The silence of the Arab world on Palestine


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Sep 11, 2023
The recent escalation in the Middle East has left the world witnessing the plight of Palestinians in Gaza. While pro-Palestine student protests have swept across US universities, the Arab world remains eerily silent. This silence is not due to a lack of concern but rather a complex web of factors that have led to a paralysis of action.

Firstly, the identity of Arab people has undergone a significant shift. The traditional pan-Arabic and Islamic identities that once united Arabs under a common cause have given way to national and sub-national identities. This shift has led to a decline in solidarity among Arabs, making them less invested in the Palestinian cause.

Secondly, the suppression of organized Arab civil institutions has left a vacuum in societal leadership. The Muslim Brotherhood, once a powerful force in the Arab world, has been declared a terrorist organization by several Arab states, silencing a key voice for Palestinian rights.

Thirdly, economic interests have taken precedence over political convictions. Arab elites prioritize their business ties with Western states, fearing any action in support of Palestine would harm their economic interests.

Lastly, the threat of Western powers has intimidated Arab governments into silence. The pro-Israeli global powers have made it clear that any support for Palestine will come at a cost, leaving Arab governments hesitant to take a stand.

This silence may seem like a temporary solution, but it's a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. The energy accumulated on the fault lines of Arab discontent will eventually release, leading to unpredictable consequences. The Arab world must find a way to reconcile its identities, rebuild its civil institutions, and prioritize justice over economic interests. Only then can it reclaim its voice and stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people.
Arabs are not a race. They are people that speak a common language. Most of the so called Arabic speakers in Middle East did not always speak Arabic. They spoke Aramaic, Syriac, Greek, Coptic etc. But with Islamic conquest, they all adopted the dominant cultures language. They all look different in different countries. So the Arabic identity has a question mark on it. The one thing that unites them is religion.
Caliphate is long gone and its every country for itself. Hanging on to a identity that worked centuries ago will not work now.

Most countries in Middle East know the reality of the conflict. They tried before to destroy Israel and failed. They realized that it is in their best interest to be allies of Israel or at least be neutral rather than be enemies.

Palestinians are radicalized bunch. Too much of cozying with them will be detrimental to the regimes of Middle East and Egypt. Its funny that a Shia Iran is supporting Sunni Hamas while all Sunni countries are turning a blind eye to the conflict. At best they offer lip service for the people that died. These Arab speaking countries do not even allow protests in their countries. That shows how much they care about the Gaza war.

There is no ticking time bomb ready to explode in Middle East. All pipe dreams of Subcontinent Muslims who are hoping that some kind of force takes on Israel. No Arab country will support a cause that Iran backs. They are always wary of Iran's grand plans to be the dominant player in Middle East.
Arab leaders are to blame here for the deplorable conditions of muslims in middle east as instead of ending wars, they have fueled many
Arab people are not silent. There were protests in Jordan and Yemen, for example.

But, Arab leaders seem to be sellouts. Disappointing.

The leaders of the Arab world are firmly requested not to allow any protest, so it is misleading to say the Arab world is silent. Any such protest which got too much publicity would prove highly detrimental to israel and it's client states, so if the Arab world wants to stay onside, the leaders make sure to mute demonstrations which might jeopardise their relationships.
The leaders of the Arab world are firmly requested not to allow any protest, so it is misleading to say the Arab world is silent. Any such protest which got too much publicity would prove highly detrimental to israel and it's client states, so if the Arab world wants to stay onside, the leaders make sure to mute demonstrations which might jeopardise their relationships.
In other words they are sell outs.. same way they sold out the Ottaman empire.
Arab leaders are to blame here for the deplorable conditions of muslims in middle east as instead of ending wars, they have fueled many
you can blame the current Palestine situation also to them to some extent for aggravating a salvageable situation the in 1948
So has Pakistan.. Arab rulers are afraid they will be next if protests have an impact. The idea of protests and democracy isn’t looked well upon since Arab spring.
Arab rulers don’t want Iran revolution to happen to them.

It will always be ironic how everyone shouts about their rights in western nations but become meek going back to theirs.
Pakistan’s economic struggles has resulted in the Islamic world becoming leaderless. Despite the riches of the Arab world, they have always depended on the counsel & the diplomatic prowess of Pakistan. Although Islam originates in Middle East, it is Pakistan which was carved out in the name of Islam with a vision that it would not only protect Islam regionally from two big powers of another religion, but would also lead it in the modern world with high integrity, preserving and propagating the idea of salvation as was taught.

Let us not be ignorants. Before the discovery of oil wells, the Arabic peninsula were just a poor bunch of nomads no offense intended. They have been exceptionally fortunate to get rich so quickly and that has most likely messed up with their brains big time. I love the Emirates as a Hindu, Saudis are also opening up and becoming incredibly open minded. But if i was a stout muslim, I would despise them to the extreme. The way they have let the West get away with their crimes against humanity in the Middle East right in front of their eyes, it’s absolutely despicable.

There is mad passion in the Arabs i know that and i have seen that with my eyes. I have seen them get out on the streets with passion no other people could in the world and yet they remain powerless because their governments cannot do zilch.

One can't see these kids crying and calling Arabs for help, Indeed Arab leaders deserve severe condemnation​


Why Palestinians in Gaza ask ‘Where are the Arabs?’​

Since Israel began its war on Gaza, Palestinians have repeatedly been seen in videos asking “Where are the Arabs?”. Here’s why.

Pakistan’s economic struggles has resulted in the Islamic world becoming leaderless. Despite the riches of the Arab world, they have always depended on the counsel & the diplomatic prowess of Pakistan. Although Islam originates in Middle East, it is Pakistan which was carved out in the name of Islam with a vision that it would not only protect Islam regionally from two big powers of another religion, but would also lead it in the modern world with high integrity, preserving and propagating the idea of salvation as was taught.

Let us not be ignorants. Before the discovery of oil wells, the Arabic peninsula were just a poor bunch of nomads no offense intended. They have been exceptionally fortunate to get rich so quickly and that has most likely messed up with their brains big time. I love the Emirates as a Hindu, Saudis are also opening up and becoming incredibly open minded. But if i was a stout muslim, I would despise them to the extreme. The way they have let the West get away with their crimes against humanity in the Middle East right in front of their eyes, it’s absolutely despicable.

There is mad passion in the Arabs i know that and i have seen that with my eyes. I have seen them get out on the streets with passion no other people could in the world and yet they remain powerless because their governments cannot do zilch.
Oh man!! Not this again…
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The United Arab Emirates says it will not support Israel in its “day after” plan in Gaza unless a Palestinian state is established

“The United Arab Emirates is not ready to support the day after the war in Gaza without the establishment of a Palestinian state,” UAE Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan posted on X on Saturday.

In May, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu published online a post-war plan for Gaza, claiming the Palestinians “would enjoy unparalleled prosperity” once it is implemented.

The plan included investments in ports, solar energy, electric car manufacturing and benefits from newly discovered Gaza gasfields. The plan consisted of three stages from an unspecified “victory date” to 2035.

The roadmap said Palestinians in Gaza would run the plan under Israeli occupation, supervised by a coalition of Arab states, including the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain, Jordan and Morocco.

In response, Abdullah had lambasted Netanyahu, saying he “lacked legitimate authority to implement this step or take any similar measures” and making it clear that the UAE was not consulted on the Gaza plans.

Source: Al Jazeera