Absolute masterpiece, particularly the Hengsha sections. Have you played Mankind Divided? I was planning to get it but the PC version is so poorly optimized even a $900 GTX 1080 can't run it on 1080p60.
Other games with great soundtracks:
Halo 2
Warcraft 3
Mass Effect 1
Doom 3
Fallout New Vegas(they basically used prerecorded tracks from the 30s, 40s and 50s so I'm not sure it counts as an original soundtrack)
Prince of Persia Sands of Time
GTA Vice City
Crysis 2
Ninja Gaiden
OG Splinter Cell (very subtle and atmospheric)
Currently I'm on my third play through of Fallout 4 and the soundtrack is great even though most of it is rehashed from FO3. Rocket 69 never fails to amuse.