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Arab racism against fellow Muslims

Some good points here and in post #69. Somehow multi-quote reply is not working so I can only quote this one message.

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Good thread BTW👍
Some good points here and in post #69. Somehow multi-quote reply is not working so I can only quote this one message.

To clarify - I do not expect Arabs to give special treatment to muslims. The only reason I brought up Islam and muslims in the topic and my initial post is the irony of Arabs considering themselves the original muslims but acting against the basic tenets of Islam. The reason I also mentioned their racism even against fellow muslims was to highlight that their prejudiced behavior is not stemmed from religious superiority ("we are believers and look down on the non-believers") but more of true racism.
I might be prejudiced but I don't think Arabs or any other religion originators, so to say, hold their own co-religionists hold in any special regard.

Racism has to do with race and yes caste and community before it considers religion.

I think that might have something to do with your culture shock. You expected more from the Arabs as the custodians of Islam and were disappointed.
It might not be racism in the technical sense, but it works in more or less the same fashion. You mention dharma there, but before the RSS pioneers decided hinduism was too religion based, dharma meant a person ended up a low caste by birth as part of his or her dharma, and they couldn't escape that dharma during their lifetime.

Hence they were treated as lesser beings in the same way a racist would grade some races as lesser.
There is no technicality here. Caste system has evolved to be a form of discrimination. But it is not race based.

Caste system was alright for as long as there was fluidity in it. Any educated person could be a Brahmin. Any skilled Artisan or Gold smith can become a Shudra or any skilled swordsman could become a Kshatriya. When the lines between various castes became rigid, it became discriminatory.

You cannot equate anything to racism. Any discrimination based on skin color or facial features is considered racist. Varnashrama Dharma does not quality for it.
Honestly, I don't see Arab attitudes as racism but more as nouveau riche snobbery.

I don't think there's a lot of history of this behaviour. From what I know, for most of their medium-term history, Arabs were ruled by the Turks, Brits etc. Movies in the 60s, 70s show them either as fawning - effendi, effendi types or noble savages. Sudden oil money and being served by a range of nationalities and everyone begging for their money has probably turned them a bit arrogant like any arrivistes or lottery winners.

Perhaps Muslims expect some special consideration given the common religion and perceive an extra racism when they don't get it. As far as most others are concerned, I don't think Arabs are seen as particularly racist - more as vulgar, tasteless and perhaps exploitative and uncaring.
Caliphate was under strict Arab rule for only 3 centuries at best.

Rashidun and Umayyads were Arabs. Abbasids were quasi Arabs. They are more central asian. They are the ones that gave Islam as we know today. After Abbasids, Seljuk Turks took over followed by Ottomans.

Basically Arabia was under Turkish rile starting from 1250's all the way till 1917 when Ottoman rule ended.

Arabs are indebted to Americans for discovering oil for them. Arabs did not know what they were sitting on for several millennia until 1938 when an American geologist discovered oil there and the rest is history. Until then, the Hejaz area was sparsely populated by Bedioun Arabs. The land could only support a few people. With oil money, the influx of Arabs started and there were fights over who should control the oil rich areas.

As you have said, money also brings attitude and rich always tend to look down upon poor people.
There is no technicality here. Caste system has evolved to be a form of discrimination. But it is not race based.

Caste system was alright for as long as there was fluidity in it. Any educated person could be a Brahmin. Any skilled Artisan or Gold smith can become a Shudra or any skilled swordsman could become a Kshatriya. When the lines between various castes became rigid, it became discriminatory.

You cannot equate anything to racism. Any discrimination based on skin color or facial features is considered racist. Varnashrama Dharma does not quality for it.

I'm sorry but that sounds like a revisionist history of Hindu religion, maybe you are giving me the version pioneered by Gowalkar and the RSS movement. But he was an atheist from the 20th century who ridiculed his own religion (Hinduism) and tried to rebuild a new identity based on cultural nationalism.
I'm sorry but that sounds like a revisionist history of Hindu religion, maybe you are giving me the version pioneered by Gowalkar and the RSS movement. But he was an atheist from the 20th century who ridiculed his own religion (Hinduism) and tried to rebuild a new identity based on cultural nationalism.
Revisionist? Varnashrama Dharma is as old as India itself. It existed in all cults in India and it was fluid.

Manusmriti is only about 1400 years old. The groups were codified and became rigid after that. There are many instances of Shudras becoming Brahmins and Brahmins becoming Kshatriyas or Vaishyas or Shudras.

The famous sage Valmiki who wrote Ramayan is a tribal person who became a Brahmin.

The Saptarishis do not have castes. All of the 4 castes call these Rishis as their progenitors.
Revisionist? Varnashrama Dharma is as old as India itself. It existed in all cults in India and it was fluid.

Manusmriti is only about 1400 years old. The groups were codified and became rigid after that. There are many instances of Shudras becoming Brahmins and Brahmins becoming Kshatriyas or Vaishyas or Shudras.

The famous sage Valmiki who wrote Ramayan is a tribal person who became a Brahmin.

The Saptarishis do not have castes. All of the 4 castes call these Rishis as their progenitors.
One of the many reasons I like this forum. Across many topics we also get pretty interesting side discussions. I do not know much about Hinduism so I felt like I learned some new things here (I did have to google quite a few terms in this message). Good stuff!
Revisionist? Varnashrama Dharma is as old as India itself. It existed in all cults in India and it was fluid.

Manusmriti is only about 1400 years old. The groups were codified and became rigid after that. There are many instances of Shudras becoming Brahmins and Brahmins becoming Kshatriyas or Vaishyas or Shudras.

The famous sage Valmiki who wrote Ramayan is a tribal person who became a Brahmin.

The Saptarishis do not have castes. All of the 4 castes call these Rishis as their progenitors.

What I learned of the caste system at school was that the caste system was linked to dharma, and a reflection of your previous life hence reincarnation. I also read that the only way to move up the caste ladder is to observe the rules of your own caste strictly in you current life. This seems to be the reality of how Hindus have actually thought for the vast majority of recorded history.
What I learned of the caste system at school was that the caste system was linked to dharma, and a reflection of your previous life hence reincarnation. I also read that the only way to move up the caste ladder is to observe the rules of your own caste strictly in you current life. This seems to be the reality of how Hindus have actually thought for the vast majority of recorded history.
Your karma in this life is going to affect your next life. The cycle of birth and death will continue until the soul gets moksha. It is common for all cults in India.
You can change your stature or even Varna if you show the skill and talent. I have mentioned many such people who changed their caste before due to their deeds.
At the end of Gupta empire, this internal mobility was prohibited. I don’t the circumstances for it, but it changed for the worse around 7th century. Caste fluidity and intermixing was strictly prohibited. What we see is the result of that change till today.

Funny thing is, Manu Smriti only mentions 4 castes. But we have thousands of castes today. This just shows internal groupings have skyrocketed since the strict enforcement of Caste rules. It is abhorrent and should be smashed to pieces.
Ambedkar had the guts to question it. Non- Sawarna(non-high caste) people deserved their rights and reservations were enforced for their upliftment when India got its independence.
But like all things in India, even reservations were exploited by certain low caste people and leftist parties use it as a weapon to divide Hindu vote bank.

Give it another 50 years, no one will care about caste in India. Inter caste marriages have picked up pace and it will only accelerate in the future with the older generations fading away.
Give it another 50 years, no one will care about caste in India. Inter caste marriages have picked up pace and it will only accelerate in the future with the older generations fading away.

That is because due to exposure to the rest of the world via digital connectivity such ideas look ridiculous - not because there was some hidden truth in the original idea of inherent or incarnated social divisions. The western world does not believe in castes yet they are the first world and India is third world. What caste would Americans or the British Raj be classified as?
That is because due to exposure to the rest of the world via digital connectivity such ideas look ridiculous - not because there was some hidden truth in the original idea of inherent or incarnated social divisions. The western world does not believe in castes yet they are the first world and India is third world. What caste would Americans or the British Raj be classified as?
Foreigners would generally be classified as 'Mlechhas' - outside or by some interpretations below the caste system.
That is because due to exposure to the rest of the world via digital connectivity such ideas look ridiculous - not because there was some hidden truth in the original idea of inherent or incarnated social divisions. The western world does not believe in castes yet they are the first world and India is third world. What caste would Americans or the British Raj be classified as?
After the Glen Hoddle incident in the UK people became very careful about disclosing these types of belief. In fact they aren't very mainstream.

Hamza Yusuf , Sadiq Khan, Jacob Rees Mogg and Tim Farron got grilled over their attitude to LGBT because of the Abrahamic religious stance on it. They had to duck and dive to protect their careers.

Hindus are somewhat lucky they don't face the same scrutiny. Can you imagine Sunak, Patel or Braverman being asked about caste system or whether disabled people were sinners from a previous life?

That's why overall I think they are happy presenting the soft face outside ( yoga pants, fireworks and Bollywood) over the harder face they want to show at home where nobody is looking.

Maybe we can learn from them.
That is because due to exposure to the rest of the world via digital connectivity such ideas look ridiculous - not because there was some hidden truth in the original idea of inherent or incarnated social divisions. The western world does not believe in castes yet they are the first world and India is third world. What caste would Americans or the British Raj be classified as?
Caste system is fading away because people don’t follow any of its rules. This is like following Islam and eating pork and doing adultery.
A system or faith only exists if the people follow the rules.

I don’t know why British or Americans even be considered as part of caste system. You made no sense there. This is like asking whether a Baniya falls under a Sunni or Shia.

All of these European societies also had rigid class system. There were revolutions against that system for equal rights. No society is immune to this BS.
My Mamo (maternal uncle) lived in Saudi arabia for more than 15 years and was there in may 1998 when Pakistan carried out nuclear tests. He told be that many saudis he knew back then were overjoyed about it and they were hugging and congratulating him and praising Pakistan.

When we talk of Arabs, there is a need to differentiate between arab rulers like the house of Saud and ordinary arabs. The oil wealth has made those arab ruling elite arrogant and they suck up to the white man and look down upon black and sub-continent muslims.
But most ordinary arabs i have met in Canada/USA were not racist at all. I have many arab friends and there is a genuine feeling of muslim unity