[VIDEO] Coming soon... a Netflix documentary discussing Sharif's corruption "Behind Close Doors"


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Oct 2, 2004
[VIDEO] Coming soon... a Netflix documentary discussing Sharif's corruption "Behind Close Doors"

Wonder what the shock will be in this?

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On Monday, a trailer of a documentary, Behind Closed Doors, about corruption in different countries made rounds on Twitter. The aforementioned short, directed by Michael Oswald, and produced and written by Murtaza Mehdi, included infamous cases from Kenya, Azerbaijan and as well as Pakistan.

Shared on the award-winning YouTube channel, Independent POV, the two-minute clip highlights how rules have been discriminated against elites and those who aren't as privileged. In the said documentary, Pakistan's Sharif family also gets a mention as we see several PTI leaders, including former premier Imran Khan talking about the cases Sharifs have been embroiled in.

The trailer begins with Kenyan journalist John-Allan Namu saying, “How it has been described is that there has been one rule for the elite, especially the elite that is connected to power and other for everybody else, I think I will leave it at that.”

We then see journalist Arshad Sharif say, “Accounts were opened in the name of these low-level low-wage employees who do not come into the tax net. Money used to be deposited in those accounts and finally, they used to land in the accounts of either Mr Hamza Shahbaz, Mr Salman Shahbaz or Mr Shehbaz Sharif himself. They said people used to come with gunmen into the banks.”

PTI leaders took to social media and shared the trailer, adding how Sharifs have made it to the 'international scale'.

Sayed Zulfi Bukhari, Fawad Chaudhry, Shireen Mazari, Taimur Khan Jhagra and Muhammad Basharat Raja among others took to Twitter to share the trailer. In his tweet, Jhagra claimed that the documentary is coming soon to either Netflix or Amazon Prime. “The truth is out there. In Pakistan, sadly it just seems to lead back the same people to corridors of power, again and again,” he wrote.

Mazari, too, claimed that the said documentary will air on Netflix or Amazon Prime. "A must-watch documentary on corruption very relevant as Sharifs also feature in it. Soon on Netflix and Amazon," she tweeted. Netflix or Amazon Prime is yet to confirm whether Behind Closed Doors will be picked up by either streaming giant.

"Can’t wait for this much-awaited documentary about the corruption of the elite. Congratulations Shareef family you have successfully made the cut!" said Bukhari.

According to the synopsis of Behind Closed Door, "It is a film about corruption in high places and those who enable it."

The statement further read, "Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) are people who hold a public function and as a result, present higher risks of being involved in bribery or corruption. Offshore leaks have revealed repeatedly that PEPs use British finance and British offshore jurisdictions to launder their wealth, hide their wealth and re-invest it into the global financial system. London is the place where they buy property, where they take legal action against their critics and where they live when they fall from grace."

It concludes with, "But what happens when a developing country fights back and attempts to get Britain to return the money that it claims has been stolen?"

Express Tribune
Misleading posts viewed hundreds of thousands of times claim that a documentary on alleged corruption by Pakistan's prime minister is an "upcoming Netflix series", but a producer for the film told AFP it is independently produced. A Netflix spokesperson also said the company has not been involved in production.

The video was shared here on Twitter on October 17, 2022, and has been viewed more than 300,000 times. Comments on that and similar posts suggest that many users believed the documentary was produced by Netflix. "Netflix series on Dirty money Stashed in London…Behind closed Doors. Coming Soon...!!!" reads the tweet.

In the one-minute and 41-second clip, titled Behind Closed Doors, Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and his sons are accused of engaging in illegal financial operations. The Sharif family, including three-time prime minister Nawaz Sharif, the brother of the current prime minister, have been embroiled in countless corruption and money laundering allegations. The family deny the accusations and argue they are politically motivated.

Sharif took office on April 11, following a parliamentary no-confidence vote in which legislators voted to dismiss his predecessor, Imran Khan. Since then, Khan, the chairman of the opposition Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party, has mounted a political campaign against the ruling coalition, organising rallies around the country in an attempt to cripple the government and force early elections.

The misleading video has been viewed more than 72,000 times in social media posts alongside similar claims on Facebook, TikTok and YouTube. The video was also shared on Twitter with a similar claim by PTI leaders Taimur Khan Jhagra, Momina Basit and Faisal Amin Khan, where it was viewed more than 28,000 times. Shireen Mazari, who served as the country's human rights minister during Khan's government, retweeted the trailer with a similar claim, which was then shared more than 2,400 times.

Social media users appeared to believe that Netflix is producing the documentary.

"His supporters will still celebrate this saying 'look, Netflix is making a documentary on our leader!!" read one Urdu-language comment. "Praise Allah. Even international media like Netflix are making documentaries about him," another user said. A Netflix spokesperson, however, told AFP that the platform has no plans to add the documentary to its service.

Independent production

A keyword search on Google found the same video published here on YouTube on October 17, 2022, by a YouTube channel operated by Independent POV, an independent production company that makes documentaries that explore themes of secrecy, financial crimes and the abuse of power. The video's caption reads in part: "Behind Closed Doors is a film about corruption in high places and those who enable it."

Michael Oswald, a producer of the documentary, said it has no affiliation with Netflix. "As with all of Independent POV's documentaries to date, it is independently produced and funded," he told AFP. The official website for the documentary links to a crowd-funding page to help support its production.

About Behind Closed Doors

According to the synopsis of Behind Closed Door, "It is a film about corruption in high places and those who enable it."

The statement further read, "Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) are people who hold a public function and as a result, present higher risks of being involved in bribery or corruption. Offshore leaks have revealed repeatedly that PEPs use British finance and British offshore jurisdictions to launder their wealth, hide their wealth and re-invest it into the global financial system. London is the place where they buy property, where they take legal action against their critics and where they live when they fall from grace."

It concludes with, "But what happens when a developing country fights back and attempts to get Britain to return the money that it claims has been stolen?"

Express Tribune
He will still keep crying "mujhe kyun nikala!". This will put even more pressure on this chor rightfully giving IK even more leverage against him.
This is not a Netflix documentary, there has been no deal with Netflix as of yet, its made by an independent group.

London keeps getting mentioned in it, and to be very honest, the Shareefs are not that interesting if Londons affairs are also mentioned in it.

Malik Riaz has been involved in a corruption case in UK, but he was able to cut a deal with the help of PTI govt at the time. Basically, the UK govt charged him a fine which he paid and than the UK govt transferred that fine to Pakistani govt under PTI. Than the same govt decided to transfer the money back to Malik Riaz.

Now, Malik Riaz buys the media and doesnt allow anything negative about him get published. If this documentary discusses him, would be a massive one and I would be surprised if it gets released and would explain the death of Journalist.

However, if its just Sharifs and no mention of Malik Riaz, than the whole documentary gets questioned that what is the motive behind it. Too expose corruption or just to target a political party. Because Malik Riaz is a much bigger fish who was involved in cutting a deal with UK
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/BehindClosedDoors?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#BehindClosedDoors</a> Coming Soon <a href="https://t.co/sfsvKipGvm">pic.twitter.com/sfsvKipGvm</a></p>— Ch Fawad Hussain (@fawadchaudhry) <a href="https://twitter.com/fawadchaudhry/status/1590677940286652421?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 10, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>