch, China manufactures are large chunk of our goods.

UK is only attractive for legal and money laundering services. The rest has been on decline since Breton Woods agreement, and post WW2.

Every Empire has seen its end days, Britain is no exception.

The article doesn’t even say that. It says the Yanks maintain the system, and any first strike decision would be part of an international response led by them. Nothing about “arming” warheads. They are always “armed”. SSBMs are retaliatory weapons anyway. If the Russians launch ICBMs, the US and UK govts would have no way to inform the deployed Trident boats in the eight minutes before the governments are vaporised. The boats would find out many hours later, due to lack of communication from their devastated homelands, and then they would come to shallow depth and return fire.

That’s why I would have remained in the EU. Settled for being a middle ranked power in a big economic bloc instead of this Empire 2.0 delusion. I believe we have more in common with the Europeans than Amreeka.
The article doesn’t even say that. It says the Yanks maintain the system, and any first strike decision would be part of an international response led by them. Nothing about “arming” warheads. They are always “armed”. SSBMs are retaliatory weapons anyway. If the Russians launch ICBMs, the US and UK govts would have no way to inform the deployed Trident boats in the eight minutes before the governments are vaporised. The boats would find out many hours later, due to lack of communication from their devastated homelands, and then they would come to shallow depth and return fire.

That’s why I would have remained in the EU. Settled for being a middle ranked power in a big economic bloc instead of this Empire 2.0 delusion. I believe we have more in common with the Europeans than Amreeka.

Big economic bloc? EU economy is in the doldrums. Some nations in this bloc have negative interest rates, youth unemployment is sky high, Euro is weak.

Yes we do have more in common with Europe. White, Warmongering, WW1, and WW2. All the Ws. Time to look beyond.

Amreeka's special relationship has hurt us in the long run. They're sitting on the other side of the ocean and are using us as pawns against the rest of the world under the guise of NATO. We're just a lapdog to Amreeka.

The commonwealth nations on the other hand have benefited UK through an economy; from immigration to trade, so makes more send to build bridges.

Russia and China isn't the enemy of UK, but the enemy of USA - we, as I said, are just pawns in the middle.
So this morning I learned about the Five Nation Defence Agreement - Malaysia, Singapore, YK, NZ and Australia.

This has been around since 1971 and us pretty low key.

It’s not like NATO where an attack on one is an attack on all, as on 9/11.

It’s a looser agreement where if one is attacked they immediately alert the others, who may or may not help.

But it does shed more light on why the RN carrier is in the South China Sea, supported by the Malaysian navy. PRC’s military buildup can only be to impose Chinese will on shipping in that part of the world, and the surrounding powers are making the point that they won’t accept this.

Robert this is well and dandy.

But you havent explained what the heck is UK doing in seas far aways from our borders? Surely the UK by now after all these failures has realised it's the not the Kojak of the world?
Biden is not interested in the QUAD. He wants a strong Anglosphere aka the 5 eyes.
Biden doesnt know what day it is. He made this big annoucment but couldnt remember the name of the Aus PM. :))

It's just a right wing meme, not a big deal. Even as someone who is in his 30s, I occasionally forget people's names or places to which I am travelling.
Robert this is well and dandy.

But you havent explained what the heck is UK doing in seas far aways from our borders? Surely the UK by now after all these failures has realised it's the not the Kojak of the world?

The Pawn moves directly forward, never backward or to the side.

Sicilian Defence.

e4 c5

Big economic bloc? EU economy is in the doldrums. Some nations in this bloc have negative interest rates, youth unemployment is sky high, Euro is weak.

Yes we do have more in common with Europe. White, Warmongering, WW1, and WW2. All the Ws. Time to look beyond.

Amreeka's special relationship has hurt us in the long run. They're sitting on the other side of the ocean and are using us as pawns against the rest of the world under the guise of NATO. We're just a lapdog to Amreeka.

The commonwealth nations on the other hand have benefited UK through an economy; from immigration to trade, so makes more send to build bridges.

Russia and China isn't the enemy of UK, but the enemy of USA - we, as I said, are just pawns in the middle.

I mean that we Europeans have more a centre-left social axis than the rightist Amreekans. Strong social contract. Public health care.

Commonwealth Nations are far away. That’s why the Five Nations Defence Agreement perplexes me. Antipodeans, Singapore, Malaysia fine, but what’s our interest.
Biden is not interested in the QUAD. He wants a strong Anglosphere aka the 5 eyes.

The Quad is a grouping to defend against Chinese aggression. Biden's son Hunter was part owner of a private equity firm that received $1.5 billion from Chinese banks. Not surprising that Biden isn't interested in the Quad.
PM Modi, Macron vows to ‘act jointly’ in Indo-Pacific as France fallout with US, Australia

Macron assured PM Modi of continued “commitment to the strengthening of India's strategic autonomy, including its industry and technology base, as part of a close relationship based on trust and mutual respect."

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and French President Emmanuel Macron vowed on Tuesday vowed to “act jointly” in the Indo-Pacific region, the French presidency said, amid fallout with Australia and the US due to the Aukus deal. During a telephonic conversation, Macron assured PM Modi of continued “commitment to the strengthening of India's strategic autonomy, including its industry and technology base, as part of a close relationship based on trust and mutual respect."

Macron’s office said that the shared approach of the two countries within the framework of the Euro-Indian relationship “aims to promote regional stability and the rule of law, while ruling out any form of hegemony.” It stated that bilateral cooperation will be further strengthened in all areas, particularly on the economic front. France also welcomed India’s decision to resume deliveries of vaccines to COVAX from next month.

The telephonic conversation was held days after the US, the UK, and Australia announced a defence deal under which America and Britain will provide Australia with the technology to build nuclear-powered submarines.

The new security pact, which is seen as an attempt to challenge China’s increased assertiveness in the region, was a major setback for France as it led to the cancellation of a $40 billion French submarine order from Australia. French called the deal a “stab in the back” and recalled its ambassadors from the United States and Australia.

PM Modi and Macron also expressed serious concerns over the ongoing political and humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan. Macron's office called on the Taliban to sever their ties with international terrorists, allow humanitarian organisations to operate in Afghanistan and respect the fundamental rights of Afghans. They also agreed to coordinate ahead of multilateral summits such as G20 and COP26, the French presidency said.
I mean that we Europeans have more a centre-left social axis than the rightist Amreekans. Strong social contract. Public health care.

Commonwealth Nations are far away. That’s why the Five Nations Defence Agreement perplexes me. Antipodeans, Singapore, Malaysia fine, but what’s our interest.

Our interest must be economic trade. While being a member of the EU, trade was restricted with Non-EU members.
Now the French are kicking off amid talk of backstabbing from UK and Australia. It's weird how European countries want so much say in what goes on in Asia, now they are even fighting over it.
Now the French are kicking off amid talk of backstabbing from UK and Australia. It's weird how European countries want so much say in what goes on in Asia, now they are even fighting over it.

Nothing weird about being upset at the loss of a $40 billion deal.

"The new security pact, which is seen as an attempt to challenge China’s increased assertiveness in the region, was a major setback for France as it led to the cancellation of a $40 billion French submarine order from Australia."
Nothing weird about being upset at the loss of a $40 billion deal.

"The new security pact, which is seen as an attempt to challenge China’s increased assertiveness in the region, was a major setback for France as it led to the cancellation of a $40 billion French submarine order from Australia."

A deal works two ways, if the Aussies decide they don't want to spend $40 billion on French submarines, that's life. No point in getting snooty over it, just sell them somewhere else. Or start manufacturing surf boards and see if they'll buy them instead.
Biden's son Hunter was part owner of a private equity firm that received $1.5 billion from Chinese banks.

What did China get in return for this massive disguised bribe to Hunter Biden ? Nothin.
What did China get in return for this massive disguised bribe to Hunter Biden ? Nothin.

It got a US President who has downgraded the Quad, and a US President whose US intelligence agencies recently said that the virus may or may not have come from a Chinese lab when all indications was that it had come from a Chinese lab. Also, Biden has eased off the pressure Trump had put on China to reduce its trade deficit with the US.
It got a US President who has downgraded the Quad, and a US President whose US intelligence agencies recently said that the virus may or may not have come from a Chinese lab when all indications was that it had come from a Chinese lab. Also, Biden has eased off the pressure Trump had put on China to reduce its trade deficit with the US.

He did all this just for dear hunter biden? You are wading into Alex Jones conspiracy theory territory now. I don't think Biden is as shameless as Trump and kids in profiting off his office.

What I meant was .. Biden is convinced that the anglosphere is a better tool to contain China than the Quad.
He did all this just for dear hunter biden? You are wading into Alex Jones conspiracy theory territory now. I don't think Biden is as shameless as Trump and kids in profiting off his office.

What I meant was .. Biden is convinced that the anglosphere is a better tool to contain China than the Quad.

You are welcome to believe that $1.5 billion to a son's partly owned PE firm won't have any influence of a father's behavior, I prefer not to be so gullible.

Also the Anglosphere and the Quad are not mutually exclusive.

No more replies.
Our interest must be economic trade. While being a member of the EU, trade was restricted with Non-EU members.

So why the Five Nations Defence Agreement? It was OK so sail round the South China Sea when China was a developing nation without much of a navy but now they are an economic superpower with a big fleet growing stronger every year. No point antagonising a superpower in the other side of the world.

Let’s leave the Pacific to the Yanks, and put all our defence capability into Europe.
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Now the French are kicking off amid talk of backstabbing from UK and Australia. It's weird how European countries want so much say in what goes on in Asia, now they are even fighting over it.

It’s due to the Aussies reneging on their deal with the French. Thousands of French jobs lost.
It's Indo-Pacific in Quad, Afghanistan a priority in UNGA

The fact is that all Taliban leaders, who were part of the Doha process, have been side-lined by the Pakistani ISI backed Haqqani Network with all the critical positions including Interior, Intelligence, Border and Tribal Affairs given to hardcore global designated terrorists.

Although Indo-Pacific and Climate Change and Justice will be the priority for Quad summit on September 24, Afghanistan and terrorism will be the flavour of the UNGA high-level segment till September 27.

According to top diplomats in New York and Washington, the western embarrassment over Afghanistan with the Taliban throwing the entire Doha political commitments out of the window will be the main theme of speakers in the UNGA. The Taliban-US deal was negotiated between Qatar, Pakistan, UK and US Special envoy Zalmay Khalilzad.

The fact is that all Taliban leaders, who were part of the Doha process, have been side-lined by the Pakistani ISI backed Haqqani Network with all the critical positions including Interior, Intelligence, Border and Tribal Affairs given to hardcore global designated terrorists. The side-lining of Mullah Baradar, Mullah Yaqoob and Sher Mohammed Stanakzai in the Taliban regime reveals the extent of grip Pakistan has over the Sunni Pashtun terror force.

It is evident from the conversations that Prime Minister Narendra Modi and External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar have had with their interlocutors over the phone and in New York that recognition to the Taliban regime is not coming soon as none of the conditions of UNSC resolution 2593 has been fulfilled. Despite being promoted by Pakistan, even its iron brother China and Russia are thinking twice before getting into the Afghanistan mess. With powerful Muslim block countries like Saudi Arabia and UAE looking the other war, the accountability rests on Pakistan if any terror attack emanates from Kabul under Haqqanis.

Australia will AUKUS Anglo-Saxon pact in its bag has taken the deterrence to China to a different level with eight US/UK built nuclear powered conventional attack submarines or SSNs expected to patrol Indo-Pacific waters by the next decade. The AUKUS pact has dove-tailed the strategic element into Quad as India believes in strategic autonomy and Japan is to still shed its pacificist doctrine. And all Quad partners and other countries are of the opinion privately that nuclear submarine is any day a better sub-surface deterrent to the ever-growing Chinese Navy. It is the AUKUS pact that has brought the challenge to Chinese military capability in the South China Sea and beyond.

Even though on the face of it, India wants to be a global factory of the world with Quad partners joining hands, it is also very clear about acquiring at least three SSNs in the coming decade. The India-China stand-off in East Ladakh is still a work in progress with PLA still to restore status quo ante in Hot Springs area, Depsang Bulge and Demchok.

It is in this backdrop that Quad leaders are meeting in the White House and a strong statement is expected by the end of day on September 24.
Indian PM Modi invites US President Biden to visit India

Modi also praises US Vice President Kamala Harris as a source of inspiration and extends invitation to her to visit India

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has invited US President Joe Biden to visit India, said the Ministry of External Affairs, adding that New Delhi looks forward to the visit of the US leader at the “earliest and mutual convenience”.

“PM Modi invited President Joe Biden to visit India. President Biden noted with thanks and appreciation. We certainly look forward to the visit of the US President at the earliest and mutual convenience,” Shringla said in a special briefing.

Prime Minister Modi, who is on a three-day visit to the US, held his maiden bilateral meeting with US President Biden and attended the Quad leaders Summit.

On Thursday, Prime Minister Modi praised US Vice President Kamala Harris as a “source of inspiration” while extending an invitation to her to visit India.

“Your election as Vice President of USA has been an important and historic event. You are a source of inspiration for many across the world. I am confident that under President Biden and your leadership our bilateral relations will touch new heights,” PM Modi said in a joint press conference with Harris after the two leaders met.

“Continuing on this journey of victory, Indians would also want you to continue that in India and therefore they are waiting to welcome you. I extend you an invitation to visit India,” he added.
> a very likely fact.

Not at all. Unless Xi has lost it and wants US, UK, Australia at it's doorstep. They will not pull off such a foolish act. All this intimidation is in response to formation of QUAD/AUKUS. West and China flexing muscles, that is it. No invasion happening anywhere.
This is not happening!

There wont be a better opportunity for China to do it, since it has been wanting this. It has all the military might and doubt US will intervene, max damage would be the economic hit but it can manager

What's the point of the all show off this time?

China is expected to have at least 1,000 nuclear warheads by 2030, according to a new projection by the US military - a significant acceleration of its nuclear weapons programme.

The Pentagon's analysis sharply increased its estimate of China's upcoming nuclear weapon capability over the coming years, in its latest report.

It projected Beijing could have 700 warheads by 2027 and would increase that number in the years after.

While China's nuclear stockpile would remain lower than that of the US and Russia, analysts said it poses concerns as it comes at a time when Beijing is increasingly assertive, especially in its own backyard.

The previous projection was that the Chinese arsenal would top 400 by the end of the decade.

The US has frequently called on China to join it and Russia in a new arms control treaty.

In its annual report to Congress on China's military strength, the Pentagon highlighted tensions over the self-ruled island of Taiwan, which China sees as a breakaway province, and discussed China's chemical and biological programmes and technological advancements.

It said open warfare was unlikely but backed an idea emerging in the US that China's military, called the People's Liberation Army or PLA, is determined to challenge America in all warfare arenas - air, land, sea, space and cyberspace.

China was pursuing a network of overseas bases and logistics hubs that "could interfere with" American military operations and support Chinese military operations against the US, the report added

But it placed the most emphasis on the growing size of China's nuclear arsenal, saying: "Over the next decade, the PRC [China] aims to modernise, diversify, and expand its nuclear forces."

The report added: "The PLA's evolving capabilities and concepts continue to strengthen [China's] ability to 'fight and win wars' against a 'strong enemy' - a likely euphemism for the United States."

The previous Pentagon estimate was that the number of Chinese warheads was in the "low 200s". This compares with 3,750 US nuclear warheads, of which 1,389 were deployed on 1 September.

The Pentagon report said the Chinese may now have what is known as a nuclear triad - the combination of land, sea, and air-launched missiles that the US and Russia have had for decades.

The air-launched ballistic missile is the latest to be developed.

The report added the country's military had started building at least three intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) silo fields, which "cumulatively contain hundreds" of underground silos from which ICBMs could be launched.

China says its arsenal is a fraction of that possessed by the US and Russia, and it is ready for dialogue, but only if Washington reduces its nuclear stockpile to China's level.

President Joe Biden's administration is undertaking a comprehensive review of its nuclear policy and has not said how that might be affected by concerns over Chinese activities.

The Pentagon report was based on the situation in December 2020 and so does not include a reference to China's apparent tests of a hypersonic weapon.

Beijing has vowed to bring Taiwan, an established democracy, under its rule and its military has been increasingly active in the strait between the island and the mainland.

The Pentagon report outlined several scenarios Beijing could pursue, including everything from a joint blockade campaign against Taiwan to a full-scale amphibious invasion, air and missile strikes, cyber attacks or seizing offshore islands.

But a senior US defence official, who briefed reporters after the release of the report, declined to say if they saw a risk of armed conflict between Beijing and Taipei and refused to say which scenario was the most likely.

Separately, America's top general said on Wednesday that China was unlikely to try to capture Taiwan in the next couple of years.

General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said: "Based on my analysis of China, I don't think that it is likely in the near future - being defined as, you know, six, 12, maybe 24 months, that kind of window."

The Pentagon report included a section on China's biological weapons programme, but did not look at whether COVID-19 originated there.

It did, however, question whether China was complying with international biological and chemical weapons agreements, citing studies of "potent toxins" conducted at military medical institutions.

There has been increasing attention paid to China's chemical and biological capabilities after COVID-19 was first identified in late 2019 in Wuhan, where there is a biological research facility.

China has consistently denied allegations that the virus was leaked from the specialist laboratory.
China gave missile technology to Pakistan so that its nukes could reach all over India.

India should return the favor by giving nukes to Taiwan.

I heard it was North Korea which gave missile technology to Pakistan which was later painted in green and appeared as Babur, Ghauri etc...

AQ Khan with the the assistance of chinese such as getting ring magnets etc helped develop the nuclear bomb for Pakistan.
There wont be a better opportunity for China to do it, since it has been wanting this. It has all the military might and doubt US will intervene, max damage would be the economic hit but it can manager

What's the point of the all show off this time?

China has all the military strength to flatten a country like India maybe, but the US is like 40-50 years more advanced than the Chinese, it is not even close..... US will intervene if Taiwan is attacked, China knows this hence they have been all talk and no action, until they do otherwise and prove the world wrong, China is what they are: All talk and no action because they know they are no match for the Americans...

P.S. Do not bring Russians into this conversation, if US and China goes to war, Russians wont interfere, they will just sit back and watch the destruction eating pop corn....
I heard it was North Korea which gave missile technology to Pakistan which was later painted in green and appeared as Babur, Ghauri etc...

AQ Khan with the the assistance of chinese such as getting ring magnets etc helped develop the nuclear bomb for Pakistan.

NK has a Chinese leash around its neck. It makes trouble for other countries only at China's direction.
With China out of mind, US and Indian soldiers team up for rare exercise in rough Alaskan conditions
Christopher Woody

In October, US and Indian soldiers trained in Alaska during the latest version of the Yudh Abhyas exercise.

This year's iteration was the 17th of the exercise but only the second time it has been in Alaska.

Both countries have disputes with China, but for the soldiers on hand, the drills weren't about Beijing.