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Why do some people in Pakistan support the Taliban manifesto?

learn the definition of secular.

If hindus vote for hindus, it doesn't mean the entity is non secular.

the secularism of India belongs to the Indian constitution which has separated religion and state since it's inception.

If you want to point out non secularism in India, you'll have to point out the constitution of India which discriminates people on basis of religion.

On subject, it's mostly overseas Pakistanis which support them in my pov. They have nothing to lose and hence it's easier for them to support extremism. But scenario changes for native Pakistanis.

Its India which needs to learn what secularism. No nation can claim to be secular if they bring in laws which include beef bans to accomadate the majority religion and not the minority.

Indians support the puppet regime because India was using them to launch terrorist attacks on Pakistan, those days are almost gone , it must be sad for them. Pakistanis support any leadership which doesnt do the same, its really this simple.
I'm under no illusions to believe Indians are a liberal or tolerant bunch, they probably have as much religious intolerant views as Pakistanis have. So there isn't a whole lot of difference between Indians and Pakistanis in terms of tolerance or the lack of it. I mean, these were the same people who hacked each other during the partition.

The key difference however is that India is a secular state because of Ambedkar who wrote the constitution, if Savarkar had written it, it would've been a different story and India would have been a religious state like Pakistan. But as it happened, India was defined to be a secular state and therefore even the religious intolerant views cannot be expressed into openly discriminatory laws and must operate within the ambit of India's version of secularism. So India can't have a law like the Indian PM or President should only be a hindu like Pakistan has. There in lies the difference. Every party in Pakistan would lie in the far right spectrum of parties in India. The most right wing leaders like Adityanath enact love jihad laws to prevent interfaith marriages from happening in India. While in Pakistan, or even advanced muslim countries like Malaysia, interfaith marriages are barred by the constitution and a non muslim individual has to convert to Islam in order to marry a muslim individual. So almost every leader in Pakistan or indeed many muslim countries (except a few like Turkey, Indonesia, Azerbaijan, Albania, etc.) would fall in the right wing spectrum that the BJP lie.

The hindutvadis who vote for the BJP want to remove this restriction of secularism and operate freely in the ambit of a hindu state, i.e, they support the conversion of India into a religious state like Pakistan is. Their view is that the muslims of British India got their own country for their religion, but the hindus had to settle/compromise for a secular state, which is why they hate the Congress and its founding leaders like Nehru who did it more than they hate Pakistan or its founding leaders.

Was the death penalty for blasphemy also placed by the British? Or indeed being convicted in prison for nearly a decade?

Its not what is written in ink, its the laws which are in place and which are applied. Beef bans throw out this fake notion of Indian being secular.

The British sought various punishments depending on the seriousness of the crime. Its a poor point anyway as these laws also help the minorities to be able to practice their faith. What Pakistan doesnt do is incite lynching on people which the RSS government represetatives do reguarly.
Its not what is written in ink, its the laws which are in place and which are applied. Beef bans throw out this fake notion of Indian being secular.

The British sought various punishments depending on the seriousness of the crime. Its a poor point anyway as these laws also help the minorities to be able to practice their faith. What Pakistan doesnt do is incite lynching on people which the RSS government represetatives do reguarly.

Pakistan doesn’t have enough minorities to Lynch and for the ones there is a blasphemy law in place anyways. This is obviously overlooking everything else that allegedly happens.
Its India which needs to learn what secularism. No nation can claim to be secular if they bring in laws which include beef bans to accomadate the majority religion and not the minority.

Indians support the puppet regime because India was using them to launch terrorist attacks on Pakistan, those days are almost gone , it must be sad for them. Pakistanis support any leadership which doesnt do the same, its really this simple.

Read my post to Gharib Aadmi. I have already addressed your point.
Pakistan doesn’t have enough minorities to Lynch and for the ones there is a blasphemy law in place anyways. This is obviously overlooking everything else that allegedly happens.

What a ridiculous comment. Pakistan doesn't have enough minorities to lynch. Have we really sunk this low in point scoring contests? :facepalm:
What a ridiculous comment. Pakistan doesn't have enough minorities to lynch. Have we really sunk this low in point scoring contests? :facepalm:

That was sarcasm that went over you head. What I meant was if scope for lynching is an official law with discriminatory laws against minorities than you won’t have specific incidents to point to either be it George Floyd type incidents or the alleged cow lynchings in India. I can go in detail if you want.
That was sarcasm that went over you head. What I meant was if scope for lynching is an official law with discriminatory laws against minorities than you won’t have specific incidents to point to either be it George Floyd type incidents or the alleged cow lynchings in India. I can go in detail if you want.

Don't bother. Your reference to "alleged" cow lynchings already gives a good indicator of how your details will be predisposed. Keep your sarcasm for those who are smart enough to appreciate it. Thanks.
Firstly beef is available in plenty of mainstream areas in India be it Bade Miyan of Mumbai or restaurants in old city of Delhi,Hyderabad etc.

Not even counting the 5 star hotels in India.

As far as lynching someone is concerned yes it is despicable act just like rape,murder or other criminal acts.

I wonder what would happen if a person cooks pork in the middle of a Muslim majority area? I am not talking about Pakistan here but India. The fact is you don’t hear such incidents because there is a respect here and most Indian Muslims do reciprocate that. However there are a few nuisance elements who do provoke. That doesn’t mean they deserve to get lynched but it does happen. I don’t know why that is so hard to believe but then again some people see no issues with Taliban or ISIS so there is that. Just for equivalence sure there might be some incidents of some nusicsnde elements creating trouble in the name of Hinduism as well.

These things unfortunately happen just like racial discrimination happens at times in North America and Europe resulting in violence.

Luckily there are checks and balances and equality written in the constitution. There are no open discrimination against Ahmedis,Hindus and Christians with blasphemy laws and other incidents. Usually we are a islamic republic card is shown to justify these things but there seems to be a strict benchmark against communal skirmishes in a melting pot like India because we are secular. Does anyone see the hypocrisy here apart from me?

Also the fact that people keep harping on one sad incident that happened a few years back to prove a point shows that India has been doing ok when it comes to secularism.
Firstly beef is available in plenty of mainstream areas in India be it Bade Miyan of Mumbai or restaurants in old city of Delhi,Hyderabad etc.

Not even counting the 5 star hotels in India.

As far as lynching someone is concerned yes it is despicable act just like rape,murder or other criminal acts.

I wonder what would happen if a person cooks pork in the middle of a Muslim majority area? I am not talking about Pakistan here but India. The fact is you don’t hear such incidents because there is a respect here and most Indian Muslims do reciprocate that. However there are a few nuisance elements who do provoke. That doesn’t mean they deserve to get lynched but it does happen. I don’t know why that is so hard to believe but then again some people see no issues with Taliban or ISIS so there is that. Just for equivalence sure there might be some incidents of some nusicsnde elements creating trouble in the name of Hinduism as well.

These things unfortunately happen just like racial discrimination happens at times in North America and Europe resulting in violence.

Luckily there are checks and balances and equality written in the constitution. There are no open discrimination against Ahmedis,Hindus and Christians with blasphemy laws and other incidents. Usually we are a islamic republic card is shown to justify these things but there seems to be a strict benchmark against communal skirmishes in a melting pot like India because we are secular. Does anyone see the hypocrisy here apart from me?

Also the fact that people keep harping on one sad incident that happened a few years back to prove a point shows that India has been doing ok when it comes to secularism.

I think you are missing the point.

People here complaining about beef ban (?) because India is secular.

In Muslim countries, if someone gets beaten up for cooking pork, according to them it's justified because those countries don't adhere to secularism. So anything in the name of religion is OK.
I think you are missing the point.

People here complaining about beef ban (?) because India is secular.

In Muslim countries, if someone gets beaten up for cooking pork, according to them it's justified because those countries don't adhere to secularism. So anything in the name of religion is OK.

Forget Muslim countries didnt some get beheaded in India itself recently for making derogatory statements about Islam/ prophet (pbuh)?

Obviously he shouldn’t have said that but not sure if beheading qualifies as lynching though given the circumstances.
I think you are missing the point.

People here complaining about beef ban (?) because India is secular.

In Muslim countries, if someone gets beaten up for cooking pork, according to them it's justified because those countries don't adhere to secularism. So anything in the name of religion is OK.

No, anything is not ok in the name of religion, that is a false premise that you are projecting.
I think you are missing the point.

People here complaining about beef ban (?) because India is secular.

In Muslim countries, if someone gets beaten up for cooking pork, according to them it's justified because those countries don't adhere to secularism. So anything in the name of religion is OK.

Yet caste based discrimination is secular according to the Hindutuva apologists.

Imagine that folks. People have a choice in which religion they follow but in secular and 'incredible' India, a HINDU is born into a caste and lives with that caste, devoid of choice. Such is Hinduism. Secular molecular India my foot.

Don't belive the hype folks. In india, you're judged on where and what you are born into. Disgrace. Move on.
logic flaw is there. The support is there but only intention is different even if I take your hypothesis.

If I am supporting you only to beat you up later, even then it simply means I am supporting you right at that moment though I have ill motive for you for future.

If Pakistani people express support for the Taliban on social media it does not prove that the Pakistani government is supporting them. I was only pointing out why some Pakistanis are happy that Afghanistan is going to be in turmoil. Because they perceive Afghanistan as an enemy country.