Twin Peaks series


Tape Ball Captain
Apr 5, 2011
I dont know if anybody has heard of twin peaks. a really awesome and weird tv series which played in US from 1990-1991. it ended rather abruptly. but it was an awesome murder-mystery series with horror, even some comedy. it was difficult to categorize because it jumped so many genres.

it starred kyle maclachlan as dale cooper, the eccentric but genius fbi agent who investigates the murder of laura palmer played by sheryl lee.

sadly it ended after just 2 seasons rather abruptly so it could not even have a proper conclusion. however its a wonderful series. please do watch it if you get the chance.
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I was big fan of the series. The series started well. The first season is simply amazing. But it slipped alot after they uncovered Laura Palmer's killer in Season2. They tried to adress some issues in prequel movie "Fire Walk With Me".
Watched a few episodes when it was first on telly. I was completely baffled and stopped watching.
I remember watching few episodes. It was interesting show. I particularly remember Sherilyn Fenn who, later, also starred in a movie called "boxing Helena", a bizarre drama.......
Who knows show might even return.
Watched a few episodes when it was first on telly. I was completely baffled and stopped watching.
Lynch does that to people. Read Roger Ebert's reviews on Blue Velvet and Wild at Heart. Dude shredded them apart. There is no middle ground with Lynch. You either like his work or dislike it.
Lynch does that to people. Read Roger Ebert's reviews on Blue Velvet and Wild at Heart. Dude shredded them apart. There is no middle ground with Lynch. You either like his work or dislike it.

I quite liked Wild at Heart but found Blue Velvet horrid. Mulholland Drive baffled me too.
I saw the movie Twin Peaks. I selected the movie randomly from the video shop. There is a girl either missing or murdered or voluntary hiding( i never understood which of the three happened) She is leading a secret life of sorts more than one boyfriend etc and the ending was bizarre. There was a dwarf singing and it seemed like the dead girl was alive and the inspector who investigating her is present with her . The whole movie went above and beyond my head It is only after i came to USA that i found out there was a series called twin peaks. Since the movie was so horrible that i have avoided watching the series till now despite recommendations from my friends.
I saw the movie Twin Peaks. I selected the movie randomly from the video shop. There is a girl either missing or murdered or voluntary hiding( i never understood which of the three happened) She is leading a secret life of sorts more than one boyfriend etc and the ending was bizarre. There was a dwarf singing and it seemed like the dead girl was alive and the inspector who investigating her is present with her . The whole movie went above and beyond my head It is only after i came to USA that i found out there was a series called twin peaks. Since the movie was so horrible that i have avoided watching the series till now despite recommendations from my friends.

The movie is a sequel/prequel to the series. You won't understand anything in the movie Fire Walk With Me without the series. Even after watching the series, you may not cause it's Lynch. Series is much easier to follow and is less shocking than the movie. It's also a pretty revolutionary series in terms of the programming quality. It got away with a lot in it's day and age without explicit gore, violence or sex but very adult themes. Excellent show IMO. Must watch.
I hope they reboot Twin Peaks and do justice to KillerBob's character.
Watched the series twice and honestly it is easier to follow if you know what is going to happen. The series is awesome till the Laura Palmer story is resolved. Then it falls away quite a bit before picking up with the Windom Earle arc. The movie on the other hand, is underwhelming especially in the middle when they focus too much on the sex and drugs aspect. It still has two fantastic performances in Sheryl Lee and Ray Wise. The movie also does not resolve anything and introduces more loose ends. Hopefully, the new series will resolve stuff even if implicitly. Honestly, stay off the forum boards and avoid the "analysis" texts because they overanalyze stuff and ruin enjoyment.