What was your reaction when Rahat Ali dropped Shane Watson?


T20I Star
Oct 20, 2010
The game was nicely even at that moment and great pressure was being build by Wahab Riaz. The shot was coming everyone knew that and man was set nicely by Misbah and Wahab but it was not the right man. Just when he dropped the catch I smacked my hand on the table still remember the pain but it wasn't greater than the watching those replays again and again. It was one of the most depressing moments as a Pakistani fan right there with Kamran Akmal's drop catches and Saeed Ajmal being taken to cleaners by Hussey. There are many games that Pakistan has lost just because of their inability to handle the pressure. The belief that we can win and dominate crunch games is missing in the guys.
As the cliche goes, I wasn't angry but disappointed. Actually more than anything I felt sorry for Wahab Riaz. He bowled his heart out and didn't deserve that.
Extremely sad for Wahab Riaz

Match wasn't exactly in our hands by then so I wasn't thinking that far ahead. But was gutted to see Wahab didn't get reward for his efforts.
At Juma Namaz so blissfully (and thankfully) not aware until walked back into TV lounge
Nothing makes me happier than the fact that I was at work and missed it.

I have watched that drop as a replay 3/4 times and each time my heart sinks. Not sure I could have handled watching it live. I really really for the life of me cant understand how Rahat dropped it. Feel for him too as hes a genuine trier.
Thank God I did not break my Nexus 7 tab which i was holding while watching that dropped catch on TV.
Wasnt surprised...being a Pakistani, too used to this kind of stuff.
Like OP I have once smashed my hand on the table when Saeed Ajmal got hit by Hussey.
As the ball was in the in air, I got out of my chair.

As it was dropped, so did my jaw.

As it was returned to the keeper, so did I to my chair in a dignified manner.
Nothing makes me happier than the fact that I was at work and missed it.

I have watched that drop as a replay 3/4 times and each time my heart sinks. Not sure I could have handled watching it live. I really really for the life of me cant understand how Rahat dropped it. Feel for him too as hes a genuine trier.

I just froze for a few seconds- had tears in my eyes - at the time to me it felt like the game right there- misbahs shot at india in the semi- misbahs first hundred- misbah emulating imran- gone in a split second.

The ecstasy of the ball being up in the air and thinking ''right 6 wickets to go- these guys wont be able to face up to wahab he has 5 overs left!''

Then he dropped the thing. The heart sank. I knew then - that that was the moment and it had gone- slipping through rahats fingers.

It was so simple and when I watch it again I still get the tears- hopefully there will come a day when I can laugh about it.
Hope the kid can get over it- It is going to take me time, that much I know
Extremely sad for Wahab Riaz

Match wasn't exactly in our hands by then so I wasn't thinking that far ahead. But was gutted to see Wahab didn't get reward for his efforts.

Bhai- the aussies in the dressing room were worried.
It was 130 and 6 wickets. Wahab had 5 I think to go. And we saw what Maxwell did when he got a chance to bat. We would have been in front if that sticks (like it should have) and the momentum was only going one way.
Well I always expect a few drops from Pakistan, shame it had to be that one. I was somewhat like this:

End of contest. In fact I wrote that in the match thread. Won the bet with my wife that Watson 'll remain Not Out.
Was at Sixth Form during the time, my mom normally texts me but she said that she was too upset to tell me.
A lad told me that Australia had one and I just stayed quiet for about 5 minutes (very uncharacteristic of me).
Then I saw the replay of Rahat dropping it, and I swore so much in my mind, I was absolutely gutted.
A couple of expletives and a drop to the floor in disarray (I had risen when the ball went up). I immediately had a crushing moment when I realized the game had both metaphorically and literally slipped away from our grasp.
As the ball went up I had a smile on my face and as it hit the ground, I hit the pillow in my hand very hard. I felt like breaking the TV though :))
Tbh I screamed like hell. And literally was about to cry.

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I started to look at Raheth very carefully after that and my mind started to play games with me ...is this fixed I questioned ??
As the ball went up I had a smile on my face and as it hit the ground, I hit the pillow in my hand very hard. I felt like breaking the TV though :))

Should have videotaped it, and sent it to Geo :D
Joke, luckily I wasn't awake for that. I went to sleep around 4am when Misbah got out, new the game was lost.
Not much really, I thought Wahab Riaz would get his chance as soon after, I was disappointed of course.

Sohail Khan dropping Maxwell I was a bit more annoyed at, more so the fact that I thought he had it caught in his hands, only to realise five seconds later he had dropped it.

But I knew the game wasn't there and it was false hope, so I wasn't as angry as some other posters and Pakistani fans.
I screamed Oh no. Believe me, I am no pakistan supporter, but I badly wanted Pakistan to win this game against Australia. Had that catch been taken Australia would have been 80/4 and it could have completely gone a different way. Huge, huge catch. I applaud Wahab for taking the fight to the bullies in aussie uniform. I hope that win or lose the Indians stand up to these bullies and trash talk just as much as they do. Don't cow down to them. Beat them with the bat and ball and with your mouth.
Dropped my coffee cup on the floor. Lucky, I had almost finished it.
I was in absolute shock, he dropped such a dolley. Couldn't believe.

Heck, I still can't believe it. :(
I was really disappointed with the batting but till that drop still thought we had slight chance to win. Once that catch was dropped I felt the match was lost.
Watson played uppishly, i was ready to believe he has played a stupid shot.. something which i was waiting for ever since Wahab had started spitting fire.

The ball flew a fair distance in air. My belief strengthened, that it ll carry all the way to the fielder.

Ball moved a further more in the direction of the fielder, i squinted my eyes.. THIS IS IT!

The fielder gets ready to cup the ball in his hands.. i was ready to let my chain of thoughts unleash that Wahab's reward.. finally!

Dropped catch..

My poker face. Did that drop actually happened?!?

Final thought- Idi@t. Prolly the match has slipped as well.
Sarfraz Ahmed dismissal: koi baat nahi, abhi batsmen baaki hain
Ahmed Shehzad: wow, same shot again, no technique
Misbah: out playing his favourite shot, no big deal
Haris: what the hell was that
Umar Akmal: found the fielder at midwicket....again
Afridi: ************************
Maqsood: wow. haar gaye.
^ Those were my reactions at the dismissals of our beloved batsmen
As the ball was traveling towards him, I had a feeling he would drop the catch. Why? because we always tend to find ways to mess things up one way or another. I felt sad for Wahab, and had that "he just dropped the match" feeling.
i laughed.... because it was a regular catch. Rahat totally messed that up.
lol i went to sleep after wahab got out while batting I knew pak was gonna lose didnt want to waste my sleep
Rahat had earlier taken a more difficult catch, but unfortunately couldn't hold on to this one.. it happens. You can't blame him.
Staryed abu$ing non-stop same reaction of my colleagues watching together
I felt gutted, went quiet and could not concentrate on anything and eventually after a few overs turned off the tv and went to bed. It was night time for us here in Cali.
I spilled my tea in anger and abused my servant when he asked me for food and it was really pathetic of me to do that. Later felt sorry for him, got him a KFC meal.
The exact details escape me. When Pakistan won the 1992 and 2009 World Cups, did they do so without dropping catches or in spite of them?
The exact details escape me. When Pakistan won the 1992 and 2009 World Cups, did they do so without dropping catches or in spite of them?
no drop catches in knockout games for sure.
I swore so hard and loud that I woke my next door neighbours! Which was okay since they happened to be my Mum and Dad;) But I knew at that moment that any chance of winning had dissipated with that dropped catch.
As the ball was in the in air, I got out of my chair.

As it was dropped, so did my jaw.

As it was returned to the keeper, so did I to my chair in a dignified manner.

Same. Although as I rise out of my chair my hands go up in sync as well.

I had a similar (albeit opposite, preaction back in 07when Misbah scooped it, and in 96 when Anwar mistimed one to mid off.

It only comes out in World events.
The exact details escape me. When Pakistan won the 1992 and 2009 World Cups, did they do so without dropping catches or in spite of them?

Considering we had Kamran behind the stumps in 09, I would say in spite of them.
That dropped catch was worse than all of Sachin's drops in the Mohali semi-final. Why did you do that Rahat, why? :(
Same. Although as I rise out of my chair my hands go up in sync as well.

I had a similar (albeit opposite, preaction back in 07when Misbah scooped it, and in 96 when Anwar mistimed one to mid off.

It only comes out in World events.

I seem to call Abdul Razzack in the 1999 final doing it off consecutive deliveries. Dropped off the first so he decided not to miss the fielder the second time.
Lots of drama from many here. It's sports, no need to get so worked over it. If you are upset or close to tears because of a sport you really need to get a grip of what is important in life.
I was shocked at the drop because he actually took a very good catch at 3rd man earlier in the innings.
I just said Teri... and my wife showed up from room and said i will turn off TV if you abuse and I said i wasnt abusing i Just said "O Teri" :D
Couldn't bare to watch it live so I went to sleep but when I saw the highlights I gasped for a moment and then a minute later I was happy that we found an excuse for losing to Australia
everything would've been fine if he had dropped the first one and held this one. by our standards the first one was much more tough, second one even NJ would have caught.
everything would've been fine if he had dropped the first one and held this one. by our standards the first one was much more tough, second one even NJ would have caught.

Nope. NJ would have dropped this also. I can't picture him catch anything.
I was shocked at the drop because he actually took a very good catch at 3rd man earlier in the innings.

That was a certified fluke catch. He looked like he bent down to tie his shoelaces and just happened to chance upon a white cricket ball.
That dropped catch was worse than all of Sachin's drops in the Mohali semi-final. Why did you do that Rahat, why? :(

I guess it makes Wahab's spell all the more legendary. The bitter gut wrenching twist in the tale.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Memories of Rahat Ali dropping Watson at the 2015 World Cup. Retweet if you thought he was going to drop de Grandhomme &#55357;&#56859; <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/NZvPAK?src=hash">#NZvPAK</a></p>— Saj Sadiq (@Saj_PakPassion) <a href="https://twitter.com/Saj_PakPassion/status/799742713956601856">November 18, 2016</a></blockquote>
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And the feeling when he took that catch!

I cant help it but i've never forgiven him for that dropped catch, I've tried but i cant it just makes me dislike the guy and i dont want to. Him and Hafeez for his dumb shot in the semi final in 2011 when he was batting well.
Oh man I was so sooooo angry.

I turned on my "Lahori" accent.
Did not keep his eyes on the ball right till the end ;)

Had he dropped that catch than i am sure there would have been 500 posts on Pp asking for Rahat to be dropped from the team based on his fielding alone.

When i saw him under the ball immediately 2015 WC matcg against Australia clicked and heart said

ALLAH Kheirrrrrr ........ and he grabbed it M.A