I'm under no illusions to believe Indians are a liberal or tolerant bunch, they probably have as much religious intolerant views as Pakistanis have. So there isn't a whole lot of difference between Indians and Pakistanis in terms of tolerance or the lack of it. I mean, these were the same people who hacked each other during the partition.
The key difference however is that India is a secular state because of Ambedkar who wrote the constitution, if Savarkar had written it, it would've been a different story and India would have been a religious state like Pakistan. But as it happened, India was defined to be a secular state and therefore even the religious intolerant views cannot be expressed into openly discriminatory laws and must operate within the ambit of India's version of secularism. So India can't have a law like the Indian PM or President should only be a hindu like Pakistan has. There in lies the difference. Every party in Pakistan would lie in the far right spectrum of parties in India. The most right wing leaders like Adityanath enact love jihad laws to prevent interfaith marriages from happening in India. While in Pakistan, or even advanced muslim countries like Malaysia, interfaith marriages are barred by the constitution and a non muslim individual has to convert to Islam in order to marry a muslim individual. So almost every leader in Pakistan or indeed many muslim countries (except a few like Turkey, Indonesia, Azerbaijan, Albania, etc.) would fall in the right wing spectrum that the BJP lie.
The hindutvadis who vote for the BJP want to remove this restriction of secularism and operate freely in the ambit of a hindu state, i.e, they support the conversion of India into a religious state like Pakistan is. Their view is that the muslims of British India got their own country for their religion, but the hindus had to settle/compromise for a secular state, which is why they hate the Congress and its founding leaders like Nehru who did it more than they hate Pakistan or its founding leaders.
Was the death penalty for blasphemy also placed by the British? Or indeed being convicted in prison for nearly a decade?