Sulli Deals: Indian Muslim women offered for sale in ‘auction’


T20I Star
Dec 14, 2008
Post of the Week

Photographs of more than 80 Muslim women put up for sale on an app are triggering outrage and calls for action.

12 Jul 2021

New Delhi, India – On the night of July 4, Afreen Fatima participated in an online forum about the persecution of Muslims in India. No sooner had she wrapped up her session than her mobile phone was flooded with messages, informing the 23-year-old student activist that she had been ‘put up for sale’ on a fake online auction.

And she was not alone. Photographs of more than 80 other Muslim women, including students, activists and journalists, had been uploaded on an app called “Sulli deals” without their knowledge.

The creators of the platform offered visitors a chance to claim a “Sulli” – a derogatory term used by right-wing Hindu trolls for Muslim women – calling them “deals of the day”.

“That night, I didn’t reply to the people who messaged me. I just logged out of my Twitter. I didn’t have the energy to respond,” Fatima told Al Jazeera from her home in Allahabad in northern Uttar Pradesh state.

She said that the incident came on a day a Hindu far-right man called for the abduction of Muslim women at a gathering in Pataudi, about 60km (31 miles) from New Delhi. “I was just so disturbed; I couldn’t sleep,” she said.

Thousands of miles away in New York, 25-year-old Hiba Beg had just returned from enjoying Independence Day celebrations in the city. That’s when she discovered her profile was also up for virtual auction on “Sulli deals”.

Even the physical distance from home in India was not enough to protect her from the immediate “feelings of dehumanisation and defeat”, said Beg, a student of policy at Columbia University.

GitHub, which hosted the app, took it down after public outrage and complaints. “We suspended user accounts following the investigation of reports of such activity, all of which violate our policies,” a GitHub spokesperson told Al Jazeera via email.

“GitHub has longstanding policies against content and conduct involving harassment, discrimination, and inciting violence.”

On July 8, the Delhi Police registered a police complaint (first information report) after the Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) and the National Commission for Women called for an investigation into the matter following days of outrage largely by Muslim women online.

Delhi Police PRO Chinmay Biswal said an investigation has been launched. “Notices have been sent to GitHub to share the relevant details,” Biswal told Al Jazeera.

A week after the app was discovered, no arrest has been made.

Prominent journalist and activist Rana Ayyub, who has been at the receiving end of vicious sexualised trolling for her outspoken views, said that this was and is done “systemically” to target vocal Muslim women.

“The way they [Hindu far-right groups] sexualise you is the only way they believe they can shame and silence Muslim women online. We are supposed to be ‘oppressed’ in their books – so they think, ‘How dare we speak out for ourselves?’” Ayyub, who is a columnist for the Washington Post, told Al Jazeera.

Media professional Sania Ahmad, whose profile also appeared on the Sulli Deals app, says this sort of violence online is hardly surprising. The 34-year-old, a vocal Muslim voice on Twitter with nearly 34,000 followers, says the platform has been used to make sexualised and graphic online threats.

“It’s a very sad thing, but I’ve gotten used to this. Last year, there was a poll running where a Hindutva account asked ‘Which of the Sanias should I choose for my harem?’ We kept reporting the poll, but it ran for 24 hours,” Ahmad, said referring to members of Hindu far right.

“The results were eventually published and the comments below called for even more violence. There were comments like – ‘why should we add them to the harem, just f*** them and dump them’. Another one said, ‘I want to chop off their heads and use them to decorate my wall.’”

Ahmad’s images were morphed on pornographic visuals after she spoke out against a similar instance of virtual auctioning of Muslim women on the night before Eid this year. A YouTube channel run by “Liberal Doge Live”, reportedly a man by the name of Ritesh Jha, ran an “Eid Special” – a “live auction” of Muslim women from India and Pakistan.

It was so traumatising, Ahmad says, that she had to step back from Twitter for a few days and suffered severe anxiety attacks.

“When I get trolled, my gender is never separated from my religious identity. I’m not being trolled as a woman, I’m being trolled as a Muslim woman vocal on political issues by mostly Hindutva accounts,” she said.

Ahmad sent a legal notice to Twitter last week with directions to check this level of hate speech and abuse on the platform. “I have even complained to the police in the past,” she said. “None of these complaints saw the light of day.”

Hasiba Amin, social media coordinator for the opposition Congress party and one of the women featured on the virtual auction on Eid, is similarly disillusioned with the legal process in such cases after she filed an FIR against the perpetrators.

“Months later, I have not seen much progress on the investigation,” she says. “I believe that had the police taken sufficient action in the first place, these people wouldn’t have the courage to do something like this again. But this inaction is what gives them impunity.”

Anas Tanwir, a lawyer based in the capital New Delhi, believes online platforms hosting apps like “Sulli Deals” need to have more accountability regarding hate speech and abuse.

“Any platform or website – open source or otherwise – has ethical and legal responsibility not to allow such activities. This basically tantamounts to abetting and promoting illegal trafficking in women. This is exactly that in a virtual world,” he told Al Jazeera.

‘We will not shut up’
Activists fear online space in India has been becoming increasingly toxic for women in general, and Muslim women in particular.

Last January, Amnesty International India said in a report that nearly 100 female Indian politicians on Twitter were subjected to unprecedented levels of online abuse. The women were targeted not only for their views expressed online, but also for elements of their identities such as gender, religion, caste and marital status, said the report.

“Thus, Muslim women politicians were targeted more than their Hindu counterparts,” says Delhi-based lawyer Vrinda Bhandari, who specialises in privacy and digital rights.

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“It is important to frame these offences in terms of hate speech, because we need to recognise the communal angle of the offence, the derogatory use of ‘Sulli’ and how it is used to target Muslim women,” Bhandari said.

It is in these contexts that harassment of Muslim women both online and offline takes more graphic and sexualised overtones.

“In general, the majoritarian gaze not only objectifies and victimises but is also opportunistic,” said Ghazala Jamil, an assistant professor at the Centre for the Study of Law and Governance at Jawaharlal Nehru University. “Even in global Islamophobic narratives, the stated intent to save Muslim women is never pure or the actual intent. It is almost always a mere facade for some anti-Muslim project.”

“In India particularly, this tendency has combined with widespread impunity especially to overt violence against Muslims, women and Dalits. In my reading, this virtual ‘auction’ is an escalation of trolling. It is reminiscent of slave trade/trafficking on the one hand and a lynching in [a] public place on the other,” Jamil, also the author of the book Muslim Women Speak: Of Dreams and Shackles, told Al Jazeera.

Fatima, the student activist, is also concerned about the more direct consequences of this attack.

“What if someone just comes and claims their deal of the day?” she asked. “I don’t see anything stopping them from doing that.”

“At the same time, I don’t think I would ever shut up because of this. We will continue to occupy every single public space there is, be it Twitter, Instagram, Facebook – online, offline, everywhere.”

Hana Mohsin Khan, who also featured on “Sulli Deals”, created a WhatsApp group titled “Solidarity”, which includes over 20 of the targeted women.

Khan, a pilot with a domestic airline, has filed a police complaint. She says the support of all these women will keep her going.

“We are all supporting each other,” she told Al Jazeera. “We are all working together; we hardly sleep. We will not shut up and we will not let this go.”
Absolutely shameful!

I hope the perpetrators are identified and locked up for a long time.
While the act is disgusting.

Al Jazeera loses the little bit of credibility it has by calling Afreen Fatima an activist. She is an islamist, who believes Muslims are above Indian laws.
There is no low that the hindutva **** cannot go in India.

Their pathological anti muslim hatred is not just destroying themselves but the social fabric of the entire country.
There is no low that the hindutva **** cannot go in India.

Their pathological anti muslim hatred is not just destroying themselves but the social fabric of the entire country.

Irrespective of the government in power, India has always had such morons on all sides of the religious and political spectrum.

India's social fabric is far too strong to be destroyed by these fools.
Irrespective of the government in power, India has always had such morons on all sides of the religious and political spectrum.

India's social fabric is far too strong to be destroyed by these fools.

This is conveniently ignoring the massive polarisation, "soft" radicalisation is a better word, that the majority hindus have undergone against the muslim community in the last 8 years.

"On all sides" argument is a copout. It makes it as if it is a fringe occurrence and the majority don't have anti muslim sentiments. I mean, didn't we hear about the Eid pictures of Pakistani girls being shared in a despicable manner a few weeks back. I'm sure there are extremists in other communities too, but the difference is, the perpetrators of the above crime are likely to be ordinary students and young men who are seemingly living a normal life. You only have to go to social media to look at the kind of words that are used to refer to muslims and christians in the hindutva circles.
Modi the failure has turned India into a mess of all sorts. Modi is the latest case to prove the futility of religion based political parties in the modern world.
Pathetic and the Hindu troll who did this needs to be behind bars.
This is conveniently ignoring the massive polarisation, "soft" radicalisation is a better word, that the majority hindus have undergone against the muslim community in the last 8 years.

"On all sides" argument is a copout. It makes it as if it is a fringe occurrence and the majority don't have anti muslim sentiments. I mean, didn't we hear about the Eid pictures of Pakistani girls being shared in a despicable manner a few weeks back. I'm sure there are extremists in other communities too, but the difference is, the perpetrators of the above crime are likely to be ordinary students and young men who are seemingly living a normal life. You only have to go to social media to look at the kind of words that are used to refer to muslims and christians in the hindutva circles.

The sentiment of anti-islam has always been there. It just needed a direction and leadership. Now they got it in the form of BJP.
Indian Muslim's are happy and prosperous. No need for us Pakistanis to worry about them not that i ever did or do. Modi magic will fix it all, relax.
Imagine the outrage if cows would've been auctioned instead of women, the culprits would be behind bars by now.
Al Jazeera deliberately makes the headline look like women were auctioned in real life. Rather than their photos or fake profiles being put up for "auction".
There is no low that the hindutva **** cannot go in India.

Their pathological anti muslim hatred is not just destroying themselves but the social fabric of the entire country.

How do you conveniently blamed hindutva? I guess all cyber crimes of identity stealing are also to be blamed on hindutva.
I wonder which culture is more intolerant towards the minorities. A Hindu rashtra without the secularism or an Islamic nation.
Do you get it? This is not a real thing. There was a app that made fake profiles and auctioned those profiles.

Try making a fake app and roll it out in India for fun where folks can fake bid on cow pics. Name the app “beef deals”, and then see what happens.

Do you get it?
IMO, some of these intellectually bankrupt hardline andh bhakts are the biggest baighiruts and biggest cowards on planet earth.
Try making a fake app and roll it out in India for fun where folks can fake bid on cow pics. Name the app “beef deals”, and then see what happens.

Do you get it?
IMO, some of these intellectually bankrupt hardline andh bhakts are the biggest baighiruts and biggest cowards on planet earth.

Beef is available in many states, including mine.

Its amusing when the likes of you come and tries to give sermons on religious hardline, intellectual bankruptcy, baigheraiti and cowardice. Try to look at your own country first.
Lets face it Pak has a massive problem with minorities too. I can not point the finger at India when everyday we also hear how poorly non Muslim's are treated in Pak. Now someone will call me an Indian when I am just pointing out a painful fact. I await the the day when some celebrity or politician can stand up in Pakistan calling themselves a former Muslim or atheist without being threatened of dire consequences.
Lets face it Pak has a massive problem with minorities too. I can not point the finger at India when everyday we also hear how poorly non Muslim's are treated in Pak. Now someone will call me an Indian when I am just pointing out a painful fact. I await the the day when some celebrity or politician can stand up in Pakistan calling themselves a former Muslim or atheist without being threatened of dire consequences.

This thread has a topic, I do not see problems of Pakistan discussed here serves any purpose.

Secondly , if I kill someone and am prosecuted for that , can I make an argument that some other person also committed that crime so it is okay ?
This thread has a topic, I do not see problems of Pakistan discussed here serves any purpose.

Secondly , if I kill someone and am prosecuted for that , can I make an argument that some other person also committed that crime so it is okay ?

Showing the mirror is part of most civilized debates.

Secondly, some pakistanis seem more concerned about Indians than pakistanis.
This thread has a topic, I do not see problems of Pakistan discussed here serves any purpose.

Secondly , if I kill someone and am prosecuted for that , can I make an argument that some other person also committed that crime so it is okay ?

We can not criticize something without looking in the mirror.

"Secondly , if I kill someone and am prosecuted for that , can I make an argument that some other person also committed that crime so it is okay ?" What does this comment mean in English??:afridi
Showing the mirror is part of most civilized debates.

Secondly, some pakistanis seem more concerned about Indians than pakistanis.

Its also known as an attempt for obfuscation - trying to hide a problem by diverting attention and we dont encourage it on this forum.
We can not criticize something without looking in the mirror.

"Secondly , if I kill someone and am prosecuted for that , can I make an argument that some other person also committed that crime so it is okay ?" What does this comment mean in English??:afridi

My point is that if I do something wrong , if the same thing some other person is doing wrong , will that discharge me of my wrong deeds ?