‘I cannot recall a time when Muslims were suspected en masse of being unpatriotic’: Naseeruddin Shah


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2004

It is believed that the first sound entering a new-born Muslim’s ears should be the Azaan or the Kalma. Either one must have been the first sound I heard too, though, of course, I have no memory of it now.

Even though I am no longer a practising Muslim, and in fact had never been overly aware of a Muslim identity, the sentimental urge that made me perform this rite for my children as well did not seem paradoxical. My wife Ratna is Hindu, and we were married much before the term ‘love jihad’ was coined and acted upon. She and I both have no more than a ritualistic connection with our respective religions. Eid and Diwali are joyous occasions for us and we celebrate both with equal gusto - so our disparate religious upbringings didn’t merit a thought.

The first tricky moment was our decision to not fill in the column asking ‘religion’ at the time of our childrens’ school admission. Apart from objecting to this in principle, we averred that we genuinely had no idea what their religion was at that time or what it would be later. Not considering a religious education of any kind necessary, we had decided to leave the choice of faith to them. Religion never played a major part in my life anyway and my attempts to be what was called a ‘true muslim’ ended when I was about twenty. I abandoned religion then and have never felt the need for it; Richard Dawkin‘s statement that religion has “nothing whatever to do with goodness” does not need any verification when one looks at what’s happening everywhere in the name of religion.

What Indian Muslims have learnt: Education is empowerment
My religious education began at the age of five with learning the Arabic alphabet and being subjected to the Maulvi’s ignorant garbage about planets moving around the earth, which of course was not only “flat, and the centre of the universe but to believe it moves round and round is heresy!” I was also persuaded that not only were Muslim men obliged to grow beards (no beards in my family, so I did wonder whether we WERE good Muslims at all!) and wear slightly short trousers, but we belonged to the one and only true faith and were all heaven-bound no matter how we conducted our lives whereas everyone else... ^*#@#! My best friend K.C. Singh burning in hell for eternity was a thought I couldn’t stomach even then.

Questioning the Maulvi was frowned upon so I quietly took whatever i could from the Arabic recitation in terms of diction and breath control and let the rest of it go. Why should someone be punished for his doubts or for no fault of his, and, moreover, why did a being as great as Allah need to be appeased all the time? It just didn’t make sense even at that age.

When Ratna and I decided to marry, discussing conversion and anticipating the social problems we might have couldn’t have been further from our minds. But over the past few years, the nightmarish possibility of my children being someday confronted by a mob demanding to know their religion could be inching closer to reality.

“Evidently, as a Muslim, it should not be my concern to urge India and Pakistan not to hurt each other and if I did I was pro-Pak.”
Never before in our country have rational statements of concern and pleas for peace, not only from Muslims, been interpreted as cowardly or seditious. It is almost as if the day was being awaited when this could be done. A Facebook post quoting Einstein’s warning about nuclear warfare received a few likes but the fair share of abuse and vilification of Islam it also got stumped me. I was even warned “not to poke your nose in matters that don’t concern you”! That the survival of the human race does not concern me was indeed news. Evidently, as a Muslim, it should not be my concern to urge India and Pakistan not to hurt each other and if I did I was pro-Pak, “because we are going to bomb the **** out of them” proclaimed one desi troll whose ideal obviously is the Donald.

Like all children growing up in India post-partition, I heard horror stories of “them” just as “they” certainly heard identical ones about “us”. The supposed savagery of the Sikhs was much mentioned, but I don’t think I ever connected those deeds with the Sikh and Hindu friends I had, and I know the feeling was reciprocal. These acts of depravity were committed by unnamed villians not real people, we all thought; incidentally the longest lasting, dearest friends I have had in my life have been mostly Sikhs, and considering the extreme bloodletting between Sikhs and Muslims at partition, doesn’t it say something about subsequent political machinations that those two communities have never been at each other’s throats again? The puerile religious taunts schoolchildren unthinkingly tossed around then were never venomous enough to even warrant fisticuffs but these nebulous aversions seem to have crystallised over time and found their targets - each other.

Modi, Rahul or Owaisi? Indian Muslims consider their political options
The hatred spawned by partition taking seventy years to unleash itself is probably evidence that the longer the pot brewed the more potent the venom got. I cannot, from my lifetime, recall a period when Muslims were suspected en masse of being unpatriotic and required to explain themselves. The sins of the few have been visited on us all.

Undeniable though it is that many Indian Muslims misguidedly consider Pakistan their haven, the immeasurably greater number who take intense pride in being Indian and who connect deeply with the country are hurt and angered at our patriotism being under scrutiny. This political ploy of labelling us outsiders will be abandoned when it has outlived its usefulness of course, but what might happen in the interim is another matter. The visible increase in the sight of saffron scarves and tilaks, as well as on the other side beards, hijabs and topis in a country where barely ten years ago in most states (Maharashtra, Bengal, Kerala to name only three) Hindus were indistinguishable from Muslims, is cause for apprehension but this assertion of the club you belong to and the waving of its flag was waiting to happen.

It seems essential for Muslims in India to get over the feeling of victimisation they are in now; it is a trap all too easy to stumble into - we must determine to stop feeling persecuted, all evidence to the contrary notwithstanding; we must stop hoping for salvation from somewhere and take matters into our own hands- not least of all to take pride in our Indian-ness and assert our claim on our country.

Indian Muslims’ indifference, particuarly among the economically weaker sections, to education or hygiene need not be reiterated nor the fact that they have no one but themselves to blame for these ills. Granted, patriotism is not a tonic that can be forced down peoples’ throats. But till the length of Sania Mirza’s skirt causes more agitation than the lack of modern education and employment opportunies for our community, as long as we hesitate to condemn the sadistic madness of the ISIS (that we haven’t heard too many Hindu voices condemn the lynching of innocent Muslims by gaurakshaks is immaterial), so long as we continue to spawn ‘believers’ without giving a thought to their upbringing, or continue to dilly-dally on the removal of an outdated heavily misogynistic tradition, we only help reinforce the belief so easily held that we support or at least condone violence and regression.

The saffron brigade did not have to rack their brains to come up with the idea of evoking and lambasting tyrannical invaders of hundreds of years ago to illustrate “the harm Muslim rule did to the country”. They only had to revive the moth-eaten allegation with conviction enough to make a case for sentencing us Indian Muslims to the rank of second class citizens. We “the invaders’ descendants”, albeit with plenty of indigenous blood in us, many generations later, need to make reparation for our supposed ancestors’ misdeeds.

Islam too has never been in greater need of reform and enlighened intepretation than it is now, though considering that fundamentalists currently rule the roost everywhere, that’s probably not a smart thing to say. But it is time for Muslims to throw the caretakers of religion out and form their own beliefs based on an understanding of what their holy book actually says. Nowhere else perhaps is the Quran recited so much and understood so little as in India. Muslims and Hindus both today need to start speaking for themselves and not buy into the harangues of narrow minded bigots and self-appointed spokesmen who condemn Yoga as anti-Islamic and those who consider equating Surya Namaskar with Namaaz as insulting to Hinduism.

A depressing indicator of the extent of the divisiveness eating into us today is the fact that not too long ago on a quiz show, not one of the contestants got the answer to “Who wrote saare jahan se achchca Hindustan hamara” right and the fact that it was a Muslim astonished not a few of them.
This is an absolutely brilliant take on the whole subject
seems a lot of stories are made up for masala factor

Islam has never said Earth is flat or planets roam around earth

and there is no reason to believe any mullah would propagate this. Either they wont bother to know about it or they would know what the deal is
Is there any practicing Muslim in Bollywood? All these Bollywood personalities never fail to mention about how they do not practice Islam. I guess that's a mandatory requirement to succeed in Bollywood.

All Khans, Javed Akhtar and now Nasseeruddin saying same thing.
Is there any practicing Muslim in Bollywood? All these Bollywood personalities never fail to mention about how they do not practice Islam. I guess that's a mandatory requirement to succeed in Bollywood.

All Khans, Javed Akhtar and now Nasseeruddin saying same thing.

but they also make a big show of being Muslims rather than say they are atheists or sth. And ofcourse many speak up on how Muslims are treated as second class citizens
What Indian Muslims have learnt: Education is empowerment My religious education began at the age of five with learning the Arabic alphabet and being subjected to the Maulvi’s ignorant garbage about planets moving around the earth, which of course was not only “flat, and the centre of the universe but to believe it moves round and round is heresy!” I was also persuaded that not only were Muslim men obliged to grow beards (no beards in my family, so I did wonder whether we WERE good Muslims at all!) and wear slightly short trousers,but we belonged to the one and only true faith and were all heaven-bound no matter how we conducted our lives whereas everyone else... ^*#@#! My best friend K.C. Singh burning in hell for eternity was a thought I couldn’t stomach even than.

Nobody dares to adress this " Biddat ". Rather they proudly associate it with the best of the Best PBUH.

Even for that matter " Kailash Satyarthi "

There are Millions or Billions who love to act as Mini Gods and will proudly quote 2-3 verses and say He is Hell Bound.
Is there any practicing Muslim in Bollywood? All these Bollywood personalities never fail to mention about how they do not practice Islam. I guess that's a mandatory requirement to succeed in Bollywood.

All Khans, Javed Akhtar and now Nasseeruddin saying same thing.

Yusuf Khan had to change his name.Too much Hindu influence.
Well written,covering many aspects, hopefully everyone reads the article than the headline.
That was an excellent read.

You don't have to agree with him on everything but his points are very sincere and pragmatic.

People should also watch his interviews - a very good speaker as well and one of the best intelligent Bollywood actors when it comes to political points.

A great man and a great speaker - shame there are not more like him.
Amazing read. ! Needs to get a lot of visibility , this one. But wait till everyone brands him a pakistani.
Do a lot of Indian Muslims like Pakistan? I've heard so.

Those feelings are highly region specific. The states affected by partition directly - NW states and the hindi belt (were the Pakistan movement first arose), would also have felt residual tension arising from the brutalities of Partition .

But the southern state muslims are extremely pro-india, especially due to different origins of Islam here, as well as the distance from the border.

Arab funded Radicalisation has brought the idea of Independent islamic states within India to many radicalised youth, but even they aren't keen on Pakistan .
Those feelings are highly region specific. The states affected by partition directly - NW states and the hindi belt (were the Pakistan movement first arose), would also have felt residual tension arising from the brutalities of Partition .

But the southern state muslims are extremely pro-india, especially due to different origins of Islam here, as well as the distance from the border.

Arab funded Radicalisation has brought the idea of Independent islamic states within India to many radicalised youth, but even they aren't keen on Pakistan .

It's not true about TN ,there are posters here who would prove you wrong.

My friends some of who are from South TN and even Chennai support PCT ,ofcourse doesn't mean they think Pakistan is heaven but Muslim countries such as Saudi,Gulf defn can do no wrong is their attitude.
seems a lot of stories are made up for masala factor

Islam has never said Earth is flat or planets roam around earth

and there is no reason to believe any mullah would propagate this. Either they wont bother to know about it or they would know what the deal is

Yes, it has. The Quran states the sun revolves around the earth and several verses mention the earth being flat.
It's not true about TN ,there are posters here who would prove you wrong.

My friends some of who are from South TN and even Chennai support PCT ,ofcourse doesn't mean they think Pakistan is heaven but Muslim countries such as Saudi,Gulf defn can do no wrong is their attitude.

I see that more of the result of the "Global UMMAH" concept propagated by the Arabs.
Yes, it has. The Quran states the sun revolves around the earth and several verses mention the earth being flat.

Where is it written in the Quran that the sun revolves around the earth and that the earth is flat ???? Can you please provide evidence for this ??
First Shah says he has given up on Islam as it did not make sense to appease Allah and also the Moul i that said Earth is flat and Centrw of the unity.

Then Shah started projecting himself as a Muslim. So is he a Practicing Muslim now? I am a bit confused.

Shah is truly one of the best actors that Bollywood ever produced. I ageee with him that BJP and its plethora of smaller organizations have gotten a lot stronger. Hindutva and Indian identity has found a new life in the past 10yrs especially.

It is unfortunate that Hindus and Muslims are going in opposite directions. The trust seems to have disappeared. Only liberal folk in both communities who are a minority do not give too much importance to relit.

I agree with BJP about Indian identity and being Indian. But those idiots mix Indian identity and culture with saffron color.

The idea of you have to act and be a Hindu to be considered a true Indian has gone into the heads of most Indian Hindus. I can sense this feeling even among educated Hindu folk even in south India now.

Who is responsible for this change in attitude of Hindus? I blame congress and other Muslim parties. BJP just took advantage of the situation like a cunning Fox and strongly established itself as some sort of savior of Hindus and Indian identity.

Also a mention should be done about corruption and scams under Congress rule. This meant a lot of educated people vote bank was gained by BJP.

At the moment, there is no strong alternative to BJP. It's either them or the same old crooks Belonging to Congress and other regional parties.
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Those feelings are highly region specific. The states affected by partition directly - NW states and the hindi belt (were the Pakistan movement first arose), would also have felt residual tension arising from the brutalities of Partition .

But the southern state muslims are extremely pro-india, especially due to different origins of Islam here, as well as the distance from the border.

Arab funded Radicalisation has brought the idea of Independent islamic states within India to many radicalised youth, but even they aren't keen on Pakistan .

Most of the Muslims who live in a cosmopolitan society and intermingle with people from other faiths tend to support India. Muslims from ghettos and some radical elements mostly support Pakistan. None of my Muslim friends supports PCT.
Most of the Muslims who live in a cosmopolitan society and intermingle with people from other faiths tend to support India. Muslims from ghettos and some radical elements mostly support Pakistan. None of my Muslim friends supports PCT.

There are at least two posters here from Chennai that support PCT and surely aren't from 'Ghettos' or 'radical'.
And one of them is active.
Yusuf Khan aka Dilip Kumar is probably the only practicing muslim from Bollywood and if i am not wrong he is one of the only few actors from Bollywood with a muslim wife. I remember Amir Khan also did Hajj with his mother a couple of years ago?
Yusuf Khan aka Dilip Kumar is probably the only practicing muslim from Bollywood and if i am not wrong he is one of the only few actors from Bollywood with a muslim wife. I remember Amir Khan also did Hajj with his mother a couple of years ago?

What's a practicing Muslim? Someone who follows Quran completely? Don't think there are many in general itself.
Most of the Muslims who live in a cosmopolitan society and intermingle with people from other faiths tend to support India. Muslims from ghettos and some radical elements mostly support Pakistan. None of my Muslim friends supports PCT.
We live in Democratic country we can support whichever country we want.watch your words before writing
What's a practicing Muslim? Someone who follows Quran completely? Don't think there are many in general itself.

Believing and following basics of Islam that means Namaz, Roza, Hajj, Zakat etc
Is there any practicing Muslim in Bollywood? All these Bollywood personalities never fail to mention about how they do not practice Islam. I guess that's a mandatory requirement to succeed in Bollywood.

All Khans, Javed Akhtar and now Nasseeruddin saying same thing.

If they are acting, more than likely they aren't the practising type anyway. It's no different to any other faith to be honest, can you imagine if every Jew in America was wearing the skull cap or every Hindu wearing a dot on their forehead?
We live in Democratic country we can support whichever country we want.watch your words before writing

What words? I am stating a fact based on my personal experience in my city. Did I condemn Indian Muslims who support Pakistan or doubt their character/patriotism/values? It looks like you have a chip on your shoulder.
Believing and following basics of Islam that means Namaz, Roza, Hajj, Zakat etc

What about rate of interest ? Also is Sharia law available around the world?
Or it's only the five you mention important to be a Muslim.
There are at least two posters here from Chennai that support PCT and surely aren't from 'Ghettos' or 'radical'.
And one of them is active.

There may be a few exceptions here and there but on a whole my point stands. I am from Chennai and have a large sample size.
There may be a few exceptions here and there but on a whole my point stands. I am from Chennai and have a large sample size.

I'm from Chennai too,and if you have issues believing then ask someone who has lived in areas around Royapettah.

Even from Muslims down South TN are neither radicalized nor from ghettos but many,support PCT. Heck even the ones working in my IT company support PCT.
PCT me esa kya hai jo ICT me nahin :moyo

It's a hang over for the generation that grew up till 90s(PCT GOLDEN YEARS), many of the current generation of Muslim kids from Chennai don't really care probably because PCT has been not that great in the last decade,or the newer generation has mingled well.
I'm from Chennai too,and if you have issues believing then ask someone who has lived in areas around Royapettah.

Even from Muslims down South TN are neither radicalized nor from ghettos but many,support PCT. Heck even the ones working in my IT company support PCT.

Royapettah is a Muslim dominated area, one of 3/4 Muslim ghettos in Chennai.

Ofc many support PCT, I am talking about supporting PCT against ICT.
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My religious education began at the age of five with learning the Arabic alphabet and being subjected to the Maulvi’s ignorant garbage about planets moving around the earth, which of course was not only “flat, and the centre of the universe but to believe it moves round and round is heresy!” I was also persuaded that not only were Muslim men obliged to grow beards (no beards in my family, so I did wonder whether we WERE good Muslims at all!) and wear slightly short trousers, but we belonged to the one and only true faith and were all heaven-bound no matter how we conducted our lives whereas everyone else... ^*#@#! My best friend K.C. Singh burning in hell for eternity was a thought I couldn’t stomach even then. Questioning the Maulvi was frowned upon so I quietly took whatever i could from the Arabic recitation in terms of diction and breath control and let the rest of it go. Why should someone be punished for his doubts or for no fault of his, and, moreover, why did a being as great as Allah need to be appeased all the time? It just didn’t make sense even at that age.

What is this guy on about?! Needs to understand his limits and behave accordingly.
What's up with this victim complex? Who took your democratic right away? :amla
What victim?? who is victim? I know what nationalist and "so called patriotics"think of us!! Well who wants to live in this third world underdeveloped country, just matter of time.No one can even dare to take my rights away from me.
Royapettah is a Muslim dominated area, one of 3/4 Muslim ghettos in Chennai.

Ofc many support PCT, I am talking about supporting PCT against ICT.

Royapettah is as much as a ghetto as Sowcarpet is of Marwaris.
What victim?? who is victim? I know what nationalist and "so called patriotics"think of us!! Well who wants to live in this third world underdeveloped country, just matter of time.No one can even dare to take my rights away from me.

And how many are those? WD on painting the whole country that way.If they are one side of the spectrum you are the other one.
Royapettah is a Muslim dominated area, one of 3/4 Muslim ghettos in Chennai.

Ofc many support PCT, I am talking about supporting PCT against ICT.

Why will a Tamil Muslim support Pakistan?

There is nothing common between them and Pakistanis except Islam. They do not eat same kind of food, do not speak same language...

This is the first time I am hearing that South Muslims support Pakistan(barring some Hyderabadi Muslims).
Why will a Tamil Muslim support Pakistan?

There is nothing common between them and Pakistanis except Islam. They do not eat same kind of food, do not speak same language...

This is the first time I am hearing that South Muslims support Pakistan(barring some Hyderabadi Muslims).

Maybe you should re-read the OP.
What victim?? who is victim? I know what nationalist and "so called patriotics"think of us!! Well who wants to live in this third world underdeveloped country, just matter of time.No one can even dare to take my rights away from me.

Who took your rights away? Why are you crying?

And what we think of you is our right, we will keep thinking that way. Any problem?
Don't think Muslims or anyone should be asked to display their patriotism. Just respect hindu beliefs and treat them like elder brothers, and we hindus will reciprocate with goodwill and bounties.
And how many are those? WD on painting the whole country that way.If they are one side of the spectrum you are the other one.

There are lots of them even on this forum and there are sensible one too.I know I m anti nationalist and I m happy with that "tag"
Who took your rights away? Why are you crying?

And what we think of you is our right, we will keep thinking that way. Any problem?

LOL it seems you are crying not me that's why you are getting offensive.Cry baby,keep crying.
Why will a Tamil Muslim support Pakistan?

There is nothing common between them and Pakistanis except Islam. They do not eat same kind of food, do not speak same language...

This is the first time I am hearing that South Muslims support Pakistan(barring some Hyderabadi Muslims).

In my friends circle all Muslims support ICT. But from first hand experience I can assure you that there are certain areas in Chennai, Coimbatore, Bengaluru, Tirunelveli, Kanyakumari and Puducherry (I have spent min more than 4 months in each of these places but there will be more like Mysuru, Mangalore, Shivamogga, Hyderabad, Ramanathapuram etc) where a few people support PCT and not ICT. I don't know about Kerala, perhaps some Mallu poster can shed light on that. There are a few ghettos of Muslim dominated areas in each of these places and some of them don't support ICT due to possibly a number of reasons: Religion, less representation of Muslim players in ICT, feeling of alienation due to GOI policies, hatred unleashed by Hindutva extremists, right wing extremist control over national media....can be so many factors. Why stop at Tamil Nadu/South India? If there is any Sri Lankan on PP, ask him/her if there aren't pockets in the island nation that prefer PCT over Sri Lankan national team? :angelo

But you don't hear much about conflicts and riots over these trivial issues in my state because Hindus and Muslims generally get along peacefully(Islam entered South India in peace and not sword like in North India), we identify ourselves as Dravidians (even many Muslims are proud of their Dravidian lineage than Arab/Persian links) and have mores issues with New Delhi/Hindi belt than Pakistan. If I were to strictly speak about my family, a loss to Sri Lanka hurts much more than a loss to Pakistan. :srt
LOL it seems you are crying not me that's why you are getting offensive.Cry baby,keep crying.

Trust me, you are never leaving this hellhole India with your current mental abilities. Let me make it easier for you -

1)You accused another poster of violating your democratic rights.
2)You warned him to watch his mouth.

All people are doing is asking you the reason for your outburst. In case he said something offensive, please point it out. If it was for no reason, you should probably try to be a little friendlier to people. That's all I am saying.
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Here [MENTION=139867]dauntless[/MENTION]. I think you owe our brother an explanation. :moyo

What words? I am stating a fact based on my personal experience in my city. Did I condemn Indian Muslims who support Pakistan or doubt their character/patriotism/values? It looks like you have a chip on your shoulder.
In my friends circle all Muslims support ICT. But from first hand experience I can assure you that there are certain areas in Chennai, Coimbatore, Bengaluru, Tirunelveli, Kanyakumari and Puducherry (I have spent min more than 4 months in each of these places but there will be more like Mysuru, Mangalore, Shivamogga, Hyderabad, Ramanathapuram etc) where a few people support PCT and not ICT. I don't know about Kerala, perhaps some Mallu poster can shed light on that. There are a few ghettos of Muslim dominated areas in each of these places and some of them don't support ICT due to possibly a number of reasons: Religion, less representation of Muslim players in ICT, feeling of alienation due to GOI policies, hatred unleashed by Hindutva extremists, right wing extremist control over national media....can be so many factors. Why stop at Tamil Nadu/South India? If there is any Sri Lankan on PP, ask him/her if there aren't pockets in the island nation that prefer PCT over Sri Lankan national team? :angelo

But you don't hear much about conflicts and riots over these trivial issues in my state because Hindus and Muslims generally get along peacefully(Islam entered South India in peace and not sword like in North India), we identify ourselves as Dravidians (even many Muslims are proud of their Dravidian lineage than Arab/Persian links) and have mores issues with New Delhi/Hindi belt than Pakistan. If I were to strictly speak about my family, a loss to Sri Lanka hurts much more than a loss to Pakistan. :srt

There are no muslim ghettos in Kerala. We love our Sachin and the Indian cricket team more than anything. Remember Sharapova..:srt
Trust me, you are never leaving this hellhole India with your current mental abilities. Let me make it easier for you -

1)You accused another poster of violating your democratic rights.
2)You warned him to watch his mouth.

All people are doing is asking you the reason for your outburst. In case he said something offensive, please point it out. If it was for no reason, you should probably try to be a little friendlier to people. That's all I am saying.

All people?? you gotta be kidding!!what do you know about my mental abilities ??you don't know me!! What the hell are you talking about??Probably I m doing better than you that's all I can say.Well my angrezi is not good so I may have misunderstood him! Why the way why i should be friendlier to people who think me as an anti national.
Well for you I will specially post a photo of myself outside of the so called "country"
You need to take some manners lesson before talking to anyone it seems you really lack those aspects firstly learn to behave properly than try to teach lessons to others.
If you want to play argument argument come to my place sometime would love to play this game.2 lafz angrezi se mental abilities nahi badhti!
What words? I am stating a fact based on my personal experience in my city. Did I condemn Indian Muslims who support Pakistan or doubt their character/patriotism/values? It looks like you have a chip on your shoulder.

Listen another fact 80% Hindus hate Muslims this is another fact I may be wrong 90% should be correct and I have experienced this.
If you want to play argument argument come to my place sometime would love to play this game.2 lafz angrezi se mental abilities nahi badhti!

Calm down brother. You follow whatever you like and ignore the rest. Don't need to raise your BP, after all it's a forum man and some useless posters...:D

And don't equate this with real life.;-)
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All people?? you gotta be kidding!!what do you know about my mental abilities ??you don't know me!! What the hell are you talking about??Probably I m doing better than you that's all I can say.Well my angrezi is not good so I may have misunderstood him! Why the way why i should be friendlier to people who think me as an anti national.
Well for you I will specially post a photo of myself outside of the so called "country"
You need to take some manners lesson before talking to anyone it seems you really lack those aspects firstly learn to behave properly than try to teach lessons to others.

He did not call you an anti-national, you assumed that. Since the fault lied in your angrezi and not his post, I think you owe him an apology for the harsh words (that's up to you though). I just pointed it out because I am strictly anti-bullying.
Well, Muslims have to prove their patriotism while Hindus have to prove their secularism. That's been the long unfortunate reality. But yet was Naseer silent and never raised this issue in the past as it suited the agenda at that time.
Calm down brother. You follow whatever you like and ignore the rest. Don't need to raise your BP, after all it's a forum man and some useless posters...:D

And don't equate this with real life.;-)

I Know this is not real! but he brought that mental ability thing.He don't even know me.Well I like that "useless posters".
There are lots of them even on this forum and there are sensible one too.I know I m anti nationalist and I m happy with that "tag"

Are you reading what you are typing? When did I call you anti-national ?
You are the one that called the India names out of nowhere blaming it on some random post.
He did not call you an anti-national, you assumed that. Since the fault lied in your angrezi and not his post, I think you owe him an apology for the harsh words (that's up to you though). I just pointed it out because I am strictly anti-bullying.

Yout owe me an apology for mental ability thing and don't you guys use "angreji" instead of "angrezi"
Are you reading what you are typing? When did I call you anti-national ?
You are the one that called the India names out of nowhere blaming it on some random post.

When I said that you called me anti national I m just saying cause I m pointing out some facts when a person support other country he is called as anti national but we are living in democracy we can support which country we want! But most of "patriotics" would label that person as anti national and I m one of them cause I m not supporting India
Calm down brother. You follow whatever you like and ignore the rest. Don't need to raise your BP, after all it's a forum man and some useless posters...:D

And don't equate this with real life.;-)

Which is supposed to be me because I pointed out your brother mistreating other posters and typing hateful nonsense? :facepalm:

Did you even read posts or was it as simple as blindly supporting the brotherhood? :amla
When I said that you called me anti national I m just saying cause I m pointing out some facts when a person support other country he is called as anti national but we are living in democracy we can support which country we want! But most of "patriotics" would label that person as anti national and I m one of them cause I m not supporting India

And that's your fault,many people in my city,State support PCT and no one calls them anti-national that was how you mistook [MENTION=143530]Swashbuckler[/MENTION].
Yout owe me an apology for mental ability thing and don't you guys use "angreji" instead of "angrezi"

As a response to this post, I think I was being extra nice to you. -

LOL it seems you are crying not me that's why you are getting offensive.Cry baby,keep crying.

Anyway, if you still can't admit that you were unfairly rude to that poster, I see no point in arguing any further.
Which is supposed to be me because I pointed out your brother mistreating other posters and typing hateful nonsense? :facepalm:

Did you even read posts or was it as simple as blindly supporting the brotherhood? :amla

What kind of brotherhood are you talking about??? I don't know anything about that poster except that he is an Indian?
Which is supposed to be me because I pointed out your brother mistreating other posters and typing hateful nonsense? :facepalm:

Did you even read posts or was it as simple as blindly supporting the brotherhood? :amla

What hateful nonsense "Einstein"?? I quoted only one poster and said nothing to him I only said we can support whichever country we want cause we are living in a democratic country.You are talking nonsense NY bringing mental ability thing and all! Keep crying! Cry baby
And that's your fault,many people in my city,State support PCT and no one calls them anti-national that was how you mistook [MENTION=143530]Swashbuckler[/MENTION].
What's my fault here??,I can't support India over Pakistan it's gonna be like this! good for your state then
As a response to this post, I think I was being extra nice to you. -

Anyway, if you still can't admit that you were unfairly rude to that poster, I see no point in arguing any further.

What rude? You are not rude?? You were offensive that's why you personally attacked me it's me who is being nice.
What hateful nonsense "Einstein"?? I quoted only one poster and said nothing to him I only said we can support whichever country we want cause we are living in a democratic country.You are talking nonsense NY bringing mental ability thing and all! Keep crying! Cry baby

Yes, you told him all that and then warned him to watch his mouth when he didn't even say anything to deserve that response. :facepalm: #Genius
After some appreciative comments from the posters, I started reading the article, which I thought would be an unamusing prolix but boy O boy was I surprised. Good read and shows some other tangents to the much discussed topic.
Which is supposed to be me because I pointed out your brother mistreating other posters and typing hateful nonsense? :facepalm:

Did you even read posts or was it as simple as blindly supporting the brotherhood? :amla

Maybe she was basing it off of past record
What's my fault here??,I can't support India over Pakistan it's gonna be like this! good for your state then

Your fault is that you assumed that you will be called anti-national by Patriots based on which you blew up on a poster and abused the country,and mind you there are many patriotic people in South,East of India who couldn't care less about whom you support.
What rude? You are not rude?? You were offensive that's why you personally attacked me it's me who is being nice.

I'll put an end to this argument with a simple suggestion that don't assume things and attack people/country when you don't understand what the other poster meant.

If you want to have the last word, sure go ahead, but let it be our last posts derailing this thread.