"The Pakistan team isn't mentally weak" : Maqbool Babri


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Jun 1, 2001
Maqbool A. Babri, popularly known as Max Babri, specializes in Institutional Development through Participatory Decision-Making, Interpersonal Skills, Team Building, Leadership and Individual Empowerment. His expertise is frequently sought by major multinational businesses as well as by United Nations Agencies, GTZ and World Bank projects.

He is a visiting Professor at the Punjab University teaching Group Psychotherapy to the students of “Advance Diploma in Clinical Psychology”.

Mr. Babri is also a practicing Psychotherapist and a certified clinical Hypnotherapist.

He has worked with Pakistani cricketers on a number of occasions and in this exclusive interview with PakPassion he describes his areas of expertise and how he has utilised them when working for the Pakistan Cricket Board.

PakPassion.net: Tell us a bit about yourself and how you got into hypnotherapy and psychotherapy?

Maqbool Babri: After my intermediate, pre-engineering from Cadet College Petaro, in 1969, I decided to study social sciences instead of engineering that my father wanted me do. In 1974, I completed my masters in Clinical Psychology from Government College Lahore, now called Government College University.

I was invited to the Punjab University to teach Clinical Psychology in 1975. I Went to Sweden to study where I completed a diploma in psychology to enable me to obtain the academic qualification to practice psychology in Sweden. I also completed a Business studies program while I was in Sweden. I became very interested in the role of subconscious mind in driving us and as the seat of our self esteem. Also the power of positive visualization and its impact on performance and results encouraged me to study Hypnotherapy and in 1998 I went to USA, where I obtained the formal qualifications leading to the title of Clinical Hypnotherapist and a license to practice Hypnotherapy.

PakPassion.net: What would you say are the most enjoyable and least enjoyable aspects of your work?

Maqbool Babri: The most enjoyable part of my work is that I get to participate in the development of people who come to me for therapy, whether it’s for depression, anxiety, fears, relationship issues, conflicts or performance related challenges. To see my co-counsellors (my clients are called co-counsellors) grow, develop and realize their potential is the most gratifying aspects of my work. The least enjoyable is to see the suffering and hear about their pain mostly caused because of the wrong perceptions they have about themselves, mostly as result of unfortunate off-loading of frustrations of parents, teachers and people in power.

PakPassion.net: When did you first work with Pakistani cricketers and what was the appeal in working with Pakistani cricketers?

Maqbool Babri: The first time I worked with a National Cricketer was prior to the Pakistan Team’s tour of Zimbabwe. I did a couple of Hypnotherapy sessions with Yousuf Youhana privately as Mohammad Yousuf was called at that time. He went on to score a huge number of runs during that tour. My second interaction with the Pakistan Team was prior to the 2009 T-20 World Cup, and the team went on the win the World Cup in England. I was also involved briefly prior to the Champions Trophy in South Africa in 2009. The team did well and reached the semi finals of that tournament.

I was also invited in 2012 to work with the Pakistan under-19 cricket team prior to the Asia Cup in Malaysia; the team tied the final with India and was declared joint winners in that tournament.

PakPassion.net: When you first worked with Pakistani cricketers, it must have been quite an eye opener for them? What was the reaction like?

Maqbool Babri: The team and the players were very excited as they all wanted to do even better and overcome their fears and concerns. I did hypnotherapy to program their mind to think positively and inculcate confidence and mental toughness.

PakPassion.net: Have you worked with other famous people, other than Pakistani cricketers, in and outside of Pakistan?

Maqbool Babri: Yes apart from cricket I have worked with golf champions both in Pakistan and abroad. I have worked with many corporations and large MNC doing group therapy in the area of team building, leadership and strategic planning and also individual coaching through hypnotherapy for senior management staff.

PakPassion.net: You’ve worked with a number of Pakistani cricketers; any Pakistani cricketers that you feel you would have liked to have worked with but didn’t get the opportunity to? Also why would you have liked to have worked with that individual and how do you feel you could have “improved” that individual’s career?

Maqbool Babri: I have worked with almost all the current national team cricketers, but certainly it is interesting for me to help enhance the performance of our heroes. I believe psychological interventions and especially hypnotherapy strengthens confidence and self belief and hence makes performers mentally tough.

PakPassion.net: What techniques have you used on the Pakistani cricketers and what has the response been like from the cricketers?

Maqbool Babri: The one on one sessions are aimed at getting to know each other, building trust and creating an environment that reflects equality and mutual respect for each other.

We then revisit life-line, meaning we explore significant life events both with pleasant and unpleasant connotations. Reasons for anger, fear and guilt are then explored. Then an agenda for performance enhancement is identified and a hypnotic trance is induced and the sub-conscious mind is programmed to deliver the expectations.

Most players are very open to psychological support and hypnotherapy, yes, some were a little apprehensive and may have thought that psychology is for mentally unwell people, and hypnotherapy will get them to give up their hidden secrets. The Pakistani teams I've worked with have been very spiritually engaged and some even believe that psychology or hypnotherapy is something un-Islamic. Certainly some more work is required so that all members of the team recognize the advantages sports psychology could bring to them.

PakPassion.net: You've been quoted saying that you felt that the trio of Salman Butt, Mohammad Amir and Mohammad Asif were more innocent than guilty regarding spot fixing, do you still believe that now?

Maqbool Babri: I now submit to the evidence and ruling of the Court in London. It certainly was a trap. The people that trapped the trio are also responsible, but the players were certainly not as innocent as I thought at the time.

PakPassion.net: Last year you worked with Mohammad Amir, tell us about what the aims were and whether they were achieved?

Maqbool Babri: My remit was to support him when he is going through tough times, to help him express himself openly and frankly so his anxiety can be managed. Also, to help him understand his situation and to encourage him to learn from mistakes he may have made and to provide him with positive visualization for his future and cricket. In addition, I wanted to help him to begin to believe in himself and create a positive expectancy for the future.

PakPassion.net: Do you feel that Mohammad Amir can overcome the mental scars and successfully return to domestic and international cricket when his ban ends?

Maqbool Babri: Yes certainly, he will never be the same Mohammad Amir, but he may be more enlightened and a stronger Mohammad Amir who has learned the hard way to be the player he now wants to be and not make mistakes in the future and become a role model for others.

I am from the healing profession, I will not judge people, I will work with them to further strengthen them and to be ready for opportunities whenever they arrive.

PakPassion.net: What will be the biggest obstacle(s) to Mohammad Amir’s return to international cricket?

Maqbool Babri: Like everyone else he will have to demonstrate that he deserves to be in the team, his guilt for getting involved that was wrong and off course he will have to once again earn the respect of his fans and a place in their hearts

PakPassion.net: Zulqarnain Haider was referred to yourself. What were your aims for his referral and do you feel you achieved them?

Maqbool Babri: He came for consultations with me. The purpose was also to further strengthen him and support him when he was going through a bad personal patch. I must appreciate the vision and openness of the PCB and Chairman Zaka Ashraf who facilitated this process to support a national resource in need. He became much more positive and is now playing a league in Australia.

PakPassion.net: There were also reports that Umar Akmal had been referred to yourself, can you confirm this and outline what your treatment for Umar Akmal involved and how he responded?

Maqbool Babri: Umar Akmal is a remarkable resource, and has tremendous potential, he is a young and exciting cricketer, the PCB invested in him through me to help him recognize his potentials and take more responsibility with maturity and become even more consistent as a team player. He responded very well and was taking his sessions very seriously.

PakPassion.net: The general impression is that Pakistani cricketers are mentally weak, do you subscribe to this theory or is that unfair?

Maqbool Babri: It is unfair to call the current Pakistan team mentally weak. All teams go through ups and downs and there is always room for all teams to become mentally even stronger.

PakPassion.net: You were part of the touring party that recently toured India and won the one day series. What methods did you adopt before, during and after that series?

Maqbool Babri: We did individual as well as group sessions to create enhanced energy and motivation. Team sessions were done to enhance team spirit and build synergy amongst the members.

Cricket is a team game and all members of the team work together to create an environment and so that the playing members could perform to their optimum. We all worked together as a team. But it’s the players who performed superbly and hence won the ODI trophy and drew the T-20 series.

We the support staff did our job. All of us worked very hard. The psychologist is one member of the support staff that includes physiotherapist, physical trainer, masseur, fielding coach, bowling coach, security, team manager and the head coach. We all supported the team and it’s actually the players who eventually won the series for all of us.

PakPassion.net: How were your suggestions during the tour of India taken by the players and coaching staff? Were they positive about your work or was there some apprehension?

Maqbool Babri: They were mostly positive, some concerns and doubts were also expressed. Certainly more buy-in for the psychological services to the players will be helpful in future.

PakPassion.net: Have any of the coaches in the past not been in favor of your methods and suggestions? If so, can you clarify what they weren’t happy about?

Maqbool Babri: I'm not aware if anyone is against me or my methods, I do believe that my opportunity cost and my fee structure may be a concern for the PCB management. I understand my work and methods are respected by most players and decision makers at PCB. I know that Chairman Zaka Ashraf is very positively inclined towards using my services.

PakPassion.net: How come you are not in South Africa, which has over the years been a very tough tour for Pakistani cricketers?

Maqbool Babri: This question should be addressed to the PCB decision-makers who could elucidate the reasons for not including me in the South Africa tour party. I can only speculate, I think it is a long tour and the costs of engaging me may have something to do with this.

PakPassion.net: What recommendations would you make to the PCB to ensure that Pakistani cricketers are “mentally tougher”?

Maqbool Babri: I urge the PCB to continue with engagement and involvement with the stakeholders for further strengthening of our human resources and the team. I would urge the PCB and management to become more focused towards serving the players.

I would strongly suggest a strategy planning workshop for PCB to evolve a long term plan through the involvement of all stakeholders. This will enhance the sense of security for everyone supporting the teams and the PCB. I believe more participatory decision making, more open consultations amongst the management, team selectors, coaches and the team leaders will further strengthen the performance of our team.

Certainly players also need to be engaged more by coaches and managers to facilitate strengthening of a value based culture, ensuring higher display of integrity and strength to resist and manage temptations.
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Interesting interview, wonder if his input could have made any difference on the SA tour.
Many thanks to Babri Sahib for answering our questions - most enjoyable read.
I agree that they are not mentally weak. Application is missing.

The batsmen are batting just to stay at the crease and waiting for things to happen. There is no strategy. There leaders' defensive mentality is rubbing off. They have to play their shots when the ball is there to hit. By hitting it does not mean that you hit the ball out of park, just hit with confidence rather than poking around.

Bowlers are also there with no sense of attacking the stumps barring Junaid and and Ajmal. I do not see any intent. They spray the ball all over the place trying so many things with out one thing getting right. What has this bowling coach done?
He's right.

The kind of uncertainties and agendas our players are exposed to from the day they step onto a cricket field, or even before that, it's a wonder they ever make it.

Other teams players have pressures, but nowhere do players have to deal with such a flawed system.
Interesting stuff from Babri.

Seems that some within Pakistan cricket are very cautious when it comes to hypnotherapy and psychotherapy. However the benefits of this should not be underestimated.

Babri also seems disappointed that he wasn't asked to help the team before or during the tour of South Africa, which I would have thought would have been one of the tours that the team would have benefitted from.
Looking at some of the comments on the forum, it would seem that "positive cricket" is a lot to do with the mindset - so is this something someone like Babri would help on?
Interesting stuff from Babri.

Seems that some within Pakistan cricket are very cautious when it comes to hypnotherapy and psychotherapy. However the benefits of this should not be underestimated.

Babri also seems disappointed that he wasn't asked to help the team before or during the tour of South Africa, which I would have thought would have been one of the tours that the team would have benefitted from.

I think the captain makes a difference too. A world of a difference when a positive and a negative/pessimistic/defensive captain leads a team. How those 2 prepare, go about their business, plan, their goals, strategies are completely different?

I am not sure how Babri could have helped our players deal with Steyn, Phillander on their territory
I am not sure how Babri could have helped our players deal with Steyn, Phillander on their territory

We will never know.

I'm not sure whether the result would have been much different, but perhaps some of the performances may have been better in South Africa.
I think the captain makes a difference too. A world of a difference when a positive and a negative/pessimistic/defensive captain leads a team. How those 2 prepare, go about their business, plan, their goals, strategies are completely different?

I am not sure how Babri could have helped our players deal with Steyn, Phillander on their territory
I disagree.

Imran Farhat plays without fear, mainly because of the way he makes his way into the team - knows it's never over for his career. That is why he has looked as comfortable than any Pakistani on this tour. Most of the frailties with the Pakistani batsmen are mental.
I disagree.

Imran Farhat plays without fear, mainly because of the way he makes his way into the team - knows it's never over for his career. That is why he has looked as comfortable than any Pakistani on this tour. Most of the frailties with the Pakistani batsmen are mental.

Just answer a basic question. How can you put the opposition under any kind of pressure even in a format as test cricket where you like Azhar Ali, Misbah by literally playing 30 consecutive maiden overs?

When your captain plays like that what message does it send out to the rest of the team? In Contrast look at Dhoni's innings today, look at how Clarke leads from the front in tough situations.

The captain and his approach to the game does make a big difference.
Just answer a basic question. How can you put the opposition under any kind of pressure even in a format as test cricket where you like Azhar Ali, Misbah by literally playing 30 consecutive maiden overs?

When your captain plays like that what message does it send out to the rest of the team? In Contrast look at Dhoni's innings today, look at how Clarke leads from the front in tough situations.

The captain and his approach to the game does make a big difference.
I agree.

Those two (and Hafeez) need work with the likes of Maqbool more than anyone else.
way back micky arth Australian coach said we need aggressive bowler like styne wre is pakistan
maqbook sb yes they are not mentally weak they are technically weak
After all the negative press over the last couple of days, we might just find out how mentally strong they are!
The mental angle explained very well by Babri.
like Babri sahib stated.. it is a team event...its not a one man show.. you have to create an environment team bonding ect... if they all gel together and play as a team then you have 11 stong men rather than 1 or 2 supertars
Our players aren't mentally weak. I personally think having faced uneven odds (thanks to our shambolic domestic cricket, financial woes, whatnot), they all showed immense character in finally making it to the national team.

I think its about correcting their thought processes especially when they are struggling with form and when they are playing in pressure situations. They need to correct their thinking, instill in more positivity and perhaps then we can finally deliver results.
I think they are just mentally weak against India. We always expose them.
We succumb to pressure in any game. That's called being mentally weak.
As long as we don't acknowledge that there is a problem, how can we improve? We get so defensive when someone claims that there is a lack of talent and mental strength even though, their is more than ample evidence.

Our ego problem is probably greater than our technical and mental shortcomings.
I would say Pakistan is the most mentally brittle team. We,again, are not accepting our shortcomings.
I'm sure a highly qualified psychologist knows more than us.

From whatever I've studied in Psychology, there are multiple dimensions to mental cognitions, and by extension, the term "Mentally weak."

Mentally weak may mean specifically, the inability to function properly (cannot eat, sleep, talk, lead a normal social lift). That does not apply onto our players.

What we suffer from (as a team) is the inability to mitigate pressure which creates the fear of loss. That's an incorrect thought process, which translates into faltering actions. It may be termed as a highly specific subset of mentally weak, but does not generally encompass general weakness.
Which translates to mental weakness in layman's terms which is what we are talking about.
This guy needs to work with our junior teams, he can't change the thought process of a 30-year-old egotistical Pakistani.
Which translates to mental weakness in layman's terms which is what we are talking about.

Most of the posts were beginning to sound like a direct contradiction of what Babri was saying, hence I think a clarification was necessary.


I might psychology in A levels... Sounds fun.

Its alright.. Your pre-med background should help you immensely..

This guy needs to work with our junior teams, he can't change the thought process of a 30-year-old egotistical Pakistani.

Yes he can. It's not about transforming the thinking style/mentality completely - its about altering it to a reflect a more positive outlook.
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Hire him. If we see positive changes that last more than one series, I take my words back.
Pakistani players will have 2 counselling sessions before heading to the WC
The one day team isn't mentally weak. The selected XI just isn't as good as some of the opposition teams
I beg to differ, Pakistan seem to make chase of 230/ 40 look like a mountain on a regular basis.... I doubt that's solely due to technique.
Will be interesting to see the outcome of the counselling
I beg to differ, Pakistan seem to make chase of 230/ 40 look like a mountain on a regular basis.... I doubt that's solely due to technique.

Agree here. You can't consistently look clueless when chasing 240-250 without having some issues. Yes, talent and and many things can come in play but consistently struggling while chasing is mental thing.
We are mentally weak especially when chasing. Don't know what on earth he is on about.
You are mistaken if you think so.Pakistani batsmen are the most mentally fragile.
Pakistan team is:

Not good enough talent and skill-wise.

Mentally very weak.

Sums up our chances at the World Cup.
Guess what he is saying is that they are less skillful then?
Well seems Pakistan going back to this as a way out...
Can't think of any professional athlete who would express his insecurities in a Pakistani set up which leaks like a seive
Our bowlers are supposed to be mentally strong but the problem in ODIs now is that our bowlers have also become mentally weak. Yasir Shah is a terrible ODI bowler because hes afraid. Irfan himself doesnt have a brain. This is why Amir is special. He is not only talented but very strong mentally.
Our players struggle mentally when chasing. Also one thing I have noticed is in icc tournaments our bowlers lose the plot as well, look at the world t20 that just went bowling performances against Australia and new zeeland were not good enough, our bowling in the last 6 overs against West Indies in icc world t20 2014 as well was another poor performance. The batters struggle with pressure of the chase and than through dot balls increase the pressure further and lose there wickets as well.

A Psychologist should be with the domestic teams, and junior teams. I don't have a problem with it being with the national team but it could be of more benefit coming up in the system.
Lack of ability is the #1 reason behind mental-fragility.

Most of the Pakistani players today are simply not good enough, but blaming the mindset somehow makes the jazbaati fans feel better.
Can Pakistan make do with a sports psychologist?

Over the last few years Pakistan has proven many times (esp. against India) that there remains a huge gulf between ability and his execution on the field in crunch situation of the game or in a clash against India.

This time was no different , our players succumbed to high expectations and pressure even before the start of the game, and they completely surrendered which is not only disappointing for us but also confidence denting experience for the players, and these lead to fear of failure, insecurity, which further leads to opening of rotten wounds.

This issue was identified and cured in Younis Khan's capataincy in 2009, where the team used the service of sports pychologist, Dr. Maqbool Babri, and it helped the team in winning WT20 and also thrashing India in Champions trophy. That game Is till remember, Pak team just dominated it.

In todays. game against SAF, team showed courage or in my opinion played their natural game, which shows how badly we missed a player to perform naturally in games against India.

Almost all teams in top 8, except for us , are using the services of sports motivator, psychologist to make their players remained focus, and play to their best of abilities; and we are seriously lacking in this area.

PCB, should seriously look into taking service of sports psychologist to assit our players, and then we can beat India very easily, because our players have skillset but they are having mental blocks and playing to their full potential..
Over the last few years Pakistan has proven many times (esp. against India) that there remains a huge gulf between ability and his execution on the field in crunch situation of the game or in a clash against India.

This time was no different , our players succumbed to high expectations and pressure even before the start of the game, and they completely surrendered which is not only disappointing for us but also confidence denting experience for the players, and these lead to fear of failure, insecurity, which further leads to opening of rotten wounds.

This issue was identified and cured in Younis Khan's capataincy in 2009, where the team used the service of sports pychologist, Dr. Maqbool Babri, and it helped the team in winning WT20 and also thrashing India in Champions trophy. That game Is till remember, Pak team just dominated it.

In todays. game against SAF, team showed courage or in my opinion played their natural game, which shows how badly we missed a player to perform naturally in games against India.

Almost all teams in top 8, except for us , are using the services of sports motivator, psychologist to make their players remained focus, and play to their best of abilities; and we are seriously lacking in this area.

PCB, should seriously look into taking service of sports psychologist to assit our players, and then we can beat India very easily, because our players have skillset but they are having mental blocks and playing to their full potential..

Agreed a lot of sports team have a sports psychologist and they play a very vital role in team development and they really take their time to try to help their players overcome many issues. I think it would truly benefit Pakistan if they had one.
Why not have Mr Maqbool Babri again!?
Seems that this the case! They are mentally weak and need help
Seems that this the case! They are mentally weak and need help

Knowing this we should think for the reason that why this team is mentally weak and that has the following reasons.
1 players are not skillful so they are not sure about their way of soing things
2 The fear of being dropped
3 for youngsters it is the feeling of insecurity under seniors.but skill is the major factor which combines all of them.
Random thought of the day - Wasim Khan has previously spoken of hiring a psychologist for the national team.

In today's sport, mental conditioning is just as important as physical conditioning. PCB must not neglect this appointment.

The hiring of Maqbool Babri AKA "Mad Max" was a rare forward thinking move from PCB, but I don't know why he wasn't called back for more sessions.
Random thought of the day - Wasim Khan has previously spoken of hiring a psychologist for the national team.

In today's sport, mental conditioning is just as important as physical conditioning. PCB must not neglect this appointment.

The hiring of Maqbool Babri AKA "Mad Max" was a rare forward thinking move from PCB, but I don't know why he wasn't called back for more sessions.

They've got a UK-based guy working with the team. A friend of Azhar Mahmood.

Not sure if his contract has been extended though.
Sports Psychologist for the Pakistan team?

I was watching a latest interview of Wasim Khan, and he was asked why there isnt a sports psychologist for Pak team?
He mentioned how he scouted the whole world (England, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Pakistan) to find a Urdu speaking sports psychologist and there wasn't even one in these main countries.

So they have engaged a guy name Max barberry who is a general psychologist, who is doing online sessions with the players and will do group online sessions with the players that are in England.

Does anyone know a urdu speaking sports psychologist?
[MENTION=9]Saj[/MENTION] Do you know any urdu speaking sports psychologist?
The PCB should really look into supporting player's mental health and history of family trauma, these kind of topics are taboo to discuss in our society which is sickening. Don't want to make an entire thread to trash talk about those who are oblivious to mental health but hiring someone in this field can help our team by a country mile.
As a Pakistani who was born and raised in the Middle East and then moved to the US. I find most Pakistanis brought up in Pakistan to be unaware of how things actually work in the real world. Since most of our players are from villages I don't expect them to be sophisticated in how they think and I do expect them to be very unaware and naive. Which they are. Just go through Babar's instagram to see what I mean. Great batsman but just not there mentally.

Yes I am pretty sure its him. In Wasim Khan's latest interview with a female reporter, he mentioned that they engaged him in to do sessions with Pakistan players that are on tour to Eng. Also he did sessions during Covid break.

He looks like a good psychologist. Based on this interview, Pak have done really good (winning the 2009 World cup). I hope he can help the players that are in England.

[MENTION=9]Saj[/MENTION] What happened to Taimur Khan who is Azhar Mahmood's friend? Was he a bad sports psychologist? Also do you know any urdu speaking sports psychologist around the world?
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@Saj What happened to Taimur Khan who is Azhar Mahmood's friend?

I think he was on a short-term contract. I'll find out.
Present Pakistani team is mentally stronger than some of the previous teams. I think the mentality became better after the win in CT 2017.
Pakistan need a sports psychiatrist as well as sports psychologist.

Sports psychologists help with anxiety.

However, with the constant games away from home over 11 years (bar recently) and the focus on the mental health of elite cricketers, you wonder whether a number of Pakistani cricketers have suffered from mental illness.
Present Pakistani team is mentally stronger than some of the previous teams. I think the mentality became better after the win in CT 2017.

True. Winning matches and trophies will help in that regard immensely. Im afraid with Misbah incharge and the amount negativity that he brings will again take them to where they were 5 yrs ago.
PCB advertising for a Sports Psychologist

Bring him back !

And hire one for the fans too as we need counselling sessions ourselves.
PCB advertising for a Sports Psychologist

View attachment 108859

Lets hope it helps if there is actually a need for this, and we are able to find a qualified professional based on merit and him/her being skillful and experienced enough to effectively deliver the goods.

He is probably eyeing that paycheck nonetheless, but I hope Misbah does not apply for this job.
And he's back again


The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) has appointed sports psychologist Dr Maqbool Babri to counsel the men’s team during ODI series against Afghanistan in Sri Lanka followed by the high-profile Asia Cup before the marquee World Cup comes calling.

“Yes, Dr Maqbool Babri who has worked in the past with counselling of some of our players will be accompanying the squad,” a PCB source said.

He said the board wanted to facilitate the players in every way possible so that they were able to focus completely on their cricket and matches.

Babri has in the past also worked with some players helping them understand how to handle pressure situations and get through bad performances and personal issues.

A source in the PCB said that Babri was being sent with the team so that the players can always have a qualified psychologist to sit down with and discuss any issues instead of bottling up their feelings.
