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Why are Americans so strange?


Tape Ball Regular
Nov 24, 2018
Too much Kashmir stuff so I thought I would like to get some of your expert opinions on the outlook of an average American.

- Girls and women are carrying shops full of on their thighs. They seem pretty okay with it.

- Same goes for men - they have huge thighs and bellies. They seem pretty okay with it.

- Even the slim looking ones look very average as comapred to European girls.

- Nyc turns out to be much cleaner city than London and has a lot less congestion and space. Even the subyway system is more bearing and is in pretty good shape. By American standards NYC might not be super clean city but really it is still a very clean city than most Asian cities in India or Pakistan.

- The quality of education even at a private school like NYIT is miserable what the heck you can use open matrials for solving quizzes. It is like open cheating. I am hoping that it is not the norm for every private school in the US. Even in Germany only Maths/statistics/or some other technical subjects have open book exams but not every subject. You have to study for extra hours even for preparing quizzes. Here, damn, you use just open materials for solving quizzes.

- I have been to Baltimore, Washington DC and Philadelphia. They look okay cities but in Europe every city and town is walking friendly and look pretty.

I will further explore Miamai, Dallas, Chicago and Los Angeles just to see if my current sentiments would change in the coming weeks.

The way we Asians have a craze for moving to the USA it is not turning out the way it is projected. Maybe someone coming from the indian subcontinent would be feeling about the USA upon landing - but I am not sure if an European would have the same craze or feelign about settling into trhe USA.

- Overall, even infrastructure seems pretty advanced in the Europe.

It is a strange feeling when my nephews and nieces were small they were and born in the USA- I used to show videos of Karachi and people there. They used to say to me that "Pakistani people look weirdos" with "all crazy beard and pot bellies".

- I feel like the Europe is truly blessed by the almighty Allah. Both beauty and brains. They have them all. Moreover, they are talented and educated yet they have very humble - no attitude.

- I have seen so many nut cases on the streets talking and behaving agressively mostly African Americans and had witnessed a couple of white males as well hitting an elderly woman - oh Jeses I hate evverybody in the word.

In the end, I am not sure I am going to stay and live in the USA in the long term even though my family is settled there.

The way Pakistani-Americans(born to Pakistani parents or naturalized Pakistani Americans) treat or look down upon their countrymen does not justify their condescending behavior. Just my observation.

Your expert comments- please.
Their obesity is really scary.

If I think of an American male, I see a big fat bloke struggling to walk. If I think of an American female, I see a bimbo blonde type very thin with plastic surgery and holding a stupid little dog.
[MENTION=142256]Pakistanian[/MENTION] Take over bro, a perfect thread for you.

You cant compare Europe to anywhere in the world. There was a debate UK v Canada V USA which is worthwhile but it's Europe V USA , it's not even worth debating. Europe OVERALL is the most civilised, historic and interesting place.
America is not as old as Europe , this is the first major civilization here.

Americans do have an obesity issue but its coz of unhealthy corporate diet coz of all the franchise and Supermarkets or gas station food, lets not forget they also have some of the fittest people , they top Olympics literally every time.

Americans have higher population plus they do not have colonial wealth of that of Europe, so even if 5% are obese they would stick out and poverty as well.

Visit New Orleans or Boston if European style of cities is what you are looking for.

Chicago was fun but my god its cold for atleast 6 months of the year.

American desis are still better than European desis for me.

I have always respected America and Australia (other than India) , might not be here longer but its a country where there is lot of freedom and space and much friendly compared to other countries.
America is not as old as Europe , this is the first major civilization here.

Americans do have an obesity issue but its coz of unhealthy corporate diet coz of all the franchise and Supermarkets or gas station food, lets not forget they also have some of the fittest people , they top Olympics literally every time.

Americans have higher population plus they do not have colonial wealth of that of Europe, so even if 5% are obese they would stick out and poverty as well.

Visit New Orleans or Boston if European style of cities is what you are looking for.

Chicago was fun but my god its cold for atleast 6 months of the year.

American desis are still better than European desis for me.

I have always respected America and Australia (other than India) , might not be here longer but its a country where there is lot of freedom and space and much friendly compared to other countries.

1. Europe wasn't the first major civilisation. Less than a 1000 years ago Europe was in the dark ages.

2. USA has an obesity rate of over 40% of the population, while European nations around 20%(still too high).

It's hard to determine who is more friendly, this will come down to personal experiences.
NYIT is not a very good school, they are known to be debt traps, in college ranking it's not even in top 100.
1. Europe wasn't the first major civilisation. Less than a 1000 years ago Europe was in the dark ages.

2. USA has an obesity rate of over 40% of the population, while European nations around 20%(still too high).

It's hard to determine who is more friendly, this will come down to personal experiences.

2nd fair point on first Roman civilization wasn’t dark as such, same about Greek.. Europe had a lot of things going for it unlike disconnected America, it might had gone into dark ages but had thriving civilizations before.

Americans are more friendly in general one coz they understand English second because of being used to seeing people from across the world.
I mean mostly wrt cities but yes personal experience.
Who the hell are you...

That proves my point. Americans even lack basic mannerisms. I used to think that the USA is the center point of Earth for most people.

Who the hell I am. I am just a free spirit. No personal attachment for anything. Just a passive observer.
2nd fair point on first Roman civilization wasn’t dark as such, same about Greek.. Europe had a lot of things going for it unlike disconnected America, it might had gone into dark ages but had thriving civilizations before.

Americans are more friendly in general one coz they understand English second because of being used to seeing people from across the world.
I mean mostly wrt cities but yes personal experience.

Their friendliness seems fake as long as they are squeezing money out of your pocket it is all good other than that if you need a cent from them they will look the other way. At least in Europe - it is either one or zero. They take friendship seriously so they take their time to make friends with others.
USA is the top country of the world, maybe that's why the attitude. The 1 month i spent in Pakistan, i swear, i just kept hearing dollar dollar dollar dollar-that's the kind of effect USA has in the world.
USA is the top country of the world, maybe that's why the attitude. The 1 month i spent in Pakistan, i swear, i just kept hearing dollar dollar dollar dollar-that's the kind of effect USA has in the world.

Yeah, understandable in Pakistan. But I am not too sure if the USA has the same effects on the rest of the world.
USA is the top country of the world, maybe that's why the attitude. The 1 month i spent in Pakistan, i swear, i just kept hearing dollar dollar dollar dollar-that's the kind of effect USA has in the world.

Thank you for your deep insight based on your extensive experience.
Thank you for your deep insight based on your extensive experience.

No Problem.

Imran Khan was indeed right to come to USA, and recognize it the powerful and influential country. When IK returned to Pakistan, of course Pakistanis, as IK himself said, welcomed him as he had won a World Cup. Why wouldn't they? After all he came back having a successful tour of the great USA.

It is what is it.
USA has been running the world for 100 years and it will probably do so for another 100. The dominance is not even comparable to any country or empire in history. Look at all the thing invented by the USA and there isn't even a debate. Europe was built by the US after ww2....
Their friendliness seems fake as long as they are squeezing money out of your pocket it is all good other than that if you need a cent from them they will look the other way. At least in Europe - it is either one or zero. They take friendship seriously so they take their time to make friends with others.

"Their" ,who are you talking about? Every American? Ofcourse its not like that, yes there is a concept of "space" here and profitability matters to corporations but don't forget some of the biggest hippie and cult movements take place here coz not all are like that.

I think you should go to Nashville for a weekend Fri-Sat, enjoy some good ol hospitality and country music.
No Problem.

Imran Khan was indeed right to come to USA, and recognize it the powerful and influential country. When IK returned to Pakistan, of course Pakistanis, as IK himself said, welcomed him as he had won a World Cup. Why wouldn't they? After all he came back having a successful tour of the great USA.

It is what is it.

I said it is understandable that Pakistanis are obsessed with the USA but you used the word "the rest of the world". I hardly see any Europeans being so obsessed with the USA.
When you start your reasons with why people goto market wearing shorts, then you have pretty much messed up perspective to judge an individual forget a society.
Seems like OP has a bit of an inferiority complex and I don’t know why.

Anyways the big deal with America is that it is hands down the global superpower and will remain so for another century
You can say whatever you want. The USA is one of the best countries in the world.

You are more than welcome to leave! Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
There are some exaggerations and some truth in what the OP has said. Americans do live in a bubble of their own, but there is a reason for it. USA itself is a world of its own, and the average American has very limited (if any) contact with people from other countries.

In Europe, you have small countries with open borders and as a result the people interact with other people and culture frequently.

Another important point to note is how they have prioritized their resources. As a result of how they were formed, they aggressively invested in R&D and focused on science as well as military power. This has enabled them to become the most powerful country in the world.

As a result, they don’t have the welfare policies of some of the European countries and even Canada.
Like any other country in the world America too has extremes from extremely kind hearted people to the most rude and cruel, extremely fit people and girls to the grotesquely obese, hottest chick's in the world to the ugliest
Most parts of the US look dated now. Something that was in its prime in industrial revolution days and Architecture is from 70s/80s. I was recently in NY and its dirty, run down and grey...Queens in NY is strange and so is Manhattan. The metro/subway was dirty, no proper AC or air circulation system underground. Roads badly congested. The Garden state of NJ, which is adjacent to NYC was in no better state.

Go outside the big cities (or even in cities), its all like generic, repetitive and homogeneous. No match to the cultural diversity and charm of Europe.
Their obesity is really scary.

If I think of an American male, I see a big fat bloke struggling to walk. If I think of an American female, I see a bimbo blonde type very thin with plastic surgery and holding a stupid little dog.
[MENTION=142256]Pakistanian[/MENTION] Take over bro, a perfect thread for you.

They are full of racists, don't read too much into [MENTION=142256]Pakistanian[/MENTION] taking the moral high ground he is a product of confederate America - this bloke is always doing a bhangra over Khabib, Phalestine, Kashmir etc but ignores his own history and insulted me with go eat jerk chicken, imagine me calling him a curry munching asian etc I never do that, being from a diverse city of Birmingham I learned to respect history and all peoples - not only are Americans fat and ugly, they are ignorant / highly stupid racists.
Europe is a much better place to live in compared to the US.

Not just Asians, even Europeans think that the US is the best place on earth. This perception is largely due to the American media and Hollywood. The US invests a lot to improve it’s soft power and be a likeable nation.

I’ve been to the US twice and i can safely say that Europe is a much better place in most aspects.
There are some exaggerations and some truth in what the OP has said. Americans do live in a bubble of their own, but there is a reason for it. USA itself is a world of its own, and the average American has very limited (if any) contact with people from other countries.

In Europe, you have small countries with open borders and as a result the people interact with other people and culture frequently.

Another important point to note is how they have prioritized their resources. As a result of how they were formed, they aggressively invested in R&D and focused on science as well as military power. This has enabled them to become the most powerful country in the world.

As a result, they don’t have the welfare policies of some of the European countries and even Canada.

Most European nations like Sweden, Finland (Welfare nations) and Switzerland spend a larger percentage of their GDP on R&D. US is only ahead of them because of their larger economy.

Most US politicians and lawmakers are staunch supporters of Laissez-faire Capitalism, which is why the US is not a Welfare nation.
Ohh the stereotypes.

There are plenty of slim people in United states. These slim people on average are still much taller and heavier than South Asians.

Cities like Austin are world class. NYC is overpopulated and old. Europe is more scenic and it is naturally beautiful with mild weather.