The PML-N vs PPP feud - Can it be resolved?


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2004
So Maryam says:


An oxymoronic political love affair between two bitter rivals of the past has turned sour before blossoming. Not to anyone’s surprise, though. One doesn’t have to be a political soothsayer to predict that this unnatural political romance was doomed from the start. Their mutual distrust is so visceral that they couldn’t stop suspecting each other despite joining hands for the same cause.

Now, a surge of acrimony has replaced the aura of bonhomie between the two. This change was quick, cruel and painful which immediately reopened old wounds and resurrected the bitter past.

“It is sad that you have massively dented the struggle for democracy, the struggle for the rule of the people for a petty office. But I believe it’ll be much more damaging for you,” PML-N Vice President Maryam Nawaz said while speaking briefly to the media outside the Lahore High Court on Saturday. She was in the court to submit a surety bond of Rs1 million for bail in the Jatti Umra land allotment case.

Maryam was referring to the PPP, one of the main components of the 11-party opposition alliance, which fielded its own candidate, Yousaf Raza Gilani, for the office of opposition leader in the Senate in a move that Maryam’s party claims was in violation of what had been agreed upon in a meeting of the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM).

Gilani was notified as opposition leader after some smaller opposition parties – including ANP, Jamaat-e-Islami and Balochistan Awami Party (BAP) – threw their weight behind him. “You were so desperate for this petty office that you accepted votes from BAP,” Maryam said. BAP is considered to be a brainchild of the security establishment which the PDM blames for the current political morass.

“I don’t think this is the defeat of PDM, including the PML-N. In my assessment it is the defeat of those who compromised on their principles for a petty office,” she said, again referring to the PPP. “Leader of the opposition holds no value. It is the pettiest gain [compared to the PDM struggle]. If you were so desperate, then you should have asked Nawaz Sharif and he would not have refused.”

She recalled that all PML-N lawmakers had voted for Gilani first during the Senate elections and then during the election for the chairman Senate slot.

“It’s sad that you accepted votes from BAP which follows the commands of its baap (godfather),” Maryam said while playing on words. “BAP MPs will sit on opposition benches if baap says so, and join the treasury benches if baap wills so.”

She claimed that PML-N nominee for the slot of opposition leader Azam Nazeer Tarar had received a phone call from Senate Chairman Sadiq Sanjrani who offered him four or five BAP votes. Tarar, however, turned down the offer saying that he would not betray his party and the PDM.

The PML-N is feeling disillusioned and betrayed because it believes the PPP, whose support was crucial for the PDM’s anti-government struggle, has ditched the opposition alliance by cutting a clandestine deal with the security establishment.

She said it was the first time in the 73-year history of Pakistan – and perhaps in international history – that treasury MPs had voted for the leader of the opposition in the Senate and ‘selected’ him. She said the PPP chose to self-deceive by saying that BAP MPs were independent with no political affiliation. “You cannot hoodwink the people,” she added.

Again addressing the PPP, she said if the party wanted to “get selected” and was willing to “act obediently”, then it should follow in the footsteps of Prime Minister Imran Khan who was “brazenly following the commands of baap”.

Maryam called upon the PPP to publicly admit that it has submitted to the “commands of baap” and used it for petty political gains. “You cannot run with the hares and hunt with the hounds,” she said. “When you stop believing in the power of the people; when you are convinced that ‘getting selected’ is the only option, then this means you have lost the power of your votes.”

Asked about the possibility a minus-PPP PDM, Maryam said Maulana Fazlur Rehman would make a formal statement in his capacity as the president of the alliance. She, however, sought to downplay PPP’s possible exit from the PDM. “The remaining component parties, including PML-N, would give the government a tough time because they enjoy the power of people,” she said.

The PML-N vice president recalled that Asif Zardari had offered in a PDM meeting to move a no-confidence motion against Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar because the “selectors” also didn’t like him. “However, Mian Nawaz Sharif had made it clear that he would not stand with the ‘selectors,’” she claimed.
And Bilawal - not to be left behind...


Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has said that being the largest opposition party in the Senate it was his party’s right to elect opposition leader in the upper house of parliament while rejecting allegations of being a “selected opposition”.

“I coined the term ‘selected’ and I know who should be labelled as one,” Bilawal said on Saturday while addressing a press conference in Karachi, in an apparent reference to criticism hurled at his party by Maryam Nawaz and other PML-N leaders.

The term ‘selected’ was first used by the PPP chairman for Prime Minister Imran Khan, accusing him of coming into power through backdoor.

Battle lines have been clearly drawn as harsh statements are given publically by the two major parties in the opposition Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM).

Though a ceasefire between PPP and PML-N has been announced, yet it apparently could not save the six-month old 10-party-anti-government alliance, which now seems to be “dead as a dodo”.

Background interviews with the lawmakers from both the parties suggest that the PPP appears to be all set to part ways with the PDM – and the PML-N – allowing Prime Minister Imran having had the last laugh.

Bilawal in today’s presser, responded to criticism over former prime minister Yousuf Raza Gillani’s appointment as the opposition leader in the upper house of the parliament.

Soon after the appointment on Friday, PML-N hit out at the PPP accusing it of securing government-backed Senators’ support for the key Senate post.

However, PPP which has 21 seats in Senate rejected the allegation saying that it was supported by independent lawmakers and two other opposition parties.

“I respect the leaders of PML-N including Maryam Nawaz. I have never criticised Maryam during difficult times and will never do so in future,” said the PPP chief.

Bilawal also urged the PML-N leaders to stop mudslinging against his party, saying that it will harm the opposition alliance, which was formed last year to dislodge Prime Minister Imran Khan’s government.

“We [PDM] will give tough time to the government inside and outside the parliament and will continue our struggle to overthrow the government,” said Bilawal.

Earlier in the day, PML-N Vice President Maryam said a clear line had been drawn between PDM and PPP over its move for the “smallest slot” in Senate which she said damaged PDM’s struggle for democracy.
Maryam is critisizing BAP, ohh bhai someone tell her that her own Baap was selected by Zia :))

Anyways, really shameful from Bilalwal. Fazlu rehman used to insult his mother. PMLN used to say alot of **** regarding his father and even threw editted nude pics of his mother. And yet he was involved in this PDM.

Your grandfather had to deal with such alliances and one of the reason he died was because of these alliances.

PPP and PMLN feud can never be resolved for what PMLN has always done with PPP. IN the 90s they were mainly involved in getting PPP removed.

What i really enjoy is that today PMLN, Maryan whine about issues, but little does she know that her own father used to play same politics. With passage of time Nawaz Shareef had to fix the problems that he himself faced. But what these people dont know is that they themselves were the ones who create problems.

The president removing the PM. When Nawaz Shareef got the taste of his own medicine, only than he made amendments to limit the power.

Bilawal talks about overthrowing the govt. Oh bhai, now its time to talk about the problems of the awaam. What will you do for us. People are not going to vote him to overthrow PTI....

Yousuf Raza Gillani saab a former PM is now an opposing senate leader :facepalm:
Both the circus clowns-Billo and Maryam are selected. Neither has ever done a single says work and both are the progeny and grand child of selected PMs. It is to their eternal shame that these scions of their crooked families came to an alliance of expediency for one reason only and that was to protect their loot. And for Billo to be led by Diesel, a guy that hated his mother is not only shameful but shows the length the badniyaat crooks will go to save their loot.

With the PPP forming a new alliance, PML-N leader Ahsan Iqbal on Saturday said the option of en masse resignation from the assemblies was off the table for now for the Pakistan Democratic Movement – the 11-party opposition alliance.

“The option of resigning would only have worked if all opposition parties, including the PPP, had resigned from assemblies,” Iqbal told The Express Tribune. Without PPP in the axis, he said it would be a “suicidal mission” for the remaining constituent parties of the PDM to tender their resignations.

He was of the view that the only workable option for the PDM was to consider a street movement such as long march, processions and rallies, to build pressure on the ruling government. The PML-N and other parties in the multi-party alliance had enough strength to send the government packing, he claimed.

The PPP had formed a new alliance with Awami National Party, Balochistan Awami Party and the Jamaat-e-Islami, he said, adding that it would be somewhat wrong to assume that the Sindh ruling party was still a part of the PDM.

“With a new alliance, they [PPP] are a separate entity,” Iqbal said, “The formal announcement of their exit was only pending. After April 4, the new formation of the PDM will be more than clear.”

The PML-N leader added that the upcoming PDM meeting would devise a strategy to take on the PTI-led government.

It is pertinent to mention here that cracks had started to emerge in the multi-party anti-government coalition soon after the election for Senate chairman when the PPP insisted on making Yousaf Raza Gillani the opposition leader in the upper house. Gilani, who was the joint candidate of the opposition, had lost the election.

To PPP’s reluctance, the PML-N tried to engage the PDM chief to enforce the PDM’s decision that accorded N-league the opportunity of nominating its candidate for opposition leader seat that was of no avail. The PPP not only rubbished the claim of PML-N leaders that any such decision was ever reached but also had relayed its serious reservations to the PML-N over the nomination of Azam Nazir Tarar, a counsel of its former leader Benazir Bhutto.

The PPP’s move of getting its own candidate as the opposition leader drew PML-N’s ire that had responded with a volley of verbal attacks on the former, calling them “backstabbers and selected.” The PML-N leadership that earlier was seen defending the PPP opposing views in the PDM was now calling them out for allegedly working on the behest of the establishment.

The PPP on the other hand seemed to have decided to not respond to the PML-N tirade in a *** for tat manner. According to PPP leader Hassan Murtaza, he had recently talked to party Chairman Bilawal Bhutto, who had asked them (party leaders) not to react to the PML-N verbal attack.

“The PPP still wants the PDM to remain intact. At first, our decision not to resign from assemblies, to take part in the by-election and later take part in Senate elections were all taken with a pinch of salt, however, later time proved our moves to be correct,” Murtaza added.

The PPP leader expressed hope that the PDM, especially the PML-N, would come around on this one as well. It was in the best interest of the opposition to remain intact, he added.

“The PML-N is wrong in accusing us of trying to broker a deal,” he said, “Even during a breakfast at Jati Umrah that was hosted by Maryam Nawaz, we asked her that you accuse the PPP of a deal but if the PPP is the one aspiring for a deal, [then] what did Muhammad Zubair tried to achieve by meeting the chief of army staff.”

According to Murtaza, the question was responded with complete silence. He added that the PPP continued the series of questions to the PML-N.

“We asked Maryam if the PPP is to be blamed for growing distances in the PDM, then whom you were referring to when you tweeted that don’t use our shoulder for power politics,” the PPP leader added, claiming that such a question was also responded with silence by Maryam.

It was the PML-N that had started making veiled allegations, he claimed, adding that the former feared that PPP, under the PDM, might strengthen its position in Punjab. “We have been taught by our slain leader Benazir Bhutto, that take as much space as you can in politics. The PDM parties should be happy that we brought four more senators into the opposition benches,” Murtaza said.

The PPP had taken offence to the nomination of Azam Nazir Tarar for the position, he added.
Good to see thieves being humiliated. May this bezaati continue for long!
Rejecting the PML-N’s claim that the PPP has made a compromise with the powers that be, a PPP leader has pointed that it is the PPP whose leadership is barred from travelling abroad, implying that removal of PML-N leader Nawaz Sharif’s name from the Exit Control List (ECL) in 2019 was actually more of a compromise.

“Our leadership is all on the ECL and our former PM cannot go abroad for a medical check-up. Now it’s your job to distinguish between fact and fiction,” PPP Senator Sherry Rehman said on Sunday.

Sherry was apparently responding to the statement of PML-N de facto chief Maryam Nawaz, who on Saturday openly accused the PPP of taking dictation from the establishment for getting its candidate, Yusuf Raza Gilani, selected as the opposition leader in the Senate.

“It is sad that you have massively dented the struggle for democracy, the struggle for the rule of the people for a petty office. But I believe it’ll be much more damaging for you,” Maryam said a day earlier while addressing the PPP.

“It’s sad that you accepted votes from BAP [a ruling party’s ally] which follows the commands of its baap (godfather),” Maryam said while playing on words. “BAP MPs will sit on opposition benches if ‘baap’ says so, and join the treasury benches if ‘baap’ wishes so.”

Sherry countered the allegations of denting the anti-government alliance – the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) – and said the PPP did not use inappropriate language when there was suddenly an unopposed walkover in the Punjab Assembly for the PML-N candidates during the Senate elections.

“We rather stepped aside in support of the PML-N candidates,” she added.

The senator said democracy is a long journey for which the PPP has paid a huge price, and “it is the PPP which will take down the PTI’s tabahi sarkar [destructive government]”.

Defending the PPP’s stance that parliamentary forums should be used to fight the PTI government, she recalled what happened when the PPP boycotted the 1985 general election.

“That is why the PPP advised the PML-N even in the APDM [All Parties Democratic Movement] days not to boycott elections and defeat General Musharraf through the parliamentary and political process.

“That is how President Zardari removed Musharraf,” she said, adding “if we boycott or resign now, the rights of small provinces will suffer a terrible setback as we will leave all forums open for the PTI to bulldoze our parliamentary accomplishments made via the Charter of Democracy [of 2006].”

In response to PML-N leader Ahsan Iqbal’s statement that the PML-N will not resign from legislatures now that the PPP is not resigning, she said it is okay if the PPP’s name is used to come to more sensible political decisions.

“There is no point pushing a few parties to the wall. Dictation is not the way to run alliances.”

She also rejected the allegation that the PPP was being supported by the government. “There is no question of collaborating with the government. We contested on every constitutional platform in the parliament and expected better cooperation from partners.”

The senator said the opposition parties’ alliance was to hold the government accountable. “Inappropriate statements [against the PPP] will hurt the PDM and hurting the PDM means giving space to the selected government whose days are numbered,” Sherry added.

PML-N leader Mohammad Zubair, who also serves as the spokesperson for Nawaz Sharif and his daughter Maryam, said he would not like to comment on the statement of the PPP leader.

Express Tribune
Former finance minister Ishaq Dar has admitted that he had told PPP Co-Chairman Asif Ali Zardari that no discussion could take place on the nominee for the slot of the Senate opposition leader.

Talking to The Express Tribune, Dar confirmed that the former president had spoken with him on the phone.

“I refused to speak on the matter with Zardari sahib when he tried to contact Mian sahib [PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif] to persuade him to accept PPP's Yousuf Raza Gilani's nomination,” he said.

“I turned down his [Zardari's] suggestion that the PML-N supremo should be informed about the matter as the decision about the slots of the Senate chairman, deputy chairman and leader of the opposition had already been made in a meeting of the PDM [Pakistan Democratic Movement],” he added.

“Besides, I told him [Zardari] it wasn’t appropriate for me to give Mian Sahib a new message from you.”

The former finance minister, who has been living in self-exile in London, said the PDM leadership had already decided that the office of the Senate chairman would go to the PPP, deputy chairman to the JUI-F and the leader of the opposition to the PML-N.

However, the opposition was stunned when the government backed-candidates – incumbent Senate chairman Sadiq Sanjrani and deputy chairman Mirza Muhammad Afridi – defeated Gilani and JUI-F’s Maulana Ghafoor Haideri, despite lacking the required numbers on paper.

Similarly, the government had more numbers in the National Assembly yet its candidate, ex-finance minister Abdul Hafeez Shaikh who was unceremoniously removed on March 29, was defeated by Gilani and it had ultimately forced Prime Minister Imran Khan to take a vote of confidence from the assembly at the midway of his constitutional term of five years.

Dar’s candid admission has come after a senior PPP senator, requesting anonymity, had claimed that PML-N lawmakers were publically “telling a lie” that their party would have given the office of the leader of the opposition in the Senate to the PPP had it asked for it before nominating Gilani and allegedly securing the slot with the help of the “powers that be”.

“Zardari sahib tried to reach Mian sahib but Dar sahib told him that no discussion could take place on the issue,” the PPP lawmaker told The Express Tribune a few days ago.

The PPP senator added all that the PML-N did was that it finalised Senator Azam Nazir Tarar’s name for the slot, informed the PPP about it and started the process of filing papers in Senate even before his party did.

The PPP leader had further said the party leadership had recorded its protest over Tarar’s nomination, especially, over him being a counsel for the accused in the Benazir Bhutto murder case but the PML-N leaders maintained that “it was a settled issue for them and they could not talk on it”.

Dar revealed that Zardari had also suggested that the PML-N should consider changing the candidate for the Senate opposition leader over his association with the accused in the Benazir murder case.

He added that he had told Zardari that “it wasn’t possible either”.

The PML-N leader said Tarar was a professional lawyer, who had represented two policemen in their appeal against their conviction in a murder case.

“There are always two sides arguing a case before the courts. Tarar had not contested the case on behalf of the PML-N but in his professional capacity,” he added.

During the PDM meeting on March 16, Zardari had demanded Sharif, who is in London for medical treatment, to return to Pakistan.

He had also raised the issue of the absence of Dar from the Senate election session and told the PDM leadership that the leaders should be prepared to go to jails in their struggle.

Apart from Sharif’s return, the meeting had witnessed heated exchanges on tendering resignations from assemblies and defeat of the opposition candidates in the election for Senate top slots.

The PPP had disagreed with the proposal of linking long march against the government with resignations from the assemblies and sought time to reply, saying it would discuss the matter in its central executive committee (CEC).

Then came March 26 when Gilani was officially appointed the Senate opposition leader, hours after the PPP filed the application for his candidacy.

Subsequently, the war of words between the PML-N and the PPP escalated and they both have not only used harsh language against each other but hurled allegations that have left the anti-government alliance in shambles.

Though the PPP leadership is apparently not in favour of resigning from the assemblies, it is expected to convene its CEC meeting after April 4 and formally inform the PDM about its decision on resignations from the assemblies and long march against the government.
Former finance minister Ishaq Dar has admitted that he had told PPP Co-Chairman Asif Ali Zardari that no discussion could take place on the nominee for the slot of the Senate opposition leader.

Talking to The Express Tribune, Dar confirmed that the former president had spoken with him on the phone.

“I refused to speak on the matter with Zardari sahib when he tried to contact Mian sahib [PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif] to persuade him to accept PPP's Yousuf Raza Gilani's nomination,” he said.

“I turned down his [Zardari's] suggestion that the PML-N supremo should be informed about the matter as the decision about the slots of the Senate chairman, deputy chairman and leader of the opposition had already been made in a meeting of the PDM [Pakistan Democratic Movement],” he added.

“Besides, I told him [Zardari] it wasn’t appropriate for me to give Mian Sahib a new message from you.”

The former finance minister, who has been living in self-exile in London, said the PDM leadership had already decided that the office of the Senate chairman would go to the PPP, deputy chairman to the JUI-F and the leader of the opposition to the PML-N.

However, the opposition was stunned when the government backed-candidates – incumbent Senate chairman Sadiq Sanjrani and deputy chairman Mirza Muhammad Afridi – defeated Gilani and JUI-F’s Maulana Ghafoor Haideri, despite lacking the required numbers on paper.

Similarly, the government had more numbers in the National Assembly yet its candidate, ex-finance minister Abdul Hafeez Shaikh who was unceremoniously removed on March 29, was defeated by Gilani and it had ultimately forced Prime Minister Imran Khan to take a vote of confidence from the assembly at the midway of his constitutional term of five years.

Dar’s candid admission has come after a senior PPP senator, requesting anonymity, had claimed that PML-N lawmakers were publically “telling a lie” that their party would have given the office of the leader of the opposition in the Senate to the PPP had it asked for it before nominating Gilani and allegedly securing the slot with the help of the “powers that be”.

“Zardari sahib tried to reach Mian sahib but Dar sahib told him that no discussion could take place on the issue,” the PPP lawmaker told The Express Tribune a few days ago.

The PPP senator added all that the PML-N did was that it finalised Senator Azam Nazir Tarar’s name for the slot, informed the PPP about it and started the process of filing papers in Senate even before his party did.

The PPP leader had further said the party leadership had recorded its protest over Tarar’s nomination, especially, over him being a counsel for the accused in the Benazir Bhutto murder case but the PML-N leaders maintained that “it was a settled issue for them and they could not talk on it”.

Dar revealed that Zardari had also suggested that the PML-N should consider changing the candidate for the Senate opposition leader over his association with the accused in the Benazir murder case.

He added that he had told Zardari that “it wasn’t possible either”.

The PML-N leader said Tarar was a professional lawyer, who had represented two policemen in their appeal against their conviction in a murder case.

“There are always two sides arguing a case before the courts. Tarar had not contested the case on behalf of the PML-N but in his professional capacity,” he added.

During the PDM meeting on March 16, Zardari had demanded Sharif, who is in London for medical treatment, to return to Pakistan.

He had also raised the issue of the absence of Dar from the Senate election session and told the PDM leadership that the leaders should be prepared to go to jails in their struggle.

Apart from Sharif’s return, the meeting had witnessed heated exchanges on tendering resignations from assemblies and defeat of the opposition candidates in the election for Senate top slots.

The PPP had disagreed with the proposal of linking long march against the government with resignations from the assemblies and sought time to reply, saying it would discuss the matter in its central executive committee (CEC).

Then came March 26 when Gilani was officially appointed the Senate opposition leader, hours after the PPP filed the application for his candidacy.

Subsequently, the war of words between the PML-N and the PPP escalated and they both have not only used harsh language against each other but hurled allegations that have left the anti-government alliance in shambles.

Though the PPP leadership is apparently not in favour of resigning from the assemblies, it is expected to convene its CEC meeting after April 4 and formally inform the PDM about its decision on resignations from the assemblies and long march against the government.

Dar is on the run, he isnt in self imposed exile
Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) Vice President Maryam Nawaz Sharif on Wednesday said that she has no plans of going abroad until the government of Prime Minister Imran Khan is sent packing.

In a tweet, Maryam said the government started hoping that she was going abroad for treatment after she postponed her political activities for a few days owing to illness.

"To dampen your hopes, let me tell you that Maryam does not intend to go anywhere until she sends you home," she remarked.

The PML-N leader further said that she will continue to "treat" the government while remaining in the country.

Her statement came days after she and Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F) chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman, who also heads PDM – the anti-government opposition alliance – postponed their political activities for a few days owing to ill health.

Read more: Maryam accuses PPP of ‘submitting to Baap’ by accepting BAP votes

In a tweet from the PML-N's official account, party spokesperson Marriyum Aurangzeb said the PML-N leader had high fever and severe pain in her throat, and was hence, suspending her political activities for four days.

On Saturday, Maryam visited the LHC to submit a surety bond of Rs1 million for bail in the Jati Umra land allotment case.

On March 24, the LHC granted pre-arrest bail to PML-N's de facto chief Maryam Nawaz, who was summoned by the top graft buster – the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) – on March 26 for interrogation with regard to a land allotment case.

Azam Nazir Tarar, counsel for Maryam, had argued before the court that she had been implicated in the case with mala fide intention as the matter had already been taken by a joint investigation team in another NAB reference of 2017.
PPP convenes CEC meeting to discuss resignations on April 5

Pakistan People's Party (PPP) has convened a meeting of its Central Executive Committee (CEC) on Monday, April 5, according to a party statement issued Friday.

The meeting will be chaired by former president Asif Ali Zardari and PPP chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari at the Bilawal House in Karachi.

As per details from sources, the senior PPP leadership will decide on resignations from assemblies in the meeting. PPP chairman has directed all the CEC members to attend the meeting in person or through a video link.

Meanwhile, PPP leader Qamar Zaman Kaira said that the party is trying to keep the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) united and all matters will be discussed in detail during the CEC meeting.

The participants will also pay tribute to former Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto on his death anniversary.

The PPP statement added that overall political situation in the country would be reviewed in the meeting after which media will be briefed regarding the decisions taken by the CEC.

The PPP leadership is under fire from the Opposition parties over the resignation issue and party's unilateral move to get Senator Syed Yousuf Raza Gillani elected as Leader of the Opposition in the Senate.

The PDM had postponed the March 26 long march due to differences over the resignation from assemblies.

Maulana Fazlur Rehman, the PDM chief, had announced that the PPP is not ready to resign and would deliberate on the matter in its CEC and inform them.
PPP convenes CEC meeting to discuss resignations on April 5

Pakistan People's Party (PPP) has convened a meeting of its Central Executive Committee (CEC) on Monday, April 5, according to a party statement issued Friday.

The meeting will be chaired by former president Asif Ali Zardari and PPP chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari at the Bilawal House in Karachi.

As per details from sources, the senior PPP leadership will decide on resignations from assemblies in the meeting. PPP chairman has directed all the CEC members to attend the meeting in person or through a video link.

Meanwhile, PPP leader Qamar Zaman Kaira said that the party is trying to keep the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) united and all matters will be discussed in detail during the CEC meeting.

The participants will also pay tribute to former Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto on his death anniversary.

The PPP statement added that overall political situation in the country would be reviewed in the meeting after which media will be briefed regarding the decisions taken by the CEC.

The PPP leadership is under fire from the Opposition parties over the resignation issue and party's unilateral move to get Senator Syed Yousuf Raza Gillani elected as Leader of the Opposition in the Senate.

The PDM had postponed the March 26 long march due to differences over the resignation from assemblies.

Maulana Fazlur Rehman, the PDM chief, had announced that the PPP is not ready to resign and would deliberate on the matter in its CEC and inform them.

PPP toying with fellow crooks
PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari on Sunday tore apart the show-cause notice served to his party by the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM), sources said, as all eyes are set on PPP's Central Executive Committee meeting.

Bilawal, during the CEC meeting at Bilawal House, Karachi, read out the show-cause notice served to PPP by PDM's secretary-general Shahid Khaqan Abbasi — and after that, he tore it, sources told Geo News.

Following Bilawal's move, the party leaders present during the meeting lauded his action and started clapping, sources said.

Addressing the CEC meeting, Bilawal said he had come into politics for respect, and nothing was greater than respect.

The meeting, which has 50 PPP leaders in attendance, is discussing the current political situation and the relations between the Opposition parties and the overall anti-government strategy of the party. Former president Asif Ali Zardari and Bilawal are presiding over the meeting.

Meanwhile, Opposition Leader in the Senate Yousuf Raza Gillani offered the party his resignation as Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, sources said. "We have given our lives and rendered many sacrifices for the cause of democracy," the sources quoted him as saying.

"Allegations which are unfounded cannot be levelled against PPP," Gillani was said by sources to have added.

His proposal was unanimously rejected by the CEC, as well as PPP President Asif Ali Zardari and Chairman Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari.

The PPP leadership will conclude the CEC meeting tomorrow and the decisions taken will be announced at 2pm, sources within Bilawal House said.

Bilawal, confirming that the meeting has been adjourned until tomorrow, said that it will resume in the morning. "Will be addressing the press early tomorrow afternoon," he added.

Ahsan Iqbal responds

Responding to the development, PML-N secretary-general Ahsan Iqbal said PPP had taken a "vicious" step by tearing apart the notice served to it by PDM.

It wasn't a show-cause notice. They were just asked to respond to their move of getting Gillani the slot of Leader of Opposition in the Senate via support from a government-ally — BAP, he said, while speaking in Geo News programme "Naya Pakistan".

"So if they have shredded and thrown away the notice from PDM, it is akin to them breaking their partnership with PDM. It is an extremely vicious step," the PML-N leader said.

Iqbal said a final decision would be taken by the PDM leadership in the matter. However, for him, PPP is no more a part of the Opposition alliance.

'Show-cause issued to insult PPP'

The show-cause notice was sent to insult PPP, Senator Palwasha Khan said, adding there was no need for PPP to respond to PDM's notice.

Speaking in Geo News programme "Naya Pakistan" shortly after PML-N's Ahsan Iqbal made an appearance, Khan said PPP would not bid farewell to PDM as they were the founders of the platform. "Who has stopped PML-N from resigning from the assemblies?"

"No party in PDM, including PML-N, has the right to issue a show-cause notice," the PPP leader added.

The PPP had earlier delayed the April 5 CEC meeting that was called to decide on resignations from assemblies citing a Senate session summoned by the president on the date. While all major parties showed their willingness for the move, the PPP had sought time to deliberate on the matter.

It is pertinent to mention here that the ANP has withdrawn from the PDM after the Opposition alliance served it a similar show-cause notice seeking an explanation for the party supporting PPP's Yousuf Raza Gillani for the Opposition Leader in the Senate's office.

PPP, on the other hand, was asked in the notice to explain why it did not first obtain the consent of the Opposition alliance before getting Gillani elected to the seat.

Gillani's declaration as Opposition leader in the Senate has become a major cause of division within the PDM.

The PML-N says one of its own should have assumed the role as was "pre-decided" at the time of the Senate chairman election, while PPP argues it had the numbers to its favour in the Senate, and so, its party candidate had a right to the position.
PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari on Sunday tore apart the show-cause notice served to his party by the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM), sources said, as all eyes are set on PPP's Central Executive Committee meeting.

Bilawal, during the CEC meeting at Bilawal House, Karachi, read out the show-cause notice served to PPP by PDM's secretary-general Shahid Khaqan Abbasi — and after that, he tore it, sources told Geo News.

Following Bilawal's move, the party leaders present during the meeting lauded his action and started clapping, sources said.

Addressing the CEC meeting, Bilawal said he had come into politics for respect, and nothing was greater than respect.

The meeting, which has 50 PPP leaders in attendance, is discussing the current political situation and the relations between the Opposition parties and the overall anti-government strategy of the party. Former president Asif Ali Zardari and Bilawal are presiding over the meeting.

Meanwhile, Opposition Leader in the Senate Yousuf Raza Gillani offered the party his resignation as Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, sources said. "We have given our lives and rendered many sacrifices for the cause of democracy," the sources quoted him as saying.

"Allegations which are unfounded cannot be levelled against PPP," Gillani was said by sources to have added.

His proposal was unanimously rejected by the CEC, as well as PPP President Asif Ali Zardari and Chairman Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari.

The PPP leadership will conclude the CEC meeting tomorrow and the decisions taken will be announced at 2pm, sources within Bilawal House said.

Bilawal, confirming that the meeting has been adjourned until tomorrow, said that it will resume in the morning. "Will be addressing the press early tomorrow afternoon," he added.

Ahsan Iqbal responds

Responding to the development, PML-N secretary-general Ahsan Iqbal said PPP had taken a "vicious" step by tearing apart the notice served to it by PDM.

It wasn't a show-cause notice. They were just asked to respond to their move of getting Gillani the slot of Leader of Opposition in the Senate via support from a government-ally — BAP, he said, while speaking in Geo News programme "Naya Pakistan".

"So if they have shredded and thrown away the notice from PDM, it is akin to them breaking their partnership with PDM. It is an extremely vicious step," the PML-N leader said.

Iqbal said a final decision would be taken by the PDM leadership in the matter. However, for him, PPP is no more a part of the Opposition alliance.

'Show-cause issued to insult PPP'

The show-cause notice was sent to insult PPP, Senator Palwasha Khan said, adding there was no need for PPP to respond to PDM's notice.

Speaking in Geo News programme "Naya Pakistan" shortly after PML-N's Ahsan Iqbal made an appearance, Khan said PPP would not bid farewell to PDM as they were the founders of the platform. "Who has stopped PML-N from resigning from the assemblies?"

"No party in PDM, including PML-N, has the right to issue a show-cause notice," the PPP leader added.

The PPP had earlier delayed the April 5 CEC meeting that was called to decide on resignations from assemblies citing a Senate session summoned by the president on the date. While all major parties showed their willingness for the move, the PPP had sought time to deliberate on the matter.

It is pertinent to mention here that the ANP has withdrawn from the PDM after the Opposition alliance served it a similar show-cause notice seeking an explanation for the party supporting PPP's Yousuf Raza Gillani for the Opposition Leader in the Senate's office.

PPP, on the other hand, was asked in the notice to explain why it did not first obtain the consent of the Opposition alliance before getting Gillani elected to the seat.

Gillani's declaration as Opposition leader in the Senate has become a major cause of division within the PDM.

The PML-N says one of its own should have assumed the role as was "pre-decided" at the time of the Senate chairman election, while PPP argues it had the numbers to its favour in the Senate, and so, its party candidate had a right to the position.
Billo tearing apart anything would have taken quite some time. The 2 set of crooks are at each others throat with no policies except to get NROs for their crooked families

PML-N Vice President Maryam Nawaz said on Saturday that she would not criticise the PPP beyond a certain limit, adding that she had a "good relationship" with party chairman Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari.

Maryam made the comments while responding to a question from a reporter during a press conference in Lahore. "If the PPP has decided to part ways politically, then it is responsible and can explain the reasons for doing so.

"If would have been better if it would not have happened. But the PPP is not my target, I choose my targets after politically strategising and deliberating. The PPP is not included in this. I have a good relationship with Bilawal and other members of the party." Earlier this month, the PPP had asked all party members to resign from their positions in the opposition alliance — the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM). The decision came after the Awami National Party (ANP) parted ways with the movement.

Both parties had taken the step after being issued show-cause notices by the PDM for nominating Yousuf Raza Gilani as the opposition leader in the Senate “in violation of the unanimous decision” of the alliance.

During today's press conference, Maryam stated that her earlier accusations of "submitting to the baap" during the Senate election, was not an attack on one particular party but rather a "matter of principle".

"The PDM narrative was damaged, and the image of a divided opposition was presented which should not have happened. But I don't want to escalate this any further.

"The people are watching, and can see who is doing what as well as what each party is deciding. They will hold parties accountable. But I had made a promise to the people, that we will fight in the political arena.

"Therefore, we will fight [against each other] in elections but we will not cross a certain limit. We will not hit below the belt. Even today, I still have good relations with Bilawal, the PPP and other parties which includes the ANP."

She added that the PML-N was competing against the parties in elections, citing the example of the upcoming NA-249 by-poll. "But beyond a certain limit, we do not want to criticise them, launch personal attacks or become personally involved."

She added that she did not want to bring political competition to a personal level. "This is the promise I made to the people. We will fight politically, but nothing more than that."

Commenting on the PDM, she said the opposition alliance was still standing strong. "Maulana Fazlur Rehman has called a meeting on April 26 where we will deliberate on a new strategy. The future [of the alliance] is bright." Commenting on the group of PTI Punjab lawmakers rallying behind Jahangir Tareen and the possibility of "in house change", Maryam said: "The group is much bigger than what you have seen. And they have been in contact with us and other parties for some time. The reason for this is that they have to go back to their constituencies".

She stated that there has never been a more incompetent government in the country's history. "People are lining up outside stores to buy sugar while fasting but it is not available. Even when they get it, they can only buy a kilo or two at a time. They also mark their thumbs so people can't come back.

"Is this how you are treating citizens? Is this how sugar is delivered to Bani Gala? Is this how sugar is delivered to the homes of ministers?"

She added that the MNAs and MPAs had to go back to their constituencies and show their faces to the people. "When they have to go back, they will realise the gravity of the situation. The people will take them to task, as they should, because their lives have become so difficult."

You will see the entire thing unfold once elections are announced, she said. "They will not be able to campaign in their constituencies. MPAs and MNAs are smart individuals, everyone is aware of public pulse. That is why they have used Tareen as an excuse.

"The reality is that they don't want to fight elections from the PTI ticket. They do not want to shoulder the burden of Imran Khan's incompetency and failures," she said. The PML-N leader began her press conference by stating that she had cancelled her visit to Karachi due to the country's coronavirus situation. Maryam had planned to visit the port city to support PML-N’s candidate Miftah Ismail in the April 29 by-election of NA-249.

Earlier today, Pakistan reported 157 deaths from coronavirus in the last 24 hours — the highest single-day death toll since the start of the pandemic as the country's total fatalities rose to 16,999.

On Friday, Prime Minister Imran Khan announced he had asked the Pakistan Army to assist the police and law enforcement agencies in enforcing SOPs for curbing the spread of the coronavirus, warning that Pakistan may soon be facing a situation similar to India if the current trend continues.

Addressing today's press conference, Maryam said: "The coronavirus situation has drastically escalated in the past few days. We were observing the pattern [...] so I thought that it would be best to cancel the visit for the sake of the people's health and safety."

She added that she took the decision after talking to her father and former prime minister Nawaz Sharif as well as Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly Shehbaz Sharif. "Everyone was of the opinion that the people's lives are more valuable and that we should not put them at risk.

"Personally, I wanted to go to Karachi. I was excited [for the trip] and wanted to present the PML-N's manifesto to the people of NA-249," she said.

She appealed to the people of the constituency to vote for the PML-N, pledging to solve the issues being solved by the constituency.

"I know the problems the people of the constituency are facing. I am in constant contact with our candidate, Miftah Ismail," she said, adding that he was a "hard working and bright" man who has delivered whenever he has been given the opportunity.

"Karachi has faced a lot of issues and seen a lot of incompetence [in governance]. So I appeal to the people to vote for the PML-N, to vote for development. You also have a right as Karachi is the country's economic hub."

She claimed that Shehbaz had won from the constituency in 2018 by several thousand votes. "But vote stealers stole [conspired] and rigged the poll by several hundred votes. I know that even today, the heart of NA-249 still beats with Shehbaz and Nawaz."

She said that the rulers the people had been burdened with had not delivered on their promises. "The people of Karachi should vote for the PML-N to change their fate."
PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari on Friday said that the party would support Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly Shehbaz Sharif on the budget despite the inappropriate behaviour of some PML-N members.

Addressing a press conference in Islamabad, Bilawal said: "I unconditionally say to Shehbaz Sharif in front of the media that all PPP members will be in your support with regards to the parliament and this [upcoming] budget despite the tantrums [of some PML-N members]."

He said that PPP members would come and vote on the day of the budget and now it was up to Shehbaz as the leader of the opposition in the National Assembly to "do his work and stop the government's budget."

Bilawal was responding to a question on whether the PPP had been contacted on the budget issue and whether it would support the opposition. He responded that despite the "inappropriate behaviour" of the PML-N and other political parties in the opposition, the PPP had prioritised national issues and the budget over differences between the political parties.

"So despite their insults, the PPP went to Shehbaz Sharif's invitation for dinner so we can rid the people of economic difficulties [...] unfortunately our host was publicly insulted after that dinner by some officeholders of the PML-N," said Bilawal, adding that flinging statements at guests was not a part of "our tradition, values and culture".

The PML-N president had last week hosted a dinner reception for all mainstream opposition parties which was apparently aimed at bringing the PPP back to the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM). Bilawal had not attended the dinner though senior PPP leaders did.

Talking to Dawn, PPP leader Farhatullah Babar said that the PPP delegation had assured Shehbaz of their support for all moves of the joint opposition that would block the way of “anti-people decisions” in the upcoming budget.

PDM Secretary General Shahid Khaqan Abbasi had, the very next day, categorically stated that there was no place for the PPP within the opposition alliance until it restored the trust it had betrayed. "If you are not committed to trusting the movement, then there is no place for you within the PDM."

During the press conference, the PPP chairman also lashed out at the PDM, saying it should have offered resignations the same day or the next when the PPP had "supposedly" refused to listen to its demands and set out for its long march.

"If they still want to do politics of resignations then they should have given them by now.

"I think that when you have seen and the whole nation knows that the numbers are there if you want to attack Prime Minister Imran Khan and (Punjab Chief Minister) Usman Buzdar then giving resignations in that case and not bringing a no-confidence motion is akin to being an enabler of the government," said Bilawal.

PM Imran has no connection to common man
The PPP chairman also criticised the government and said that the statements since the past few weeks on the the state of the economy showed that the "prime minister has no connection to the common man."

"There is a daily increase in inflation and poverty and unemployment have reached historic levels, yet our prime minister says that Pakistan's economy is developing and beating a drum of prosperity."

He said the government's ministers had come around to accept the PPP's stance on the economy and expressed the hope that Pakistan would escape the "IMF's (International Monetary Fund) grip" in the budget next week.

Bilawal also addressed the current system of accountability and said there was no rule of law. "This is revenge and political engineering and their ministers themselves accept it has hurt the economy," he said, further asking why there were differences in the treatment meted out to people.

Bilawal also reiterated his demand for parliament to be taken into confidence about the situation in Afghanistan and briefed by the relevant institutions involved so the people could decide what Pakistan's policy would be.

He also criticised the government's attempt to introduce electoral reforms through an ordinance and called upon the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) to take notice of the issue. Terming it the government's attempts at rigging, he said a high level delegation of the PPP would approach the ECP to explain its stance.

Bilawal similarly hit out at an ordinance for the creation of a new media body and said the PPP would continue to oppose it. He added that the recent attacks on journalists such as Asad Ali Toor or pressure being applied to media personnel such as Hamid Mir through petitions had "exposed the government's weakness and insecurity".

PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari on Friday said that the party would support Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly Shehbaz Sharif on the budget despite the inappropriate behaviour of some PML-N members.

Addressing a press conference in Islamabad, Bilawal said: "I unconditionally say to Shehbaz Sharif in front of the media that all PPP members will be in your support with regards to the parliament and this [upcoming] budget despite the tantrums [of some PML-N members]."

He said that PPP members would come and vote on the day of the budget and now it was up to Shehbaz as the leader of the opposition in the National Assembly to "do his work and stop the government's budget."

Bilawal was responding to a question on whether the PPP had been contacted on the budget issue and whether it would support the opposition. He responded that despite the "inappropriate behaviour" of the PML-N and other political parties in the opposition, the PPP had prioritised national issues and the budget over differences between the political parties.

"So despite their insults, the PPP went to Shehbaz Sharif's invitation for dinner so we can rid the people of economic difficulties [...] unfortunately our host was publicly insulted after that dinner by some officeholders of the PML-N," said Bilawal, adding that flinging statements at guests was not a part of "our tradition, values and culture".

The PML-N president had last week hosted a dinner reception for all mainstream opposition parties which was apparently aimed at bringing the PPP back to the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM). Bilawal had not attended the dinner though senior PPP leaders did.

Talking to Dawn, PPP leader Farhatullah Babar said that the PPP delegation had assured Shehbaz of their support for all moves of the joint opposition that would block the way of “anti-people decisions” in the upcoming budget.

PDM Secretary General Shahid Khaqan Abbasi had, the very next day, categorically stated that there was no place for the PPP within the opposition alliance until it restored the trust it had betrayed. "If you are not committed to trusting the movement, then there is no place for you within the PDM."

During the press conference, the PPP chairman also lashed out at the PDM, saying it should have offered resignations the same day or the next when the PPP had "supposedly" refused to listen to its demands and set out for its long march.

"If they still want to do politics of resignations then they should have given them by now.

"I think that when you have seen and the whole nation knows that the numbers are there if you want to attack Prime Minister Imran Khan and (Punjab Chief Minister) Usman Buzdar then giving resignations in that case and not bringing a no-confidence motion is akin to being an enabler of the government," said Bilawal.

PM Imran has no connection to common man
The PPP chairman also criticised the government and said that the statements since the past few weeks on the the state of the economy showed that the "prime minister has no connection to the common man."

"There is a daily increase in inflation and poverty and unemployment have reached historic levels, yet our prime minister says that Pakistan's economy is developing and beating a drum of prosperity."

He said the government's ministers had come around to accept the PPP's stance on the economy and expressed the hope that Pakistan would escape the "IMF's (International Monetary Fund) grip" in the budget next week.

Bilawal also addressed the current system of accountability and said there was no rule of law. "This is revenge and political engineering and their ministers themselves accept it has hurt the economy," he said, further asking why there were differences in the treatment meted out to people.

Bilawal also reiterated his demand for parliament to be taken into confidence about the situation in Afghanistan and briefed by the relevant institutions involved so the people could decide what Pakistan's policy would be.

He also criticised the government's attempt to introduce electoral reforms through an ordinance and called upon the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) to take notice of the issue. Terming it the government's attempts at rigging, he said a high level delegation of the PPP would approach the ECP to explain its stance.

Bilawal similarly hit out at an ordinance for the creation of a new media body and said the PPP would continue to oppose it. He added that the recent attacks on journalists such as Asad Ali Toor or pressure being applied to media personnel such as Hamid Mir through petitions had "exposed the government's weakness and insecurity".


These clowns are useless in opposition aa they were in govt. Besides some glib statements, they don't have a single thing to offer PK.
Can we please analyse the role of opposition during the PTI tenure? What role have they played for the betterment of Pakistan?
The Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) announced on Wednesday boycotting the joint meeting of the opposition.

According to Express, the party reached the decision after witnessing the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz's 'lack of seriousness' during yesterday's budget session in the National Assembly.

Earlier it was reported that the Leader of Opposition in the National Assembly Shehbaz Sharif delivered a thundering speech on the assembly floor, claiming the opposition would work together and not allow the PTI government to pass the “anti-people budget” for the next fiscal year.

However, when the Finance Bill 2021-22 sailed through the assembly on June 29, Shehbaz Sharif was absent from the session along with a majority of the PML-N lawmakers.

During the proceeding, the government showed its strength and defeated the opposition when Minister for Finance Shaukat Tarin moved a motion for taking up the bill with a majority of 172 against 138 votes.

PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari while calling the budget approval “unconstitutional and illegal” said “all the PPP members are present” and that “I am responsible for my own party.” The PPP chairman said that he will raise the issue of absence of a number of opposition members with Shehbaz Sharif.”

According to reports, party sources maintained that the absence of more than 14 PML-N NA members, including opposition leader, during the session was a ‘sign of lack of seriousness’.

While addressing the house today, the PPP chairman said that the absence of the PML-N members made it easier for the treasury to approve the budget FY22.

Bilawal said NA Speaker Asad Qaiser had robbed the members of their votes, adding that what had happened in the National Assembly on Tuesday had set a bad precedent.

The PPP chairman said the speaker verbally approved the bill and when he challenged a voice vote, the speaker violated the rules and deprived him of his right.

“It is sad to say that the speaker has violated the sanctity of the parliament,” Bilawal said. “Today's budget approval is unconstitutional and illegal and will remain illegal if this mistake is not rectified.”

Commenting on the absence of Shehbaz and others in a Twitter post, Bilawal’s sister’s, Bakhtawar Bhutto Zardari, said her father – former president Asif Ali Zardari – attended both a court hearing and the NA session “despite underlying health conditions.”

“So did 54 out of 56 PPP members (missing two had Covid). We remain in Pakistan. [However, only] 14 out of 84 members from the PML-N came to oppose the PTI-IMF budget,” she wrote.

Responding to the criticism, PML-N Secretary Information Marriyum Aurangzeb also took to Twitter to clarify that the opposition leader could not attend the session due to the death of his cousin, Mian Tariq Shafi, as he was busy with funeral rites in Lahore.
Its all noora kushti, they are allies from within as they have the same purposes of corruption and destroying Pakistan.
Former president and Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari along with PPP Chairperson Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari has arrived at the residence of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) President Shehbaz Sharif in Lahore.

The PPP leadership upon arrival on Saturday was received by PML-N vice presidents Maryam Nawaz, Hamza Shehbaz and PML-N information secretary Marriyum Aurangzeb.

At the lunch, the opposition leaders are expected to discuss a joint strategy to corner the ruling Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI).

According to sources, the opposition is holding consultations to turn the tide against the government in both the houses of parliament. They added that various means are being considered to defeat the government.

Zardari and Bilawal are expected to meet the PPP's Punjab leadership ahead of the Feb 27 march on Islamabad. Similarly, the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM)'s long march towards Islamabad is expected to be held on March 23.
Former president and Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari along with PPP Chairperson Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari has arrived at the residence of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) President Shehbaz Sharif in Lahore.

The PPP leadership upon arrival on Saturday was received by PML-N vice presidents Maryam Nawaz, Hamza Shehbaz and PML-N information secretary Marriyum Aurangzeb.

At the lunch, the opposition leaders are expected to discuss a joint strategy to corner the ruling Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI).

According to sources, the opposition is holding consultations to turn the tide against the government in both the houses of parliament. They added that various means are being considered to defeat the government.

Zardari and Bilawal are expected to meet the PPP's Punjab leadership ahead of the Feb 27 march on Islamabad. Similarly, the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM)'s long march towards Islamabad is expected to be held on March 23.

The PPP are interested in getting their own deal and don't trust the Nooras. The 2 set of crooks hate each other
PPP and PML-N leaders on Saturday said both parties were considering all legal, constitutional and parliamentary options to oust the PTI government, adding that Prime Minister Imran Khan had to go.

The opposition leaders were talking outside PML-N President Shehbaz Sharif's Model Town residence where he had invited PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari and co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari to a luncheon meeting. Shehbaz said the two parties had come to an agreement that "we will need to use all constitutional, legal and political options" to oust the incumbent government and fix the woes afflicting the country.

Meanwhile, Bilawal said the only valid parliamentary, legal and democratic mechanisms to oust the government were a no-confidence motion and protests. "We have to cast out Imran if we want to save Pakistan," he said.

Elaborating on the details of their meeting, Shehbaz said it was discussed how and what kind of coordination could be achieved between the PPP and Pakistan Democratic Movement's (PDM) announced long marches. He added the matter would be taken to PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif and the PDM and "hopefully a positive outcome will come."

On the no-confidence motion, he said the PPP was always clear about it but the PML-N had a difference of opinion about it. However, he said that now there was consensus "to a large extent" in the PML-N and the party's central executive committee would decide it in a meeting in a few days after which the matter would be taken to the PDM's platform.

"We will make an announcement in a few days after consultation with all PDM parties," he said.

Questioned on the PPP participating in the PDM's long march, Bilawal said his party had welcomed the announcement but did not provide an answer.

"The more our working relationship increases, the better impact it will have," he said.

Shehbaz was also asked about the PDM's formation and subsequent split to which he said that "broken hearts can reunite.”

PML-N Vice President Maryam Nawaz added that differences and clashes persisted between political parties but "what unites us are the expectations and difficulties of the people."

Bilawal thanked Shehbaz for hosting the luncheon and heaped praise on the PML-N president for performing his responsibilities as the opposition leader in the National Assembly.

The two leaders also railed against the government for the current economic issues plaguing the country and took note of the recent rise in terrorism. Shehbaz criticised the government for its performance in tackling terrorism and said the National Action Plan had been "placed in a cold storage".

The leaders also criticised the government for its handling of the Kashmir issue, with Bilawal saying the government had failed to achieve a consensus on it and Afghanistan.

High-level meeting
Bilawal and Zardari arrived earlier on Saturday at Shehbaz's residence for the luncheon meeting. The two expressed well wishes for Nawaz's health and also inquired about Shehbaz, who had recently tested positive for the coronavirus, according to a statement issued by the PPP.

Both sides discussed the political situation in the country in a meeting which was also attended by Maryam, Hamza Shehbaz, PML-N Information Secretary Marriyum Aurangzeb, PML-N leader Saad Rafique, PPP Punjab General Secretary Hassan Murtaza and the PPP's Rukhsana Bangash.

According to an earlier report by Dawn, Shehbaz had contacted Bilawal on Friday and invited him for today's luncheon meeting. PML-N officials had said that the meeting was being arranged on Nawaz's directive who, they claim, had been contacted multiple times by the PPP.

They had claimed that in-house change, both in the National and in Punjab Assembly, would be on top of the meeting's agenda.

PML-N leaders said the PPP wished to start the no-confidence or in-house change process from Punjab while they were desirous of seeing change in the federal setup as well.

On January 18 while talking to reporters outside Parliament House, Bilawal had applauded the opposition's Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) for considering the option of tabling a no-confidence motion against the government and said that there was a high probability of opposition parties working together in the future.

“If they (PDM) are ready to withdraw their stance on the issue of en mass resignations and consider my proposal of bringing a no-confidence motion, then certainly there is a possibility that we can work together,” the PPP chairman had said.

Lol at these parties wanting to save Pakistan
The government side, while lashing out at the PPP and PML-N, on Saturday said the opposition was “weak and incompetent”, at loggerheads with each other and that the moot would not yield any outcome.

The announcement came at a joint news conference after senior leaders from both sides including PPP Chairperson Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari and others met at a luncheon hosted by PML-N President Shehbaz Sharif at his residence in Lahore.

Addressing the media, Federal Minister for Science and Technology Shibli Faraz said the opposition leaders lacked coordination and were not “sincere” with each other.

“We are lucky as we have got an incompetent opposition that has no proper coordination and direction. These people (Zardari and Shehbaz) are not sincere even with each other,” he said. “This meeting will not yield any result.”

Responding to a question, the minister maintained that during their respective tenures, both the PPP and PML-N had “jeopardised” the economy and brought the country on the verge of “bankruptcy”.

“Today they (Zardari and Shehbaz) have become [economic] experts. They should be ashamed to talk about inflation,” he said.

“Prime Minister Imran Khan is taking effective and viable measures to control inflation. We will overcome it soon.”

State Minister for Information and Broadcasting Farrukh Habib stressed that PM Imran would never give NRO to the “looters of nation’s wealth”.

Addressing the media in Lahore, he said during the last three and half years PML-N had been “blackmailing” the government on various issues like the Financial Action Task Force and budget.

“Opposition always gave priority to personal interests over national interests and used various tactics to abolish NAB,” he said.

“PPP and PML-N today's meeting was meaningless as the government and people are least bothered about such matters,” he added.

“These meetings are actually exposing the priorities of the opposition as they do not believe in the betterment of people.”

He noted said that a group of plunderers would go to jail, adding that money of Asif Zardari and Sharif family was “hidden abroad”.

“These looters are in a habit of looting the public money and later blaming that they were politically victimised.”

Commenting on the opposition parties’ meeting, Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid said that the future of PML-N's politics would be the same as that of “Nasla tower”.

Addressing a rally at Lal Haveli in connection with the Kashmir Solidarity Day, Rashid said that the politics of “corrupt opposition parties including PML-N and PPP would be buried soon”.

He alleged that the previous ruling parties had looted the country and had been responsible for the prevailing inflation in the country.

He said Pakistan's development was linked to stability in Afghanistan, adding that Taliban gained independence after 40 years of war and that Islamabad had friendly relations with Kabul.

The minister reiterated that the nation was united on the Kashmir issue and would not abandon their brethren in the IIOJK.

(With input from APP)
The PML-N and the PPP on Saturday agreed to make joint efforts and use every option at their disposal to oust the PTI-led government, while the former also promised to give consideration to the latter’s suggestion of moving a no-confidence motion in parliament.

PML-N President Shehbaz Sharif invited PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari and his father, former president and PPP co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari, to his residence in Model Town, Lahore for lunch.

The meeting was also attended by PML-N Vice Presidents Maryam Nawaz and Hamza Shehbaz, MNA Khawaja Saad Rafique and central spokesperson Marriyum Aurangzeb. PPP Punjab General Secretary Hasan Murtaza was also there accompanying his party leadership.

Ahead of the two long marches, one announced by the PPP for February 27 and other announced by the PML-N and its allied parties under the platform of the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) for March 23, which the government side did not see as a serious threat to its existence, the two sides mainly discussed joining forces during their respective protests.

During the meeting, the PML-N also agreed to consider the option that it had long refused to entertain -- moving a no-confidence motion in parliament.

The PML-N side told the PPP that it would take its no-trust proposal to its central executive committee meeting and later with the permission of party supremo Nawaz Sharif, to the platform of the PDM to build a broader consensus on the move.

Later while talking to the media, Shehbaz, flanked by Bilawal and Maryam among other participants of the meeting, said the PML-N had agreed on a common agenda with the PPP of working together for sending the PTI-led government packing.

Read: "‘Feb 27 long march will be last nail in PTI govt's coffin’"

“Every political party has its own manifesto and its own approach. However in times of extreme crisis, political parties should come together for the greater good,” he added.

The leader of the opposition in the National Assembly said with the livelihoods of people in extreme peril, history would not forgive them if they did not come together now and agree on a common agenda to play a responsible role.

The PML-N president said the PPP had a very clear approach for taking the government down, but his party was divided on the matter.

He added that hopefully they would be able to create a consensus in his party on the issue.

The PML-N president requested Nawaz to call a party meeting with the objective of building a consensus.
He said the PML-N and PPP had a history of working together, citing the Charter of Democracy which was signed in Saudi Arabia.

Shehbaz then talked at length about the government’s failure over the Kashmir issue.

Talking to the media, Bilawal thanked Shehbaz for inviting him, his father and the party Punjab general secretary to his residence. He also thanked Maryam and Rafique.

He said it was their first meeting with the PML-N after their party’s central executive committee meeting.
He added they had put forward their proposals to suggest a way forward as well as the central executive committee’s decisions. “The PML-N will discuss our suggestions internally to make its final decision.”

Lauding the role played by Shehbaz during times of a rift in the opposition camp, Bilawal said despite the ups and downs in ties, the PML-N president played his role as a leader to keep the parties united.

He said people had lost their trust in the government and parliament should also follow suit by moving a no-confidence motion against the government.

He added that other than protest, the legal and constitutional option of ousting the government was a no-confidence motion. “We hope all opposition parties will agree to it soon. We are on the same page against the government.”

When asked about different road maps of protests and the previously discussed options of no-confidence and resignations that opposition parties could not agree upon, Shehbaz said they had discussed these issues during the meeting.

“We will work out a way to improve coordination between the two long marches.”

The PML-N president said there were two to three options under consideration.

He added that the PPP had shown flexibility on the matter and all these proposals would put before Nawaz for his approval.

To another question, he said the two sides had agreed on a no-confidence motion and work out differences within his own party.

Rubbishing the question on any signals from the security establishment, Shehbaz claimed they were more concerned about the plight of the people and direction in which the country was headed.

Bilawal said the two sides had welcomed each other’s marches. He added now the discussion would be to improve the relations between the two parties.

When reporter fired a volley of questions regarding differences between Maryam and Bilawal, Shehbaz mused that now he was standing in the middle and “both hearts have healed.”

To this, Maryam responded that when it came to the expectations of the people, “we all stand united”.

When Maryam was asked about her tweet in which she giving a veiled reference about Bilawal being a “selected”, she said the “selected” was the one who would soon be shown the door.

Maryam, while speaking to reporters later, was asked that would the government be sent packing by November.

She replied that November was too far away. “This government will be shown the door before it.”

Shehbaz later spoke separately on the phone with Nawaz and JUI-F chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman, who also heads the PDM, to inform them about the meeting with the PPP leadership.

A PML-N official statement read that Shehbaz had taken his elder brother into confidence and convened a meeting of the party's central executive committee on February 7 (Monday).

Another statement read that Shehbaz had talked to the JUI-F chief and told him that he would take him into confidence in a face-to-face meeting in the coming days.

The statement added that the decision to convene a PDM meeting was taken in the light of discussions between the two leaders. However, the date for the meeting would be announced after further consultations.

A PML-N leader disclosed that it was decided during the meeting that the no-confidence move will be brought against Prime Minister Imran Khan and not against the Speaker National Assembly Asad Qaiser.
Both parties have agreed in principle to throw weight behind each other's long marches, the leader confirmed.

However, he said the parties are yet to hammer out the details and the nature of the support they will extend to each other while pointing out the caveat that it remains to be determined whether it is going to be an all-out support or merely a tokenised one.

“In case it is a token support, only the central leadership will attend other’s long march and if it's all-out support, each side will ensure that their workers also take part in activity," the PML-N leader explained.
They had a plan at the start and this was to get Diesel to get the Madrassah kids to be killed and cause chaos in the country and ever since then they have had no plan, they go from one press conference to another each week. What happened to the resignations? lol. These thugs and crooks are too cowardly to sacrifice themselves because having billions and dying isnt a viable plan.
Former president Asif Ali Zardari on Monday reached out to the ruling party’s only ally in Punjab – the Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid (PML-Q) – just a couple of days after the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) leadership met the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leaders to chalk out a strategy to oust the incumbent government.

Reaching out to the government ally by the former president not only sent a clear message to the ruling PTI but has given a push to the opposition parties’ attempt to remove Prime Minister Imran Khan from office as the Chaudhry brothers have a reputation as kingmakers because of their political influence behind the scenes.

Officially, people privy to the development revealed that the former PPP president reached the residence of senior PML-Q leader Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain in Lahore on Monday and inquired after his health.

However, they said, the meeting was not only limited to that as the political situation, possible future alliance and opposition parties’ newly built consensus to send PM Imran packing was discussed in detail over dinner.

They said that Zardari spent roughly two-and-a-half hours with Shujaat, Punjab Assembly Speaker Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi, Federal Minister for Housing and Works Tariq Bashir Cheema, Federal Minister for Water Resources Moonis Elahi and MNA Chaudhry Salik Hussain to discuss the ongoing political situation and the future course of action.

During the two-and-a-half-hour meeting, sources revealed, Zardari met the Chaudhry brothers alone for roughly half an hour. In the absence of any official confirmation, it has been conjectured that Zardari tried to convince the PML-Q leadership to quit the government coalition as they were being equally blamed for all government policies and actions.

Political commentators have often noted that the PPP sees PML-Q and Awami National Party (ANP) as its future allies in Punjab and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and has been holding frequent meetings with the leadership of both the parties so that it could get their support when the time comes.

The PPP and PML-Q meeting has come at a time when the ruling party is pushing its narrative of “all is well” while its allies have openly been saying that they can’t justify the government’s performance, especially the sky-rocketing inflation, when they go to people in their constituencies.

Nevertheless, the allies have constantly been supporting the government in its every crucial move, including passage of the mini-budget and legislation giving the State Bank of Pakistan complete autonomy and, resultantly, bearing the brunt of public criticism as the government is moving ahead only with their support.

Had it not been for the allies, political observers say, the government would not have survived when PM Imran needed vote of confidence from the National Assembly following a setback on the capital’s seat in the Senate election.

The Chaudhry brothers – famously known as the Chaudhrys of Gujrat – have frequently said that PM Imran should make difficult decisions to make public lives better as being a coalition partner of the ruling PTI, PML-Q is worried about the government’s policies.

The meeting has come on the day when it was reported that the leadership of PTI allies in Sindh – especially the Muttahida Qaumi Movement-Pakistan (MQM-P) – said that how could people be satisfied with MQM-P when they were not satisfied with the performance of PM Imran.

At a time when the ruling party is gearing up for the upcoming local government elections in Punjab after losing to the JUI-F in its stronghold – Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, the meeting between opposition parties as well as Zardari approaching to the PML-Q has set the alarms bells ringing in the power corridors.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I pay my rich tributes to Shaheed Mohtarama Benazir Bhutto on her 69th birthday. Our democracy is poorer without her & the void left by her martyrdom will never be filled. She fearlessly & staunchly advocated the causes she believed in. May Allah rest her soul in peace</p>— Shehbaz Sharif (@CMShehbaz) <a href="">June 21, 2022</a></blockquote>
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I pay my rich tributes to Shaheed Mohtarama Benazir Bhutto on her 69th birthday. Our democracy is poorer without her & the void left by her martyrdom will never be filled. She fearlessly & staunchly advocated the causes she believed in. May Allah rest her soul in peace</p>— Shehbaz Sharif (@CMShehbaz) <a href="">June 21, 2022</a></blockquote>
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

The irony his brother use to call her yellow cab pretty shameful
These goons crooks thugs money launderers absocinders kickback agents have same DNA and add to it in bed with neutrals
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I pay my rich tributes to Shaheed Mohtarama Benazir Bhutto on her 69th birthday. Our democracy is poorer without her & the void left by her martyrdom will never be filled. She fearlessly & staunchly advocated the causes she believed in. May Allah rest her soul in peace</p>— Shehbaz Sharif (@CMShehbaz) <a href="">June 21, 2022</a></blockquote>
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Hypocrisy of these crooks.
Asif Zardari rules out possibility of ‘seat adjustment’ with any party

Former president and Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Co-Chairman Asif Ali Zardari on Monday ruled out possibility of seat adjustment with any political party in general elections 2024, ARY News reported.

The PPP co-chairman made these remarks during a meeting with party’s Punjab leadership in Lahore. The meeting deliberated on PPP’s strategy for upcoming general elections.

Rejecting possibility of seat adjustment, Asif Zardari said that PPP will contest the upcoming general elections “on their own”.

He pointed out that PPP was receiving multiple requests for party tickets from every constituency, vowing to award ticket to “strongest candidate”.

Earlier, it was reported that PPP leadership decided not to make seat adjustments with PML-N in the upcoming general election and termed it a ‘loss trade’.

PPP sources indicated that the seat adjustment with PML-N is a ‘loss trade’ as the failure of the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) tenure will fall on PML-N in the upcoming general elections.

All political parties have geared up for the upcoming general elections, scheduled to be held in February 2024, by interviewing candidates and strategising their policies.
