[VIDEOS] Is the UK racist? The Trevor Noah vs Piers Morgan debate


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2004
This was the LBC clip

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">'Rishi Sunak isn't even British!'<br><br>Sangita Myska eviscerates this racist caller who says Tory party member won't vote for Sunak because 'he doesn't represent Britain'.<a href="https://twitter.com/SangitaMyska?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@SangitaMyska</a> <a href="https://t.co/xowtWAYTPk">pic.twitter.com/xowtWAYTPk</a></p>— LBC (@LBC) <a href="https://twitter.com/LBC/status/1583836182781517830?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 22, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

and Trevor Noah's take

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Unpacking the backlash against new UK PM Rishi Sunak <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/BetweenTheScenes?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#BetweenTheScenes</a> <a href="https://t.co/MJNPgv5APK">pic.twitter.com/MJNPgv5APK</a></p>— The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow) <a href="https://twitter.com/TheDailyShow/status/1585240576537944065?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 26, 2022</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
And Piers Morgan wades in, Noah's reply

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">C’mon Piers you’re smarter than that. I wasn’t saying “The entire U.K. is racist”, I was responding to the racists who don’t want Rishi as PM because of his race. That’s why I said. “Some people” ��<a href="https://t.co/QQgEQ45wJU">https://t.co/QQgEQ45wJU</a> <a href="https://t.co/bhurdPvsE8">https://t.co/bhurdPvsE8</a></p>— Trevor Noah (@Trevornoah) <a href="https://twitter.com/Trevornoah/status/1586031688446259200?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 28, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Comedian Trevor Noah says he did not claim "the entire UK is racist" after a row over a skit he did about the appointment of Rishi Sunak as PM.

On US news programme The Daily Show earlier this week, Noah had said there had been a "backlash" over Mr Sunak.

His comments were criticised in the UK, with many including ex-chancellor Sajid Javid calling Noah "simply wrong".

But Noah has now defended his segment, saying he was reacting to racists, and: "That's why I said. 'Some people'."

Mr Sunak is the UK's first British Asian prime minister and officially took over as Conservative leader and PM on Tuesday, after a leadership process.

In the original comments on the US programme, Noah - who is South African and grew up during apartheid - said: "You hear a lot of the people saying 'Oh, they're taking over, now the Indians are going to take over Great Britain and what's next?'

"And I always find myself going 'So what? What are you afraid of? I think it's because the quiet part that a lot of people don't realise what they're saying is, 'We don't want these people who were previously oppressed to get into power because then they may do to us what we did to them.'"

During his skit, Noah played a clip from radio station LBC during the latest Conservative leadership race a week ago, when a caller falsely claimed Mr Sunak was "not even British".

Mr Javid tweeted in response that the comments from the comedian were "so wrong" and that Britain "is the most successful multiracial democracy on earth and proud of this historic achievement".

Former Tory leadership contender Rory Stewart said Mr Noah's remarks were "completely bizarre" and an example of "lazy stereotyping".

Downing Street said on Thursday that Mr Sunak did not believe Britain was a racist country.

Presenter Piers Morgan also tweeted that US media was "falsely portraying Britain as a racist country".

Noah finally responded on Friday evening, saying: "C'mon Piers, you're smarter than that.

"I wasn't saying "The entire UK is racist", I was responding to the racists who don't want Rishi as PM because of his race. That's why I said. "Some people"."

Noah has long spoken about racial equality, publishing a book in 2017 titled Born a Crime, a reference to the fact he was born in South Africa to a white Swiss father and a black Xhosa mother, at a time when such a relationship was punishable by imprisonment.

He began his career in South Africa, releasing a string of stand-up specials and hosting a late-night talk show before relocating to the US in 2011.

He has hosted The Daily Show - a late-night talk and satirical news programme - since 2015 but last month announced he would be standing down.

Mr Sunak was born in Hampshire, south-east England, to Indian parents - a pharmacist mother and a GP father - and is married to Akshata Murty, with whom he has two young daughters Krishna and Anoushka

It's actually a big change that the country has gone through and I haven't heard or felt any under current of resentment towards him because he is Ind. Most of the people opposed to him, dislike him because he is a Tory not because he is Ind.
It's actually a big change that the country has gone through and I haven't heard or felt any under current of resentment towards him because he is Ind. Most of the people opposed to him, dislike him because he is a Tory not because he is Ind.

You would be surprised.
Uk is one of the most diverse countries in the world. People of all religions, race, enjoy freedoms which most other countries do not offer. So for me its a big NO, UK is not racist.
whats changed from 30-40 years ago was that racism was open and youd get harrassed abused and often beat up in uk for the colour of your skin in broad daylight

that doesnt happen as much now in major towns and cities Its more underground and behind the scenes where you get denied job opportunities or people wont sell you their house or people be racist online etc

racism is still here and just taken a different form
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It's actually a big change that the country has gone through and I haven't heard or felt any under current of resentment towards him because he is Ind. Most of the people opposed to him, dislike him because he is a Tory not because he is Ind.

The party itself didn't vote him in initially and instead voted for a numpty who was doomed to fail.
Why do you think that was the case?
Uk is one of the most diverse countries in the world. People of all religions, race, enjoy freedoms which most other countries do not offer. So for me its a big NO, UK is not racist.

I agree.
But that doesn't mean there are no racists in England.
The party itself didn't vote him in initially and instead voted for a numpty who was doomed to fail.
Why do you think that was the case?

Again that is an ideology thing. Kemi Bedenoch polled well amongst the members. Tory membership is old and pretty right wing and has and will have racists but overall its an ideology issue. If we extrapolate this to a Muslim MP then race would be an issue. The reason is that Hindus are non threatening and Hinduism isn't taken seriously.
Interested in knowing your views on what Noah said.
It's actually a big change that the country has gone through and I haven't heard or felt any under current of resentment towards him because he is Ind. Most of the people opposed to him, dislike him because he is a Tory not because he is Ind.

This was from a Tory member. The same bunch who voted for Liz Truss over Rishi Sunak. Who in their right mind votes for someone who's thick as she is?

I had a phone call with my old boss last week, who I remain in touch with, he mentioned to me that they're still Tory members who have a problem with him leading the party because of prejudice.

He happens to be non-Asian (white British) and the fact that many other non-Asians have stated the same (@Robert has as well) speaks volumes.
White Brits are worried that Rishi's loyalties are towards India it seems. He is a brown man born and raised in the UK that makes him entitled to forging a political career in the UK irrespective of what white people of the country think. Yes a white man born in Pakistan can go in to politics too if they so desire then what's the problem?.

Face facts! Much of the UK is mad because of Rishi's race and religion with him being a devout Hindu has Christian racists who worship a white man crying foul play! Most of them have no idea of politics at all but will hate Rishi regardless.
Liberals of the UK love to generalise. Brexit voters are all racists for example, then eventually they backtrack. Now Brexit voters are xenophobic according to Liberals, and as we have seen above in the Tweets above, pure backpedaling when pulled up on their nonsense.

According to liberals, 17.5 Million racists were created on 16th June 2016, just like that, out of thin air, and this highlights the problem - Liberalism has hijacked the meaning and essence of racism.

Sure there are racists in the UK, but these racists are not a reflection of British society as per Liberal claims, plus you will find racists in all countries.

Disagreeing on a viewpoint is not racist, being attracted to a certain race, is not racist, but according to Liberals, both examples are forms of racism.

I would never let anyone describe the UK as a racist nation in the same way I would never use Tommy Robinson to describe white brits.

The reality is Liberals do not like Rishi Sunak because he is rich and a Tory. Anything else is pure clickbait for the LSJW movement to keep relevant.
Oh, ONE caller on LBC is not representative of the nations view.

This is known as propaganda.
Trevor Noah is from South Africa. He will play on the racist tropes and sensationalism for clicks and fame. He is nothing without playing the race card.

He fled his country cos blacks were in power, and as a result has a lot of pent up agression. His humour is a defence mechanism, a release for inner hate.

His shows are underpinned with sensationalistic racism, which plays well in the West.

A confused stooge who lacks identity.
Interested in knowing your views on what Noah said.

trevor noah is a good comedian, but he can't hold a candle to john stewart on political matters. there was no general backlash against sunak, his ethnicity was a non-event. noah is just trying to transpose American racial issues on the UK IMO.

UK does have its racists, but they don't have the same platform as they do in the USA. class has always been a much bigger problem in the UK, if ur gonna aim to have zero racists in a country, that is a pointless unattainable goal which just feeds the monster that profits off of portraying divisions where there arent any of any materiality.
White Brits are worried that Rishi's loyalties are towards India it seems. He is a brown man born and raised in the UK that makes him entitled to forging a political career in the UK irrespective of what white people of the country think. Yes a white man born in Pakistan can go in to politics too if they so desire then what's the problem?.

Face facts! Much of the UK is mad because of Rishi's race and religion with him being a devout Hindu has Christian racists who worship a white man crying foul play! Most of them have no idea of politics at all but will hate Rishi regardless.

I'm not, and I am sure [MENTION=1842]James[/MENTION] isn't.

To me it's about competence. I think he is better in that regard than Bodge and Truss, and possibly May. But I will still never vote Tory because they have gutted public services, increased inequality, and deliberately stirred up racism, Islamophobia and other culture war factors.

I did say a while ago that racism played a role in Truss's win over Sunak. I was met with disbelief on this board.

Right now we see a rise in the number of RefUK supporters - those are racists fleeing the Tories because Sunak.
Liberal perception is not evidence, one radio call is not evidence.

If Liberals claim the UK is racist, present the evidence.

Liberals don't have the evidence.
This was from a Tory member. The same bunch who voted for Liz Truss over Rishi Sunak. Who in their right mind votes for someone who's thick as she is?

I had a phone call with my old boss last week, who I remain in touch with, he mentioned to me that they're still Tory members who have a problem with him leading the party because of prejudice.

He happens to be non-Asian (white British) and the fact that many other non-Asians have stated the same (@Robert has as well) speaks volumes.

There is no doubt a part of the Tory party and in general society that will believe that a non white should not be PM. But for such a historical change the numbers are small and the biggest hate is that he is a Tory. The Tories will in my opinion still form the next govt, so he will have at least 6 years although the incumbency fatigue will hurt his chances
Every country has racism, tribalism in certain sections of society.

But compare UK to say Israel or Ukraine, its not racist.
Again that is an ideology thing. Kemi Bedenoch polled well amongst the members. Tory membership is old and pretty right wing and has and will have racists but overall its an ideology issue. If we extrapolate this to a Muslim MP then race would be an issue. The reason is that Hindus are non threatening and Hinduism isn't taken seriously.

I think you have got blinkers on mate. You honestly think Badenoch would have won the last two if the other was white?
I think you have got blinkers on mate. You honestly think Badenoch would have won the last two if the other was white?

I am not sure- depends on who she would she up against. The right love, right wing ideologues and if she was up against say Rory Stewart,yes she would beat him. The only thing for certain is that they don't feel threatened by a Hindu whereas they would be a Muslim.
Before Brexit, racism was dying down in the UK and even to this day it's still one of the most tolerant societies that has given opportunities for people of all backgrounds to progress. The UK without a doubt is the greatest democracy in the world.

However since Brexit, the racism, xenophobia and Islamophobia have risen significantly, part of this is because of the misinformation you find on social media.

For example, this morning I was playing football with a bunch of randomers. In my team, we had a player from Spain. He got fouled a couple of times and he was so disgusted by the challenges that he made his feelings known. He said "ah so this is England yeah". One of the opposition players muttered under his breath "go back to where you f****ng came from you p***y".

I don't agree with what how the Spanish team mate reacted to the challenges but this is just one example of how xenophobia is becoming a growing problem.

Americans are seen as being more racist especially after Trump got elected. We all know a lot of bigots support him but I'm starting to wonder whether it's magnified in the US merely because they're more vocal about expressing their feelings.

Brits on the other hand are far more reserved and with the bigots, their true colours comes out after they've had a few drinks, as we witnessed last year after England's loss to Italy.
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There are some racist people in the UK but the UK as a whole is not a racist country.
I like Noah and can’t stand piers. But Noah plays the race card too much.
I am not sure- depends on who she would she up against. The right love, right wing ideologues and if she was up against say Rory Stewart,yes she would beat him. The only thing for certain is that they don't feel threatened by a Hindu whereas they would be a Muslim.

They could have elected a Hindu. He was clearly the more capable. Yet they chose the less capable white woman instead. Why do you think they did that?
Before Brexit, racism was dying down in the UK and even to this day it's still one of the most tolerant societies that has given opportunities for people of all backgrounds to progress. The UK without a doubt is the greatest democracy in the world.

However since Brexit, the racism, xenophobia and Islamophobia have risen significantly, part of this is because of the misinformation you find on social media.

For example, this morning I was playing football with a bunch of randomers. In my team, we had a player from Spain. He got fouled a couple of times and he was so disgusted by the challenges that he made his feelings known. He said "ah so this is England yeah". One of the opposition players muttered under his breath "go back to where you f****ng came from you p***y".

I don't agree with what how the Spanish team mate reacted to the challenges but this is just one example of how xenophobia is becoming a growing problem.

Americans are seen as being more racist especially after Trump got elected. We all know a lot of bigots support him but I'm starting to wonder whether it's magnified in the US merely because they're more vocal about expressing their feelings.

Brits on the other hand are far more reserved and with the bigots, their true colours comes out after they've had a few drinks, as we witnessed last year after England's loss to Italy.

There was certainly a spike is racial violence after the Brexit referendum.. The bigots felt they had been vindicated and were emboldened.

But a deeper reason is social media. Until recently the racists were isolated and could not talk to each other. Now they can form networks. And this makes them braver.

Add to that amoral politicians such as Trump and Johnson who are prepared to dogwhistle to the racists with coded language.
They could have elected a Hindu. He was clearly the more capable. Yet they chose the less capable white woman instead. Why do you think they did that?

Because she was marketed as “Low Tax Liz” and wanted to take on the EU over the Northern Ireland Protocol, which appealed to the Thatcherite hardcore Eurosceptic wing of the Tory Party who think we should deregulate the UK, privatise everything including health, and build an English Nationalist island tax haven by sacrificing Scotland and throwing NI under the bus.

Rishi in contrast showed a proper understanding of the economy in his campaign, he put forward a realistic spending plan, did not pledge to cut taxes, is genuinely a UK Unionist and patriotic Brit, and was seen by the EU as a sensible negotiating partner. In other words, the sort of Conservative thinker who appeals to those of us who voted for David Cameron, and far too sensible for the majority contingent of Purple “Back Boris” UKIP Tories who were never going to choose him.

The membership may have rejected Rishi on ideological grounds, but they were wrong. The right person for the country is now in the top job.
Because she was marketed as “Low Tax Liz” and wanted to take on the EU over the Northern Ireland Protocol, which appealed to the Thatcherite hardcore Eurosceptic wing of the Tory Party who think we should deregulate the UK, privatise everything including health, and build an English Nationalist island tax haven by sacrificing Scotland and throwing NI under the bus.

Rishi in contrast showed a proper understanding of the economy in his campaign, he put forward a realistic spending plan, did not pledge to cut taxes, is genuinely a UK Unionist and patriotic Brit, and was seen by the EU as a sensible negotiating partner. In other words, the sort of Conservative thinker who appeals to those of us who voted for David Cameron, and far too sensible for the majority contingent of Purple “Back Boris” UKIP Tories who were never going to choose him.

The membership may have rejected Rishi on ideological grounds, but they were wrong. The right person for the country is now in the top job.

Good post, but he was also rejected on racial grounds by some members.

I don’t know if this is you but some educated white people move in educated white people circles, and never meet the racist golf club / pub bore who votes Tory, responded to Johnson’s dogwhistles, and loves Patel and Braverman for being the right sort of brown people because they are send-em-back merchants.

You’re a bit younger than me [MENTION=1842]James[/MENTION] so thankfully you won’t recall the massive NF demos of the seventies. But that sickness never went away, it just went into remission, and now it is back.
They could have elected a Hindu. He was clearly the more capable. Yet they chose the less capable white woman instead. Why do you think they did that?

Rishi isnt seen as Right wing enough for them. The Tory members are old and right wing
Trevor Noah hastes West and Capitalism. He is part of the Woke Hollywood brigade. The man cries about racist West and yet, he is happy to live a millionaire life and enjoy the perks the racist West has to offer.

As a foreigner, he has no gratitude to the West that offered him a platform and live his dream as an entertainer.
I get the feeling that for most of them it wasn't. But I don't know that many Tory members so I could be wrong

Hmm. Well I don’t have figures. Few would admit to racism anyway. One woman said on TV that she voted for Truss because she is white, and a one rang LBC to complain that Sunak should not be PM because he is “not British”, as above.
The London Fire Brigade (LFB) is "institutionally misogynist and racist" with a "toxic culture that allows bullying and abuse", an independent review has found.

One black firefighter had a noose put above his locker while a female firefighter said she advised female friends not to let male firefighters in the house to check smoke alarms because they "go through women's drawers looking for underwear and sex toys".

A museum in London is closing one of its main exhibitions following concerns over "racist, sexist and ableist theories and language".

The Wellcome Collection says the Medicine Man display is ending after a 15-year run.
Founder Henry Wellcome, who died in 1936, collected more than a million objects to give an insight into global health and medicine.

The museum has marked the closure as a "significant turning point".

Controversial objects include a 1916 painting titled "A Medical Missionary Attending to a Sick African" which depicts an African person kneeling in front of a white missionary.

The museum said in a statement on Twitter: "We can't change our past. But we can work towards a future where we give voice to the narratives and lived experiences of those who have been silenced, erased and ignored.

"We tried to do this with some of the pieces in Medicine Man using artist interventions. But the display still perpetuates a version of medical history that is based on racist, sexist and ableist theories and language."

It added that exhibiting the collection of paintings, books and anatomical models told a colonial story of a man with "enormous wealth, power and privilege".

The statement continued: "The result was a collection that told a global story of health and medicine in which disabled people, Black people, Indigenous peoples and people of colour were exoticised, marginalised and exploited - or even missed out altogether."

The Wellcome Collection's website says a new exhibition featuring health stories of people who have been previously marginalised or even erased from museums will be unveiled in the coming years.

The museum brought in a new director called Melanie Keen in 2019, according to the Guardian.

She said at the time she wanted to address who the objects in the museum really belonged to and how they were acquired.

Ms Keen said: "It feels like an impossible place to be worrying about this material we hold without interrogating what it is, what narratives there are to be understood in a more profound way, and how the material came to be in our collection."

"Absolutely Don't Believe Britain A Racist Country": Rishi Sunak

Britain's first Indian-origin Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has defended the UK's record on race amid a brewing row over controversial remarks by a columnist attacking Prince Harry's wife Meghan Markle, who is of African-American heritage.

Rishi Sunak was addressing questions posed by reporters during a visit to the Latvian capital of Riga on Monday when he spoke out against racism and highlighted his own heritage as carrying some weight on the subject.

"I absolutely don't believe that Britain is a racist country. And I'd hope that as our nation's first British Asian Prime Minister when I say that it carries some weight," he told reporters.

"You know, I'm really proud of our country, its culture, its resilience, its beauty. And actually, it's an enormous privilege to champion Britain and indeed, its institutions like the monarchy when I'm out and about on the world stage as I am here today," said the UK-born politician, who has his family roots in Punjab.

Rishi Sunak was reacting to an ongoing row over former television presenter and columnist Jeremy Clarkson writing in 'The Sun' about loathing Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, "on a cellular level", in the wake of the controversial 'Harry and Meghan' documentary being aired on Netflix recently.

Mr Clarkson's column received over 6,000 complaints to the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO), resulting in an apology from the writer and the newspaper removing the column from its website.

"For everyone in public life, language matters," said Rishi Sunak, when asked about the furore.
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Meanwhile, more than 60 cross-party British MPs have written to the editor of 'The Sun', Victoria Newton, to demand action be taken against Clarkson.

In a letter, they said Meghan Markle had received credible threats to her life and that columns such as Clarkson's contributed to an "unacceptable climate of hatred and violence".

The letter, coordinated by the Conservative Party Chair of the Women and Equalities Select Committee in the House of Commons, Caroline Nokes, was signed by fellow Tory MPs as well as Opposition MPs from Labour, Lib Dem, Green and SNP.

"We cannot allow this type of behaviour to go unchecked any longer. We welcome the Sun's retraction of the article and we now demand action is taken against Mr Clarkson and an unreserved apology to Ms Markle immediately," they write.

Lawyers for three Black men “wrongly” convicted of murder have applied for their sentences to be reviewed on account of “institutional racism” within the courts.

The families of Durrell Goodall, Reano Walters and Nathanial Williams submitted an application to the Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC) on Friday to clear their children’s names for the 2016 murder of Abdul Hafidah, 18, in Moss Side, Manchester.

Prosecuted in 2017 under the controversial doctrine of joint enterprise, the men were “wrongly” associated with a violent street “gang” named AO (Active Only) that allegedly pursued the deceased, lawyers argue.

The application to the CCRC argues “there was no violent criminal gang by the name of AO”, and that the convictions are a “gross miscarriage of justice”.

Only one person, 19-year-old Devonte Cantrill, stabbed Mr Hafidah, however, seven were convicted of murder, three convicted of manslaughter, and one pleaded guilty to manslaughter. The total sentence imposed for this murder was 168 years. The youngest defendant was just 14 at the time and had learning difficulties - and all of the defendants were Black or mixed-race.

Darrell Ennis-Gayle, Partner at Hodge Jones & Allen, acting for the families, said: “The prosecution knew who murdered Abdul Hafida, however, it was allowed to go unchecked and unchallenged in bringing about a false narrative that labelled a group of Black and mixed-race boys as gang members, when they were nothing of the sort. The fact that the majority of these boys had no previous convictions, had jobs and went to college was irrelevant.

“All that was relevant was where they lived, the music they listened to and the colour of their skin. Over the past two and a half years we have revisited this case fully and with fresh evidence have shone a new light on what we truly believe is a gross miscarriage of justice.

“We have absolute faith that the Criminal Cases Review Commission will consider this application fully and properly. We thoroughly expect that the Commission will see all that has gone wrong with this case in order that it can finally be put right.”

On Friday morning, the mothers of these three incarcerated men delivered a statement outside the CCRC in Birmingham, just before hand-delivering the application for appeal on behalf of their sons.

“Back in 2017, from the start of the criminal trial that convicted our sons, our fear was always that our sons had been prejudged, because of the colour of their skin and because of where they are from – being Black and mixed-race young people from Moss Side in Manchester,” they said.

“In their efforts to convict all the boys of murder, the prosecution relied on the story that they are all in a gang, based on prejudice about boys and young people who live in our communities in South Manchester.

“We know our boys didn’t take anyone’s life. It is the courts that have taken their lives.”

This legal bid is supported by Lucy Powell, MP for Manchester Central.

Black people are serving time under joint enterprise at 11 times their presence in the population as a whole, figures shows.

Research including the Lammy Review (2017) and Macpherson report (1999) highlights that individuals face bias, including overt discrimination, in parts of the justice system, and joint enterprise is applied overwhelmingly in a disproportionate manner against Black defendants.

Two mediocrities with massive chips on the shoulders are going to resolve the obvious. Compelling watch.