The dreaded phone call in the middle of the night...


PakPassion Administrator
Oct 6, 2004
I am sure at some point in your lives, whether in Pakistan or overseas, you would have experienced that phenomenon - usually the bearer of bad news but sometimes can be as harmless as someone not knowing the time difference !

I suppose for people with ageing parents/relatives in different geogrphical locations, this must be the most dreaded noise to hear...

Any experiences ?

Mine was in Karachi in 1975, when my brother called to say that he wanted to marry someone in London !! The drama that followed was incredible but sticks to my memory !
MIG said:
I am sure at some point in your lives, whether in Pakistan or overseas, you would have experienced that phenomenon - usually the bearer of bad news but sometimes can be as harmless as someone not knowing the time difference !

I suppose for people with ageing parents/relatives in different geogrphical locations, this must be the most dreaded noise to hear...

Any experiences ?

Mine was in Karachi in 1975, when my brother called to say that he wanted to marry someone in London !! The drama that followed was incredible but sticks to my memory !

Voice messages on home 'phone asking where I was because Papa had died, horrible way to learn sad news.
filosofee said:
Voice messages on home 'phone asking where I was because Papa had died, horrible way to learn sad news.

Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Illahi Rajiyoon - may ALLAH grant him Jannah , Ameen!

Awful few seconds as you hear the phone and your mind immediately plays out all your fears !
My parents have been known to do that to some of my relatives here, but I dont really recall being woken up at too odd a time by them. My Khalu usually lets me know if my dad calls or texts him at an odd time in the night...

Although recently they woke up one of my cousins at 2 am to ask whether she wanted a black bag or a black and white bag. My mum was fully aware of the time differential but she just wanted to be sure :))

I recall last year I was sleeping over at my khala's place and I a bit of a late night - we were at this wedding reception and I got a call at 6am in the morning. When I answered the phone, I was pretty shocked to hear a strong Scottish accent at the other end. Clearly Kashif wasnt aware of the time differential ;-)
But never mind, I usually sound a bit grumpy on the phone, no matter when it is. Last week a friend accused me of sounding like I wanted to hang up on her, and this too after letting her know it was a good time to call :))
My brother informing me about his advanced-stage tumor and his declaration that 'chutti' (holiday) was near. He didn't survive a year after that. Then I had to phone my parents from America to inform them about the end of his life. Everybody backed off and it was left for my inexperienced self to do the hard job. I could hear the sobs on the other side but my parents proved themselves stronger than anybody had expected them to be.
I can sleep even when a hammar jack is making noise next door. Loud TV sounds, baby scream, I can sleep through with ease. But when a phone rings on the otherside of the house I automatically jump up and rush even in the dark and catch it before the forth ring (voice mail to follow). You may call as a sixth sense. Those are the most horrifying few seconds. Anticipating your worst fear coming true. 1996 once got a phone call just like that. I was on my way but my big man went to eternal sleep before I could reach Dhaka. My Mom was at Hajj and my entire family didnot know what to do.

I still have my Grand Mother living (mother's side). She is old and has lots of complications. I fear for the past midnight phone calls. The 12 hours time difference is really really bad.
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Definitely a post I can relate to. I've received a lot of these middle-of-the-night phone calls both from bad-news-bearers and relatives with no sense of timing. I used to panic in the past, but have learnt to just answer them now without any sense of dread. Whatever will be, will be!!

Joseph K, filosofee and BD-fan, sorry to hear of your losses.
Well we had one bang on 7am this morning by my father in law from Pakistan. One of the few days where we have the luxury to wake up late and we were all up.
It's happened twice to me. Once on the very day of the 3rd ODI match at Jamshedpur of the Indo-Pak series in 2005. It was to inform me that my beloved pua had passed away. I remember that day, nothing but the memories on my mind which kept on repeating over and over again. Then only a couple of months later another phone call had come, this time to say that my beloved grandmother had passed away. She had been in hospital for a couple of days and wasn't that much of a surprise (if you know what I mean). From then on every time the phone has rung even at 7-8 in the morning I close my eyes dreading and praying to God that it's not bad news.
well in two months i got three bad news. first my grandmother(dad side) passed away though she was in real health and was on dialysis (i remember her kidney problem started after the day of diwali).
This was followed by my dad's two brothers deaths within a span of two months. what troubled me most was i came to know the news from my other relatives in USA rather than my family in India. that's when i told my family even if anyone in the family is even ill with cold i should know or else even if they day everyone is fine i still feel at he back of my mind something could still be wrong. Before i used to call them once every week now i call them every other day or atleast chat with my sister on the net almost daily.
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In todays world of SMS etc - even a SMS in the middle of the night is quiet scary.

A good Malaysian friend of mine slept through even though his mobile was beeping about an SMS - the SMS contained a message from his father in KL, telling him that his younger sister had been killed in a traffic accident !

To this day, he finds it difficult to sleep in the same room as his mobile!
Always thought about this and had nightmares.. What if I am in Melbourne and get a dreaded call.
Happened a bit different from me..

Lost my mother to heart attack a month ago. I was in Hoshiarpur to meet her and ended up living 4 months there.. spending 3 precious months with my lovely mom.

Kept thinking about the scenario, what if I was overseas and received this news on call.
Rest in Peace.. and Condolences to everyone who lost their parents.