

Tape Ball Regular
Dec 29, 2009
Hi mods, not sure if this thread has been created. I was reading up on this new wristband called the Trion Z.

It apparently aids in athelete performance with recovery using negative ions and some other scientific stuff which is too much for mind to handle.

Any ppers ever used this stuff?? what do you think?

One of my major worries is, is it even safe?!?!?!? they seem very decent priced!
they look super cool, i had one and i didnt like them, dont know if it was in my mind or whatever but i felt like too lazy when using them for sometime, so i stopped using them.
so you're saying it did the opposite to what they advertised?? :O made you lazy :O
its been proved they are a CON!!

their strategy is to buy a lot of sports stars and get them to wear these.

lot of ppl buy them thinking they must work.
PowerBalance Admits Their Wristbands Are A Scam

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cricketsupplies admin guy/seller (they sell them in UK) talks about them like they were the best thing since sliced bread. Trying hard to sell these.

Put one link to one of these scientific studies in the forum discussing this shameful product and he banned me.

As consumers we should tell the unsuspecting friends and fellow forum members that they dont work - if they still want to buy it then it is upto them.
The reason that I am so angry about this one product is that I saw little kids telling their parents for this at my club. Many of them are regular middle class hard working mortgage paying families and then having to buy these $50 bracelets that are meant to improve their kids sports -its just ridiculous. If it was a $ 2 band then it wasnt too bad.

I remember at one point they had one special bracelet that was $65 AU!!!!!!
The reason that I am so angry about this one product is that I saw little kids telling their parents for this at my club. Many of them are regular middle class hard working mortgage paying families and then having to buy these $50 bracelets that are meant to improve their kids sports -its just ridiculous. If it was a $ 2 band then it wasnt too bad.

I remember at one point they had one special bracelet that was $65 AU!!!!!!

i agree, they shouldn't be anything up than $2.....
I was talking to friends dad about these- He said these are no different to some Baba's TAVEEZ! hahahah
I've used these Trion:Z bands before... I think Power Balance is a different thing? They are the hologram ones that got shown up as a scam last year. Trion:Z are magnet therapy I believe.
The Trion:Z ones have Jimmy Anderson advocating them and a few others. I don't know about others but I think they helped me, made my hands less stiff and loads of other forums on the web say they have worked for them.
Power Balance = scam
Trion:Z = work
Nope, they are all a scam. What you are feeling is the placebo effect, your mind thinks it is working so you feel less pain or gain more movement when really that is nothing to do with the band. Magnet Therapy is just another sophisticated phrase that corporations use to make it sound very scientific. The only reason that sports people like James Anderson wear them is because the get paid to as the company know that if a sportsman(or woman) is seen wearing it then people(like yourself) assume they must work.
Nope, they are all a scam. What you are feeling is the placebo effect, your mind thinks it is working so you feel less pain or gain more movement when really that is nothing to do with the band. Magnet Therapy is just another sophisticated phrase that corporations use to make it sound very scientific. The only reason that sports people like James Anderson wear them is because the get paid to as the company know that if a sportsman(or woman) is seen wearing it then people(like yourself) assume they must work.
