The embarrassing incidents thread


T20I Debutant
Sep 18, 2009
Hey PPers.....We have all must have had, embarrassing experiences sometimes in our life, or might have witnessed somebody elses embarrassing experience, and when we think back about them, we end up having a good laugh!

I just thought if there are any funny embarrassing incidents we have about ourselves, which would make others laugh we could just share them here. Here are mine:

Incident one:
When i was around 9 years old i used to live in the free state province of SA, it was night time and we had just arrived at joburg airport from Pakistan after having spent summer vacations, and we were supposed to drive to ladybrand which was 6 hrs from there. I drank all the way coz i was bored,......then i suddenly wanted to pee. My dads friend was driving and he did us a favour and came 2 pick us pick.....anyways i told my dad "abboo, i need to go 2 the washroom" Uh o! My dads friend said it was unsafe to stop, coz of hijacking activity in that area and there werent even other cars on the road. How the hell was i supposed to hold my pee? I complained again and again, my dad said "beta, there is only 1 hr left". One hour! oh boy!!!! I tried very hard to hold it, but was too much for a small child who had been making so much of "sabr".....and then i wetted my pant, the car seat and the car!!!

That i think was the most embarrassing incident of my life.....i havent been able to face that uncle again after having peed in his car LOL!
Here is mine,
I started a new school in 9th class aged 13 in a neighbouring area in 1992. Before joining the school I asked my cousin about the school and area to get some information as he went to same school 5 years earlier.He told me few things but the highlight was that a nurse from the hospital across the road was known as local bike(sorry about the improper use of the word) .
Now me being a thirteen year old wanted some more info on the highlight and asked the guy who sat next to me in class and next I felt a zordar tamacha on my face.Safe to say I fled the class and sat outside a pakoray wala for next hour. An hour later another lad from the class came looking for me as the teacher was worried about my non presence. I asked that guy about T and his relationship to that nurse to find out that she was his mother.
I went back to class and told my teacher I was not well and needed to go home. Following morning I apologized to T and we moved on.
And I learnt a lesson never to seek information on something which has nothing to do with me.
saeed-sohail said:
Here is mine,
I started a new school in 9th class aged 13 in a neighbouring area in 1992. Before joining the school I asked my cousin about the school and area to get some information as he went to same school 5 years earlier.He told me few things but the highlight was that a nurse from the hospital across the road was known as local bike(sorry about the improper use of the word) .
Now me being a thirteen year old wanted some more info on the highlight and asked the guy who sat next to me in class and next I felt a zordar tamacha on my face.Safe to say I fled the class and sat outside a pakoray wala for next hour. An hour later another lad from the class came looking for me as the teacher was worried about my non presence. I asked that guy about T and his relationship to that nurse to find out that she was his mother.
I went back to class and told my teacher I was not well and needed to go home. Following morning I apologized to T and we moved on.
And I learnt a lesson never to seek information on something which has nothing to do with me.
haha...that was funny, but poor you! Pakoray wala lol!
I was once on a project in the DRC (Congo) and one of the guys was a real arrogant and pompous irritant. I looked at my friend and told him 'Ignoreer hierdie onbeskofde leleke vark' which means 'just ignore this obnoxious ugly fat pig'. The guy happened to be from South Africa and he he told me 'I will f$ck you up you koolie b@stard'

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Khalil said:
I was once on a project in the DRC (Congo) and one of the guys was a real arrogant and pompous irritant. I looked at my friend and told him 'Ignoreer hierdie onbeskofde leleke vark' which means 'just ignore this obnoxious ugly fat pig'. The guy happened to be from South Africa and he he told me 'I will f$ck you up you koolie b@stard'


But calling u a koolie would only have been ryt if u called him a "kaffer"
i've said some pretty inappropriate things on occasion but i think this was by far the most embarrassing.

in my first year in college in the US I was talking to a dorm-mate about first impressions and what not. talk turned to how many students were on scholarships like myself and how many had parents who could afford the annual fee of $30,000+.

Me: Yeah man it's all these rich Jewish kids, you know, who're here because of their money.

Him: Er... I'm Jewish.

Me: .....Oh..... er..........hehe...... I think I'm gonna go dig a hole and crawl inside
lol i've been in a lot of embarrassing situations specially during my childhood.

i dont remember if i was in standard 4 or 5 at the time, but during my primary school days i used to be very weak and the bag carrying books used to be 5x my total weight. anyways it was a winter morning and i was asusual very sleepy (excuses) when my school bus arrived to pick up. Carrying the bag, the water bottle in one hand, i must say that day the floor of the bus was very greasy and oily (hear hear). i entered the bus (the door was near the driving seat at the front), as i entered, the driver, always in a hurry, hit the gas pedal. With all the weight on my shoulders, i slipped and the next thing i know i was at the rear end of the bus. it was a huge bus, i guess must have been a 30 seater and the journey from the front to rear seemed like 'playland ka jhoola'. Everybody including the driver (who stopped and came rushing to see if i am ok) seemed very amused. But all credit to me as i stood up with no expression on my face except for a smile and took my seat.
Disco_Lemonade said:
lol i've been in a lot of embarrassing situations specially during my childhood.

i dont remember if i was in standard 4 or 5 at the time, but during my primary school days i used to be very weak and the bag carrying books used to be 5x my total weight. anyways it was a winter morning and i was asusual very sleepy (excuses) when my school bus arrived to pick up. Carrying the bag, the water bottle in one hand, i must say that day the floor of the bus was very greasy and oily (hear hear). i entered the bus (the door was near the driving seat at the front), as i entered, the driver, always in a hurry, hit the gas pedal. With all the weight on my shoulders, i slipped and the next thing i know i was at the rear end of the bus. it was a huge bus, i guess must have been a 30 seater and the journey from the front to rear seemed like 'playland ka jhoola'. Everybody including the driver (who stopped and came rushing to see if i am ok) seemed very amused. But all credit to me as i stood up with no expression on my face except for a smile and took my seat.

OMG! Shame man. btw, here is another embarrassing thing, didnt happen to me but to my mamou.

When my mamou was 6 yrs old he went to the mosque 2 read namz with jamaat. Anyways, there was an old man wearing a LUNGI (loin cloth) in front of comes the funny part, as they all went down for sajda, my uncle being a lil one dived into sajda and the next thing he new was his head was stuck in the uncles lungi! LOL....He and the uncle started panicking, my uncle was trying to wriggle his head free, whilest the uncle was holding his lungi and wriggling his bottom trying to shove my uncle out!!!! LOL LOL LOL!

Next thing tha happened was that my mamou pulled hard and that uncle fell over and his lungi opened LOL!

Gosh my uncle is now 25, and goes to the same mosque, and that old uncle is still alive and hasnt forgotton the embarassment my mamou had caused for him 19 yrs ago!

For those of you who dont know what a lungi is here is a pic (now imagine if your head got stuck in a persons lungi when u went in to sajda lol:


  • lungi1.jpg
    22.6 KB · Views: 520
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cricket_fever said:
OMG! Shame man. btw, here is another embarrassing thing, didnt happen to me but to my mamou.

When my mamou was 6 yrs old he went to the mosque 2 read namz with jamaat. Anyways, there was an old man wearing a LUNGI (loin cloth) in front of comes the funny part, as they all went down for sajda, my uncle being a lil one dived into sajda and the next thing he new was his head was stuck in the uncles lungi! LOL....He and the uncle started panicking, my uncle was trying to wriggle his head free, whilest the uncle was holding his lungi and wriggling his bottom trying to shove my uncle out!!!! LOL LOL LOL!

Next thing tha happened was that my mamou pulled hard and that uncle fell over and his lungi opened LOL!

Gosh my uncle is now 25, and goes to the same mosque, and that old uncle is still alive and hasnt forgotton the embarassment my mamou had caused for him 19 yrs ago!

I actually laughed out loud on that one
cricket_fever said:
OMG! Shame man. btw, here is another embarrassing thing, didnt happen to me but to my mamou.

When my mamou was 6 yrs old he went to the mosque 2 read namz with jamaat. Anyways, there was an old man wearing a LUNGI (loin cloth) in front of comes the funny part, as they all went down for sajda, my uncle being a lil one dived into sajda and the next thing he new was his head was stuck in the uncles lungi! LOL....He and the uncle started panicking, my uncle was trying to wriggle his head free, whilest the uncle was holding his lungi and wriggling his bottom trying to shove my uncle out!!!! LOL LOL LOL!

Next thing tha happened was that my mamou pulled hard and that uncle fell over and his lungi opened LOL!

Gosh my uncle is now 25, and goes to the same mosque, and that old uncle is still alive and hasnt forgotton the embarassment my mamou had caused for him 19 yrs ago!

i know a hilarious joke similar to this incident but it is not so appropriate for this forum so i wont :p
Embarrassing Accidents.......Got plenty of em :( .

Here's one .

This one happened recently and in my school , During the 4rth Period I was told to go and inform the Principle regarding something about a new teacher coming , after the work was done I saw a girl in tight jeans and T-shirt with a Scarf on her head . I assumed she had come here in search of an 8th grade admission , so I go and Ask here " Ji , aap yaha per Athvi class ke admission ke lia aai hain " and a sharp reply comes immediately ...." Aap yaha ke Londe,Lafango ke Sardar honge , main teacher ke interview ke lia aai hu "........................

My classmates still remind me of this Unpleasant meeting ...
hahaha, OMG I still start laughing like crazy when I reminisce about this incident:

I was around 13 when this happened...the family and I had decided to go out for dinner, and went to Pizza Hut...anyway, I decided to use the loo...finished my business and washed my hands, then went up to the automatic dryer to dry them off...meanwhile, Whitney Houston was singing "I Will Always Love You" on the PA system, and the "Andaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-eeeeeeeeeee-aaaah!" part came up...I was feeling pretty cheerful and since the dryer was pretty loud, I started singing "Andaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-eeeeeeeeeee-aaaah!" at the absolute top my lungs like a madman! Then I came out of the WC, and saw that the 50 people were staring at me like I was some kind of lunatic :)))

that was so unbelievably embarrassing :)))
Ahmed Zulfiqar said:
hahaha, OMG I still start laughing like crazy when I reminisce about this incident:

I was around 13 when this happened...the family and I had decided to go out for dinner, and went to Pizza Hut...anyway, I decided to use the loo...finished my business and washed my hands, then went up to the automatic dryer to dry them off...meanwhile, Whitney Houston was singing "I Will Always Love You" on the PA system, and the "Andaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-eeeeeeeeeee-aaaah!" part came up...I was feeling pretty cheerful and since the dryer was pretty loud, I started singing "Andaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-eeeeeeeeeee-aaaah!" at the absolute top my lungs like a madman! Then I came out of the WC, and saw that the 50 people were staring at me like I was some kind of lunatic :)))

that was so unbelievably embarrassing :)))
this reminds me that my dads friends once came over home, to pick him up for gasht, and then my sister is a real clown, she was singing loudly immitating a man, and that uncle asked my dad who was!
I was at home once, about to go out to play football. Just as I was getting ready to leave some visitors knocked on the door. I decided to ignore it as I was running late and I knew visitors always stay for an age. But they climbed through the bathroom window. I then realised we were being burgled.
d0gers said:
i've said some pretty inappropriate things on occasion but i think this was by far the most embarrassing.

in my first year in college in the US I was talking to a dorm-mate about first impressions and what not. talk turned to how many students were on scholarships like myself and how many had parents who could afford the annual fee of $30,000+.

Me: Yeah man it's all these rich Jewish kids, you know, who're here because of their money.

Him: Er... I'm Jewish.

Me: .....Oh..... er..........hehe...... I think I'm gonna go dig a hole and crawl inside

Do you go MIT ?
:)) :))
This thread is amazing!

d0gers said:
i've said some pretty inappropriate things on occasion but i think this was by far the most embarrassing.

in my first year in college in the US I was talking to a dorm-mate about first impressions and what not. talk turned to how many students were on scholarships like myself and how many had parents who could afford the annual fee of $30,000+.

Me: Yeah man it's all these rich Jewish kids, you know, who're here because of their money.

Him: Er... I'm Jewish.

Me: .....Oh..... er..........hehe...... I think I'm gonna go dig a hole and crawl inside
:))) :))) :)))
i recently mistook a customers father as her husband LOL and he's really old aswell man o man i turned red luckily she was a nice lady she still remembers me and kids about it bt it was embarassing at the time... dohhhhh lol
Gujar said:
I was at home once, about to go out to play football. Just as I was getting ready to leave some visitors knocked on the door. I decided to ignore it as I was running late and I knew visitors always stay for an age. But they climbed through the bathroom window. I then realised we were being burgled.

How could you not finish that story?

So you were just being burgled and that's it. :13:
dblock said:
How could you not finish that story?

So you were just being burgled and that's it. :13:
:)) :))
@ gujar.. we really wanna know brother :)
@ cricket_fever... nice thread... i must've surely had many embarrasing incidents but cant think of any right now ... will post soon as i can
I use to work in retail at a clothing shop. One time a lady is like, can you help my daughter. She was standing right in front of me (but I thought it was a boy) and I said "Oh where is she?" and I was moving my head around looking for her. I was so embarrassed and I still completed the sale. My managers and co workers all went to the back and just couldn't hold back their laughter.

Man I felt ashamed!
d0gers said:
i've said some pretty inappropriate things on occasion but i think this was by far the most embarrassing.

in my first year in college in the US I was talking to a dorm-mate about first impressions and what not. talk turned to how many students were on scholarships like myself and how many had parents who could afford the annual fee of $30,000+.

Me: Yeah man it's all these rich Jewish kids, you know, who're here because of their money.

Him: Er... I'm Jewish.

Me: .....Oh..... er..........hehe...... I think I'm gonna go dig a hole and crawl inside
This one takes the cake... :))
Muzy said:
i recently mistook a customers father as her husband LOL and he's really old aswell man o man i turned red luckily she was a nice lady she still remembers me and kids about it bt it was embarassing at the time... dohhhhh lol
well, incidents like that do happen.

I was once looking at something at a shop, and my back was turned and i was wearing abaaya and scarf, one man mistook me for his wife, he kept saying "ayesha, ayesha", i never knew that was meant for me, so i never turned around, then he tugged me by the arm, i turned around, he realised i wasnt his wife, but she was standing ryt behind him......he went red!!!

:))) :))) :))) :)))

I felt so sorry for him!!! I mean it is hard for men whos wives dress in abaayas when they go shopping lol!!!! Coz u cant tell a person by their back!
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OK happened just now...i mean right now.

this neighbour lady of ours just came in and she asked to warm some food for her in the microwave since her's isnt was some kinda rice.
anyway..she gave it to me and i said "shukria" coz i hadnt heard her n i thought she gave us the plate of rice to eat:)) n then she repeated,umm..."garam krna hai"
i was like "oh" n red faced went into the kitchen :p
Super Sixer said:
OK happened just now...i mean right now.

this neighbour lady of ours just came in and she asked to warm some food for her in the microwave since her's isnt was some kinda rice.
anyway..she gave it to me and i said "shukria" coz i hadnt heard her n i thought she gave us the plate of rice to eat:)) n then she repeated,umm..."garam krna hai"
i was like "oh" n red faced went into the kitchen :p
:))) :))) :)))
i laughed loudly here!!!!! LOL!!!!
Super Sixer said:
OK happened just now...i mean right now.

this neighbour lady of ours just came in and she asked to warm some food for her in the microwave since her's isnt was some kinda rice.
anyway..she gave it to me and i said "shukria" coz i hadnt heard her n i thought she gave us the plate of rice to eat:)) n then she repeated,umm..."garam krna hai"
i was like "oh" n red faced went into the kitchen :p

hahaha, that is embarrassing! don't tell me you started scoffing them in front of her or something :D
Ahmed Zulfiqar said:
hahaha, that is embarrassing! don't tell me you started scoffing them in front of her or something :D

lol, it is.

that i would have expected from :inzi
lol keep 'em coming guys
I use to work in retail at a clothing shop. One time a lady is like, can you help my daughter. She was standing right in front of me (but I thought it was a boy) and I said "Oh where is she?" and I was moving my head around looking for her. I was so embarrassed and I still completed the sale. My managers and co workers all went to the back and just couldn't hold back their laughter.

Man I felt ashamed!
OK happened just now...i mean right now.

this neighbour lady of ours just came in and she asked to warm some food for her in the microwave since her's isnt was some kinda rice.
anyway..she gave it to me and i said "shukria" coz i hadnt heard her n i thought she gave us the plate of rice to eat n then she repeated,umm..."garam krna hai"
i was like "oh" n red faced went into the kitchen
haha that's hilarious!
Embarrassing/silly incidents in your life?

We all do silly things in our life esp teen years that are embarrassing for us at the time.I have a couple to share with you.
I was about thirteen when at a walima I dropped a doonga full of salin on a stranger sitting next to me at the table. It was very embarrassing for me as gentleman was not best pleased plus I got rollicking of my dad for being clumsy.
more to follow.
Please add yours.
Too many and far too embarrassing to relate..
saeed-sohail said:
Com,n don't back out I won't tell no one.

Nothing to tell, seriously - was just joking. I've had my moments like other people - but thats about it..
well well..................i remember my friend telling me that there was a strong windstorm and she had hung her underwear out to dry and it got blown into the neighbors yard.....and yeah he picked it up and came to her house to say he thinks it is 1 of theirs!!!
cricket_fever said:
well well..................i remember my friend telling me that there was a strong windstorm and she had hung her underwear out to dry and it got blown into the neighbors yard.....and yeah he picked it up and came to her house to say he thinks it is 1 of theirs!!!
hahaha :)))
embarrassing moments ...... let me think of those which can be revealed here .

- I was 15 i guess , i lost my swimming costume ( it was lose and big for me ) in a swimming pool . I was so much indulged in pushing myself ahead in the race that I did not figure out that i lost it until people started to laugh . It remained on water surface and floated away from me as i unknowingly was still going forward leaving it behind , It was a really big pool , people standing at side of pool were trying to pick it up , may be to throw that back to me . the lunatics were laughing like crazy and i was all white like dead . the whole crowd plus the other swimmers in the pool all saw my privates ! man i can face death but not thing like that again .

more to come ........
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this thread is AMAZING
poisonjet- haha wow pretty embarrassing
post 8 is the winner hands down.. i couldn't stop laughing

One time guests came to our house while i was sleeping.. the auntie wanted to pray so my dad was taking her upstairs to my room so she could pray.. little did he know i was changing.. and to make it worse my room didn't have a lock on it

so yeah you get the story.. my dad opens the door.. she sees.. faces drop and dad shuts the door
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6xafridi said:
this thread is AMAZING
poisonjet- haha wow pretty embarrassing
post 8 is the winner hands down.. i couldn't stop laughing

One time guests came to our house while i was sleeping.. the auntie wanted to pray so my dad was taking her upstairs to my room so she could pray.. little did he know i was changing.. and to make it worse my room didn't have a lock on it

so yeah you get the story.. my dad opens the door.. she sees.. faces drop and dad shuts the door
:)) :)) LOL!!!! that must have been pretty embarassing. btw, i know my uncles story was funny at post no 8 but last week similar thing happenend t :)) o me. We were at school and well the girls have separate place for namaz, so i was rading and going into sajda, the girl in front of me was going in t :)) o ruku, my head hit her bum and she fell forward, atleast 10 ppl broke their namaz laughing lyk idiots!
One of my mate got a new cell phone and I was checking it out ... noticed a lady's picture in wallpaper and without paying much attention I just started complimenting him for having his mother's photo as wall-paper and telling him that in today's world there would be very few people who would have mother's photo as wall-paper... etc. etc.

he listened all patiently and after some pause told that the girl was not his mother, but his girl-friend... man - I just wished that moment I could disappear
purplehaze said:
One of my mate got a new cell phone and I was checking it out ... noticed a lady's picture in wallpaper and without paying much attention I just started complimenting him for having his mother's photo as wall-paper and telling him that in today's world there would be very few people who would have mother's photo as wall-paper... etc. etc.

he listened all patiently and after some pause told that the girl was not his mother, but his girl-friend... man - I just wished that moment I could disappear
Amir said:
I use to work in retail at a clothing shop. One time a lady is like, can you help my daughter. She was standing right in front of me (but I thought it was a boy) and I said "Oh where is she?" and I was moving my head around looking for her. I was so embarrassed and I still completed the sale. My managers and co workers all went to the back and just couldn't hold back their laughter.

Man I felt ashamed!

lol o dear
LOOOL at the stories!

Post 8...mamoo...:))):))):))):)))
I literally LOLed and this image in my head of the guy in the front bent over with a kid stuck behind him and people trying to slowely free your mamoo!
Mohsin said:
LOOOL at the stories!

Post 8...mamoo...:))):))):))):)))
I literally LOLed and this image in my head of the guy in the front bent over with a kid stuck behind him and people trying to slowely free your mamoo!
ppl didnt free him, he tugged his own head so hard that "bechare sahib ke lungi hi khul gaee"
Your most embarrassing moments?



On a transatlantic flight, a man is standing beside me and knocks over a glass of water on my pants. I am wearing some light colored pants and the water falls right on the zip area.

He apologized but the damage was done. I had to sit while flight attendants passed by awkwardly looking at me until it dried.


Few years ago, a family friend of ours gave us some of their gently used winter coats because they were moving to another country. One of the jacket was really nice - it was grey leather and was quiet stylish looking.

So the next day, I wore it to University. Throughout the day, I got many looks so I thought wow, I must be looking really cool. When I got back home, my sister couldn't stop laughing - she told me it was a girl's jacket.


At my University, all men washroom were on right side and ladies were on left side. However, there was this one washroom where for some reason it was switched. So one early morning, I went to that washroom (I didn't know about that washroom back then). Nobody was there. I was impressed by the cleanliness. Took a dump and was impressed that the cleaning staff had provided small waste baskets in each toilet stall to collect toilet paper (ok ok, I was fresh-of-the-boat then). Well, I came out (still nobody there) and washed my hands.

As I am coming out, I see the female washroom sign and panic. I am in University building and don't want to be caught coming out of wrong washroom. However, I took my chance and came out, luckily nobody was there to see me.
1. Once in class i was kind of rocking on my chair doing some work...and i think it was because I was thinking so hard that i forgot how muck i was leaning on my chair...and then...WHOOOOPPSSS!!!!!!I fell.....backwards....the whole class was watching as i landed on my buttocks..legs high up in the air...

2. I think it was last year..yhh..when we went to pakistan(karachi) for the june hols...and my uncle and i went to buy something,...i think it was 'tikke' and there we found an extremely creepy-looking hijrah....he/she :D began to nag us..i got my uncle just gave him some money to get rid of him...he/she did eventually go away.....but went away by saying 'Allah jori salaamat rakhe...Goshh!!!that was kind of embarassing

3.Once we went to a dawat..:D....and it was only when i was meeting everyone i realized that i had worn my qamees up-side-down!...

4. A few weeks ago in school...i was so engrossed in listening to what my friend had to say i did not realise that i was heading towards the bin....i walked right into int..capsizing the whole darn thing!AND it was in the assembly area...!!!

i've had loads of more embarassing incidents....but m too tired to type*yawn* :D
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Didn't happen to me but the other day a guy at my work was in the toilet for about 15 mins, presumably taking a #2. Someone else was waiting to use the toilet and as 15 mins is a long time to wait, that person went and got the manager as one would get suspicious after 15 minutes. He eventually comes out and was wiping the egg of his face right as the manager (who is a very serious, moody guy) came outside the toilet.

Moral of the story: Never eat an egg sandwich while taking a #2, especially at work.

The guy subsequently got put on rest (so not sacked, but not being required for work so therefore not earning money)

Yesterday I was on the toilet and accidentally managed to send a bad mugshot of my self sitting on the toilet on the group chat for my University course (facebook messenger so can't delete). Just felt like sinking into a hole, cos it was such a bad photo... Was very panicked and so embarrassed and was the last thing I needed yesterday.
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Yesterday I was on the toilet and accidentally managed to send a bad mugshot of my self sitting on the toilet on the group chat for my University course (facebook messenger so can't delete). Just felt like sinking into a hole, cos it was such a bad photo... Was very panicked and so embarrassed and was the last thing I needed yesterday.

That's light.
Yesterday I was on the toilet and accidentally managed to send a bad mugshot of my self sitting on the toilet on the group chat for my University course (facebook messenger so can't delete). Just felt like sinking into a hole, cos it was such a bad photo... Was very panicked and so embarrassed and was the last thing I needed yesterday.

Why do you go on your phone in the toilet :danish
Embarrassing situation

I have been grouped with a girl in my uni coursework who I used to DM but to no avail and now I have been grouped with her. I don't know how to deal with it even though the messages which I sent were really basic and innocuous but still makes me look like a fool.
if she dont bring it up, dont bother about it. if she does, just say something like cant blame a guy for trying.

most hot girls have dudes angling em all the time, they wont hold it against u for trying, as long as u didn't write anything rude or inappropriate.
I been in a similar situation man. it sucks but tbh you just have to act like it doesn't bother you. Girls have so many guys hitting them up all the time just play it cool and eventually the awkwardness will fade away.
if she dont bring it up, dont bother about it. if she does, just say something like cant blame a guy for trying.

most hot girls have dudes angling em all the time, they wont hold it against u for trying, as long as u didn't write anything rude or inappropriate.

The thing is that I have some mutuals with her so if she brings it up with them then it would make me look like an absolute idiot in front of my friends.
I have been grouped with a girl in my uni coursework who I used to DM but to no avail and now I have been grouped with her. I don't know how to deal with it even though the messages which I sent were really basic and innocuous but still makes me look like a fool.

Has she read them?
Has she read them?

On some apps you cannot tell. If someone messages you on Instagram and you don't follow them back, you can open their message and they won't find out that you've read.
On some apps you cannot tell. If someone messages you on Instagram and you don't follow them back, you can open their message and Instagram won't let the other person know that you've opened their messages.

Exactly, that is why I'm curious if he knows for sure.

Also on What's App, you can remove the blue tick, which can be displayed to indicate that you've read their message.
My man... This is your chance, you're just shooting your shot just act cool and dont think too much.
If she brings it up tell her “shooters shoot baby” or “you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”.

If she doesn’t bring it up, keep taking your shot. Only way to score.
If she brings it up tell her “shooters shoot baby” or “you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”.

If she doesn’t bring it up, keep taking your shot. Only way to score.

Easier said than done tbh. She'll probably have a lot more guys in her DMs and better looking guys too.
Easier said than done tbh. She'll probably have a lot more guys in her DMs and better looking guys too.

Ah, good ol' self hating. How do you expect girls to like you when you don't even like yourself? If you care about girls that much then you should start lifting. Girls don't want a guy with no self confidence.
Easier said than done tbh. She'll probably have a lot more guys in her DMs and better looking guys too.

Don't think about the other guys there'll always be better guys, even better guys think there are better guys. Your the only guy you know so do what you gotta do. And make sure you ace that project and show her you're smart.