What kind of Pakistan is in the West's best interest?


Local Club Star
Jul 17, 2017
Post of the Week
I'm creating this thread broadly to put my reading on the table associated with what has been happening in Pakistan over the past 2 years or so.

Its blatant for everyone to see the brazen manner in which personal space has been violated of general public of Pakistan, Judiciary has become a joke headed by Justice Qazi, civil and public sector has been infiltrated with hatred and have gone beyond their boundaries to inflict harsh punishments even on whims or even to satisfy their seniors and election commission is openly against one political party whilst being on an oath to be free from bias.

The question is then asked that if things are so blatant why has there been no reaction from the West. Being the champions of democracy out there they should be the first one weighing in here and ensure democracy prevails. But all we have is complete and resolute silence. As they say silence means there is a storm brewing in the background.

If we have a macro view of what is happening in geo-politics around the world we might be able to get an answer why West is silent on Pakistan.

Firstly, we need to understand on a global scale West is completely behind Israel. West actually backs Israel to the extent that they provide ammunition to them to carry out further atrocities. West's best fried in the rest of the world is Middle East. And Middle East especially Saudi have been totally ok with Israel destroying Gaza. There are some vested interests in the grand scheme of things here. What I infer is that US and Saudi are on the same page when it comes to Israel's attack on Gaza. The only and the loudest noise any country is making is Iran. Infact Iran is the only country that can actually walk the talk when it comes to leading any physical attack on Israel. Its obvious that they would not be successful in this given Israel and US are way more advanced and well equipped to quash any attack or resilience. But from what we can see there is an increase urgency associated with Iran now. Israel believes its time to attack Iran and counter this threat as sanctions from past decades did not work to curtail this threat. Therefore, its likely that Israel will convince US to attack Iran in coming year or so.

This is where Pakistan comes into play. Should the US decide to go ahead with its plan of attacking Iran then Pakistan would become their key ally. Afghanistan is a territory US will not go back again after their defeat and Turkey will not allow US to hold operations from their country. So alas its Pakistan in yet another war on behest of US. Saudi will be absolutely fine with this idea given Iran is their biggest nemesis in Yemen too. In fact Saudi will help US by strong arming Pakistan on economy related matters to be pushed into this conflict.

Should a situation as above comes into effect US would want a government in Pakistan to play ball. This is where a guy like Imran Khan would not be favourable. US would want someone like PMLN or PPP at the helm or even martial law be declared in Pakistan (US will even support that) to ensure their paths aren't blocked.

This is the reason Pakistan Army has gone to extreme lengths as it can in the past 2 years as they see no accountability in International arena and also they see another war lurking in the background meaning additional dollars to be made available to them. To protect their future and that of their kids they have completely dismantled the democracy in the country.

That is my 2 cents on the overall situation at the moment.
Without getting into the nittgy gritty of your post, I would just address the title and say "That right there, is the million dollar question"

Unless Pakistan has something extraordinary to offer the western world, is a key player in world markets and economics, etc, the west will have no interest in Pakistan. Its only interest at the moment is Pakistan's proximity to Iran and Afghanistan and its malleable military leadership which is used to control pakistan.

Pakistani leadership has been extremely myopic and clueless in terms of establishing the country as a major player on the world scene, despite having a large population, nuclear arms, decent resources and good enough talent. And this does not come as a surprise considering the major decisions are made by people who are not even meant to be making those decisions.

So we rely on other means, foreign wards to act as sell swords, allowing our land and troops to do the dirty deeds in the region. As long as there are conflicts in the region, the sort of Pakistan we currently have, is going to be in the West's interest.

We can only change that dynamic if we have something better to offer the West, whether its our exports, our imports, services, or other economic interests. If the corporations in the west start feelig the pinch when things go south in Pakistan only then we have some position of control.

I think everything else Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia, this that is utter nonsense. What is running behind the scenes is economics and money.
Without getting into the nittgy gritty of your post, I would just address the title and say "That right there, is the million dollar question"

Unless Pakistan has something extraordinary to offer the western world, is a key player in world markets and economics, etc, the west will have no interest in Pakistan. Its only interest at the moment is Pakistan's proximity to Iran and Afghanistan and its malleable military leadership which is used to control pakistan.

Pakistani leadership has been extremely myopic and clueless in terms of establishing the country as a major player on the world scene, despite having a large population, nuclear arms, decent resources and good enough talent. And this does not come as a surprise considering the major decisions are made by people who are not even meant to be making those decisions.

So we rely on other means, foreign wards to act as sell swords, allowing our land and troops to do the dirty deeds in the region. As long as there are conflicts in the region, the sort of Pakistan we currently have, is going to be in the West's interest.

We can only change that dynamic if we have something better to offer the West, whether its our exports, our imports, services, or other economic interests. If the corporations in the west start feelig the pinch when things go south in Pakistan only then we have some position of control.

I think everything else Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia, this that is utter nonsense. What is running behind the scenes is economics and money.
I agree with your post. The only interest bearing factor is the proximity to Iran and should the situation escalate via Gaza then Pakistan is a useful mercenary to hire for the US.

The only variable that can deviate from the said plan is if Trump wins the presidential election later this year. Trump has a rhetoric based on "no wars". So I'm optimistic (maybe naive of me) that if Trump gets presidential win later this year then for atleast 4 years going forward there will be no war and hence Pakistan would be spared for a period of 4 years.
I agree with your post. The only interest bearing factor is the proximity to Iran and should the situation escalate via Gaza then Pakistan is a useful mercenary to hire for the US.

The only variable that can deviate from the said plan is if Trump wins the presidential election later this year. Trump has a rhetoric based on "no wars". So I'm optimistic (maybe naive of me) that if Trump gets presidential win later this year then for atleast 4 years going forward there will be no war and hence Pakistan would be spared for a period of 4 years.
Israel is not even in the picture here. They dont need us for Gaza conflict. We are there to check Iran and Afghanistan.

They also did not like us getting into bed with CHINA and they have pretty much taken care of that as well. Their focus is shifting towards India and thats bad news for us. We should have stuck with China but once again we allowed ourselves to be manipulated and controlled by the west. Thats what happens when you have people in charge who are not meant to be or supposed to be in charge.
Why should we care about them? we should care about ourselves and what is best for us and our people.
West would like a Pakistan that answers YES whenever they are asked to DO MORE. It is going down the same path if these elections are not free and fair.
Ah, the same old trap where all desis fall into. Only people and newspapers and voices from this part of the world matter:

Without getting into the nittgy gritty of your post, I would just address the title and say "That right there, is the million dollar question"

Unless Pakistan has something extraordinary to offer the western world, is a key player in world markets and economics, etc, the west will have no interest in Pakistan. Its only interest at the moment is Pakistan's proximity to Iran and Afghanistan and its malleable military leadership which is used to control pakistan.

Pakistani leadership has been extremely myopic and clueless in terms of establishing the country as a major player on the world scene, despite having a large population, nuclear arms, decent resources and good enough talent. And this does not come as a surprise considering the major decisions are made by people who are not even meant to be making those decisions.

So we rely on other means, foreign wards to act as sell swords, allowing our land and troops to do the dirty deeds in the region. As long as there are conflicts in the region, the sort of Pakistan we currently have, is going to be in the West's interest.

We can only change that dynamic if we have something better to offer the West, whether its our exports, our imports, services, or other economic interests. If the corporations in the west start feelig the pinch when things go south in Pakistan only then we have some position of control.

I think everything else Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia, this that is utter nonsense. What is running behind the scenes is economics and money.

Not going to argue with that, only downside is that the authorities in Pakistan are not interested in the wider role Pakistan plays in the region, they just want to see the money on the table which will be skimmed ruthlessly to bolster their own bank account. There's no reason why the west's interests shouldn't align with Pakistan's but Pakistan also has to be mindful of their own relationships closer to home. They don't need to be in conflict with Russia, China, Afghanistan or Iran, and that is where there is a conflict of interests with the west.